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Carl F. Moser and Mal%, Lou Moser, True=ecs of the Carl P. Moser Family Trust,
dated June 20, 1985, an ~ndivided one-half (1/~) in~erest and Carl
and Mary Lou Mosar, Trustees of the Mary Lou Moser Family Trust, ~ted June
20, 1985, an undivided one-half (1/2}
Grantors of Thayne, County of Lincoln, Sta~e of Wycmin~
hereby CO~Y and WAR~T
Carl F, Moser and NRry Lou Mosar, husband =nd wife~ ~s 'z~nants by the
Granzees of Box 9~8, Thayn~, WY 8~127
for the sum of Ten Dollar~ and other good and valuable consideration
~he followin~ described tract of land in Lincoln Count...,-, ~uate of Wyoming,
hereby releasing ~nd waivin~ ~11 righZs under and by virtue of the
~x~mption laws of the State, to-wit:
Lot 93, Prater Canyon E~taCes, Unit 4, as shown by tho official plat of said
subdlvl$ion filed 6 July 1970 as filin~ no. 423838 in ~he Office of the
Co'unty Clark of L~ncoln County, Wyoming.
Subjesu to reserva~on~ and restrictions contained in the
Pa~n~ and ~o easements and ri~'ht.~-of-w~y of r~cord or J.n use.
To,ether with all improvements and appurtenances thereon.
Mary.. ~/~'M°~er' Truste~
County of L,~
On gh~ay' of O~ A.D. ~001, personally appeared before me, Carl
P. Mos~r and Mary Lou ~4oser, as Trus=a~s known or identified u.o me
~erson~.whos~ names are sub~=l'ibed to the within inatrumen~, and ~cknowled~ed
o me that they executed the same. / / / .