HomeMy WebLinkAbout957695SUBORDINATION AGREEMENT The State of Wyoming County of Lincoln KNOW ALL MEN BY THESE PRESENTS: That, whereas, by instrument dated the 24th day of November, 2010, Cloudveil Ranches, LLC as grantor, executed and delivered to Irish Oil Gas, Inc. as grantee, an instrument generally termed a Mineral Deed, which is recorded in the records of Lincoln County, State of Wyoming, in Document Number ci 5'1 (p covering the following described property situated in Lincoln County, State of Wyoming, to -wit: SEE ATTACHED EXHIBIT "A" And whereas, Bank of Jackson Hole of the County of Teton, State of Wyoming, is the owner of a lien on said above described land as evidenced by Mortgage dated the 15th day of May, 2008, executed by Cloudveil Ranches, LLC to Bank of Jackson Hole which is recorded in the records of Lincoln County, Wyoming, to which, and the record thereof, reference is hereby made for all purposes, which lien was created to secure the payment of a certain promissory note given by Cloudveil Ranches, LLC in favor of Bank of Jackson Hole and described as follows, to -wit: Mortgagor: Cloudveil Ranches, LLC, a Wyoming Limited Liability Company Morgtagee: Sank of Jackson Hole Amount: $19,200,000.00 Dated: May 15, 2008 Recorded: May 16, 2008 Entry No.: 939050 Book/Page: 694/697 And whereas, Bank of Jackson Hole of the County of Teton, State of Wyoming, hereinafter styled lienholder, whether one or more, the present owner and holder of said lien and note believing it to be to lienholder's best interest to have said above described minerals sold. Said lienholder hereby approves said Mineral Deed above described, and hereby releases any lien which it holds against the minerals described in the mineral deed referenced herein. Lienholder agrees that if any default is made in the payment of the interest or principal of said note, when due, and said land is sold to satisfy the above described indebtedness, that the purchaser or purchasers buying said land at such sale or sales, shall take said land subject to said mineral deed above described. January, 2011 In testimony whereof, witness the signature of lienholder on this the 14 day of f eeefebe.F, -24}?; t. Bank of Jackson Hole: By: Scot.' Yandell Its: CEO Corporate Acknowledgment STATE OF: Wyoming COUNTY OF: Teton 2011 On this 14 day of Januar in the year X9.1-0, before me personally appeared Scott Yandell known to me to be tl and who executed the within and foregoing instrument as his own free act and deed and as the free act and deed of the said Bank of Jackson Hole for the purposes set forth therein. IN WITNESS WHEREOF, I have hereunto set my hand and affixed my notarial seal the day and year last above written. SHEILA WEITZ NOTARY PUBLIC COUNTY OF 11, STATE OF TETON _'i, WYOMING MY COMMISSION EXPIRES SEPIEMBER 13, 2014 MORTGAGE OR DEED OF TRUST SUBORDINATION AGREEMENT N ary Public in and for the State of Vivong Printed Name: Sheila Weitz Commission Expires: 9/13/14 O3 RECEIVED 1/19/2011 at 11:01 AM RECEIVING 957695 BOOK: 761 PAGE: 33 JEANNE WAGNER LINCOLN COUNTY CL MMERER, WY EXHIBIT "A" C0a03 Township 23 North, Range 117 West, 6 P.M. Section 05: NW4SW4, SE4SW4 Section 06: Lots 16(40.00), 18(45.76) Section 07: Lots 9(40.00), 15(40.00), SE4NE4 Section 08: NE4NE4, SW4NE4, W2SE4 Section 09: SW4NW4 Section 17: NE4NW4, N2SW4 Section 18: Lots 5(40.00), 8(46.12), 9(40.00), 10(40.00), 11(40.00), 12(40.00), 13(46.16), SW4NE4, NE4SE4 Section 19: Lot 13(46.39) Section 20: NW4SW4 Section 22: SW4SW4 Section 23: SW4SW4 Section 26: NW4NW4, SW4NW4 Section 27: SE4SW4 Section 28: NW4NE4, NW4NW4 Section 29: S2NW4 Section 30: Lot 10(40.00), S2NE4 Section 32: NE4SW4, SE4NE4 Section 33: NW4NE4 Section 34: NW4SE4, NW4SW4 Section 35: SW4NW4 Township 23 North, Range 118 West, 6u1 P.M. Section 01: SW4SW4 Section 02: Lots 5(39.96), 6(39.97), SW4SE4, SW4NE4, NW4SE4 Section 04: Lots 7(40.07), 8(40.08), SW4NW4, S2SW4, NW4SW4 Section 05: Lot 5(40.08) Section 09: NW4NW4 Section 11: SW4NE4, NE4SE4, NW4NE4 Section 12: NE4NW4, W2W2 Section 13: N2SE4, W2NW4, SE4NW4, SE4NE4 Section 14: SE4SW4, NE4SE4 Section 24: SW4SE4, NE4SW4 Township 23 North, Range 119 West, 6 P.M. Sections 2 3: Lot 69(160.43), Sections 5, 6, 7, 8: All those parts of tracts 67 and 77 lying West of the Bear River, containing 453.91 acres more or less Township 24 North, Range 118 West, 6 t11 P.M. Part of Tract 79 (Originally Lots 3, 4, of Section 7) Part of Tract 80 (Originally Lots 1, 2, of Section 7) Tracts 97F, 97G (Less parcel deeded to John Russell Thorncock, Sr. and Emma Lucy Thorncock at Book 509PR, Page 572) Section 06: Lots 20(30.95), 21(35.55), 22(3.66), 26(34.38), W2SE4 and all of Lot 17(40.00) and Lot 25(39.70); and that part of Lot 14 and Lot 24 of said Section 06 lying and being situated southerly of the following described existing fence line: Beginning at a point on the West line of said Lot 24, N00 °28' 15 "E, 578.54 feet of Corner No. 2 of said Tract 97, found as described in the Corner Record filed in the Office of the Clerk of Lincoln County; thence S89 °01' 12 "E, 583.41 feet along said fence to a point; thence S88 °45'49 "E, 457.47 feet along said fence to a point; thence S88 °50'51 "E, 421.64 feet along said fence and an easterly protraction of said fence to the east line of said Lot 14 Section 07: Lots 5(4.23), 10(4.74), 11(9.49), W2NE4, NW4SE4 Section 21: NE4SW4 Section 28: NE4NE4, E2NW4 Section 33: SE4NW4, E2SW4 Section 34: NE4NE4 Township 24 North, Range 119 West, 6 P.M. 43: Tracts 42(163.82), 43(335.67), 44(327.16), 45(159.73), 46(160 ?4), 50(159.49), 51(160.40), 54(159.98), 57(157.47), 58(159.88), 59(39.98), 66(159.67), 68(163.87), 69(155.99), 70(42.39), 71(165.19), 72(84.05), 73(83.37), 78(328.75), 81(164.50), 95(79.99), 97C(13.82) Part of Tract 79(23.01), 80(21.77) That part of Tract 77 lying West of Bear River containing 98.72 acres more or less Tracts 97D, 97E, 97F and 97G Less parcel deeded to John Russell Thomcock, Sr. and Emma Lucy Thomcock at Book 509PR, Page 572 That part of Tract 97 -H, Tract 97 -I, 97 -J, 97 -K, and. Lot 46 in Section 1 and. Lot 38 in Section 2, T24N, R119W, Lincoln County, Wyoming lying and being situated southerly of the following described existing fence line: Beginning at a point of the east line of Section 1, N00 °14'38 "E, 583.78 feet of the closing corner between said Section 1 and Section 6, T24N, R118W, on the south line of said Tract 97; thence N88 °53'04 "W, 881.38 feet along said fence to a point; thence N88 °50' 13 "W, 1070.76 feet along said fence to a point; thence N88 °47'59 "W, 690.86 feet along said fence to a point; thence N88 °47' 13 "W, 1011.30 feet along said fence to a point; thence N88 °42'26 "W, 934.30 feet along said fence to a point; thence N88 °41'49 "W, 457.76 feet along said fence to a point; thence N88 °20'37 "W, 560.07 feet, more or less, along said fence and a westerly protraction of said fence to the west line of said Lot 38 Section 01: Lots 20(39.47), 21(39.46), 24(39.45), 25(9.97), 29(37.91), 33(35.15), 34(35.13), 37(35.12), 45(25.97) Section 02: Lots 30(39.47), 33(39.46), 35(39.45), 37(39.44), S2 Section 03: Lot 43(39.58), SE4SE4 Section 10: N2SE4, NE4 Section 11: N2, SE4, E2SW4, NW4SW4 Section 12: Lots 10(25.56), 11(25.08), 18(4.86), 21(4.85), 22(4.84), 25(26.84) Section 13: Lot 3(4.48) Section 14: Lots 1(4.48), 4(4.48), 6(28.19), N2NE4, N2SE4, NE4NW4 Section 18: Lots 9(35.27), 10(35.33), 17(35.39), 18(35.45) Section 19: Lot 5(35.51) Section 20: Lots 4(24.41), 7(10.59), 10(28.22), 11(27.78), 14(1.52), 15(3.39), 27(27.34) Section 22: SE4NE4, N2SE4 Section 23: Lots 10(38.34), 22(38.35), 23(35.98), N2SW4 except N 75' of East 220' Section 26: NE4NE4 Section 27: Lots 12(35.29), 15(35.29), N2SW4(150.58 Gross Acres) Section 29: Lots 7(24.57), 20(23.48) Section 30: Lots 8(15.14), 10(22.94), NE4SE4 Section 31: Lots 6(21.41), 7(12.22), 10(12.28), 11(22.22), W2NE4, E2NW4 Township 24 North, Range 120 West, 6 P.M. Section 13: Lots 1(19.37), 12(37.13), E2NE4, SE4, Tract 39 Section 24: Lots 1(19.30), 14(37.13), SE4NE4, E2SE4, N2NE4, r2NW4, SW4NE4 Section 25: SW4NE4, SE4NW4 Section 26: N2SE4, S2NE4, N2SW4, NW4 Township 25 North, Range 117 West Section 21: W2NW4, SW4, W2SE4, SE4SE4 Section 27: W2NW4, NW4SW4 Section 28: NW4 Section 33: SW4NE4, SW4NW4 Section 35: SW4NE4, N2SE4