HomeMy WebLinkAbout957788H ickman landTitleCo SINCE 1904 2 RECEIVED 1/25/2011 at 2:41 PM RECEIVING 957788 BOOK: 761 PAGE: 370 JEANNE WAGNER LINCOLN COUNTY CLERK, KEMMERER, WY AFFIDAVIT 000 370 I, Daniel J. Woolwine, being first duly sworn on oath, depose and say: That I am a citizen of the United States of America over the age of 21 years, and a resident of Wyoming. That I was well and personally acquainted with Kristen D. Woolwine, in that certain Warranty Deed dated August 27 2003 and recorded in Book 533, at Page 451, as Filing No. 893091 in the office of the Recorder of Lincoln County, Wyoming. That I know of my own knowledge that Kristen D. Woolwine in the said deed and mentioned in the attached Certified Copy of Certificate of Death was one and the same person. This affidavit is intended to terminate the ownership of said in the following described property: Lot 49 of River Ranches Fishing and Equestrian Estates at Freedom, Wyoming, according to that plat filed November 16, 1994 in the Office of County Clerk, Lincoln County, Wyoming as instrument No. 793710, Plat No. 351. Tax Roll No. 3519- 271 -00- 207.00 Dated this 18 day of January 2011 A.D. Daniel J. Woolwine State of Wyoming County of Teton S S Commission expires: Residing in: C INDIVIDUAL ACKNOWLEDGMENT Notary Pu.lic 000371 On the 18 day of January A.D. 2011 personally appeared before me; Daniel J. Woolwine the signer of the within instrument, who duly acknowledged to me that he executed the same. PENNY DYKES NOTARY PUBLIC COUNTY OF STATE STATE OF TETON WYOMING MY COMMISSION EXPIRES: 8 27 2014 �pN� M1 X41 II, II!Il I 'I IIIIII 11 �Fl"I'I rJlrr p l 9r�l /y' I U 1 1/r II I 1 I I 1'I �ll�llll!III u!I r l l l� llll�11I!(l/ I' I I I �11 III ll l ruler ll'l� rll /7r IIIII l rrl l i /,r, q�l, I ist I f8 Ohio Department of Health II I u II I I I u u I ,p j IIIIr I';II I I III VITALSTATISTICS ilhl� ll ✓�1 R �t hf x,111801 State File No OO 'II l/ (r! lrr r r I l lM1 II� �II p VIII or rint n ermanent blue or black Ink CERTIFICATE OF DEATH li'!l /i ail q 0 7 I %err„ I! III �I�ll II I'I� r I oIIIpI 1.Decedents Legal Name(Include AKAs if any)(First Mid le, LAST, suffix) 2. Sex 3. Dale of Deolh (Mo /Day/Year) KRISTEN DENISE WOOLWINE Female December 30, 2010 4. Social Security Numb 5as `Age 5b, Under 1 Year 5c. Under 1 day- 6. Date of 13irth(lrto/Oay/Year) 7. Birthplace(Cily and Slate or Foreign Country} (Yers) Months Days Hours Minutes December28 1974 PARMA, OHIO a. Residence State 8b. County 8c, City or Town WYOMING LINCOLN FREEDOM 8d. Street and Number 8e. Apt. No. 8. Zipcode 8g. inside City Limits? 149 RIVER RANCH LOOP 83120 No W10 gell'tl. IIIe) III�'I IIW "'I j �'pl I;''c 9. Ever in US Armed Forces? 10. Marital Slalus at Time of Death 11. urvivinQ Spous Name (If wile, ve name pn flram 2 Decedenl'sEducatton Nettled 13,DecedemofHispenic Origin NIEL JEr� D4 D c INE illl!ii�lllil lyllu III III;11 IIINII�(Ilr 7IIIIIIjIIj jlli,l IIIIII�G4111II lall I'hI 'I!IIIIIIII�IIIII, ....n COLLEGE, BUT NO DEGREE No White p II I ul,l ypii�iA•ea IIIIIIII. III III IP,I IIpIjIII _!IIi�I IIIIIIIIIi lul .I!II I�I,�hIIIIaI rr I IILII I II 4 IIII I I I III I �I71,1I r..ae ROBERTmHAGQ�UIST 16 Mthes 11) IIIIIIIII !ilhljilll�Ilh' IIIII' �'I:I'll'�IIIIIIVIIII�;;;al,ll ani�r w 17a. Inform�nt's Name 17b. Relationship to Decedent 170. Mailing Address (SI'r7 I' 0114 Nombor,'City. Stale, ZI =a DANIEL J. WOOLWINE Souse P.O. BOX 13644 q I Ip I I' �rM1 i rplrhllll 1 r pII II VIIII 18a. Pia Dt3810 L VI. t II I I i �lll'III� II E 1 aN 1p' FC�UNDATION CLEVELAND OH 44195 G�,YA p� HO li p Ii1 d o n III I I I I I I 1111111 IIIII I,IU l (ri1 rill l i. II III IIIII II a II IG I I r II pt nil „I� 9n r Ora I "i 1 ee or Oth gent 20. License Number (of licensee) 21Q Name and Complete A��dd TO ress of FurVeral F eciafy ql 22a. Meth I f D IPIId IoW !��,I, 00 6243 Disposllion J O N S ON RC 1'4FU Cremation J& asZC� f 2c, aca,o tepee t on ame o metery, rematory, or other ace 22d. Locatio (Cily/Town and State) 9819 DARROW RD OHIO A VAULT WORKS CREMATORY VALLEY VIEW, ON TWINSBURG, OH 44087 egrslras ignalure ale Filed 26a. Noma of Person )ssumg Buf161 Perm t 5b. Istf7G1 0. 25c. Date Surlal Fermit Issued YARISHLYNDA'" 180 9 3 eels 26a. Cannier 1 Certifying Physician (Chadt only Of e) To Iho Ix>stof an knovA y edge, death oowrrod al the limo, date, and place; and due to the use(s) W1d manner s(aftd/IIII!i'li I I 1 I II y I I IIII If i 1 Coroner .I'' PiI 11111111111 IIIIII I uIIQllllll {Illld On ew baste of oxaminagon etW(o( Invasiigatlon, in my optnbn death occuued al Iho oink dale anf) pfAco ar>{f d Al l l�h die) a Il iaal T or sIq� tl I�IIIIh�IIh II i i b. Time of De th 26c. Oate Pronounced Dead o //Year y Da 26d a Icase rL a o IIII III 1 I Ill1 �I 'to `I I,iJ l j �Iu I�lu I �dl II I d�I lul� Id 2_ O 2 iJ IIII Ilhlll @ltllpllllll 111 Iry VI IIpIlI1 26 e. Signature and Tlll f ertifler 26f. Ucense number 26q IiI 111111II' 'VI I I i ^IIII�IIIIII�II (IIIIIIIIII I �Iy'II�I�II �Ihpp r-'' 35,093467 i I I�III�I 2. „I�,o��lllu�IJI V 27. Name (Last. 9 n Ei Mid"die)and A dres Consequence. of) s of Person who Completed Cause of Death KHAN, MOHAMMED AHMED, 9500 Euclid Ave. CLEVELAND, OH 44195 art IIIW p p or a comp p lea ens iat catw o e 0 er e o y ng. su such as oar ac or ra ry sp r o arroet, we or laar a ore is Approximate nterva I I�' o �Ib Ff to es, na Type ar plot in pennanart bitty or black ink. li r% r /,9tween Ont andDeat�' dletd I I nl I III �,Il f(v �2 c. .S cv p G I tee L Q C o- ll ut; %'A� ilnllgo 1 �II ddl i rr r y l/ f .1 Illy :r ✓r '.h ul II I I ll,/ ,r br l'1 /till 71 1p` in to iaie'III�I 1111'pl'1� lr ll9� IIIIII I III �II ,rr,,,r ✓,rl r /;r�r! use.. Due to (or as Consequence of) .nterllnderlying Caus (J gyihat i /r,,,, initialed events resulting d `Due to (or as Consequence pt) 1n$ death) ar a gn Den Don oneeon r u ng to oat ut,not reeulang,in he under y ne emueogvon in an 29a. Was An Autopsy 29b. Were Autopsy findings.. Performed? Available Prior To Completion Of Cause of Death? Yes .No [Yes No Not Applicable l Tobacco Use ontr bolo to oath? 31. if emote, Pregnancy Status 32. Manna o Deat of pregnant within past year Natura l omicid l 1 II II ral lull I1I lll�l!I�I� i'.I I Il 1 IIIIII flQl III 111 I I �I I J II I II I I ]Yes: Unknown 42 days of death Pregnartat timeofdeath Accide I lli! till' lj lll' �y di igtYl "IIIII hllll u lp! 1 'I, Illl p ll Not pregnant, but pregnant within nt I r' ill' III, No. Prob Not regnant, but re nant 43 da s to 1 ear before death Suicide III i 1 1 1 1 I I I�I�II�III OIII�II ate IIII I d T ill I l i (J Y p p g Y Y I III 41 IIIII Unknownif re nentwithinlhe asl ear I, VII �IIO nS�Itldld 1p't11 )�III��II�IhIJ 3a: Date of Injury (MolDayIYear) 33b. Time of Injury 33c. Place of Injury (e.g., Decedent's home, construction site, restaurant' woorla (oalll IIIII H Injljll I 1 Wo II j1 IjIlllli l h)pI, 11 1� I�IIbI11� �i' Null I'u!iPillll I Ilil1 /I, I] Y3 d' a II Illa IIII,IUllall� Ipl.1' I I�ti�l�llll °I d ItI 330, Location of Injury (Street and Number or Rural Route Number, City orTown, S(ate) ,7 ,���pp V l JIIIII''dll III Illllllll�d„ ac w I 1 hied 339,: l Trandpoftation Injury, $peeUy 'Ir, l4 /fir 'i, 0 r i I I III I ilU ,I ODrerloporatorr {h b deatrian/i/i n Passe g(�r II uYyI �I,. II II III I I IIIII I III Ether.; ll r l' e/ i.l� p�iyi�r Ills I Till Illor III IIII h r I r/ a lr r %b 1 72 t/e IIIIIIIIIIIIIIIII "�Illlllllll IIII rNPI I pIr ill ylI IltlludllNl I I 1� II� Ohl pf wl!II \\\(l hll'Iy141uIII�I�I�INIII(I!! i l ,,r„ jl1 (;1%r Illlnll. �NNlul Iluoou. �rim,l, 3 I L: u lniil l lll� l llll4 III I� t II I I I�III�IIII ',IIII �'I��I�����IIIIII IIII�III u II i'II III IIIII I p i ,ll I III I II E IIII °IIIII Ndllll ul�li�l II4pl 11 a IIIGII. 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