HomeMy WebLinkAbout872071agt?goad ETu1o3TieD uT pagTaosap s.zaiod at gl.TM aag4aboq saatod buTMOtto3 alp 1 TM pagsan aag saagsnay exp. '3uauzna4suT sTUq uT aaagzasta pas saazod Tguomppg ao SuOTgggTUITT Aug oq qoa Cgns pug gsnaq st4q 3o suoTSTnoad aqq ;no iaavo oy 1 y •saagsnay aqq. 3o saat0d *Ia :sMOTTo3 SR eae gsnzy aqq 3o t uotgoas.uT tl4ao3 gas Se gsnzy aTgaoonag 30 uotgt?aPTOaQ uosst?L1 •y1 auttldasor pug uossteM •y1 ugor atly 3o saagsnay egg 3o saaJOd eta sgtrpg axe ulogM 30 u ;.oq 'faag uuy astuaa pup uosseN °y ugor `u:'$1PT c'40 Sa0I44as pTtas aag gsnay 30 uotggasToaQ uosseN •11 auTgdasor pus uossayl •Y1 utlor ally 3o saagsnay butgote ICTquaaano atlq put 'dtanTgoadsaa '9661 'li TTadY Pug 'Z661 VZ aago4o0 uo patp ot1M a3TM put? puggsntl 'NOSSVW 'Zd 2NIHdaSOr Pug NOSSVW 'SCI NHOr aaai gsnay 30 uotggauToaU uossgyl yz auTtldasor pug uossgyl y1 ugor atly 30 saotggas atly Z '066t 'Z1 aaqutagdag pagnoaxa gsnaq t? sT 30 uotgteaaToaQ uosseN •Y1 tldasor pug uosseN •11 ugor atly •1 :szoTio3 se gsnay aTggoonag 30 uotggaeioaQ uoss,w •L1 auTtldasor pug uossgyl •11 utlor atly 3o sulaaq 9t14 tlsTtgt?gsa oq gsnay 30 UOT4t?OT ;T ;a sTtlq a3[gUI gsnay 30 uoTggavioaQ uosseN •N tjdasor pug uosseN •y1 ugor ally 3o saagsnay 'XYO NNV ammo pua NOSSVW 'y NHOr (9•00t81 uoTgoag apo0 agagoad) ssnus ao Nozsosa JN1V "dC 1 ",i I U 'I 6 `1E-"" °l P HOSSYW N aNigassor arty NOSSWt H Nxor sxs GS I' ;1 8V1 10 )9831O lLLNflO3 N 0:1A 1 :102'd /17/9t4,6 MUM LO N0IZH3I LLL2ig0 y ea LD`dd ?3d 09v moofi 08720'71 74:3 Code sections 16200 to 16249, which are incorporated by reference in this declaration of trust and made a part of it, in addition to those powers now and hereafter conferred by law affecting the trust and the trust estate; provided, however, anything herein to the contrary notwithstanding, the Trustees shall exercise powers and discretions only in a manner consistent with the allowance of the full federal estate tax marital deduction to which a deceased Trustor's estate shall otherwise be entitled: 4.1.1 To hold, manage, invest, lend, and control the trust estate and to encumber, sell, convey, deed or otherwise dispose of any of the trust property; to lease for any purpose and for terms within or extending beyond the duration of this trust. 4.1.2 To invest and reinvest the trust estate in every kind of property real, personal or mixed and every kind of investment, specifically including, but not by way of limitation, corporate obligations every kind, preferred or common stocks, shares of investment trusts, investment companies and mutual funds, and mortgage participations which men of prudence, discretion, and intelligence acquire for their own account, and any common trust funds administered by the Trustees. 4.1.3 To buy, sell, and trade securities of any nature (including "short sales on margin, and for such purpose may maintain and operate margin accounts with brokers; and may pledge all securities held or purchased by them, with such brokers as security for loans and advances made to the Trustees. 4.1.4 To hold securities or other property in the Trustees' name as Trustees under this Trust, or in the Trustees' own name, or in the name of a nominee, or unregistered in such condition that ownership will pass by delivery. 4.1.5 To borrow money for any trust purpose, to hypothecate the trust estate or any part thereof and to replace, renew, and extend any encumbrance thereon, upon such terms, conditions, and security as may be determined by the Trustees and to pay loans or other obligations of the trust as deem advisable. 4.1.6 To participate in any plan of liquidation, reorganization, consolidation or merger of any business or corporation which may at any time form a part of the trust estate. 4.1.7 To determine what is principal or income of the trust estate, to apportion and allocate in the Trustees' discretion receipts and expenses as between these accounts. To the extent that the Trustees shall fail to exercise the Page 2. •E abed :SaTaptoT;auaq at4 ;o 4saaa4ut at4 anaas 4saq TTpgs saa4sn.y at ;o uoTutdo ate uT uoT42zTu2bao ssauTsnq ;o uzao; ttons aiattt 4sna4 at4 ;o xsta aqg qP puP ;Tptaq uo dTgsaau4a2d AUP UT spun; 4sanuT o4 pup 'suos.ad ao uosaad Aup 114TM aauq.Pd pa4TUtTT ao TPaauab P sP dtgsaaug.Pd o4uT .aqua o4 '4saaa4uT dTtsaau4apd AUP anuT4uoo oy ct't•17 •a4P4sa 4sna4 at4 ;o uoT4ngta4stp pup uot42a4stuTuzpp at4 uT saa4snay at4 o4 Tn ;dTat aq o4 saa4snay aqq Aq pauzaap s.asTnpP ao s4u24stsS2 331140 AUP AoTduta o4 ao aoTasunoo 4uaUZ4sanuT sg 4o2 o4 '9424se 4sna4 aqq ;o s4ass2 alp ;o uwTpo4sno se gop 04 'S4o2 TPTaagSTUTmmaO;aad 04 uOT422TU2bao .aggo .o uoT42aodaoo xuieq Aire AoTduza oy Zt T 7 •s411bta.uoTsaanuoo ao uoTgdTaosgns %oo4s.Ties ao asro.axa.oq puP :aTgPStnpP uzaap APui saa4sna1 aqq sP suzaaq tens uo ae44tunuoo .zaggo ao aAT4oa4oad AuP 04 3 T4T4 as ;su2a4 puP 114TM saT4Tanoas 4Tsodap o4 uoT42dTOT4a2d tons o4 guapTouT puP 'saspaT pup sates 'suoT42ptnbTT 'saabaauz 'suoT4ppTTosuoo 'SU0t ztupbaoaa 'saansoTo -eao; 'squeuzaaabP buTTood 's4sna4 buT4on uT a42dToT4a2d og :sguautssassP APd puP 'satxoad a,Tb 'agora o4 aaMOd aqq 'uoT424TUZTT go APM AC( 4ou 4nq 'buTpnTouT '4sna4 aqq uT pTag saT4T.1noas o4 4oadsaa t4TM aauMo UP ;o SabaTTATad puP 'saatOd 'SggbTa 91 44 TTp anPt oy tt'Z'17 •agnTosgp aq TTpts saa4sna1 aqq uodn paaaa ;uoo suoTgaaostp TTy •uoT4eaostp tons Atm go asToaaxa at4 .o; aTgPTT ATTPUOSaad aq qou TT Pts aa4snay TPnpTATpuT UP pup buTpuTq pup TPuT; aq TT uoT4aaostp tons ;o asToaaxa at4 :4sna4 9114 uT pa4saaa4uT suosaad TTP uo anTsnTouoo aq TTPgs toTtM utaaaq uoT4aaostp AU2 'saa4sna1 TpnpTATpuT SP 'asToaaxa o4 :anPt pTnoi A4.ado,zd auis alp go aauio e4nTosgP uP toTgm sabaTTATad puP 'saaiod 'sggbTa exp. go TTP 'suoT42btTgo AaPTonpT; ,sea4sn.y atq o4 sAPMTP goaCgns '4sna4 sTg4 go uoTgnoaxa 9114 UT. puP a424sa 4sna4 a114 o4 sP anpt oy OT't't •saTaPToT;auaq at4 04 S4uaUZAPd aa11io ao aUZOOUT oTpotaad 'aTg2oT4o2ad sP a2g sP 'azTTPnba 04 SP aauuPUZ tons uT 4sna4 3114 go sasuedxa pup auzoouT Tpnuup pa42tuT4sa atm. 495pnq oy 6T t •uoT4ngTa4stp a (UI o4 Aapssaoau uzaap AR= saagsnay aq4 S2 aanpaooad 30 poL4aut goes 04 buTpa0002 'put( uT ATq.Pd puP Aauouz UT AT4a2d ao 'pup( uT ao S4saaa4uT papTATpun uT a424sa 4sna4 ago a4ngta4stp o4 '8424sa 4sna4 ago ;o UOT4ngTa4sTp TPUT; a0 TPT4a2d Atm uodj] $'t•17 •PTuaogtTP, ;o 8 424s ago go sa4n424s aq4 uT but4sTxa ataT4 o4 aurt4 uzoa; 402 aUtoouT puP TvdTOuTad Ut.o ;Tun pasTAaa at. go suotsTAoad ago Aq pauaanob aq TTpts amoouT puP TpdTouTad 04 buT42Tea saa442Ut 'paaaa ;uoo uTeaat uoT4aaostp P 08720"71 to incorporate or business in which disincorporate or business in which participate in the incorporation of any the trust estate has an interest; and to participate in the disincorporation of any the trust has an interest. 4.1.14 To resume, with Court approval, the duties of Trustee by any Trustee who may have resigned, at any time and from time to time thereafter, and to replace the Trustee appointed in his or her place, if one was so appointed. 4.1.15 To hold income accrued or undistributed at the termination of any interest or estate under this trust, and to distribute such income to the beneficiaries entitled to the next eventual interest in the same proportions in which they take such interest. The Trustees shall not be required to prorate taxes and other current expenses to the date of any such termination. 4.1.16 To possess in and by the status of successor Trustee, unless otherwise specifically stated, all of the authority and powers, including discretionary powers, conferred upon the original Trustees. 4.1.17 To incur no liability for any loss to the trust estate caused by the Trustees' acts in good faith; the Trustees shall be liable for the Trustees' own willful default and not for honest errors of judgment. 4.1.18 The Trustors, either directly, by Will or by any other method may give to the Trustees any property, either real or personal, and the Trustees shall be auth- orized to accept, hold, manage, administer, and disburse the same and all income therefrom in the same manner, to the same extent, with the same effect, and to all purposes and intents as if such property originally had been delivered to the Trustees upon the express terms of this instrument." irrevocable. 4. ..The John M. and Josephine M. Masson Trust is 5. The signatures of all Trustees are required on all documents under which the Trustees exercise the powers of trustees under the Trust. Page 4. 08'72071 4 6 6. The Trust federal identification number (FEIN) is 95- 7005536. 7. The manner in which title to Trust assets should be taken is "John T. Masson and Denise Ann Gray, Trustees U /D /T dtd. Sept. 12, 1990." 8. The John M. Masson and Josephine M. Masson Declaration Of Trust has not been revoked, modified or amended in any manner which would cause the representations herein to be incorrect. 9. This Certification is signed by the currently acting Trustees of the Trust, JOHN T. MASSON and DENISE ANN GRAY. THE UNDERSIGNED declare under penalty of perjury that the foregoing is true and correct and that this Declaration is signed on 7 1996. OHN T. MASSON S Page 5. 08'72071 STATE OF CALIFORNIA COUNTY OF LOS ANGELES On rn,4 y 9 Notary Public in and for MASSON, personally known JOYCE NICHOLS Q� sr'' COMM. #1079803 NOTARY PUBLIC CALIFORNIA LOS ANGELES COUNTY 3 My Comm. Expires Dec. 7, 1999 ss. 1996, before me, 7fte /0 0LS a said State, personally appeared JOHN T. to me (or proved to me on the basis of satisfactory evidence) to be the person whose name is subscribed to the within instrument and acknowledged to me that he executed the same in his authorized capacity, and that by his signature on the instrument the person, or the entity upon behalf of which the person acted, executed the instrument. WITNESS my hand and official seal. 7 4 7 Page 6. •L. abed 1 einggubTS s, icaggoN 'Teas TPTOT;;o pug pugg Am SSaNSIM •guamnagsuT aug pagnoaxa 'pagog uosied atmq uoTgm ;O ;Tguaq uodn AgTpue auq to 'uosaad auq guamnagsuT auq uo eanggubTs .zag &q ggtg pug 'AgTagdgo pazT.zo .zag UT amgs pagnoaxa aus ggug am og =pabpaTMou pug guamn14suT UTt I4"t atm og pagT.zosgns sT amgu asogt uos.zad at;g aq og jeouapTAa Aaogog;sT4gs jo sTsgq agg uo am og panoad 1o) am oq UMOUN ATTguosiad 'Ayup NNE ssIN:3a paagedde ATTguosaad 'agggS pTgs 1o3 pug uT 'am a.zo ;eq '9661 CC r )1'� uo •ss F3E 41uiJ0u* �O Y[± 999 UM U01 O Z3 iVA N VNNVSOil d ug oTTgnd Lzggox Rio vSNKs 3o AZNnoo viN2io it vo o auras (1119P071 STATE FILE NUMBER THIS IS A TRUE CERTIFIED COPY OF THE RECORD FIELD HEATH SERVIIC S BEARS THIS SEAL IN l URPLE INK. T r• r1 81 CERTIFICATE OF DEATH STATE 01 CAUPORMA USE BLACK INK ONLY /NO ERASURES. WHITEOUT'S OR ALTERATIONS :'49 1 rv.nni. naVial nn 1IVn I,UMCYR DECEDENT PERSONAL DATA 1. NAME OP DECEDENT -FIRST (GIVEN) JOSEPHINE 4. DATE OP 2. MIDDLE M. 3. LAST (FAMILY) MASSON BIRTH M M/ D O/ C C Y V 03/19/1925 5. AGE YRS. F 1 11 UNDER 4 1400 5 8 01 811 7. DATE OP DEATH M M/ D D/ C C Y Y F 1 04/04/199 U DAYS 71 1 1 1 8. HOUR 1926 9. STATE OF BIRTH Ny 14. 10. SOCIAL SECuRITY NO. 1 1. MILITARY SERVICE 19 TO 18_ NONE 12. MARITAL STATUS 13. EDUCATION -YEARS COMPLETED WIDOWED 12 RACE WHITE 18. HISPANIC-SPECIFY YES NO 15. USUAL EMPLOYER SELF EMPLOYED 17. OCCUPATION HOMEMAKER 18. KIND OP BUSINESS OWN HOME 19. YEARS IN OCCUPATION 51 USUAL RESIDENCE 20. RESIDENCE STREET AND NUMBER OR LOCATION 210 MARGUERITA AVENUE 21. CITY SANT MONICA 22. COUNTY LOS ANGELES 23. ZIP CODE 90402 24. YRS IN COUNTY 35 25. STATE OR POREIGN COUNTRY CA INFORMANT 28. NAME. RELATIONSHIP JOHN T. MASSON (SON) 28. NAME OF SURVIVING SPOUSE -FIRST 29. MIDDLE 27. MAILING ADDRESS 3718 MOUNTAIN (STREET AND NUMBER OR RURAL ROUTH NUMBER, CITY OR TOWN, STATE, ZIP) VIEW AVE. LOS ANGELES, CA 90066 30. LAST (MAIDEN NAME) SPOUSE AND PARENT INFORMATION 31. NAME OF FATHER -FIRST GAETANO 32. MIDDLE 33. LAST TRIPICIANO 34. BIRTH STATE ITALY 38. BIRTH STATE ITALY 35. NAME OF MOTHER -FIRST MONICA 38. MIDDLE 37. LAST (MAIDEN) SPENO OIBPOSITONIB) 39. DATE M M/ D D/ C C Y Y 04/11/1996 40. PLACE OF FINAL DISPOSITION HOLY CROSS CEMETERY CULVER CITY, CALIFORNIA FUNERAL DIRECTOR AND LOCAL REGISTRAR 41. TYPE or DISPOBITION(8) BU 42. SIGNATURE OP MBALMER 4, ENN NO. 43. UC l 44 NAME OP FUNERAL 01550105 GATES, KINGSLEY GATES SM 45. LICENSE N O. FD -451 81 48. 0NA OF CA REGISTRAR C 47. DATE MM/DD CYY 04 /1 0 1996 PLACE OF DEATH 101. PLACE OF DEATH RESIDENCE 102. IF HOSPITAL, SPECIFY ONE: IP ER /OP DOA 1032FACIUTY OTHER THAN HOSPITAL: Ho 5. ;ill REB, II oTHBR 10 COUNTY LOS ANGELES 105. STREET ADDRESS- STREET AND NUMBER OR LOCATION 201 MARGUERITA AVENUE 108. CITY SANTA MONICA CAUSE OF DEATH 107. DEATH WAS CAUSED BY: (ENTER ONLY ONE CAUSE PER LINE FOR A, B, C, AND D) IMMEDIATE CAUSE (A) METASTATIC SPINDLE CELL CARCINOMA OF THE BREAST TIME INTERVAL 'BETWEEN ONSET AND DEATH 108. DEATH REPORTED TO CORONER YES NO REFERRAL NUMBER 3 YRS O11E T1' I RI 109. 910581 PERFORMED p A YH8 NO DUE TO (C) 1 10. A ',TOPS: PE,IA.)0:4EG III YES 111 NO DUE TO (D) 1 1 1. USED IN DETERMINING CAUSE YES NO 112. OTHER SIGNIFICANT CONDITIONS CONTRIBUTING TO DEATH BUT NOT RELATED TO CAUSE GIVEN IN 107 NONE 113. WAS OPERATION PERFORMED FOR ANY CONDITION IN ITEM 107 OR 1127 IF YES, LIST TYPE OP OPERATION AND DATE. YES: MASTECTOMY AND RIB RESECTION 03/16/199 PHYSI. CIAN'S CERTIFICA- TION 114. I CERTIFY THAT TO THE BEST OF MY KNOWLEDGE DEATH OCCURRED AT THE HOUR, DATE AND PLACE STATED PROM THE CAUSES STATED. DECEDENT ATTENDED SINCE DECEDENT LAST SEEN ALIVE M M/ D D/ C C Y Y i M M/ D D/ C C Y Y 05/05/1995 1 03/20/1996 115. 8 AND TI PIER V 118. LICENSE NO. G20643 117. DATE M M D D O C Y Y 04/05/1996 118. TYPE ATTENDING PH IAN'S NAME, MAILING AD 588 ZIP PETER D. BOASBERG MD 1 1 TREET 580 SANTA MONICA. CA 90404 2 CORONER'S USE ONLY 7 CI 1 CERTIFY THAT IN MY OPINION DEATH OCCURRED AT THE HOUR, DATE AND PLACE STATED PROM THE CAUSES STATED. 119. MANNER OF DEATH I I E NATURAL L� SUICIDE I 1 HOMICIDE n PENDING COULD NOT BE ACCIDENT INVESTIGATION C DETERMINED 120. INJURY AT WORK YEe NO 121. INJURY DATE M M 0 0 C C y Yr122. HOUR 123. PLACE OF INJURY 124. DESCRIBE HOW INJURY OCCURRED (EVENTS WHICH RESULTED IN INJURY) 125. LOCATION (STREET AND NUMBER OR LOCATION AND CITY AND ZIP CODE) 128. SIGNATURE 01 CORONER OR DEPUTY CORONER 127. DATE MM /LID /CCYY 128. TYPED NAME, TITLE OF CORONER OR DEPUTY CORONER STATE REv13 HAR A B C D 1 E F I O 1 H ?.Y. AU n CENSUS TRACT (1119P071 STATE FILE NUMBER THIS IS A TRUE CERTIFIED COPY OF THE RECORD FIELD HEATH SERVIIC S BEARS THIS SEAL IN l URPLE INK. T r• r1 81 CERTIFICATE OF DEATH STATE 01 CAUPORMA USE BLACK INK ONLY /NO ERASURES. WHITEOUT'S OR ALTERATIONS :'49 DECEDENT PERSONAL DATA IA. NAME OF OECEOENT -FIRST 18. MIDDLE IGIvIN1 JOHN I M. IC. LAST MASSON (FAMLYI 2A. DATE OF DEATH -MO, DAT. TR 28. HOU1 3 SE: OCTOBER 24, 1992 113 M 4, RACE CAUCASIAN W S. SPAN /HI!PANIC- SF[CIPY YE, X❑ No 6. DATE OF B DAY. YR NOV. 27, 1926 U VI 7. AGE IN IF UNDER 1 YR MA IF uNDE 4 r.ow YEARS I MONTHS 1 OATS 65 1 HOURS IMINUTEJ 1 8. STATE OF BIRTH NY 9. CITIZEN OF WHAT COUNTRY USA 10A, FULL NAME OF FATHER 1 108. STATE or 1 BEM JOHN MASSON ;ITALY 11A. FULL GIOVANNA 1 MAIDEN NAME OF MOTHER PIAZZA 1 1 T1B. STATE 1 BIRTH 1 ITALY 12. MILITARY SERVICE? 19. 4To IIIT..SJ_ NON[ 13. SOCIAL SECURITY NO. 1111111111.1111. 14. MARITAL STATUS MARRIED 1S. NAME OF SURVIVING SPOUSE OF YYIFE. OTTER MAIDEN NA1 JOSEPHINE TRIPICIANO 16A, USUAL OCCUPATION I 188. USUAL KIND OF BUSINESS 16C. USUAL EMPLOYER i 160. YEARS IN OR INDUSTRY I OCCUPATION OWNER /PROPRIETOR ;CHEESE MANIJFACIURING I SELF EMPLOYED 1 50 17. EDUCATION YEARS COmPLRi 12 USUAL RESIDENCE 18A. RESIDENCE STREET ANO NUMBER OR LOCATION I i6B. CITY 1 ZIP COO[ I 201 MARGUERITA AVENUE SANTA MONICA 90402 180. COUNTY 1 16E. NUMBER OP YEARS 1 18F. STATE OR FOREIGN COU1Y 20. NAME. RELATIONSHIP, MANO ADORESO I IN THUS Cautery 1 1( M IU AND ZIP C00( 00 IN0ORMANT LOS ANGELES 32 i CA JOSEPHINE MASSON (WIFE) PLACE OF DEATH 19A. PLACE OF DEATH 1 198. IF HOSPITAL. SPECIFY l IBC. couNTY 20 1 MARGUERITA AVENU BARLOW HOSPITAL I Omelet, ER/OP, DOA LO ANGELES SANTAONICA CA 90402 190. STREET ADDRESS--STREET AH0 NUMBER OR LOCATION 1 19E. CITY I 2000 STADIUM WAY LOS ANGELES nM[INT[RV AL SE Ho o[ATH 22. WAS DEATH REFERRAL REPORTED NUMB TO CORONER? Y[! RI NC CAUSE OF DEATH 21. DEATH WAS CAUSED BY: (ENTER ONLY ONE CAUSE PER LINE FOR A, B. ANO 0) C (IA) CARDIAC ARREST MINUTES 23. WAS BIOPSY PERPORMEDT Yes 10 No CARDIAC ARRYTHMIAS DUE TO 18i MINUTES 24A. WAS AUTOPSY PERFORMED? YE! NO 1 I DUE To t0 PR0BABLE CORONARY ARTERY DISEASE YEARS 25. 248. WAS 17 USED IN DETERMINING CAUSE 00 DEATH? yes X No OTo8 S+G(PICANT CONDITIONS CONTM.UTING TO DEATH BUT NOT RELATED TO CAUSE GIVEN IN 21 RESPIRATORY FAILURE, COPD, ANXIETY 26. WAS OPERATION PERFORMED POR ANY CONORION IN ITEM 21 OR 257 O TES. UST TYPE OF OPERATION AND DATE. NO PHySI CIAN'S CERTIFICA. noN i 1 CERTIFY THAT TO THE BEST OF MY KNOWLEDGE DEATH OCCURRED AT 7H[ HOUR, DATE AND PLACE STATED PROM THE CAUSES STATED. 27A. DECEDENT ATTENDED 51NCE DECEDENT LAST SEEN ALIVE MONTH. OAT. YEAR I MONTH, DAY. YEAR 10/21/92 i 10/23/92 278. NONATWHE AND DEGREE OR, not OP PHYSICIAN 1 27C. PHYSICIAN'S UCENSE MAMMA 1 270. DATE 51GNE0 I 1 1 I H I I 10/27/92 27E. TYPE ATTENDING P NTSICIAiS NAME ANO ADDRESS MARTA SOVILJ, M.D., 2000 STADIUM WAY, LOS ANGELES, CA CORONER'S USE ONLY 1 CERTIFY THAT 10 MY OPINION DEATH OCCURRED AT 10E HOUR. OAT% AND PLACE STATED FROM THE CAUSES STATED. 28A. SIGNATURE AND TITLE OP CORONER 011 Deliver CORONER 288. DATE SIGNED 0111' I I 29. MANNER OP DEATH OK: Bluli1, 1RIdgIL yes, holmmde. Boom enestFOOA or Ca4d A01 be dlerlWEO 30A. PLACE OF INJURY 7 308. INJURY AT WORK 1 30C. DATE OF INJURY I MONTH. DAY. TEAR 1 II Yes NO 1 31. HOUR 32. LOCATION (MEET AND NUMBER OR LOCATION AND CITY) 33, D%SCRIB[ HOW INJURY OCCURRED ((YENTs WHICH RESULTED IN 114JIJR71 FUNERAL DIRECTOR AND LOCAL REGISTRAR 34A. DISPOSTONIS) 348 0 PLACE OF FINAL SPOSINON --NAM( AND ADDRESS I HOLY CROSS CEMETERY ENTOMBMENT 15815 W_ ST.AITSfN,CTTT.yF.R CTTY, C 34C' DAY. YEAR OCT 27 1990 35 p0* 00 5 AeR 1338. NUMBER i 4530 36A. NAM[ OF FUNERAL DIRECTOR (OR PERSON Acme AS wCN) i 368. LICENSE NO. GATES KINGSLEY GATES C.C. 1 FD1016 ;SIC 1R�AL RE �7. LL�• s Q A 7 X992 STATE REGISTRAR A B. C. O. E. P. CENSUS TRACT V5 (REV. 3 -88 08 STATE FILE NUMBER CERTIFICATE OF DEATH STATE OF CALIFORNIA USE BLACK INK ON MAKE NO ERASURES. WHITEOUTS. OR OTHER ALTERATIONS I THIS IS A TRUE CERTIFIED CC?PY I. FILED IN THE COUNTY OF LOS A` (EI. E` DEPARKIEWT OF HEALTH SERVICES IF IT DEA116 THIS SEAL It: PURPLE INK. OCT 70 A /0- !Tiltli'JT 01 SzaR4.1Setviceit wld ti tint '1c :n a zo :t NOSSKW 'W 3NI•.d3 •r $4;11 ,17 Yy(f1 1,,rmax !4 i4 sl.'1u4:� fl;11G;>;uc :11r3 fU• ;a:h1:;:a1 0,,5e1Axo Aalatt -a t m r1 •u:z)),1 s:; V :1 3: e; e;+;i1'!:-1'.10301 pus 6s.mono3 I .n Apps paplvaal Celcq c1 I:: 1 unaop 1i41 i:].!.I0l321 1,P.LLi f10J aaea3 •N t[ d 'Awnr s�nr nor%" o�.nr:.umnr K ins oml� unu!uw,r AN 1 /del 1 Ni ):n 1111 1 v414P119J VIN+:IC,11 l A `v ION .a NVZ.i ;',1 '1;1'd:•1 1V1i "i 'Tees TeroT33o Pue pueq Am sseugpM sTgq 'e;pt pUs puegsnq 'uosssw •W eu Z das or pus uo se Cep utio Aq am e.zo ;eq pabpetMouxoe sew quawnagsUT •W ugor buTobaao3 aqy 'Z661 4 .1ago400 3o AeP, iC: r C °Pd r Z C7d t•p�' IC)l') %t l'II 1191)004 aaaa X,T.NEf2ILIKM ss G /1 :sa.zTdxa UOTSSTmmoo XW saTabuv soq jo A4uno3 eTuac'ITTso 3o agegs NOSSVW W N Of \A•P -Kr- t t(//) 900TZ6 \TTL i sFgq spueq ano SSSH,LIM 6 4 LT geTd goueg AeTTeA ae4S •gTM 'egels aqg jo smaT uoTgdmaxa pgagsawoq eqg 3o vngaTA Aq pus aepun sgg6Ta Ire buTATeM pue buTseeTea Age.zaq 'buimoICM 3o egegs pue u oouT t Z ;o rCqunoO aqa UT paggngTs agegse 'sea pegTaosep buTMoTTo; aqg 'seaqueab 'saogsnay 'uosssw •W sup /decor pus uosseW •W ugor Aq spew '066T 'ZT aegwegdeS pep gsnay 3o uoTge•zeToea aepun seegsnay se uosse4 •W eurgdesor pus u:ossew •W ugor oq SLNVUHVM 1NY SXSANOO 'pebpetMouxoe Aga.aaq sT goTgt 3o g(4aoa.z 'pled pueq uT 'uoTgeaapTsuoo argenis/I aau;go pus (00'01$) S2IyTIOO NSy 3o uoTgeaapTSUOO uT pus ao3 'buTmoAN, 3O ageaS pug 'uT'oouT'I ;o Aquno0 go 'saogueab 'a3TM pus puegsrq 'NOSSVW 'W SNIHdaSOr Pug NOSStIW 'W NHOr 1.131:) 3011 etrit W Am .1a .13lul.tr