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KNOW ALL MEN BY THESE PRESENTS: I, Irwin Gary Richardson, also
known as Irwin G. Richardson and Irwin Richardson, P.O. Box 318, Diamondville,
Wyoming 83116 hereby designate and appoint Cindy Kay Richardson, P.O. Box
318, Diamondville, Wyoming 83116 as my attorney -in -fact, hereinafter referred to
as "Agent." My Agent is authorized to do any act that would be lawful for me to
do, including but not limited to the following:
1. Filling out, completing, signing and filing federal Internal Revenue
Service tax returns; obtaining copies of my federal tax returns from the Internal
Revenue Service and representing me in all tax matters with the federal Internal
Revenue Service and any other tax agency;
2. Obtaining personal information and confidential information about
me and medical records pertaining to me;
3. Handling, supervising and conducting my business, property,
investment and financial affairs;
4. Purchasing, selling, leasing and contracting for personal property,
service and insurance, including but not limited to changing beneficiaries on life
insurance policies owned by me;
5. Receiving money, endorsing checks, cashing checks, drawing checks,
opening and closing bank and security accounts, making deposits and
withdrawals and accessing safety deposit boxes; purchasing and redeeming
certificates of deposit issued by any bank, savings and loan company or stock
brokerage company; and purchasing and redeeming any bonds, notes and bills
issued by the United States of America;
6. Purchasing and selling stocks and bonds, transferring and assigning
stock and bond certificates, executing proxies and exercising voting rights;
7. Contracting for and purchasing real property on my behalf; selling
and conveying any interest I hold in real property, wherever located; entering into
contracts and rental agreements; borrowing money and incurring expenses;
executing notes, mortgages, deeds of trust and other security and credit
agreements; and executing, signing, transferring, conveying, assigning and /or
delivering bills of sale, real property deeds and other instruments of title;
S. Initiating, defending and settling legal claims and lawsuits, and giving
releases and indemnities from liability;
9. Hiring persons for assistance in legal, tax, bookkeeping, financial and
housing matters;
10. Receiving any money or property that I inherit or that becomes mine
due to a right of survivorship, pay on death designation or transfer on death
designation; and
11. Applying for any governmental insurance, assistance or Social
Security benefits.
12. I designate my Agent, for me, and in my name, place and stead, to
authorize medical treatment on my behalf and make and implement health care
decisions for me. For purposes of this Comprehensive Durable Power Of Attorney,
"health care" and "health care decisions" shall have the meanings set forth in W.S.
35-22-402, a copy of which is attached hereto as Exhibit "A" and by this
reference is made a part hereof.
13. This power of attorney authorizes Cindy Kay Richardson to act for me
in all matters of health care decisions and to execute all documents necessary or
convenient for the purpose of carrying out my Agent's decisions. It is made
pursuant to W.S. 35 -22 -401 et. seq. It is my intent that the authority conferred
by this power of attorney instrument shall be exercised notwithstanding my
This power of attorney shall become effective immediately and such powers
and duties shall remain in full force and effect until my death or until revoked as
provided by W.S. 35 -22 -404.
14. I grant to my Agent full authority to make decisions for me regarding
my health care. In exercising this authority, my Agent shall follow my desires as
stated in this document or otherwise known to my Agent. In making any decision,
my Agent shall attempt to discuss the proposed decision with me to determine my
desires if I am able to communicate in any way. If my Agent cannot determine the
choice I would want made, then my Agent shall make a choice for me based on
what my Agent believes to be in my best interests. My Agent's authority to
interpret my desires is intended to be as broad as possible. Accordingly, my Agent
is authorized as follows:
A. To consent, refuse, or withdraw consent to any and all types of
medical care, treatment, surgical procedures, diagnostic procedures,
medication, and the use of mechanical or other procedures that affect
any bodily function, including (but not limited to) artificial
respiration, nutritional support and hydration, and cardiopulmonary
B. To have access to medical records and information to the same
extent that I am entitled to, including the right to disclose the
contents to others;
C. To authorize my admission to or discharge (even against medical
advice) from any hospital, nursing home, psychiatric facility,
residential care, assisted living or similar facility or service;
D. To contract on my behalf for any health care related service or
facility, without my Agent incurring personal financial liability for
such contracts;
E. To hire and fire medical, psychiatric, social service, and other
support personnel responsible for my care;
F. To authorize, or refuse to authorize, any medication or procedure
intended to relieve pain, even though such use may lead to physical
damage, addiction, or hasten the moment of (but not intentionally
cause) my death;
G. To take any other action necessary to do what I authorize here,
including (but not limited to) granting any waiver or release from
liability required by any hospital, physician, or other health care
provider; signing any documents relating to refusals of treatment or
the leaving of a facility against medical advice, and pursuing any legal
action in my name and at the expense of my estate to force
compliance with my wishes as determined by my Agent.
00 867
15. No person who relies in good faith upon any representations by my
Agent shall be liable to me, my estate, my heirs or assigns, for recognizing the
Agent's authority.
16. If a guardian of my person should for any reason be required to be
appointed, I nominate my Agent, named above.
17. A. I revoke any prior power of attorney for health care.
B. This power of attorney is intended to be valid in any jurisdiction in
which it is presented.
C. My Agent shall not be entitled to compensation for services
performed under this power of attorney, but shall be entitled to
reimbursement for all reasonable expenses incurred as a result of
carrying out any provision of this power of attorney.
D. The powers delegated under this power of attorney are separable,
so that the invalidity of one or more powers shall not affect any
E. My Agent is authorized to obtain personal information and
confidential information about one and medical records pertaining to
me. In authorizing the release of such health care information I
acknowledge the requirements set forth by HIPAA guidelines and
specifically acknowledge those certain terms as set forth on Exhibit
"B" attached hereto.
GIVING AND GRANTING to my Agent full power and authority to execute all
documents and to do and perform any and every act and thing whatsoever
requisite, necessary or convenient to be done as fully and effectively, and to all
intents and purposes, as I might or could do in my own proper person if
personally present to achieve the foregoing. I hereby state and ratify that all acts
of my Agent shall be binding on myself, my estate, my heirs and assigns.
This power of attorney shall become effective immediately and such powers
and duties shall remain in full force and effect until my death or until revoked as
provided by applicable statutes. It is my intent that the authority conferred by
this power of attorney instrument shall be exercised notwithstanding nay
(continued on next page)
IN WITNESS WHEREOF, I have hereunto set my hand this 7` day of
e-vq 2011.
The State of Wyoming
County of Lincoln
I, the undersigned, a Notary Public in and for County
in the State of Wyoming, do hereby certify and declare under penalty of perjury
under the laws of the State of Wyoming that said Irwin Gary Richardson,
personally known to me or satisfactorily proven to be the person described in the
foregoing Comprehensive Durable Power Of Attorney and whose name is
subscribed and acknowledged thereto, appeared before me this day in person,
appeared to be of sound mind and under no duress, fraud or undue influence,
that I am not the person appointed as attorney -in -fact by this document, and that
I am not a treating care provider, an employee of a treating health care provider,
the operator of a community care facility, aan employee of an operator of a
community care facility, the operator of a residential care facility, nor an employee
of an operator of a residential care facility. I further certify that I am not related to
Irwin Gary Richardson by blood, marriage or adoption, and to the best of my
knowledge, I am not entitled to any part of the estate of Irwin Gary Richardson
under a Will now existing or by operation of law.
IN WITNESS WHEREOF, I hereunto set my name and official seal on this,
the Li1 day of 1,z /.L17- 2011.
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My Com saio xpires:
Notary Public
Attachments: W.S. 35 -22 -402 and Authorization Of Disclosure Of Health Care
Information pursuant to applicable HIPAA requirements.
35 -22 -402 Definitions.
As used in this act:
(i) "Advance health care directive" means an individual instruction or a
power of attorney for health care, or both;
(ii) "Agent" means an individual designated in a power of attorney for health
care to make a health care decision for the individual granting the power;
(iii) "Artificial nutrition and hydration" means supplying food and water
through a conduit, such as a tube or an intravenous line where the recipient is
not required to chew or swallow voluntarily, including, but not limited to,
nasogastric tubes, gastrostomies, jejunostomies and intraveous infusions.
Artificial nutrition and hydration does not include assisted feeding, such as spoon
or bottle feeding;
(iv) "Capacity" means an individual's ability to understand the significant
benefits, risks and alternatives to proposed health care and to make and
communicate a health care decision;
(v) "Community care facility" means a public or private facility responsible
for the day -to -day care of persons with disabilities;
(vi) "Emancipated minor" means a minor who has become emancipated as
provided in W.S. 14 -1 -201 through 14 -1 -206;
(vii) "Guardian" means a judicially appointed guardian or conservator having
authority to make a health care decision for an individual;
(iv) "Health care" means any care, treatment, service or procedure to
maintain, diagnose or treat an individual's physical or mental condition;
(v) "Health care decision" means a decision made by an individual or the
individual's agent, guardian, or surrogate, regarding the individual's health care,
(A) Selection and discharge of health care providers and institutions;
(B) Approval or disapproval of diagnostic tests, surgical procedures,
programs of medication and orders not to resuscitate; and
(C) Directions to provide, withhold or withdraw artificial nutrition and
hydration and all other forms of health care.
n n n n n I A" "II 1 n n i I I A 1%A i n
(x) "Health care institution" means an institution, facility or agency licensed,
certified or otherwise authorized or permitted by law to provide health care in the
ordinary course of business;
(xi) "Individual instruction" means an individual's direction concerning a
health care decision for the individual;
(xii) "Physician" means an individual authorized to practice medicine under
the Wyoming Medical Practice Act;
(xiii) "Power of attorney for health care" means the designation of an agent to
make health care decisions for the individual granting the power;
(xiv) "Primary health care provider" means any person licensed under the
Wyoming statutes practicing within the scope of that license as a licensed
physician, licensed physician's assistant or licensed advanced practice registered
(xv) "Primary physician" means a physician designated by an individual or
the individual's agent, guardian or surrogate, to have primary responsibility for
the individual's health care or, in the absence of a designation or if the designated
physician is not reasonably available, a physician who undertakes the
(xvi) "Reasonably available" means able to be contacted with a level of
diligence appropriate to the seriousness and urgency of a patient's health care
needs and willing and able to act in a timely manner considering the urgency of
the patient's health care needs;
(xvii) "Residential care facility» means a public or private facility providing
for the residential and health care needs of the elderly or persons with disabilities
or chronic mental illness;
(xvii) "State" means a state of the United States, the District of Columbia,
the Commonwealth of Puerto Rico or a territory or insular possession subject to
the jurisdiction of the United States;
(xix) "Supervising health care provider" means the primary health care
provider who has undertaken primary responsibility for an individual's health
(xx) "Surrogate" means an adult individual or individuals who:
(A) Have capacity;
(B) Are reasonably available;
(C) Are willing to make health care decisions, including decisions to initiate,
refuse to initiate, continue or discontinue the use of a life sustaining procedure on
behalf of a patient who lacks capacity; and
(0) Are identified by the supervising health care provider in accordance
with this act as the person or persons who are to make those decisions in
accordance with this act.
(xxi) "This act" means W.S. 35 -22 -401 through 35 -22 -416. (Laws 2005, ch.
161 1,.)
By provision of the foregoing Corprehensive Durable Power Of Attorney
hereby authorize you to disclose to Cindy Kay Richardson such health care
information and /or records she should request regardless of the date thereof in
accordance with Paragraph 17E. above. In regard to such release of information I
understand and specifically acknowledge as follows:
a. The information in my health record may include information relating
to sexually transmitted diseases, acquired immunodeficiency
syndrome (AIDS), or human immunodeficiency virus (HIV). It may
also include information about behavioral or mental health services,
and treatment for alcohol and drug abuse.
b. Authorizing the disclosure of this health information is voluntary. I
can refuse to sign the foregoing Comprehensive Durable Power Of
Attorney and I need not sign same in order to assure treatment. I
understand I may inspect or copy the information to be used or
disclosed, as provided in CFR 164.524.
c. I have the right to revoke the Comprehensive Durable Power Of
Attorney and this authorization at any time and that if I do so I must
revoke this authorization in writing and present such revocation to
the health information management department. Said revocation will
not apply to information that has already been released in response
to this authorization and that such revocation will not apply to my
insurance company when the law provides my insurer with the right
to contest a claim under my policy.
The requested information is being provided to the Requestor for use
in connection with the foregoing Comprehensive Durable Power Of
Attorney and that any disclosure of information carries with it the
potential for an unauthorized re- disclosure and the information may
not be protected. by federal confidentiality rules. If I have questions
about disclosure of my health information, I can contact the HIM
director, privacy officer, or other individual of the health care provider
to whom this authorization is provided.
e. Unless otherwise revoked, this authorization will expire on the
following date, event or condition: upon revocation of the foregoing
Comprehensive Durable Power Of Attorney.