HomeMy WebLinkAbout8720988551023 Return To: WELLS FARGO ROME MORTGAGE, INC. 3601 MINNESOTA DR. SUITE 200 BLOOMINGTON, MN 55435 Prepared By: WELLS FARGO HOME MORTGAGE, INC. 1919 DOUGLAS„ OMAHA, NE 681010000 DEFINITIONS Words used in multiple sections Sections 3, 11, 13, 18, 20 and 21 also provided in Section 16 WYCM 3051 -C -1 872098 (Space Above This Line For Recording Dnia) MORTGAGE Borrower is the mortgagor under this Security Instniment. (C) "Lender" is WELLS FARGO HOME MORTGAGE, INC. Lender is a CORPORATION organized and existing under the laws of THE STATE OF CALIFORNIA WYOMING Single Family- Fannie Mae /Freddie Mac UNIFORM INSTRUMENT 4 4 -6 (WY) t00051 i Page 1 of 15 r Initials: �C�+� YV /W Il� VMP MORTGAGE FORMS (9001521 7291 BOOK 460 PR PAGE 8 2 1 of this document are defined below and other words are defined in •Certain rules regarding the usage are (A) "Security Instrument" ineans this document, which is datedMARCH 08, 2001 together with all Riders to this document. (8) "Borrower" is DANIEL B RICHINS AND DOROTHY D RICHINS HUSBAND AND WIFE g e of words used in this documc 36.e0 RECEIVED LINCOLN COUNTY CLERK arR 11 9: a7 JEANN Y`AGNER IKEMMER ER, WYOMING Form 3051 1/01 1/11/11//1111/11111111/1111 tiff /111 l Oil 150E w�o� (90001 (Am19 %al a$e$jaow palelal AllelapaJ„ a se AJ!tenb lou sao ueo e a 'VdSfl2( aapun „alto/ iambi ur pasodeu! ale ley) suo!lo!ajsaa pue sjuawaltr►ba1 lle ol sla l m[ „yol a$c�llow pampa AlitlapaJ„ lit eW )aafgns awes ayj sulano$ J V'dSfl2I„ `)trawnllsui Ajunaas sire lit 0) awl) moll papuatue ay 101 Aa se pasn sW 1a)) j y1 uotlein$aa 10 uotlels!$al aossaoons 10 leuotitppe Sue Ina t j° Si! pug (•bas la I09Z uotioas •3•S• '(00S£ lied 11'.4 3 17Z) X uoPelnaa21 'uorlelaa1 $upuatuaideui fl ZI) lair salnpaaold luawai►las alelsg !ewe aye smut aye Joplin jsalaju! pue !edrautld ioj antulsui Ajunaas stye jo uotloas lopun slunowe Aue �(q) sn1d 'ajoN p lunowe painpayos Alnln$31 ay) sueatu „)uauaud alpo!aad 'uo 1[neyap to 'Jo luaw,ieduou a y) lsute$e appal 2ui aload aouelnsur snow „aaue�nsu)< a$e$lo e0� ay) ye a '0,1 se suotsstwo 10 'Jo suo!)eluasaadaas!w (nr) .10 ;u jo nail lit a calf d y1 jo awe/Ca/MOD uo Ail a jo U /C anlan ay1 jo lied Aue 10 Ile y $u!�(e) laylo 10 u0tjeuwapuoo (t! A adoa l t a uouotuisap 10 a nuo0 !t) 1 aetuep :10 (S uotloas ttt pagriasap sa$elanoo ay) aapun pled sp aoold aotreansu uey) Jay1 Aped p •y n) e g A A pied spaaaold ao 'sa9etuep Jo pieMe `mammas 'uoriesttadwoo ,Cue sueaw „spaaaom suoauullaasmv„ (q ttotjaas to paquasap ale ley) sway asoyj stream „sw sa ajt A o.iz asnoy8utlealo paletuo)ne (x) ptn slaysueaj 31!M °auoydala) slaystreaj it pajetuolne 'slaysuEl) ales So -lutod '01 y pajetl!u[ slaysuea) 'suot)at:sirell autgoeut 1 pa1!w!! )0u sr inq 'sapntou! uua) on S 'lun000e lie Nan It) 01 uo!lnlllsut !etounuy t1 azuoylne 10 ')on.rjsur 'rap10 of se os adej oljau2ew 10 `lalndwoa 'luat otuogdalal `leunwal otuol)oa[a lie y$noayl paletpu! o►t M icy Paleut$uo uotjoesuell a ueyj aay)o 's un y 'juaurtujsu! laded _quails 10 'ilea!) `�!oayo P J Jo 1aJS«nl1 Am sueaw „1ajsueay spend a !uoilara„ (I') S13UM0awotl 'uo!)etoosse utntu!wopuoo e Ay Alladoad ay) 10 laMOiao rorl uo rue$10 aeintgs 10 uolletaosse aatp0 pue slnawssasse 'saaj 'sanp Ile sueaw „seuauissass, put `saa g pasod alt: ley[ sanQ uotlataoss y Al!unwulo-)„ (i) 'leuil algeatldde pe se [lam se (Mel Jo 133 [13 at1) aneq )em) slaplo put salru antjeljsrutwpe put saaunutpio suo!u!do ieloyanf algeieadde -uou 'suotle!n$a1 'saln)ejs teoo! pue awls `lelapaj argeoridde $uilloljuoa lie sueaw „no-) algna!iddy„ (R) a (AJ!oads] (s)aay �0 t 1 (J! Allured },-I pi la 1a r P•2I juawAed AI)[aaMlg 1a 1 P a )uawdoranaU j!un pauue U00 3 aapr�i autoii puoaas I d lam uoo[infl 1 aplg turquttuopuoj 1aprJ ales( algejsnfpb $UIMO o ai (aicleatidde se xoq _pat o) 1aMo11ou Ay paenoaxa ay o) ale slap!d Il y CL 'aamoal Aq pajnaaxa ale e 1 y) )uawnajsuj Altman sup 01 slap!2I Re sueaw „saaptj„ (0) •)sala)ut snld ')uawru)s0I Alunaas sty) aapun anp scans lie pu 'aaoN ay) aapun anp Sa nyo am! put sa$autto )uatu,Cedald Aue 'lsala)u) snid 'alo at 1 A !�i I q paotraptna )rap ay) sueaw „ueo•„ (d) oqt lit stt i Jo aaysueld,„ 2 ulpeay ay) lapel Molar paquosap st )ell) Auado.td a alp sueaw „,C) (3) T £0 Z To (II dy auto 13)13[ )ou Illy u! )gap alp /fed 0) pm maenad alporaad aelngaa ter [gap sup iced 0) pastwoad ser aamolaog lsaaalit! slid 00' os 66TH 'S'ri) sleiloQ anon curvsn0H,T, 2fa103 AIuoa '80 FI31116y pal aau 1a uaZ Ton samo i3MoJ1 13)13 ls aloN ay! O Z e QIZIIH SAIO P ley) saley! P pun as °11011og Aq pau$is alou Aaosstwold aye sueaw „ajoN„ (a) •luawrujsui A1!lnoas sure aapun aa$e$uotu ay) st aapua-I LETS90£OS VI 'S8.I1I01.1 SSQ 'LETS X0Ei '0'd sr ssalppe sclaptia'j Q ll 8f02:6S0 0872098 Parcel ID Number: 00113.0 110 5TH STREET which currently has the address of GROVER (City] ,W yoming 83122 (Street] "Property Address Rip Code) TOGETHER WITH all the improvements now or hereafter erected on the property, and all easements, appurtenances, and fixtures now or hereafter a part of the property. All replacements and additions shall also be covered by this Security Instrument. All of the foregoing is referred to in this Security Instrument as the "Property." BORROWER COVENANTS that Borrower is lawfully seised of the estate hereby conveyed and has the right to mortgage, grant and convey the Property encumbrances of record. Borrower warrants and will defend generally Property to the Property against all claims and demands, subject to any encumbrances of record. p Y is unencumbered, except for THIS SECURITY INSTRUMENT combines uniform covenants for national use and non-uniform covenants with limited variations by jurisdiction to constitute a uniform security instrument covering real property.. UNIFORM COVENANTS. Borrower and Lender covenant and agree as follows: 1. Payment of Principal, Interest, Escrow Items, Prepayment Charges, and Late Borrower shall pay y when due the principal of, and interest on, the debt evidenced by the Note and any prepayment charges and late charges due under the Note. Borrower shall also pay funds for Escrow Items pursuant to Section 3. Payments due under the Note and this Security Instrument shall be made in U.S. currency. However, if any check or other instalment received by Lender as payment under the Note or this Wfia1s er)m 6 (WVl t000s) Pape3of15 (P) "Successor in Interest of Borrower" means any party that has taken title to the Property, whether or not that party has assumed Borrower's obligations under the Note and /or this Security Instrument. TRANSFER OF RIGHTS IN THE PROPERTY This Security Instrument secures to Lender: (1) the repayment of the Loan and all renewals, extensions and modifications of the Note; and (ii) the performance of Borrower's covenants and agreements under this Security Instrument and the Note. For this purpose, Borrower does hereby mortgage, grant and convey to Lender and Lender's successors and assigns, with power of sale, the following described property located in the COUNTY Y (Type of Recording Jurisdiction] of LINCOLN SEE ATTACHED LEGAL (1Vame of Recording luriydictionj TAX STATEMENTS SHOULD BE SENT TOt WELLS FARGO HOME MORTGAGE, INC., P.O. BOX 5137, DES MOINES, IA 503065137 3 Form 3051 1/01 L0 /L LSOE wJoj VZ8 Sl Jot,otloj (9 000) Id slunotue a4) 'arge,ied a.►aym pue uagm 'Spoanp Sed Heys onto/Jog 'JanreM trans 3o )uana a) u ay /quo Attu lan1eA vans ,Cud 'awl) {ue le marl moJas e s,JaMO A a lasr Sew as u 8 II 10 ,Cue Jo3 spun, la u e 1 $u!)rJm ur g P a"1 'swa)1 MoJos P a'l of Red o] uorteatjgo sanlem aapt ►a'1 ssarun stualr moJOSg Jo3 spun a tle Jo Sue Jo3 span. a of surname 3o Saat toe Japua l s ys n d aw l p treys iced yetis 4) ,led or as s$rrgo s, q 3 y] aaPua-3 iced rreys JamoJJOg •uojlaas sty) Japun p rod aq pue pue saa3 'sanp yaps pue 'J ua- 0 J ,(q paMOlaSa aq Q wail MolDS ire a S3 wo� )ctrl a pu Sew lap 'qeo. a 'Sue Jr s)uawssass d q !rev uopero sasse moJas 'I 4l 3o uua) ail Sur.in Pre O U 'sang uor)eroossrr g Pa lleo ale suJa)r asaq� 'or uor as P ow!) ,Cue Jo uopeurSrto ak 3 JO law (ed a I J S Jo suorsrnoid a4) y)rM aouepl000e ur swnru►aad aatn aauelnsu JOe$ 0 4) Jo nag u! Japua�l or lam0JJOg �iq arye,(ed stuns ,Cue Jo 1 u W (p) pue :g t►or)oaS Japun Japuai ,Cy pairnbaj aauelnsur a 'Cue Jr 'swntwald (o) :SUe Jr 'Apado1d a41 uo s1uaJ punol2 10 s)uaw,ed p{ogasea II 0 ,Cur Jo3 suJnrwa rr B Se )uawnj)SU1 tlrJnoas sty) 1 A0 k)i1Orld ure))e uea trargM Swajr as p I (q) :�ua s awl uo se pue saxer 10 :10J anp slunotue 30 )uaw,(ed Jo] ap►noJd of s 4l Pa sluauJSSasse pur saxes (e) :Jo3 anp am staaw,Sed orpouad Sep 341 uo Jap a-1 ol pugs lamoJ.to 1ed sr a o a fl 3 P. 1 t 4) r[)un strung ayt Japun 'sluaw,ted arpouad atp 3o yunoun: a II I 'swan �noaas� ao� s un Japun anp redrourld or spaaooJd snoauerraosty�r 10 'spaaaoJd aotnunsur 's)uaw,ted 3o uopeor p S 4r antral() Jo alep anp atp auod)sod 10 puma )ou rreys aloN ay) 'a)oN ay ur pagrlosa se uat ,rdde ,Cud pegs s)aur,(edaJd ,CJelun o p C) pue sa1ewo )uaw,Cedajd ,ftm of )su► aJ dde aq l A 'anp saaJeyo oleo Sue or parrdde aq Sew ssaaxa yons 's)uauded orpo ad aim' Jo auto 3 )uaw,ted Ifni alp o) parrdde sr )uatu,ted a aq ueo )uaw,ied traea 'jetrl )ualxa ay) o) pue 'Jr s)uatu,(ed wpoJJa �oxa ,rue )ry1 ]ua)xa a o panraoaJ atirke �Cne ,Crdde Ceui Ja ua 4l 1. I 11 ul prod JJ P l '�u rp u e)s)no sr n►aw,(e d r Jopad auo 004) 310W of 'amp woJ3 put! ruaw,Ced )uanburpp ay) 0) parrdde aq Sew )uatu,(ed a d e t' )u ur d 1U tuaw,fed orporla y) 'anp aleyo 3114 )(UP ,Ced o Jr 'amp a ns d )uanburlap e 103 .taMOJJO woJ 1 )unorue )u aror•)3ns Q 3 luatu,(ed a san!aoaJ Japua n PUe 'luaurnJlsul ,fpinoas sup Japun anp s)unowe 1 34)0 Cur o oN a4) Jo aatre e 1 q r re or J d atp aanpaJ of p s)unou ►e ;iurutewaJ ,Cud .anp aweoa town 1 puooas `saSJeyo oleo o) 1s. s runow d an q t or m w Japlo ow ur )uaw,Ced o!porlad gaea o r parrdde q Help 4 S uor)oas Japan anp slunowe (o) :aloN atp Ja un an parrdde aq ire4s )saaa)ur (o) :,(luau, 3o Japao S urMOrio3 a4) ur parrdde a Heys Ja ua.p redrouud Ire u(o)oas soil u! 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S{lea{wouoaa s! medal 10 uollerotsar alt 11 `Stradald at1 Jo Medal to uo11eio1s31 01 paudde aq [lets 'Japua-)[ Aq palinbal sunk aauelnsul 2w,tllapun atl 1ou 10 Jatl4gm 'spaaaold aouelnsul /cue '2U1 M\ u aa12e as[nualpo 1amonog pue Japua-[ ssatun •ramoi1og ,cq ,i[1dwold apew tot' ;t sso] jo 3ooid a)te u ,yew Japua -1 •Japua-1 put Japlea aouelnsul all o) 3390U ldutold anl2 "pits Jamollog 'sso[ JO 1U3A3 alp ut •aaSed sso[ 111uotyppe ue se 10 /pue a32e21J0u1 se r3puar" aweu lints pue asnep a2e2110W pleptte)s a apnpu► yetis ,Callod tons ',illadold ail `Jo U0parulsap 10 '01 a2eurep 10 'Japua -1 ,(q palinbal aslM ng10 tau 'a2111anoa aaueJnsul Jo two; Niue sutelgo 13M011Og ,]t 'saap0u !emaual pue stuntman! pled jo sldpaaai rte Japua- o1 31112 ,Cpdword Heys ramorrog 'saynbal Japua-] •saleat311aa lemaual pue salollod ay1 plot of 14211 ay) aim/ Begs Japual 00hed sso[ leuolf!ppe ue se Jo /pue aa2e2pow se Jaguar" alueU [legs pug 'asnep 32e811ow prepuels a apnpu! tloys 's3P!IOd tans anolddesrp o1 tg211 s,lapurl 0) laafgns aq Heys sa►atlod vans Jo slem3ual pin; lapuri Xq paltnbaJ salollod aauelnsu! uv •lu3LUISed 2u!1s3nbal 1aMOIJOg 0) J3pu3`I way aatlou uodn ')93131U! tons y1!'' '3tge,Sed aq Heys put )uawasingstp Jo alep at1 u101,/ ales a10R at) 1e )salaluy react lints Slunowe 3s3ty •luawnl)sut 41lJna3s spin Xq palnaas Jamoriog Jo )gap leuoplppe awoaaq lints S uo!taas sill lapun lapua'l Sq pasingstp slunowe Sty •paure)go aney p[noo.13mo110g Imp aouelnsur Jo )SOa alp p333xa AtlufawU2ts 1g3!W paulelgo os a2eJ3AO3 aaUelnSUL ay) Jo )S03 ay1 1ey1 sa2palmou>(ae J3m01JOg •)3ajja ul d[snotnaJd sem UBgt a8elanoa Jassa[ 10 1a)eal8 ap!/told 1g2nu ptre /C)lpgetl Jo plezet ')lsll ,Cue 1sul22e 'Spada'," ay] to s)ualuoa ay1 10 'Stradoid ay) to iC)lnba s,l3moJJ0g 'JamoJlog mold )ou tg8!W Jo 1t21w 1114 'Japuoi ramp tints a2eran0a tans 'a1ojalay,L •a81lano3 JO )1.1110we 10 Odic) le[nallJEd Sue 3sett3ind of uo!le2Hgo ou rapun s! 13pua-T •asuadxa s,lamo110g pup uopdo s,rapua l le 'a2elanoa aaueJnsul utelgo Amu lapua-1 'anoye paquas3p sa8elanoa ay) 3o /Cue U!e1u!ew o1 s "e Jamo1JOg }l •lamorloq ,Cq uollaafgo ue ttroij 2u!ljnsal uolleutuualap auoz powL) ,put: Jo m3tnal at1 tp!m U01)330(I03 Ur /C01132\ 1r1aWa2eUm /(aUa2J3wg teJ3p3J alp Xq pasodw! 933J ,Cue .]o )u3w,Ced ay1 10j alglsuodsal aq oste tints 13moliog uopeolltia3 10 uopeullwalap tans pane 142lw r(tquuoseal goyim 13330 S32ue1/3 Je"wls 10 s2ulddewal amp qua s321ey3 luanbasgns ptre sabinlas uotlea)1J!)Ja3 put u0tleu[w1a)ap auoz p0OtJ 10j auto aWr) -aU0 u (q) JO :s3a!nlas 2uopeil pup uopealli)aa 'u01]eurwJal3p awn pool] 1of amp 3011) -auo a (11) :ramp 'ueo-1 sup wink uo!)aauuo3 u! 'Iced 01 1amoJ.tog 31!nb31 Kew J3pun Siquuose3Jun p3s[3J3xa 34 1ou netts 1y2t1 t31tn1 'wimp s,Jam0JJOg anolddesrp 0) 101 s o) laafgns 13moIJOg /(q uas0ta ay ]lets 3auelnsu! alp 2ulpinold 1311123 aauelnsul aq t •ueo -I alp Jo carat at1 2011np 32ueyo LIED sa3ualuas 2u!paaard at1 01 luensind salmbal 1apua1 leyM •salmbar rapuaj fell spo!1ad at1 rot ptre (stanal atgt)anpap 2u!pnput) s)unowu ay1 u! pattelu!ew aq Heys aattelnsu[ s!tZ aaueJnsul sailtlbal raptor" yalt[m 101 `spool] pue salenbtlJea '01 mum' 1ou lnq '2ulpnpul sprung Jag10 ,Cue 'me ,'38111ano3 papuo)xa„ 0113) alp u!t1!m papnpu! splezet 'alt ,Cq sso[ lsule211 palnsut ,Clladold all uo pa1a313 laueaJay 10 2u!)slxa moU s)u3tuanoldwt ay1 d3a)t Hells lamorlog •aauu.lnsul 413doad 'S •us0-1 sill tl!m uo!)aauuoa u! Japuf ,Cq pasn 33!tJOS 2utuodai Jo /pue to!)eat1rlan xe1 3)11)53 tear a 101 a2111to 3W1) -300 a Sad 01 1OMO11Og allnbal Amu JapUa'l •t, uotla3s stye 0! anog11 t11o3 las suopa11 alp Jo slow 10 a(0 0)le) 10 troll ay1 i()St111s [[ells J3mOlJog 'uant2 st aapou leyl 93ttm uo 3)ep at1 JO s/Cep Ol ulylyM •tat[ RGOZLSO 08'72098 the excess, if any, paid to Borrower. Such insurance proceeds shall be applied in the order provided for in Section 2. If Borrower abandons the Property, Lender may file, negotiate and settle any available insurance claim and related matters. If Borrower does not respond within 30 days to a notice from Lender that the insurance carrier has offered to settle a claim, then Lender may negotiate and settle the claim. The 30 -day period will begin when the notice is given. In either event, or if Lender acquires the Property under Section 22 or otherwise, Borrower hereby assigns to Lender (a) Borrower's rights to any insurance proceeds in an amount not to exceed the amounts unpaid under the Note or this Security Instrument, and (b) any other of' Borrower's rights (other than the right to any refund of unearned premiums paid by Borrower) under all insurance policies covering the Property, insofar as such rights are applicable to the coverage of the Property. Lender may use the insurance proceeds either to repair or restore the Property or to pay amounts unpaid under the Note or this Security Instrument, whether or not then due. 6. Occupancy. Borrower shall occupy, establish, and use the Property as Borrower's principal residence within 60 days after the execution of this Security Instrument and shall continue to occupy the Property as Borrower's principal residence for at least one year after the date of occupancy, unless Lender otherwise agrees in writing, which consent shall not be unreasonably withheld, or unless extenuating circumstances exist which are beyond Borrower's control. 7. Preservation, Maintenance and Protection of the Property; Inspections. Borrower shall not destroy, damage or impair the Property, allow the Property to deteriorate or commit waste on the Property, Whether or not Borrower is residing in the Property, Borrower shall maintain the Property in order to prevent the Property from deteriorating or decreasing in value due to its condition. Unless it is determined pursuant to Section 5 that repair or restoration is not economically feasible, Borrower shall promptly repair the Property if damaged to avoid further deterioration or damage. If insurance or condemnation proceeds are paid in connection with damage to, or the taking of, the Property, Borrower shall be responsible for repairing or restoring the Property only if Lender has released proceeds for such purposes. Lender may disburse proceeds for the repairs and restoration in a single payment or in a series of progress payments as the work is completed. If the insurance or condemnation proceeds are not sufficient to repair or restore the Property, Borrower is not relieved of Borrower's obligation for the cotnplction of such repair or restoration. Lender or its agent may make reasonable entries upon and inspections of the Property. If it has reasonable cause, Lender may inspect the interior of the improvements on the Property. Lender shall give Borrower notice at the time of or prior to such an interior inspection specifying such reasonable cause. 8. Borrower's Loan Application. Borrower shall be in default if, during the Loan application process, Borrower or any persons or entities acting at the direction of Borrower or with Borrower's knowledge or consent gave materially false, misleading, or inaccurate information or statements to Lender (or failed to provide Lender with material information) in connection with the Loan. Material representations include, but are not limited to, representations concerning Borrower's occupancy of the Property as Borrower's principal residence. 9. Protection of Lender's Interest in the Property and Rights Under this Security Instrument, If (a) Borrower fails to perform the covenants and agreements contained in this Security Instrument, (b) there is a legal proceeding that might significantly affect Lender's interest in the Property and /or rights under this Security lnstniment (such as a proceeding in bankruptcy, probate, for condemnation or forfeiture, for enforcement of a lien which may attain priority over this Security Instrument or to enforce laws or regulations), or (c) Borrower has abandoned the Property, then Lender may do and pay for whatever is reasonable or appropriate to protect Lender's interest in the Property and rights under this Security Instrument, including protecting and /or assessing the value of the Property, and securing and /or repairing the Property. Lender's actions can include, but are not limited to: (a) paying any sums secured by a lien which has priority over this Security Instrument; (b) appearing in court; and (c) paying reasonable 6(wy) (0005) Pane 7 of 15 Inili5I5: 1 n /V` a 827 Form 3051 1/01 F LO /L LSOC "O3 91 1 g e6ed te000l 1A/A)9- elffp •punJaa Aue o1 a3M0.11og aIi!1ua 1OU Q!M San pue 'aaueansui a2e3taoi,\J Jul amo C1un aaMOaaog lunotue aq) aseaaaut jou IIIM StUawaw3e tans 'ueoq to Jo stunt aagt0 Atm ao 'aausinsui a sal.low aoJ ,fed of pa312e set aamoaaog Jett stunoute aq) pant uou 11pt sivawaaa2e tans kuy (e) :laqung „•aoueJnsuloJ anpdea„ pawlat uatlo sl tuawa2twaa8 at(1 `101nstit at!) o1 pled swnlwald aq1 Jo wells a aoJ aauegoxa 111 As11 S,Jainsul ag1 Jo axegs e swirl lapua-i JO aleljtlJe If lets sap! /old tuawaal2e tons J1 'sassol 2ulonpal 10 'Jjs!a s,lalnsut a2e2uow aq1 2nuA)lpow 10 2tnlegs 10) a2uegoxa u1 'aauelnsui a2e2uow JoJ sluawAUd s,1a.o11og Jo uolllod e (se pazlratoelego aq Ig21w Jo) woij anuap letl slunowe (Apoaalpul 10 A11oanp) an13o31 ,C w '2u102aloj aq) l0 Atii Jo atelpdJe Aue 10 'AUtua aaglo Atie 'Jalnstual Aue 'JaansUt lagtoue 'atoll all Jo lasegornd Aue 'rapual `stuowaal2e asap Jo llnsaJ a sV .(swnlwald oauwlnsuj a2e2uoysi wa; pauletgo spun apnjout Amu gotgm) ajgepene aneq Amu lalnsul a2e2uow ayt tut) spun) Jo aOlnos Aue 2ulsn stuawAed aAew of Jalnsut a2u2tlow alp altnbaa Amu suuawaai2e osagj 'sluawaalae 3s3111 0) (sawed so) And 1agt0 aql pue ralnsul a5e2uow ail) 01 A1oloelsltes an tutu suoplpuoo pure salmi uo axe swallow& asagj 'sassol aOnpal to 'Asti 11a111 AJlpout 10 antis tegt sallied latto tp m stuawaal2e otut Jam AetU pue 'awl] of aw!) woJ) a01OJ tit aauelnsut tons 11e uo Asp letot n3gt a1Unjena slaxnsu! a2U21J0J 'aoteanSUj 32e2tJ0ytt 343 Ot Ailed a IOU St 121.60110R 'p3312e Su ue01 311t Aed31 IOU saop 13M0J10g JI lnout hut it sassol ulepao 10J (ato[\j alp sasegolnd tegt Aulua Ate Jo) aapua^l sasingwlal aouelnsuj 92e21101A) atom ay ul papinoid 3181 Sgt to imam ,Cud o1 uopaclgo s,x3mo1l0g stoa33e OI uoltoas slit ut 2ulgtoj l 'Meri atgeottddy Ag paJmbai s! uolt8unulat !pun Jo uotteuutuat tons 1oJ sulptnold lapuaq pue 13M0J10g uaaMlaq tuawaal2w uattuM Atte t11m o)uepl000e u! spua aouelnsuJ a2e2uow 10) luawannbai s,lapuf 11tun 'anlasal ssol atqupunJ3J -uou a apinold 01 .10 'walla tit a3trelnsuj a2e21J0yi Ulettilew of paitnbai surntutaud aq) Aud pets Jam0JJog 'aotteJnsuj aaeatloyv JoJ sutnlulald alp plemot 8111=1/Cud pateua1s3p A1a)e1edos wpm of pallnbaa sem 13m0J101{ pue ueo-j aq) 2up ew Jo uotupuoo 8 sU a:tueJnsul a2u2uoysi pallnbal Japuai f 'aouelnsul a2e21JOyAl Jo; stuntwaad alt premot stuawAed pateuatsap AjatwJedas swinbai aapual pue 'paweugo s1 'ajge11ene sam000g tile& lapual Aq patoajas Jamul tie Aq papinold (sannbal Japua tett pouad aq) 1oJ put: tunowe aq) ut) a2elanOo aoueJnsui aat:2tloyg J! swanked anlasal ssoj as nbai _ma to! ou UB3 JapUf 'anaasaa ssoj tons uo s2Uluaea 10 tsaaatul Attu JamoJxog Aed o1 paJmbal aq uou Hugs lapual pue 'Ijnl u! pled Aja18w!ultt si two- aqt tug) toe) at!) 2ulpuetstulmt0u 'ajgepunlal -uou all pegs anlasaa ssol tons 'aouelnsui aae211o1 Jo no!) ill 3/13501 SSoj ajgepun)a1 -thou a s8 stuawAed asatp u181a1 pue asn '1da302 1ttm Japuf 'Ioapa tit aq 0t paseao aawa3A03 aotn:tnsut at)) uaiM anp alam tetp StuatuAUd po18u2isap 11aueledas alt Jo tunowe Ott Japua'j ou Aed of anultuoo pegs aamollog '3p:ejrene uou 81 a2e13n03 aouelnsuj 32e2t1ojni taaIen!nba Apepuelsgns 31 'lapual Aq papaws laansut a2u2uow atetualle tie wo1J 13aJJa tit Alsnotnald aouelnsuj aa88]1oyi alp Jo Jamoalog 0) woo alt 01 lua1emnba Apepuetsgns tsoa e w 'pa).Ja ul A1sttotnald aotJUlnsul a2U2poynj alp of tua(en!nba A11eltuetsgns a2elanoo uleugo of paJmbal swnlwald aq) Ad Hells Jam0JJOf `30treJnsUj a2e21.101A1 1oJ swnlwald alp paemot stuawAed pateu2tsap Ajateaedas aAew 01 palmbaJ sem Jamo1log pue aouelnsul tons papinold Alsno1nald Lett Jalnsut a2e2tiout alp woJJ otgejlene aq o1 saseao Japua -T Aq paJmbal a2elanoo aauilnsui a2eauo)nj agt 'unseal Aue 101 'JI walla ul aouelnsul a2e2)J0yi at!) wetulew 0) pannbal swnlwald alt Aid ins 13M011og 'uuo 1 atp 2upww Jo uolupuoo a s8 aOuelnsul a2eauoytj pa.unbal xapual 11 'a3ueansui a2e2taois '01 2upuM 111 Ja21aw aq) 01 saal2e Japual ssajun a21aw 1011 !legs app oaf at) pm plotasuo! ail 'Apadoid 3111 0) aplt aaJ saltnboe 1at011og 11 'am! alp Jo SUO!Stnold all) pU qum A1dwoo pugs 1aMO1JOg 'plogaseaj a uo st uuautnJtsU) Atllnoas slip 31 '1uawAwd 2tntsanbal 1am011og 01 Japuol 11101J 2011011 uodn 'tsalatu! tjons glum 'ajgeSed aq 1tugs pue tuawosingstp Jo amp alt woJJ awl aloil at)) lw 1s3Jau t! aeaq !juts sttlnottw as)g1 'luawnitsul AtllnOas sup Aq palnoas JTM0110g Jo 't gap 1euo!11ppe awooaq pegs 6 uoltoas s1tp Japun lapuai Aq pasingslP slunowe Aug •6 UOpoas slit Japun pazllotlne suo!1Oe Ue 10 Aue 2uptet uou aoJ At111gw11 ou small aapuai tegt paalae st n -0s op 0) uotteallgo 10 Amp Aue Japun uou st pue os op 0) aim! uou saop Japuaq '6 uoltoas sly) Japun uolloe a)lut Sew Japuai 42nottjV 'Do 10 uo pawn) sotujpin anet! pue 'suoplpuOo snola2uep 10 suoltetotn apoo 1ag10 10 Sutpjing aleututtja 'sadld woJJ 1at2M UtuJp 'sMOputm pue sloop do pieoq Jo aoUtda1 'sAoo) a2ueto `slledai owl of A1ladoid alt 2U)Jatua '01 pailmp uou s1 tnq 'sapnlout Apadold at!) 2utinoas '2u1paaoold AotdtuAueq a tit uotusod pampas sit Stnpnjout 'tuawnttsul Aulno1s slit Japun sty2t1 JO /pUe A11adoJd alp tit ls)Ja)u1 sll toattld of saaJ ,sAaulope SCoZZ.SO 08`72 CO -60/1/Y) moos) (b) Any such agreements will not affect the rights Borrower has if any with respect to the Mortgage Insurance under the Homeowners Protection Act of 1998 or any other law. These rights may include the right to receive certain disclosures, to request and obtain cancellation of the Mortgage Insurance, to have the Mortgage Insurance terminated automatically, and /or to receive a refund of any Mortgage Insurance premiums that were unearned at the time of such cancellation or termination. 11. Assignment of Miscellaneous Proceeds; Forfeiture. All Miscellaneous Proceeds are hereby assigned to and shall be paid to Lender. If the Property is damaged, such Miscellaneous Proceeds shall be applied to restoration or repair of the Property, if the restoration or repair is economically feasible and Lender's security is not lessened. During such repair and restoration period, Lender shall have the right to hold such Miscellaneous Proceeds until Lender has had an opportunity to inspect such Property to ensure the work has been completed to Lender's satisfaction, provided that such inspection shall be undertaken promptly. Lender may pay for the repairs and restoration in a single disbursement or in a series of progress payments as the work is completed. Unless an agreement is made in writing or Applicable Law requires interest to be paid on such Miscellaneous Proceeds, Lender shall not be required to pay Borrower any interest or earnings on such Miscellaneous Proceeds. If the restoration or repair is not economically feasible or Lender's security would be lessened, the Miscellaneous Proceeds shall be applied to the sums secured by this Security Instrument, whether or not then due, with the excess, if any, paid to Borrower. Such Miscellaneous Proceeds shall he applied in the order provided for in Section 2. In the event of a total taking, destruction, or loss in value of the Property, the Miscellaneous Proceeds shall be applied to the sums secured by this Security Instrument, whether or not then due, with the excess, if any, paid to Borrower. In the event of a partial taking, destruction, or loss in value of the Property in which the fair market value of the Property immediately before the partial taking, destruction, or loss in value is equal to or greater than the amount of the sums secured by this Security Instrument immediately before the partial taking, destruction, or loss in value, unless Borrower and Lender otherwise agree in writing, the sums secured by this Security Instrument shall be reduced by the amount of the Miscellaneous Proceeds multiplied by the following fraction: (a) the total amount of the sums secured immediately before the partial taking, destruction, or loss in value divided by (b) the fair market value of the Property immediately before the partial taking, destruction, or loss in value. Any balance shall be paid to Borrower. In the event of a partial taking, destruction, or loss in value of the Property in which the fair market value of the Property immediately before the partial taking, destruction, or loss in value is less than the amount of the sums secured immediately before the partial taking, destruction, or loss in value, unless Borrower and Lender otherwise agree in writing, the Miscellaneous Proceeds shall be applied to the sums secured by this Security Instrument whether or not the sums are then due. If the Property is abandoned by Borrower, or if, after notice by Lender to Borrower that the Opposing Party (as defined in the next sentence) offers to make an award to settle a claim for damages, Borrower fails to respond to Lender within 30 days after the date the notice is given, Lender is authorized to collect and apply the Miscellaneous Proceeds either to restoration or repair of the Property or to the sums secured by this Security Instrument, whether or not then due. "Opposing Party" means the third party that owes Borrower Miscellaneous Proceeds or the party against whom Borrower has a right of action in regard to Miscellaneous Proceeds. Borrower shall he in default if any action or proceeding, whether civil or criminal, is begun that, in Lender's judgment, could result in forfeiture of the Property or other material impairment of Lender's interest in the Property or rights under this Security Instrument. Borrower can cure such a default and, if acceleration has occurred, reinstate as provided in Section 19, by causing the action or proceeding to be dismissed with a ruling that, in Lender's judgment, precludes forfeiture of the Property or other material impairment of Lender's interest in the Property or rights under this Security Instrument. The proceeds of any award or claim for damages that are attributable to the irnpainnent of Lender's interest in the Property are hereby assigned and shall be paid to Lender. All Miscellaneous Proceeds that are not applied to restoration or repair of the Property shall be applied in the order provided for in Section 2. Pepe 9 of 15 Form 3061 1/01 LO /L l9OC 11110 0 10 4 'siemul 51 t 01 ntiee I 00109 m02) •luawnllsul Arrit pas sup Japan luawannbal 2u!puodsaiioo ayl &Js!)es 1L!m )uawallnbaJ Mel arge3!rddv at1 `me-1 a'geotiddv Japan pa.11nbal ow s! )uawn )sal kSlunoas siyl ,Cg pallnbaJ a3pou Aug jl •Japan Aq paMa3ai ,(hellos Brun JapUf o) uanrg uaaq aney or pautaap aq IOU treys luawrulsut Allmon 5141 y1rM uopaauuon u! aorlOu Kuy •JamOJJOH 0) aallou JCc( ssaJppe Jay)oue paleugisap sett Japual ssalun want{ pawls ssaJppe s,Japuf or Hew sseIO lsJtj ,(q 2urirew iq 10 1! $allanlrap Aq uanrg aq Heys Japua-t o1 aallou Auv •aw!1 auo Atnt )E wawnl)sul ,C)unoaS. Sn11 Japun ssaJppe patron paleUgisap auo Arno aq ,(ew amyl; •alnpaaold pallpads )ey1 y$noJq) ssaJppe jo aguey3 E 11oda1 /(1uo Heys 1amonog uayl `ssaJppe Jo agueyO S,13mo11og gutllodal lot alnpaoold a salt!oads lapua't jl •ssaJppe Jo amp s,JamolJOg jo lapua^t ,(Juou Apdwold Heys Jamo.uog 'Japua or aollou 6q ssaJppe aollou alnmsgns a pareugtsap set JamoJlog ssalun ssaippy ,(lradoJd ay) aq treys ssaJppe aollou aty 'asimlaylo sai!nbal Aissaldxa me-1 algeortddv ssalun slamollog He o1 a3pou alm!)suoa tiegs JamoJlog auo ,rue o1 aot10N 'sueaw 13410 Sq was Jr ssaJppe a3pou s,lam0f0g o) palani(ap Allmon uaym .10 Hew ssepp )s1! Aq pa11ew toot J3MOJJOB 01 uan!g uaaq any or pump aq Heys luawnJlsul ,i)r1n3as sly( 'Limn 001)000003 ur 13m0110g 0) 031)00 i(U'1 •gu!lum ur aq lsnw luawtursu' &lumps sup 41!m uo!laauuo0 Ut Japuai 10 JamoJlog ,Cq uanig sa3pou Iry •sa •si •agle1(313n0 irons Jo )n0 glllslle aney 142rul 1am0Jlog UOpOe Jo )t211 ,(0e Jo J3ntEM g aimpsUOO Mitt 1aMo11og 0) luawSed l oaltp Aq apew punJal tons Aug Jo 3ouelda33e s,lamolluf; (a)oN ayl Japan loj paptnold sr Aiello qo 1uawi(edald )ou l0 Jaylaym) Amp wow/Wald ,(tte lnoglt\ )uatuAedald '1er)led a se papal) aq rpm uo!lOnpal a4) 'lediourld sagnpal punJal a j' •JamoJlog or luawAed 1Oanp e gupteut Aq 10 a)ON ay) lapun pamo (edrourld alp 2utanpaJ r(q punlai sup MEW or 350043 Attu lapun •JamoJlog 0) papUnjal aq firm s)nu!t p3)11UUad papaaoxa'gatpm 1aM0110g wall pampa /(pealle swns t(ue (q) pue :yam pal)rtwad alp Or Amp all aanpal 01 Xlessaoau unloose oy1 ,(q paonpal aq Heys agret p UE01 113ns Sue (e) :001(1 'swim pap!wiad alp p003xa uecri 041 t1){■ U01)oaUUO3 U( pa)z)3(103 ay Or 10 pa10aH0o saglego ueor 10410 10 )Saia)UI alp 1E41 os polaldla)tn Spent s! met my putt `sa2Je4a ueol wnw!xew s)as y314M met e or 10afgns s1 ueol a ii Jr •me'1 algeollddv ,iq 10 1UawfJ)sul &)ilnoas sty( hq pafq!gold Arssaldxa ale ley) saaj. Amp loll Sew lapual •aa1 Irons Jo Sty2Jeyo 34) uo uolllq!yold a se patulsuo3 aq )OU hays 1amoJJog of aaJ ot,(raads e agley0 or luawnllsui Altman sup u! ,Cltloywne ssaldxa jo a3ltasge ay1 'saaj laglo Aue 01 plegal ul .5001 uopenren pue Uoitoadsu! Xuadold '5x0 ,S 0tL0))e 'o1 palm( roll lnq 'gulpnr3ur ')uawnUlsul &1rinaaS sly( Japun s1yS1J pue kuadoJd atp u! )salalur s gurpalold Jo asodlnd at1 1o; `wiwwJap s,JaMO11Oa t(1(M Uop0auuoo u! pauuojlad sa3rMas 10J SaOJ lamonoi agleyo e(ew lopual •sag.1eg3 ueo'I •pi •Japua'l JO sugisse put S1osSa33ns 041 )1ja0aq pus (OZ 110 ut pap!nold se ldaaxa) putt{ treys luawculsul (11Jno3s stye Jo s)uawa3Jge pue s)Ueuan00 ay1 lui)rlm 0! aseara1 lions or Saalge lapuaq ssalun )UOwiu1SUl A)tln3as sly) Japan i(lrr!ger! pue SUOpe$1190 s w01i pase3131 aq 1ou Heys JaMOJJOH •)uawnIlsu' 4111n°aS sup Japun sltjauaq pue 514$!1 s,laMO.uog Jo ire uie)go treys `lapua-I Aq panoldde st pue Jup!Jm U( )UauinU)suI dtllnOaS sup Japun suopegrtgo s,JaMO1J0g SaulnsSe o4■ JOMOJlog Jo )salarUj ul lossa3Ons Aug '81 u01)OaS Jo suorsrnold alp or pafgns -utast 03 s,Jaugts -03 31(1 ln0y))M a)ON ayl Jo )uawnllsul Airman s1p1 Jo swla) at1 or plegal tam su0!lepounuo0oe Atte a)(eui l 0 leagloj 'Ajrp0w 'pualxa or 331ge 003 JaA0J10g .iat(10 J(us pue 1apu31 ley( sa0lge (o) put 'luawnllsul 'C)unO°S sly( Aq palnoas stuns ayl Xed of pa)egrrgo ,t((euoslad 100 s! (q) `.luawnJlsUI A111nOas sup Jo SUUat 341 Japan ()iadold ay1 ui lsala)ul s,laU$IS -03 31(1 i(anu0o pue luelg '0$8 )101U 01 /two 1Uawn.t)sul i()iin0aS sup 2ulu2rs -03 s! (e) „Jaug!s -03„ e) aloN 3141 a)nO3xa )oU saop lnq ruawtulsui t1!Jn3aS sup stars -03 04M 1aM01JOg ALE '1anaMOFI •(elan0s ptte wro( aq treys [(linger( pus suopegttgo s,lamoJlog 1ey1 saalge pue S)UOU3n03 JamoJlog •punog sugrssd pue saossaaanS :ssost rs -0D :Amen te•1anaS pue lucof •£i •Apawal 10 )t su1 Jo as!OJaxa alp apnro0id Jo 10 13nrem a 04100 Heys 'anp 0at11 rtmowe 041 uey) sot S1Un0we Ui 10 JamOIJOg Jo 15010)01 Ut slossa3anS .10 sall!)ua 'suoslad p1141 wo11 sluawsed Jo 33uE1daoae s,lapua1 'UOile)1w11 1n0y11M 'gulpnlour ,tpawal Jo 1011 i(uE gulsl3laxa U1 Japua'l aoueleagmi Au`/ •1aM01J0g Jo Isamu' ur sl0SSaaons Ate 10 1amo11og leur2tl0 ay) i(q apeul puewap ,Cue Jo uosea1 kcq )uawtuisul'(4ln °aS sup Aq pampas stuns a4) Jo uopez()lowe Sproul as!MJat)0 .10 )uawded lot awrl pualxa Ol asnjal 0) 10 JamoJlog Jo 1sa1a1ut U! lossaa3ns Sue 1SU!11 a sgurpaaooid a3uaww03 or palrnbal aq )0u Heys Japun •1aMonog Jo 1saJa)UI ut slossao3ns ,(us Jo Jam0]10U J0 A1((ige( ay1 0500(01 or a)e1ad0 )ou treys laM0J10g JO ]salalu( 0! JoSSao01S I(Ue 10 1aMO11og or _won k(q p3)tt1J$ luawnl)sul ,il!1n3as 5!41 Aq pampas swns aq1 J0 u01)e2!vowe Jo u0!ea1 Jo 1uawAed 10J awn ay1 Jo uo!su3lxg 'Jan►8M a lorq Japua'I ,fg aou8Jeaglo,j tpassalaii )0N Jamo.rxog 'Z1 tOtt 150E Laic. sl1 ydssu UOflewxojUl 1341 ,(ue pue pew aq ptnogs sJuaw,ied 431gM of ssalppe ayJ 'laalnxas ueoi nnau ayi 10 ssalppe pue auruu ayJ °leis 1I►m y314■ a8U ?Li3 ati jo aOriou uaiul,h uanr8 aq !pm lamollog 'Ja3rnlaS ueoi alp j0 a8ueya a S1 a1a111 jt •aioN ayJ jo 3(es a of pa►etalun 1231AJa$ Ue0'l alp JO Sa`due113 Aloes to ago aq 1y81w oste °Jaya •tAri alge3pddy pue 'luawtuisut Slunaas el I1 'aioN alp tapun suope8rlgo 8ut3tnlas ueoi 3Ee9Jlow taw suuoj13d pue ivaultu)sut S.iunaas sup pue 3ION alp Japun anp slU3w,ied arpo)Jad sJ3allo3 )ey) „133ruas ueori„ am se umow) ,(ipua ay) ul a2cey3 t u( lima) )01tu alas y •1amollog of a3pou lopd inogitm saw!) atom Jo auo pigs aq 11e3 Ouatunijsut Atirinaas sic!) yiim 1ay►aIo1) °l°N ayJ ur )saJa)ur le)Ued E 10 a10N at1 '33118110I.'3 j0 a3l)014 :133p13g ueo'I jo a8uet3 ta)oN JO ales '0Z 131 uoll3as Japan uopelala33e jo am aq) ul ,tldde IOU Heys aleiSUta1 of 1y41 sup `JanaMOl.l 'p311n00o peg uolielala;)3e Ou j) St anrl3alja ,(l(nj ulewal Heys Agway paln3as suope8l(go pile ivawnlisul C1pn3as step `1amo.log ,Cg ivawaieisural uodn 'ijSttelt spun 3luo1J331ff (p) Jo :,(ipua Jo ,(llleluawtuisur 'A3uagu Itlapaj t Aq palnsur axe s)lsodap asogM uopnlpsul ue uodn uteip sl xaay3 Lions ,Cue papinold 'x33p3 s,lalyse3 Jo xoat3 s,lalnsearl ')13ay3 xueq ')p3y3 pa>jp,Jo3 (3) :iapio 6auow (q) :gse3 (e) :la pun ,(q p3i3alas se 'suuoj 2 ulmo)loj ayi jo slow 10 auo ul sasuadxa pue swns ivaluale)SUra1 y3ns iced la/40110g let) altnbal napual •pa8uegoun anupuo3 (legs 'luau ru sut ,tiran3as s)q) ,(y paln3as swns ayJ ,Ced o1 uolie8llgo s,lamonog pue 'luawru)suj Allmon sup iapun siy8p pue ,(11ado1d ayi uc Jsalalut s,lapuall ley) alnsse 01 alrnbal ,(lgeuoseai dew lapua'1 se uopoe y3ns saxel (p) puu :JUawru)sul Allmon sup lapun si(1811 pue Amdoxd ayJ ur isala)ur s,lapua'1 2upaa1oid jo asodlnd ayi 1oj paun3ul saaj hypo pue 'saw uopenten pue uopaadsul ,(Uadold 'saaj ,sdauloJle algeuoseal 'o) pailutt( loU inq '2ulpnl3u) 'luawau1SUi ,(limas slyl 2upiojua ur pa11nau1 sasuadxa Ile s,Ced (3) '.$)uawaal2e 10 s)ueuano3 1a14Jo /cue jo ilnejap Cue sa1n3 (q) 'pa11n3oo peg uollelala33e oU j) se awl.' ayi puu tuawtuisul j(Jrin3a8 situ lapun an!) aq mom uag) y3tgm swns Ht Japu ri s,(ed (e) :1am011og imp alt suotlipuoo asot 'Juawnllsul £Jpn3as slyl 8ur310jua ivaw4nf a jo Aiwa (3) to :ale)sulax 431 1 s,1 M0J10g Jo uopuutwla) ayi .oj ,(jl3ads 11121w ntq 31quo!iddy Se. popad layio tpns (q) :ivawtulsul ,(illn3as spp ul paure)uo3 ales jo laMod Aug 0) luensxnd &Jado1d ay) Jo ales alojag sap anti (e) :jo )sap.rea ay) nl solid auip ,Cue )e panupuo3srp 1u3wruisul ,(irJnaas sly) jo luawa3lojua aim{ 01 Op ayJ aneq Hells iamoJi0U 'suoplpuo3 UreVa3 maw iamO1log jl •uopetala33y aa1jy a)e)sulau o) )g2lg ma'0 '61 •1amotiog uo puew3p 10 ailiou 1ayUn1 )n0tp M )uawtulsuj Mitt 13as slgl £q pauruuad sarpaw3l due axonut Ames lapua'1 'popad slip jo uotielldxa ay) 0) 1orud swns asayl ded 0) sllej 1aMwlog 11 'luawtulsut ,()11nmas sup ,(q pumas swns Ile ,fed lsnw 1ato11og galtM u I y JIM Si u0paas term 3311ep1o33e ul uan18 st a3pou 3gi aiep aq) wolf sip 01 uatl ss3l Jou jo popad a apIAold pegs a3pou atl •uopelata33e jo a0l)ou 1arnO1log 348 Heys lapun 'uopdo slyl sasl31axa °pun jI •Me1 a(geal(ddy ,Cq pailglyold sr asl3Jaxa gins It lapuaZ ,(q pasr3laxa aq Jou dugs uopdo sup 'lanamoll •uuawtuisul ,Cirinoas sly) ,(y paln3as swns 11e jo llnj tit ivaw,Ced alerpawwt altnbai ,feu( 13PUa'I 'ivasuo3 uanpm brad S,lapua'i Jnot !m (pallajsue.J 10 ))OS s) J3MO11og gl 1S31a1Ut let3)jauaq a pue uoslad teln)eu a Jou s( 1amoJlog J! 1O) p3113jsuell JO pins sl /(Uadold ail Ul isaJalul I(ue 10 413d01d alp j0 lied ,Cue to lie n •Jasegolnd e of app alninj a le lanto.log Aq 31414 jo lajsuuti 3141 sr y3!4■ jo want! at11 'inatllaatee mama .10 13E11003 sales iu3wlte)sul '1°°1 10j 0e11003 'pap 101 puoq l ll) pallajsueJi SJSalaiul tel3rjauaq a5Ot) 'o) paJlull( )oU lnq '8ulpnl3ul ',C1Jadold ay1 g1 isaJ3Jul )e1 to legal Sue sueaw „,(Uadold ayi ul Jsa13JUI„ '81 uop3as slyl ur pasn sy •aantol.IOg ur )sala)ut lelaaauag a .to d)xadolj ayi jo .tajsueaj, '81 •)uawru1SUI Allln3as srt1 jo pue aioN alp jo ,tdo3 auo uanrd aq hugs 1amo11og 'Ado3 s '(,1 •uog3e ,tut axe) Oi uouuBTlgo ,Cue Jnogl!M uopal3slp alos s3n18 „,Gees„ p1oM ayi (3) pue !emit awn put lelntd alp apnlaul pue maw pegs leln2u1s ail u1 spJOm (q) :lapug8 aurulw3j aqJ jo Sp1oM 10 split la1nau 8u1puodsai.o3 apnlaul pia maw pegs lapua2 3u111351w alp to Spiom (e) auawtuisut rt)pnmas sltl uI pasn sy •uotsrnold 2upap uo3 34) inotl)lM 1333J3 uanr2 3q ue3 y3l4M a)°N alp 10 lUawruisul ,i111n3as sty► jo su0lslnoid 1at110 )aajje )ou pegs J3tUuo3 Ions 'M1'I algeoitddv tli(M s13lUuo3 a)o■ ay1 10 luawnllsut ,(lun3as sly) jo 35013 10 uolslnoJd ,Cue Imp Juana alp ul •131JJuo3 ,Cg ivaulaal8e isure8e uolllq)yold a se panalsuo3 aq iou pegs a3ualls Lions inq 'luaus aq 11181w it to i3e1)UO3 ,Cq aa18e 431 sapped ayi mope ,S1113!ldwl 10 Apl3lldxa 10lw htl1 alg1011ddy •me'i a(georlddy Jo suopeilultl P1111 sluawuallnbal due 0) 13afgns ale luawru)sUI Allman s)y1 ul paureluoo suolieaUgo pue 51 041 Hy •pa)e3o1 sr Aitadold 3tp 93lgm U) uopaySllnf alp jo Mel 3141 pale me! (elapaj ,(q pawano2 aq IlegS Ju3wn11sul ,ilun0as 514 'uo1 mulsu0D jo s3inu f)g1qu.13nag :,Ha'I 8ulu.(anon '91 IS000' (AM19®42) 1.0/ 1. 1.90E LWDJ IW 2 31ei,lul •dnuea1D ieluawuollnua ue 10J lapua'l uo uotle2tlgo Sue aleala (legs utalaq 2u!g1ON .■e-1 leluau1U011nug 14 M a3ueplo33e u1. suome ielpawal Slessaaau lie aliel Spdwold Heys lamo.uog 'Slessa3au s1 Suadold aq) 3upoaJJe aaue)squg snoplezeii Sue Jo uopelpawal 101110 10 len0Wa1 Sue leg) 'Sped aienlld Sue 10 'Slllotlne SloleinSal 10 le)uawwan02 Sue Sq paypou s1 io 'sweat 1amo11og Jl 'S11ado1d ay) Jo amen ayl wane Slaslanpe 1.j lM a3uelsgns snoplezef e Jo asealal 10 asn 'a3uasald 3tp Sq pasne3 uo11Puo3 Sue (o) pue '33ue1sgnS snoplezel-1 Cue Jo asea(a1 Jo leafy) 10 asealal 'Aleyasip '2unleal iugpds Aug '01 pa1(unl lou lnq 2U►pnp3ut 'uo1lpuo3 ieluaunloitnua Sue (q) 'apaimoul( nape seq 1aMonog gatgM Jo Me-1 peluaumo11nu3 io aouelsgns snopluzeH Sue pus S lladold 391 $U1AI0AU! S11ed aleA!id 10 A0113VE 41oiE[n821 .10 le)uawulano;l AUE Sq uop3e MOO 10 ltnsmui `puewap 'W1elo 'uope2psanut Sue (e) Jo a3pou uaApm lapua -1 an12 Spdwold slugs lamollog •(stanpold lawnsuo3 ul saouelsgns snoplezeq 'o) pa)lunl lou inq '2ulpnl3u1) Suadold ay1 Jo a3ueuatulew of pul; sasn iepuoplsal leuuou of aleudoldde aq o-) paz(u800al S((elaua8 an my saouelsgns snoplezeH Jo sa1)puenb flews Jo 411adoid 3111 uo Aelols to 'asn 'aauasald ayl o) Sldde lou pegs sa3ua)uas 0m1 ;iuipaoald ayy •Spadold ay Jo anlen ogl s13ajje Siaslanpe lelp uomPuo3 e salealo aouelsgns snoplezel{ e Jo amp.' 10 'asn 'a3uasald alp o) anp '113mM (3) 10 'uolllpuoD ielu3ulnonnua ue salaam y3l4M (q) `Mel leluawuollnua Sue Jo uopepoln ul s( legs (e) Spadold ay) 'aup3aJJe 9u1q)Sue 'op 01 asia auOSUE moue 1ou 'op lou (legs 1amo11og Suado.1d a4il ul 10 uo 'saauelsgt1S snopnzeli Sue asealal of ualealgl 10 'saouelsgns snoplezell Sue Jo asealal 10 'aaelots 'lesodspa 'asn `a3u3sa1d 3111 lluuad 10 asne3 lou (setts 1amo11og •dnueapj lnluawuollnu3 ue 10$41 astMlaylo 10 '01 alnquluoa 'asne3 (no ley uompno3 e sueaw „uolllpuoJ ieluawu0ltnua„ ue (p) pue :nun leluawu011AU3 ul paulJap se `uop3L len0Wa1 10 'UOp3e le1P2w21 'u0tloe asuodsa1 Sue sapnl3ul „dnueao leluawu011AU3„ (3) :uop3a1old leluawuolinua to Slates Veal of a)elal legs pa s( Spadold aql a13tM UOU3lpsT11l[ alp Jo SMI'( pue stint lelapai sueaw „Mw'l leluawuoipsua„ (q) :sleualew anpoeoipel pue 'apSgap(ew.toj 10 sotsagse 9uiu(e1uo3 speualew 'S1Uanp0S a(pepon `sap131g1aq pue saptopsad apt()) 'sl3npold wnalollad 0)x01 10 algewweil laglo `auas0137( 'aunose9 :saouelsgns 2ulmolloJ alp pue hug leluaWU011nua Sq s31SEM .10 'sluelnppod saouelsgns snoplezey 10 31x01 se paupap saouelsgns asoyl ale saouelsgns snoplezei l„ (e) iZ Uoil3aS sly) u1. pass sv saouelsgng snoplaze1i .1z 'OZ u01 PaS sup Jo suocs(nold uo113e anp331103 a1(e1 0l S1jun11oddo pue a3pou aq1 SJspes of pawaap aq ilegs g 1 uopaas 01 1tn:nslnd 1amo11og of uanlg uollelala33e Jo a3pou all pue ZZ u0i13aS 01 lUEnslnd 1amo11og o1 uan12 a103 of Suunlloddo pue uopelala33e Jo a3pou ata '14de14eied $1gl Jo sasodlnd 10J apgeuoseal aq o) pawaap aq pltM po(13d awp ley) aq ue3 11010E ute11a3 =Jag asap isnw y3lyM pollad awp a sap(nold mE l aigeollddy JI •uop3e 3n11331103 3il%i 01 a3pou y3ns Jo 2ut■12 ay) nut pouad algeuoseal e olalay Sped laglo agl paplomme pue 113e2.1q pagalpe cons Jo (si uo1 Jo sluawalinbal ayl tptm a3uelldwoo u1. uan aopou vans y)tm) Aped 13110 ay) p3ppou sec lapua'l 10 12mo11Oa yaps t11un '1uaWtulsul S111noas stye 'Jo unseal Sq paw Slnp Sue 10 'Jo uoislnold Aug pa p ealq seq Aped 131.10 311 ley( sAape ley( 10 luawlulsul M It13as sly( 01 luenslnd suo113e s,Sued 13410 311 w01J saslle 1eg1 (ssel3 a Jo lagwaw all 10 tueap(1 penpinlPul ue 13yua se) uopoe 1e131pnf Sue o1 pauio( 3q 10 'ulof '33uaww03 Slaw 1apUarl 10u 13M011Og latptaN •lasegolnd atoll act Sq paptnold asinu3g10 ssalun lasey3lnd aloM ay) Sq pawnsse IOU 31E pue =was ue0'l 105533305 e of pallaJsUe1) aq 10 13OfA1as ueo'l all glint uleW 111'% 13M011011 Ol suope8l1go Iup Alas ueoi a8e8110W 3cl '310N ayl JO lase11pnd aq) Ueg1 1ay10 13ZlAlaS ue07 e Sq paolnlas Si ueo`l atp 1a1Jea1a4) pue plus 51 a10N 341 J1 •2u131Alas Jo 13Jsuell Jo 331)ou a gltm Uol3auuo3 u1 saltnba1 s) 10 z) Ba (saooi (AM) 9 AZ OS3'72O NON UNIFORM COVENANTS. Borrower and Lender further covenant and agree as follows: 22. Acceleration; Remedies. Lender shall give notice to Borrower prior to acceleration following Borrower's breach of any covenant or agreement in this Security Instrument (but not prior to acceleration under Section 18 unless Applicable Law provides otherwise). The notice shall specify: (a) the default; (b) the action required to cure the default; (c) a date, not less than 30 days from the date the notice is given to Borrower, by which the default must be cured; and (d) that failure to cure the default on or before the date specified in the notice may result in acceleration of the sums secured by this Security Instrument and sale of the Property. The notice shall further inform Borrower of the right to reinstate after acceleration and the right to bring a court action to assert the non existence of a default or any other defense of Borrower to acceleration and sale. If the default is not cured on or before the date specified in the notice, Lender at its option may require immediate payment in full of all sums secured by this Security Instrument without further demand and may invoke the power of sale and any other remedies permitted by Applicable Law. Lender shall be entitled to collect all expenses incurred In pursuing the remedies provided in this Section 22, including, but not limited to, reasonable attorneys' fees and costs of title evidence. If Lender invokes the power of sale, Lender shall give notice of intent to foreclose to Borrower and to the person In possession of the Property, if different, in accordance with Applicable Law. Lender shall give notice of the sale to Borrower in the manner provided in Section 15. Lender shall publish the notice of sale, and the Property shall be sold in the manner prescribed by Applicable Law. Lender or its designee may purchase the Property at any sale. The proceeds of the sale shall be applied in the following order: (a) to all expenses of the sale, including, but not limited to, reasonable attorneys' fees; (b) to all sums secured by this Security Instrument; and (c) any excess to the person or persons legally entitled to it. 23. Release. Upon payment of all sums secured by this Security Instrument, Lender shall release this Security Instrument. Borrower shall pay any recordation costs. Lender may charge Borrower a fee for releasing this Security Instnument, but only if the fee is paid to a third party for services rendered and the charging of the fee is permitted under Applicable Law. 24. Waivers. Borrower releases and waives all rights under and by virtue of the homestead exemption laws of Wyoming. (�61WY1 100051 Page 13 01 15 Initials: —1. 3 B. 3 3 Form 3051 1/01 LO /L L406 uu0A JaMo1A0$- Jamouog- (IeaS) (IPoS) 1aM01JOd- (IeaS) (lea 12M0110© (Pas) 1aM0110e (i 1aM0110a- (It VE8 s i tD v r Deed SNIJ[aI is A113.o73Oa SNIH Il a `iannta Jam011Ofj- JaM0110Q- (IeaS) teo0O) (AM)91:11) sassau)!M q)IM pap'OOa' put Ja? O1iOg Aq pa)noaxa iaplf Are ur pue )uauJnJ)su1 Allmon sitp ul pauye)uoa s)ueuanoa put suua) zap 01 saal& pue s)daa:Je JaMOJJOH 'MO"IHU DNINOIS AB 8Go; o OS?O8 STATE OF WYOMING, The foregoing instrument was acknowledged before me this MARCH 08 2001 by DANIEL B RICHINS AND DOROTHY D RICHINS My Commission Expires: 12) 6 G (WY) i000si a9 C. B. NEEL-REINHART NOTARY PUBLIC i----,. 'I .---''.1-- ...:C'/i )1 Notary Public Pogo 15 of 15 LINCOLN County ss: L 4C 835 Form 3051 1/01 08'72098 ALTA COMMITMENT 1982 WY SCHEDULE C 836 Commitment No.: FA. 7496 M The land referred to in this commitment is situated in the State of Wyoming, County of Lincoln, and is described as follows: Part of Section 6, T32N 12118W of the 6th P,M., Lincoln County, Wyoming being more particularly described as follows: BEGINNING at a point 1070 feet west and 525.26 feet south of the northeast corner of Lot 1 of the NW% of said Section 6 and running thence West 250 feet; thence South 174.24 feet; thence East 250 feet; thence North 174.24 feet to the POINT OP BEGINNING.