HomeMy WebLinkAbout8721089 II OAM ,Jf ::13I I"I3 >I :-2,^INV3(' ti B G:, f: C I >11:1310 A1N11OO 1 1001 03AI30 ?3-1 801ZL8 d �J ')IOoa 1,9 .aanaoswogM suos.aad He in swiep lnln Ile lsuie6e ewes ay} puejaa Illnn li 1e43 pue `paiogwnoueun pue eau 'iea10 si peAenuoo os egg ayl 1eg1 pue !ewes eql ianuoo of Jemod !IN aney pue. 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Lincoln County, Wyoming, where Is found a 3" diameter aluminum cap on 2 1/2" diameter aluminum pipe stamped "WC PILE 574, SE 1/16, 318. 1985 Thence N 0'03'59" E along the Easterly boundary line of the NW 1/2 Sf 1/2 of !mid Section 18, a distance of 1050.03 feet to n point. Said point being sir reber with alnmlmtm cap stomped "CCI PELS 5465 Thence 3 40'33'42" W. n distnnce of 1385.88 feet to a point rut the southerly boundary line of said NWI /4 Stil /4 of Section 18, said polo( being a 5/8" mbar with aluminum cap stamped "CC1 PELS 5465 Thence N 89'49'12" E along said Southerly boundary Ilne a distance of 900.00 feet to the point of beginning. TOGETHER WITII an easement for Ingress and egress purposes only across the following described property: A right -of -way easement in the W 1/2 NE 1/4 and the NWI /4 SE I /4 all ofSection 18 of the Resurvey of '1'21N R I I 7W of the 6" P.M., Lincoln Comity. Wyoming. Said easement being 40.00 feel in width, and being hounded by mallet lines offset 20.00 feet each side of Use following described centerline. Said 20.00 Net MUM and parallel boundnry lines extend to and/or trim Id the boundary line of Grantees existing properly. Commencing at the North 114 corner of Section 1 8 ado: Resurvey of T2 N R 1 17 W of the 6°' P.M., 1.incolnCounty. Wyoming. Thence 589'53'37" ii along the Northerly boundary line of said Section 18. n dlstocce of 1320.12 feet In the is 1/16 corner of Section 18 and Section 7; tlience continuing S 89'53'37" E along the Northerly boundary line of said Section 18, a distance of 32.14 feel to a point on the centerline of an existing 2 neck dirt road. Thence S 26'09'16" W along the centerline of sold two track road. a distance of 72.72 feet to the Point of Beginning of this description. Snid point of beginning being a point on the Easterly boundary line of the W1/2 NE1 /4 of said Section 18. from thence on continuing down the centerline of said existing two track dirt road the following: Thence 3 26'09'16" W, a distance of 292.53 feet to the point of curvature of a curve to the left; Thence 186.74 feel along the arc of said curve lo the left through a central angle of 42 °47'53 Said curve to the left having a radius of 250.00 feet and lm►ge t of 97.97 feel; thence S 16'38'37" (3, a distance of 237.23 feet to the point of curvature to the right. Thence 250.89 feet Montt the are of snid curve to the right through n central angle of 57'30'00 Said curve to the righ( having n radius of 250.00 feel and tangent of 137.15 feet. Thence S 40 W, n distance of 154.76 feel to the point of curvature nra curve to 11►e left. Thence 81.98 feel along the arc of said curve to the left through a central nngie of 15 Said curve to the left having n radius of 300.00 feet and a tangent nf 41.25 feet. Thence 3 25'11'58" W, a distnnce of 253.00 feet: thence S 18 W. n disIntice of 263.56 feet; hence S 29 "33'40" W. a distance of 249.16 feet: Vienne S 1 1 W. n diannce of 261.91 feel: thence S 21 W, n distance of 492.711 feel to Use paint of curvnlnre an curve In due tell. Thence 1111, 71 feet nlong the me of snid curve to the left through a central angle nf 12'5708". Said curve In the tell having n radius of 450.00 feet and n tangent of 51.01 feet. 'licence S R "18'44" W, n distance of 83,46 feel to the point of curl/ More of n curve In the right. 'Thence 139.63 feet Along the are dials! curve to the right through n central angle of 20 "00'00 Said curve in the right having it radios of 400.00 feel and tangeut of 70.53 feet. Thence S 28 "49'06" Y', n distnnce of 766.81 feel in the point of curvature of a curve to the Intl. Thence 117.11 feel along the are of snid curve to the Tell through n central angle of 33'32'59 Said curve In the leg having n rnclius of 200.011 feet and tangent of 60.29 feet. Thence S 4'43'53" E. n distance of 289.01 feel In the point of terminus. Said point of terminus being a point on the Southerly houndnry line nf Nti 1/4 SE 1/4 of said Section 18. EXCEPTING AND RESERVING untoG rontors, their successors and assigns, forever. all minerals end ell mineral rights of every kind and character now known to cxist or hereafter dincovered, including, without limiting the generality of the foregoing, coal, oil end gas and rights thereto, together with the sole exclusive and perpetual right to explore for, remove and dispose of said minerals; provided, that the Seller hereby expressly acknowledges and agrees that notwithstanding any current or future decision, statute. rude or order of any applicable court or regulatory or legislative authority, fossils found on the Property or the extraction of fossils from the Property shall not now, nor at any time in the future, be deemed to be as "minerals" or "mineral rights 669 08'72108 TOGvTIIER WITH fossils and the right to extract fossils; to the extent that the fossils found on the property or the extraction of fossils from the property are deemed now or in the future "minerals" or "mineral rights such "minerals" or "mineral rights" with raped to fossils end the extraction of fossils. TOGETHER WITH all Improvements, appurtenances, bereditiments and alt other things (hereunto belonging or In anywise eppenelning. SUMECT. HOW€VP R, to ell easements, rlghts•of ways, reservations, restrictions, conditions of record, end existing or future oil and gas end/or other mineral leases, or existing mining, miners, and other reservations, now ofrecord, or otherwise aiiketing said lends; golddid, the, the seller hereby expressly acknowledges end agrees that notwithstanding any current or flume decision, statute, rule or order of ',toy applicable court or regulatory or tegisletive authority, fossils found on the Property or the extrection of fossils from the property shall not now, nor at any time In the Future, be deemed to be as 'minerals" or "mineral rights". EXHIBIT 1- Coadsued U t 1 V