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86 /L /O L AM 0J.V d00 wIod NIN •pnol0 OU swaisAS siamueg b66 t (t' 10 1 abed/ (3Sf1 VA !i0 VHd 'OWIHd 'VWNd 80d ION) 3DVD11:1OW 1I03110 40 3NI1 AJ4f103 3tN0 -I DNIINOAM 9TOZ /T /z oNniclaw CINV To /ZT /Z c1 LVQ III EO 2 LIIICE 2WOH (•(s)jgap lions Jo alnp alp apnloul pinous no,C pun paanoas (s)lgap tivapt tfllno Toads jsntu no,i) •suognlilsgns io suopnoi ipoui `siumauai `suoisualxa haul Tie pue mopq paquosap igap jo aouapina iaulo zo (s)Aluelen2 `(s)1ounuoo `(s)alou Alossiulold Tie jo suual au1 iapun palmoui 1gaQ •y :smolloj se paui ;ap si iglu paznoas„ ui-ial au.L 'SaDNvAQv MUM QNy uiaQ Qa?Ifi.JaS •h luauzn.ilsui Alunoas still ui pauieluoo slueuanoo alp jo Aue unojiad of pue Alunoas s,lapual loaloid of luauinllsui Alunoas siul jo suual alp iapun apnui saounnpe o1 AIddu lou saop uopuliunl sigl `osiy •luauinzlsui Alunoas sigl 01 luens.ind apeul /Gallen sa.ieua pue Sal; Jaulo pue lsalalui apnloui lou saop mnoun? ;o uofe1?uitl slut 00' OOL'Sii Paaoxa !on TTeus amp auo Au le luatuiulsui Alunoas slur Xq pamoas !trump ledtouud Imo! au 'ZIWI'I NOILVOI IfO ATAINIXVL\i „Auado.id„ se 01 pa1laja.i Tie) anoge paquosap alelsa Teal au1 ;o ued aq `a.inlnj aq1 ui auiu Aun In 10 `MOU Aeui leip S1uaulaouidal pue `sa.inlxq `sa1nloi `sluaulano.iduii a.inln3 pue 2Uilsixa ITe pue )fools 1amem pue `sagolip `s11011 ueuedu pue lalem ITn `sigpu su2 pue po `s112t1 lezauitu 'sailieAoi `saoueual.inddz `sluauiasea `s1112i.i i(e ultra iagla oZ a pun dIZ) LZT£8 2uiuI0/ A (AID) M I INNi41 i lei 3 N''JET.P4 {a V 3 NiNVJp Z WV 9 s u 10 Y ,i �i err >18310 )J.N(10O N100Nfl 03A1 33 qtc 5tnpsoaag O1 anti sites anoq\ ands 3Oyd 2Id }IOOH 1/.61/.8 (AlunoD) (ssaippd) le Liam NaTaL ui paleoo! si Auado.id auL buTluoAM 'kiunop uToouTZ 3o splooaa TET3TJJO 3144 'IT papaooai pue paTTuTd s8 TeTd u3U )J AaTTEA JP 4S uT (80T) TubTH paapung auo qo'I :Auadozd paquosap 2 uimofo3 aq1 'am ;o lamod ulim `zapual 01 sluezzem pue sa5e2uoui `sAanuoo `suialeq `siuel2 1o2u2noj, luaumnsui Xlpnaas siul iapun aounuuo;zad s,zo$a1J0JAI pue (molaq paugap) 1gaQ paznoas aq1 amoas 01 pue `papaimou3 st uoulm 3o Aouatol;Jns pue 1dTaoai aq1 `uope1apisuoo aigenien puu pooh Jog aDNVAaANOJ •Z 6WWL6LT0 88 Q I EEAVdTdi TOOZ8 2M 'HNINEXEHD anNa Y N32RiVM EZZZ IdDIEHWV 3O SgWI,S OLINfl ,¶U1 dO all =NC1 SNIISIXE IGINV GI ZINKD2IO NOINCl IIc33Z3J 7VUECEE SEEXO'IdwH ONIWOXM Kr X2 eial-D H}IOH SL :2IS(INS"I sluaui4aimou3loe pue sa.inleu2is ziagl `szofegu0JA Ieuopippe 10; `uia1aq palelothooui umpuappy pagoelle alp 01 za ;a1 `paxoago 3I 9ZZ6 8£ 66T ALRICIJES 'ZyIJOS LZT88 1M I HNAVRL 2da X21 W1 3)10HD SL NOS2IId S S V M JI2II :NOJdOINOIAI :smoiioj se a1u `palmbai;i `slaqumu uopeoc;puapi xe1 pue sassalppe 1 iau1 'sound si (laaunulsui Alunoas) agauoj, sigl TO alup all SaLLIIVd (INV LLWQ (asnejj aouenpy a1n]n3 gilts) HOY 911I0L\T 2tmuoAm Jo aims •i (b1ozs5ed) 66 /L /O1. AM w)od 'pnol0'1S "ouI'swelsAS sJaNueg b661© 01 spaaooid jo uoptotidde Aud •uotldo s,lapuri 111 `anp uagl lou so iagiagm `lgau pamoas atm 01 to Auadold agf jo Iiuda1 to uoptiolsal app o1 patiddt aq utgs spaaooid aoutinsut fit luptim ut paad11 asimiat po ssaiun •io5Olioj Aq fi;a 11ipatuut apuu fou 3t ssoj jo 3ooid axeut Iapual •lapua pug iauito aotreinsut atp of aopou af11tpatumt ant$ ins io2uRpoj,' `ssoi uodn saotlou ismauai put smntmaid Peed jo sidtaoaz fit iapua-i o1 At A;aletpattnut netts Iaauoysi `saunbal Iapua'i 3i •siumauai put satotiod alp Nog of 1112u aqf anti Huts iapua -j •aouslnsut ail jo uoptutuual Jo uotljimouto jo iapua-i ,i31ou Ammipaunut ins io2u2uow „•asnup aa1ird ssoi„ `aiquotidde azagm `put „asnup a�umliom„ piepueis e apnput iistis pus iapuari o1 aiggldaoou aq dugs siemaual pus satotiod aotreinsut lid •luamtulsui K unoas stgp jo suual aqi o12utpi00011 filmdom ail ut siq a s,1apua-i loaloid 01 atianoo utelgo `uopdo s,iapual m 'Am iapua-; `anogs pagtlosap au1anoo aqi utsiuteui 01 sit113 Iau$uoJ, 3I •piatigitm Algtuossaiun aq lou Rigs gotgm `Isnoidds s,lapual of loafgns Iogauow riq uasolo aq ii11gs aoutinsut aqi 2uiptnoid mum aausinsut aqj •sannbai iapua-i it:gf spouad alp io3 put slunoure aqi ut pauts;utsuz aq hugs aoueinsut stgi •uotlsooi pus adXJ sit of anp filmmdoid aqf tpim paletoosst Aigt:uostai sNsu put spiszsq iagio put now `poo1; 'auj Aq sso; lsutuat painsut filmdoid dam hugs 102115110N •aoueansui •luamnoop vat; iagio io Iuauaala11 Aitmoas `istui jo paap `ageSfioui iotid nitre jo swim agi o1 loafgns st spaaooid jo fuauarssu sua •luaunuisui Alunon siif ut paptnoid se patiddt aq fpm pus sluatuiied palaptsuoo aq ip14s spaaooid lions •Auadoid alp jo l.red Iiuu 10 Ile 30 51Itslu1 iagio 10 uolmumapuoo 11 gfim paloauuoo sag11tump io3 urep to piem11 Cu s jo spaaooid agi 1apual 01 su5isse 102011oyq •sutmo io suotloe paquosap anog11 aqf jo Atm lit alum m020 1.101/I lit auaniafut 01 lapua7 saztioglns 10 1 110N suuau iagio nitre 10 `ui11uop wow= `uotlsutuapuoo g5noigp filmdom 01413o pr 10 Aug aJ1 10 assgoind 01 saptlua otignd s0 a111ntud Aq `aotlou paualu01gl io utpuad nitre 3o aotlou idtuoid lapual ant$ HIM Io2e2iJow •uoTleumapuoD •1u0udoianap ltun pauueid io mntuimopuoo atil jo suopeing0i to `smei -Sq `slutuanoo 0141 iapun sapnp s,1oSailow jo ii11 uuo31ad !pm Io2e211ow `fuaudoianap ltun pauutid 11 10 tuntututopuoo u lit itun 11 sapnput iivadold 0141 3I •piogastai u uo st luauitulsui 'iltinoas stgf 3t am! Aug jo suoistnold aqf gitm ii;dwoo of saaat Io2115uoyi •s;uauudopnaJ ;tun pauueld :smnruutuopuoJ :spiogaseaq •luamn1lsui'ilt1noas sill Jo /AEI alp iapun s1q 11101410 s,l0pua'i JO Pius Sutstoiaxa l uoi3 Iapuari apnpaid lou !pm uuojiad o1 ainitu3 s,Iapua-i pus `tuzojiad o1 uopt2pgo ut afsa10 lou hugs 1o511$11oyv io3 uiiojiad 01 s,iapua'I •aouutul03iad io3 tiiussaoau itmomt Niue pied 10 auutu s,lo201JoiN Ots 01 Jog; lit Aau1o11u 1111 Iapua7 slutoddd Io2u *uoj,i •paunopad aq 01 magi, asnuo io tuiojiad `aotlou lnogltm 'Am Iapua7 `fuamnllsui /iltlnoas sill lit pautuluoo slu11uanoo 014130 Iiue to Amp ifu11 toiojiad 01 silt 1o2e511oyAI 3I •uuaoJaad o; ,f;taogpd •uopoadsui s,Iapuo uo (Iai Atm ou lit !pm 1auguoyAI put igauaq s,1apua1 103 iiia1ilua aq Bugs filmdom aj1 3o uotloadsui /iud •uotfoadsut aqi lo; asodind aigquosuai 11 5unIi31oads uotloadsui tau aiojaq io 3o atoll 0141 111 aotlou JoRe3yow ants Iiutis iapual fl1ado1d agi ?utloadsut 3o asodind alp 10J amp aigeuostal Aug 111 Auadoid 0141 101ua `uoiido s,iapuaj it 'Am swat s,1apua-I 10 Iapua'i •Auadoid 0141 01 &uuip 10 SSOI AIM JO put `10 R -low 1sutat suotlo11 put smtrp `autpoaooid `spusmap Iiu 301apua'i ii3Tou !pm 1aa11ow •luasuoo ua11t1m ioud s,iapua'i 1no1411m luauasta 10 p1111uan0 0nt10111sa1 `asuaoti Jiu11 in agtrego Aire ltmiad lou Item Iogehlt0JA '111asu03 uailiim Iotud s,iapua lnogltm a &uugo Iiiietluslsgns fou !pm asn put Aousdn000 0141 3o ainisu 0141 111p1 saad11 1oRauow •'iliadold aril 3o uotfelotialap 10 `1uam1ttdmt `01511M /11111 moils 10 lttztu100 fou II11gs 10 1.10N •Amssaoau Alguuostal am 1m1 sittdai 1P a)iem pus uotltpuoo pool lit iivadoid 0141 dam !pm Iae2uoIA uotloadsui pun suotp ua ;id °uot ;tpuo3 ,f ;iadoid •ii11ad01d aqf anoldmt 10 117111t11m 01 siuuaWWm 10 Iog11I iiiddns ogm satlisd lsutat an11g Arm 1o2e2iJoy\j sasuaJap 10 stump `s1140 Aug `Iapua' iq palsanbai st `lapuo o1 uWisse o1 saade 1o$t2118 •luamnllsui iilt1noas stgl 3o uatl alp Itsdmt mom 1eti1 smrep Niue 1sutat filmdoid a141 01 app 141103014 !pm 10 flow •fuau1i11d s,102011ow 2upuaptna swim= agf pus an lu p ai summit lions 1sg1 saotlou fie 3o satdoa Iapua7 01 aptnoid o1 Io2115uow aitnbai firm Iapua'i •anp uagm'filmdomd aqf 01 gutl11iai sa1utp 101410 put `satltitln 'swat punoi2 `sluato1i11d am! `saou11lqumoua 'sup!! `slu0ussasse `saxef Ile Std IItm 103115110JA •a1;ty ;sutad stump •ienoldds ualltIm iotid s,lapua-j 1no141tm luamnoop nap aqf Aq pampas fuatoaaae 10 01011 Aim iapun saotrenps alnln3 Atm isanbai 01 fou `3o uotsualxa JO uotl11ogtpoto Ain mom 011011 saaa11 osis 1o2u21loIN •slusuano0 Its 141tm 1iidtuoo Jo miojiad 01 put anp uagm s111amfird fit opium 01 mat 1auguoys, 'filmdom aril uo aou11iqunoua Jo Isamu! ,iltmoas /mid u pavan rem luamnoop 11011 10410 to 1uama012s /iptinoas `kohl 3o !map `0 1? 1J0m 10410 Pius 01 magi 141tM •slsaaa;ui ,f ;[anaaS .iota," •luamtulsui iiitmoas spy pus 1gou patinas ag13o smial agf tiltm aoutpi000u lit put anp uagm ptud aq !pm 1gac pamoas agf iapun sluam,ied pr fegl saai2t Ioaeglioy\I •sluauLfed •ureau suaddeq 1! p go11aiq u Juana Pip iaptsuoo Jam! 0i 1142pp s,lapuaJ anirm lou saop lapua'i `14ora1q slo�11�uoy�I uo iipamal 1allt0 Ilu lou fig •1ltoli 1tpa 0141 a0npa1 puu 1414010 30 suotsualxa iuuotltppu aaiem of 0511301 ,ism iapua- `uopoas st141 lit 1utuanoo litre sagosaiq Io2u2u0JA 3I •luaunulsui iiltlnoas sill put lgmQ pamoas agf iapun suopapgo I11tlal11to amt uopoas slip lit sluuuanoo 0141 Imp mat 105011OJAI •SINVIMIaAOD a9V JUIOPI •S '(uopoas still 3o d gde1d11111d lit 140011010 ;at sigap alp 103 lsaialut iiptinoas alp antum lou saop lnq) fuamn.ufsui Xiltinoas stgl iq Inman st 1t:ti1 2 uttt 0 mp itdtouttd s,IO�11�jloy�I 0141 lit lsaialut iilunoas luanbasgns nitre santum Iapua7 `uotfOas stgp 3o g gd1112s1ed iapun pamoas ssaupalgaput iuuoptpp11 ,tau 01 poadsai Iptm uotsstosai 30 11.1511 alp 3o aotlou fi tssaoau Are .aptnoid 01 situ3. Iapua7 mil Juana ail ui 1uaunIlsui Jiltmoas stgf 3o swim alp iapun lapua Sq paimout sasuadxa pug paousnpu suns 101410 dire put ani11n 811 put 110dold all 2upoafoid astm1allo 10 Sutniasaid IutInsut 103 Iapuari /tq paimout sasuadxa pu11 paouunpu suns iuuotltppt lid •Iapua-i pus 1aa110JA uaamfaq fuamaalh lun000u itsodap Aug 01 Suptial s13u1piano 103 sailtilqutl `01 paltmti lou Inq `5utpnput 'mg! Aq paugtgoid lou 11101x0 ail 01 `astir Jalti ,i11w gotgm `iapua-i 01 samo 1O11auoJA suonegpgo Ia110 Ild •guptim a111.redas 11 lit 01 paaa11 aq mum luaultuuo0 tinns Airy Timm Cu 11 lit saou11npe 10 SUM a1nfn3 10 Ituotfipp11 avu o1 luamltunuoo a alnlpsuoo j;11gs luamnllsui tiltmoas sell lit 2utg10N •luautulsui 1iljmoas stgp 3o amp alp 110 014111131 se pamoas OIS suotfOtigo a1n1n31atpo put saoutnpt amity ild •paouunpu aq 10/1 1011 A tm iied .Jo pr g2nogl liana luaunllsui Sitinoas stgp Ai pamoas am suop1gtigo a1n1n3 latilo pus saou11npu ainln3 lid •slatpo put Io2112f1oysi 010111 10 auo Aug 10 `t0ge$1.10JAI 010111 10 0110 /iue Aq pai1fOut 10 01 uant2 0111 letp suotlmgtigo a1nln3 put saOu11np11 ainln3 1111 alnoas !pm luaunllsui iiltinoas slip 111141 mat 10 11 1iow iota `luamrulsui Xlunoas stgl su5ts uosiad auo u11g1 010111 3I •paoualajal iiji1Ogtoads st fuamtulsui eiltinoas sail lou to 10141agm luaunllsui Alt1noas sigl 101311 palnoaxa lapua'i jo 10A113 lit 10$112110N tiq painoaxa igap 3o aouaptna 10110 Jo `itfu11len5 `1011111100 `01011 Alosstuu0ld 1(ue iapun 1apua'i 01 Io211211oyAI 3o suoil112uigo alnln3 1ag10 10 10g112110JAI 01 10141101 aim sa0u11n p11 alnln3 lid H ..i I.. .M. 54r principal shall not extend or postpone the due date of the scheduled payment nor change the amount of any payment. Any excess will be paid to the Mortgagor. If the Property is acquired by Lender, Mortgagor's right to any insurance policies and proceeds resulting from damage to the Property before the acquisition shall pass to Lender to the extent of the Secured Debt immediately before the acquisition. Financial Reports and Additional Documents. Mortgagor will provide to Lender upon request, any financial statement or information Lender may deem reasonably necessary. Mortgagor agrees to sign, deliver, and file any additional documents or certifications that Lender may consider necessary to perfect, continue, and preserve Mortgagor's obligations under this Security Instrument and Lender's lien status on the Property. 6. DUE ON SALE. Lender may, at its option, declare the entire balance of the Secured Debt to be immediately due and payable upon the creation of, or contract for the creation of, a transfer or sale of the Property. This right is subject to the restrictions imposed by federal law (12 C.F.R. 591), as applicable. 7. DEFAULT. Mortgagor will be in default if any of the following occur: Fraud. Any Consumer Borrower engages in fraud or material misrepresentation in connection with the Secured Debt that is an open end home equity plan. Payments. Any Consumer Borrower on any Secured Debt that is an open end home equity plan fails to make a payment when due. Property. Any action or inaction by the Borrower or Mortgagor occurs that adversely affects the Property or Lender's rights in the Property. This includes, but is not limited to, the following: (a) Mortgagor fails to maintain required insurance on the Property; (b) Mortgagor transfers the Property; (c) Mortgagor commits waste or otherwise destructively uses or fails to maintain the Property such that the action or inaction adversely affects Lender's security; (d) Mortgagor fails to pay taxes on the Property or otherwise fails to act and thereby causes a lien to be filed against the Property that is senior to the lien of this Security Instrument; (e) a sole Mortgagor dies; (f) if more than one Mortgagor, any Mortgagor dies and Lender's security is adversely affected; (g) the Property is taken through eminent domain; (h) a judgment is filed against Mortgagor and subjects Mortgagor and the Property to action that adversely affects Lender's interest; or (i) a prior lienholder forecloses on the Property and as a result, Lender's interest is adversely affected. Executive Officers. Any Borrower is an executive officer of Lender or an affiliate and such Borrower becomes indebted to Lender or another lender in an aggregate amount greater than the amount permitted under federal laws and regulations. 8. REMEDIES ON DEFAULT. In addition to any other remedy available under the terms of this Security Instrument, Lender may accelerate the Secured Debt and foreclose this Security Instrument in a manner provided by law if Mortgagor is in default. In some instances, federal and state law will require Lender to provide Mortgagor with notice of the right to cure, or other notices and may establish time schedules for foreclosure actions. At the option of the Lender, all or any part of the agreed fees and charges, accrued interest and principal shall become immediately due and payable, after giving notice if required by law, upon the occurrence of a default or anytime thereafter. Lender shall be entitled to, without limitation, the power to sell the Property. The acceptance by Lender of any sum in payment or partial payment on the Secured Debt after the balance is due or is accelerated or after foreclosure proceedings are filed shall not constitute a waiver of Lender's right to require complete cure of any existing default. By not exercising any remedy on Mortgagor's default, Lender does not waive Lender's right to later consider the event a default if it happens again. 9. EXPENSES; ADVANCES ON COVENANTS; ATTORNEYS' FEES; COLLECTION COSTS. If Mortgagor breaches any covenant in this Security Instrument, Mortgagor agrees to pay all expenses Lender incurs in performing such covenants or protecting its security interest in the Property. Such expenses include, but are not limited to, fees incurred for inspecting, preserving, or otherwise protecting the Property and Lender's security interest. These expenses are payable on demand and will bear interest from the date of payment until paid in full at the highest rate of interest in effect as provided in the terms of the Secured Debt. Mortgagor agrees to pay all costs and expenses incurred by Lender in collecting, enforcing or protecting Lender's rights and remedies under this Security Instrument. This amount may include, but is not limited to, reasonable attorneys' fees, court costs, and other legal expenses. This amount does not include attorneys' fees for a salaried employee of the Lender. To the extent permitted by the United States Bankruptcy Code, Mortgagor agrees to pay the reasonable attorneys' fees Lender incurs to collect the Secured Debt as awarded by any court exercising jurisdiction under the Bankruptcy Code. This Security Instrument shall remain in effect until released. Mortgagor agrees to pay for any recordation costs of such release. 10. ENVIRONMENTAL LAWS AND HAZARDOUS SUBSTANCES. As used in this section, (1) Environmental Law means, without limitation, the Comprehensive Environmental Response, Compensation and Liability Act (CERCLA, 42 U.S.C. 9601 et seq.), and all other federal, state and local laws, regulations, ordinances, court orders, attorney general opinions or interpretive letters concerning the public health, safety, welfare, environment or a hazardous substance; and (2) Hazardous Substance means any toxic, radioactive or hazardous material, waste, pollutant or contaminant which has characteristics which render the substance dangerous or potentially dangerous to the public health, safety, welfare or environment. The term includes, without limitation, any substances defined as "hazardous material," "toxic substances," "hazardous waste" or "hazardous substance" under any Environmental Law. Mortgagor represents, warrants and agrees that: A. Except as previously disclosed and acknowledged in writing to Lender, no Hazardous Substance is or will be located, stored or released on or in the Property. This restriction does not apply to small quantities of Hazardous Substances that are generally recognized to be appropriate for the normal use and maintenance of the Property. B. Except as previously disclosed and acknowledged in writing to Lender. Mortgagor and every tenant have been, are, and shall remain in full compliance with any applicable Environmental Law. C. Mortgagor shall immediately notify Lender if a release or threatened release of a Hazardous Substance occurs on, under or about the Property or there is a violation of any Environmental Law concerning the Property. In such an event, Mortgagor shall take all necessary remedial action in accordance with any Environmental Law. D. Mortgagor shall immediately notify Lender in writing as soon as Mortgagor has reason to believe there is any pending or threatened investigation, claim, or proceeding relating to the release or threatened release of any Hazardous Substance or the violation of any Environmental Law. ©1994 Bankers Systems, Inc., St. Cloud, MN Form OCP- REMTG -WY 10/7/90 /Page 3 of 4) (7 So b eDed) (area) (a119nd SieloN) TO'O' rAQQl 8811.4 .ss (azmea)s) (ateu) 96 /L /Ol AM wod Nye 'pnoI0 19 "Dui 'swelsAS sieweg 4661p (Ieas) :sa.ndxa uotsstuuuoo AIN i\us ifg altS.. l bl" n/ Aq jo Sr •att• stgi am aiopaq pagpoimouxo' sem ivatunilsut sum, (ienplA!pul) ICI= fq=1, AO A.LNfOJ ONItWO M AO g LV'S UNIM1IOad'IMONINDV M 0I22 (alrozuft) /fil"'frb i a8zd uo palels alep agl uo luaumilsul Aipnoas sup jo Adoo jo idtaoaa sapalmouloe osle so3Oiiow •sluatugogfg ,cue ut pug luatutu1sul Ait.moas sup ut pauteluoo slueuanoo pue suual am of saaJ8g .Jo8u8uoj `motaq utu$ts /CH :SLUIILLVNOIS 'SL�i2Ig L 'IVNOLLIQUV '6i INK) siva21 pue saseal 3o ivatuuStssy [saxoq algeopdde IIu xoato] •Iuaurtulsul Altmoas slut Jo suual agi puaure pug ivautaiddns pug olut palgiodtoout are moiaq papago saapu agi jo goea jo sivauiaai ?g pug sluguanoo ata •Sgaar i •suonein5at pug smut imp alggopdde pug `palgooi st Auado.td agi =gm uouotpsunf agi jo smut agi Aq paitnbai wawa am of idaoxa `igaQ pa.moas agi ut of paa.tgu se smut am Aq patuano2 st luaut1uisul Sipnoas stg.L 'AAV I altIVOI'Iddd 'Li •paseala.t 'pun ioajJa ut uteuta.t Iltm luauttuisui Allmon sup `aouuluq ozaz u of pampa.' aq hut igaa paanoas agl g5nogild wan Jo autt sapniout igau pampas ata LIQMIO 30 AMI'I '9i •Ai.tadoad am 03 8upgia1 sl12U uotldtuaxa peaisautog tie put siassu pug suatl jo utliggs.1gut alp 2utptaa.t igpt.z Sim santem 1o2r2poyil 'mut Aq paltquto. luaixa agl of idaoxg •S.I1AIVM •sao2r2uotu lie of aopou aq of patuaap aq iltm 1o2e2uout auo of aotloN lutlum ut paleugtsap ssazppe Jaglo Sue 01 zo luauttuisul /fiunoas slut Jo i °Red uo ssatppe s,Auud aiutzdotddu agl of Itzut sseio tug Aq It 8umuut Aq Jo 1! guuanpap Aq uant5 aq pegs aotiou Aug `met Aq paitnba.z astm.tagio ssatun •aDIL0N •luaumtisut Aipnoas sup ut aouassa agl Jo Si atua •luatutulsul Aiunoas sup Jo suttai agi aupap zo lazdIalut of pasn aq of sou an pug Aiuo aouatuanuoo .to; an luaunuisui Alunoas sup jo suoioas agi jo autpeag pue suopdeo ata •.reln2uts am 'amid am pug tumid agi apnlout hugs imams agi `pasn 1anauagrn •ivaumulsui Aiunoas stgl Jo .taputeutar g1Io Aititggaotoiva am mpg iou flTM pug pazanas aq titm uotioas iggi `scuIal sit of 8utp1ooau pampa aq iouueo luauttulsul Alunoas sup jo uotioas Aue 31 •ivatuaaBg ualipm /Cq suoput.ren agi situuad Alpatldutt .Jo Aissatdxa mgt iugi ssaiun `antloaJia aq iou ptm mgt aigeotidde qlTM siotpuoo iggi igaa pa.moas alp 01 p01j0t luautaaAg Aug JO sluautgoeile `luaurtulsul Alunoas sup ut uotioas Aud •ivautaa1$e !gm Aq paptpout .10 papuatug aq iou Agut ivaunuisul Aitmoas stud, •paiu.18aiut AIIn3 pug alaidutoo st ivattnuisul Alt.m00S stUZ 'NOLLv,Lld?Ia,LNI A LnIgd2IaAaS '£T •zapua'I pug io2g2uoyg jo su2tsse pug s1ossaoons agi itiauaq pug putq hugs luauttuisul Ait.moas sup Jo sltjauaq pug satlnp a1Z •smei aotiou -auo .to Aouatotjap -pug Aug 'at paltun' iou 01g lnq `apnput Agut sni2t1 asata •uopatigo agi .tapun paigaput /cued Aug .to .1o8e8uoyst 1s111g8g uttuio 10 aotiou Aue ut5uuq t11013 10pu0'I luanaId Auut iggi s1.112p Aug °Munn 01 s0015e 10201.101AI '.IO8e8110N pug .1apua'I uaamlaq Aiuu.1gn5 g somas luatuttpsui Ait.moas slut ii •1gaa pa noas agi uo amp Alieuosiad aq of am &u iou saop .1o2g2uoyA pug igaQ patnoas alp jo luatuAed atnoas of Aua agi ut isazalut s,Jo8g uotAJ agauout of Aiuo os saop ao8g81.zoy\I 'Nap Jo aouaptna ue u8ts iou saop lnq luautnzlsul Ait.moas slut su8ts zo2r5uow 31 •Ignptntput pug WW1 a.tg ivautntisul A1t.moas stgl Japun sOIlnp ITV 'aNn011 SNOISSV aNV S2IOSSADDIIS !SIIaNOIS 'IVRQIAIQNI (INV INIOf 'Z •mo1osa ut aouuinsut pue saxes Jo; spunj 1apuaJ of Aud o1 pannbai aq iou item 1o8u211oyiI `luatuaat2u aig1udas e ut paptnoad °stm.ta ssaiun •LONdaIISNI QNd SIIXVL 2I04 MO?IOSII •ii nn '8i 'SI bi