HomeMy WebLinkAbout871970;oale44 uo14OE1; Atm to s ;onpold —Aq wneloiled pue wnelaled 'UOIleuwll ;nOy ;IM 'apnioul Oslo Heys „eoue;sgns snoplezeq„ pug „sISBM SnopleZBL„ SLUM) eqj •Bu!oBelo; ay; ;o Aug o; iuensind peldope suoieineal to 'semi 'smut lalaped to ems algeolldds aaylo to "Pas le 1O69 uolloeg 'o s n a 'lo`d AienooeHH pue uoienlesuo0 eomosad ay; '•bas le '1.081 uoi;oes '0'S•n 6b '10V uouepodsueJi sleualej snopleze- ay; '(„ydyS 66b 'oN '1 'qnd '986L ;O toy uollez!Joylneea pue sluewpuewy pun;iednS a11l „y10830 'bas la 1.096 uoiloaS 0 s n Z7 'Pepuawe se '0961 ;o lob' A ;Illgell pue '1101 ;ESUadwo3 'esuodse4d le;uewuonnu3 enisueyaldwo0 ay; ul qpo; ;es se s6ulueew ewes eql anaq Heys 'e6e13po;n4 sly; ul pesn se „'esaeial paualealy;„ pue „'eseele;„ lesodsip„ „'eoue ;sgns snoplezey„ „'alseM snopaezey„ swig; eqj •seoueldgns snopiezuH 'amen s ;i enlasald o4 Alessaoeu aoueueiulew pue 's;uaweoeidaJ 'slledal He wmoped AHdwad pug uoiipuoo algelueual u! AIladold ay; ule ;ulew Heys _mum *wiping of Aim •Alpedo.d NI WOJ s4ued NI ;gallop pug Apedoid aq a6euaw pug a;aiado pus ;o lolluoo pue uoissessod ui Uiewei Aew Jo;uslo 'linejep Ui Illun 'asn pue uolssassod :suolslnoJd 6uIM011o; e4# Aq paulano6 eq Heys Apedoid 041 ;o esn pue uolssassod s,lolutrl0 ;NI seel6e lojUel •e6e6;loin4 sly; iepun suoile6114o S,lowue10 ;o He upped WI* Heys pue'anp ewooeq Aegl se e686poyy sw; Aq painoas s ;unowe Ile iepuei 01 Asd lleys lolue. 10 'e6e6poiq sly; ui pepinold esi uay ;o se ;deox3 '33NVWUOdd3d ONV IN3INAVd :SWd31 DNIMO110d 3H1 NO 031d333V ONV N3AIO SI 30VD11:10W SIH1 'SiN3Wf130O a31V131:1 31-11 ONV 3DVDldOW SIH1 d30Nf1 HOINVHD d0 SN0I1VDil90 11V d0 33NVWd0dd3d (Z) aNV SS3NO31930NI 3H1 AO 1N31NAVd (L) 3df1O3S 01 N3AI0 SI 'Ald3d0dd 1VNOSd3d aNV S1N3U 3411 NI 1S31:131NI A1Idf1O3S 3H1 aNV S1N3d AO 1N3WNDISSV 3H1 DNlafiIONI `3DVDIUOW SIH1 'Apedoid ay; wog; penuap s ;jeueq 10440 pug 'sli ;old 'senssi 'awooul 'senuanaJ 'squat aim; pue lueseid Ile sueew „slualj„ pJOM 241 'swab! •sseupe ;gapui ay; gym uolloeuuoo ui pe;noaxe 'Builsixe Je eeJay JO Mou Jeq;eyM 'sluewnoop pue sluaweaiBe 's ;uewrulsul 1a44o He pug 'Ism; ;o speap 'se6e6pow 's;ueweal@e A;imoes 'salluBlen8 'slueweel6e leluewualnua 'slueweaJ6e ueol 's ;ueweaJ6e pen 'se ;ou AJossiwad HB uoileliwil ;noyl!M apmoui pug 'mew „s;uewnooa peeled„ spJoM eqj 'sluawnooa panelau •uolioes „e6e6pow ;o luglo„ ay} ui enoge pequosep sly6u pug sjsaJelui 'Alladold aq; ueaw „Apadwd lead„ SpJoM ayi 'Alladojd lead 'Apedoid laUoSJed 041 pue Apadold lead 044 Aleniloaioo sueew „Apedoid., P10M eqj 'Aiadad •Apedold eq; ;o uoiisodslp lay ;o to ales Aug wa; (swniwald to spun ;al pus speaowd aousmsui He uoi ;sllwll lnoy ;lM 6wpnioui) spaeooad 1B 11HM Jagle6o; pus :Apedoid Lions ;o Aue 'lo; suoi4nlpsgns Hs pus ;o s;uawaoeldea lle 'oI suoilippe pue 'shed 'suoisseooe ilB yHM Jey1e60; :Alladold lead ay; of paxl;;e to payoe ;le 10400124 to Mou pue 'lo4uelo Aq pOUMO 1eyBelel 1O MOu A;ladold leuosied ;o selolpe la ;o pue 'saln}xi; 'luawdinbe Ile ueaw „Apadold leuosled„ spaoM 041 'Alaadad leuos1ad •s4ua43 pue Apedold leuosled 2111 of 6ullelaa suolsinold Is9194UI AHlnoes pus s;uawu6isse ll0 uoile;!wil inoyllM sepniOU! pus 'lepual pus to ;uel0 ueeM;eq e6e6poinl sigl sueew „e6e6poW„ prom eyi 'a6e6uo4N •a686poinl sly; Jepun ea6e6liow 041 si lapual 0141 •su6isss pus slossaoons sI! HONVd8 NOldV 1VNOIIYN 1Shcd sueew „lepual„ pioM ayi •Japua •aoueieq alelpawIalui Aue pue anoge papinad se ;lwll;lpai3 ayi o; do aaz WOJ1 awn of awn wo.i; luawaaJby;IPOI3 ay1 Japun 6uipuelslno aoueieq 0111 samaas abe6lJoyy 9;114 lem Japual pue JolueJD Jo uoilualw aql si 11 ivawaaJ6y ;ipoJO ai4 ui papinwd se liwii 31p913 all 0903x0 sou Heys 'ydeJ6eJed siyi ul papinad se paOUenpe Jo papuadxa slunowe Aue pue 'sa6Je113 Jaylo 'sa6eiano Ale,iodwal Aue 'Iuawaa.i6V 1113913 ayi ul papinad se wns Jo ale) aigeiaen 20 pax!; 0 le aoueieq Lions uo sa6Jego aoueul; 6uipni;aui IOU 'awl} auo Aue 4e 6ulmo aoueieq 6uipuelslno 12104 014 ley4 uogellwil ail 04 loalgns 'awl{ 01 awn wa; apewaa pue 'medal 'spew aq Amu saouenpe yang •IuawaaJ61/ 4;p923 a ;o swig, 0 119 411m saildwoo Jo4ULJ0 se 6uol os plug/9 04 saauenpe a);ew 04 JapUa1 sal26ligo yalim 'map ;o awl 6u;AlonaJ a SWIMS a6e61IOW sly{'uoi4e4iwil InoU4im'AlleOi;iaads •e6e6pow sly; ui pepinold se SIunowe Lions uo 192/04111 Lino n Jegje6o; 'e6e6poW 81144 Jepun 1oIUe1O ;o suoHe6ilgo eolo;ue o; Jepuei Aq pennoul sesuedxe to lo4ue10 ;o suoile6iigo e6Jeyosip o; Jepuei Aq peouenpe Jo papuadxa sjunowe Aue pus ;ueweel6y 41Pa13 044 'spun aigeABd 190004U! pus led!oupd Ida sueew „sseupa4gepui„ prom eta •ssaupalgapul 'Apedoid lBBid 244 uo uoi ;onlisuoo 19440 pue s;ueweoeidel 'suoljippe 'sewilou4 'Apedoid lead try; uo pexl;;e sewoy wow 'sam ;oni;s 's6uipiinq 'sluawanoidwi em4n; pue 6ui ;slxe HB U ;e4iwii ;noyl!M sepnioui pus sueew „s4uawenoadwl„ ;NoM a •sluawanoadwi •sseupejgepul 844 Uuum 1101 ;0euUOo ui sewed uo14epoww000e pue 's014ams 'sio4ue1Bn6 ayi ;o fig pue pea uoi4e4iwii ;no441M sepnloui pug sueew „Jo;UeJeno„ ;Dom mu •Jo4u22en0 •e6e64JoW 9144 Jepun Jo6e6;1ow ay; sl loluel0 •0686 ;1oyy s!y ;o uogoes ssaupe ;gepul Builsix3 814# ui Moleq pegposep sseupe ;gepui ay; ueew „sseupa44epul 6ulIslxB„ spJoM eta •ssaupa4gapul 6uilslx3 1ueweeJ6y yipal0 044 suoIn;l}sgns pue ;o suoyepllosuoo '40 s6uiauBUya1 '4o suoi4eoi ;ipow ;o suo!sue x8 '40 siemeue; 11g 441m 101149601 00 OOO 9 ;O iIwll lIpaao a LniM loIue10 pus Jepuel ua9Mleq '1.00Z '63 A18nigad pa40p ;uaweeJ68 pen 4o owl Buinional 0111 UeeW „4ueweel y ;ipa10„ spIoM eta •luawaa16V lipaJO 'sopawy ;o sole ;S pel!Ufl 811; 1 Aeuow in ;Mel u! sIunowB Until Heys slunowe mop o4 seoua1a4a1 Hy 'apo0 IeioJewwo0 wJo;iun ay; Ui swla4 Lions o4 paingllne s6ulueew 044 entry 118 e686410 4 9144 ui 00111 ;ap esIMleylo mu suns' •06864J0 4 9144 ui pesn ua11M s6ulueew Bu1MO4O; 044 en0y 11014s sp10M BU1MOpo; BILL 'SNOIIINId3a 'web; pug Apedoid IBUOS)ed all ul ;swa4ui A4pnoes epos leiolawwo0 wlo;iun 8 lepua104 s ;ue16 Jo ;utr10 'uoglppe ul •A;1adold 811; w01; slued He pus Alladold 841 4o SOSeel He 04 pue ui ;S0104Ul pue '44611 s,ao4uea0 ;o He lepUe1 04 su6lsse AIueseld 10 ;11200 OL 1.£8 AM `NOLAV 68 AMH 88£6L se uMOU) A1uoWwoa s! sseappe el! JO AL,Jadoad Zest all ..V.. 118IHX3 03H3V11V 33S „Apedoid lean„ ayn) 6u!woAM io Ole1s 'Ajuno0 N100N11 uI paleoo1 'sJellew JeHwis pue lewle44oe6 'Se6 'Ho 'sieJeuiw HB uogeliwH lnoy;4M 6uipnioui 'Apedoid lee1 044 0; 6uilela! s;i ;old pus 'sagieAo-1 'S ;y6u 181440 Ile pue :(s #4611 uoi48Bu11 to yo41P y ;im sail!Hln ui >ppols Buipnloui) s ;11611 pip pue seslnoole8M '544611 1848M '1e;eM He seougue;lndde pue 'ABM ;O sly6p 's4uawesee H8 aeln4xi; pus s4uewenoldwi 's6uippnq pexi ;8 to pe4oele Alluenbesgns 10 Bui ;sixe 11e 411M lay ;a6o; 'Apedoid 1891 pegposep Bu!Mollo; 0141 0; pue UI ;mewl pus 'al ;il ;11611 S,lo4ueJD ;o 14 Japua1 0l sAaAUO3 pue sot/841m Jo4U9J0 'uolleJaplsuoa a;gen;en J0 •39VD1dOW d0 1NV1:10 aapuai„ se Mo1aq of paue;e) 01.L£8 AM `NOldV `1331:11S NOIDNIHSVM bL£ 'OZ9L X08 '0'd s! ssaappe asoyM `HONVH8 NO1LV NNVS 1VNOIIVN 1SuiA pus „aoLueaD„ se Molaq o} paaaa4aa) O1-1.£8 AM `NO1dV '68 AMH 88£61 s! ssaappe asoyM `3JIM ONV ONV8SfH 'H313M 'V VSII PUs H313M 33N31:IMV1 ussmisq `l.00Z '£Z A1:IVf1H:183I 031V0 SI 3DVD.UOIN SIHl 3DVD1HOV AINO 3Sf1 S.d30d033d HOd SI 3N11 SIH1 3AO9V 3OVdS r 1OVd lid •f- 3100S 9 N1I''VO),/ 't i;7b'd14 1 S ;9 Iat+ 9 silud I a N8330 &1NflQ3 N1OONCj (33A1333 d 0 41 '1-1313M 'V VSI1 Pug H313M 3ON3HMV1 sueew „lo;Ue10„ paoM eta •Jo4ue20 0 'A11:13d0Hd 3H1 AO 33NVN31NIVW ONV NOISS3SSOd 01.LE9 AM `NOldV 69 AMH 99E61 H313M 'V VSI1 Pug H313M 33N31:IMV1 :01 S33110N XVl ON3S 01. LE9 AM `N01WV 13381S NOIONIHSVM PLC OZ9l. X09 0'd 3NVH9 NO1AV 1VNOIIVN 1Sh1d :01 1IVIN U30d033E1 N3HM 014E9 AM'NOlUV 13391S NOIDNIHSVM 'LE OZ9L X09'O'd HONVd9 NOldV 1VNOIIVN 1SUId :AB 031s3no i NOI1V0H033E1 Illk Him Bulop os u! spuedxe.1epuei ;eLi; ;unowe Auy •e ;eIJdoJdde sweep Japuai ley; uoiloe Aue ;alai '0; peilnbeJ eq )ou Heys ;nq'Maw 1lgyaq s,Jo;ugi9 uo Jepuai 'Apedwd ay; u! s}saJ9 ;11! s,Japuei ;Dane AHe!Jal &W pinom 48(41 peOUawwoO s! BulpaaooJd Jo uo11E Aue 1! Jo 'Moleq pennbei se Bulpue ;s pooh u! ssaupe;gepul 6unslx3 u1BjUleW o; uone6114o Aue 6ulpnpu! 'eB86pow sty} 10 uolslnold Aue y41M Aldwoo o; SHe; JO}UBJ9 lI •H3UN31 A9 S3Hn11UN3dX3 •ssaupa }gapu! Bunslx3 ey; jo Jeppy ey; o; elgeAed ;ou speeowd ey; 1 uolpod ;eq; o; Apo Aidde Heys speeoold to uOlsopp Jo; eBe6pow sly} ul suols!AOld 844 'ssoi uo edgeAed awooaq aouemsul A41 won speeoold Aue l! •;uaweJlnbeJ eouelnsu! to uo!}eoildnp 8 81n ;1 ;51100 pinoM a6e6 ;low sly; to sum; ey; yip eouelldwoo ;ue ;xe 044 o; 'eBe6pow sly; Jepun suols!noJd eouelnsu! ay; yl!M eoue!IdWOO a ;n}gsuoo Heys sseupalgepul 8UI S!x3 Lions 6upueP!Ae;uewn .1 }su! ay} u! peuleluoo suolS!Awd eouemsu! ay; y ;M aouBHdwoo '4oa11e ul s! mope; pegposep ssaupa ;gepui 6ul ;spx3 Aue yolym u! poi .1ad ey; 6uuna •ssaupa;gapul 6ugslx3 y;lM a3uendwo3 Apedwd Lions 10 eles ;wisdom; Aue ;e Jo '96eB }low sly} 10 sUols!nOJd ey; Japun play is Jew Jo eles s,ea}snn Aim le a6e6;low sly; Aq pe .1anoo ApadoJd ey; to Jeseyolnd ay; 'o4 ssed pus '10 ;11aueq ay; 0; mu! Heys eOUeJnsu! pandxeun Auy •ales ;e aouemsul paJidxaun •JolueJ0 o; pled eq Heys spaeowd yons'sseupejgapui ey; to Hn; u! 4uewAed Jaye speeoold Aue splay Japuel n •ssaupa ;gapui ey; jo eouoleq ladpu!Jd ay; o; peidde eq Heys 'Aue 1l 'Japulewaj ey; pue '4s01a4u1 penJOOe Aed o} uay; 'a6e8;low sly; Japun Japuai 01 BuIMO !unowe Aue Aed o; ism pasn aq Heys Apedwd e44 1 uOiBJO ;seJ Jo nude! ay; 01 pa4;wwoo Jou sey Japuai yoIgM pue }dleoeJ nay; Jaye sAep 091 ulyyM pasJngslp ueeq Jou eAey yolyM spaaoold Auy •a6e6}low sly; Jepun;nelap ul;ou s! Jo }ueJg;! uol }e.1o4saj Jo nuclei to 4soo elgeuoseoJ ey; Jo; speeoold ay} woJ; Jo;ue19 esingwlaj .10 Aed 'ainipuedxe Lions 10 ;ooid AJopBlsp }es uodn 'Heys Japuai Jepuei o} AJoloelsl ;es .19uuew a U! s}uawenoldwl peAonsep Jo pe6Ewep ey; eoendei Jo medal Heys Jo}uEio 'JledaJ pue uoneJOlseJ o} spaaoold ey; Add o; sloop Japuai 11 •A;JedoJd ey; 1O nede.1 pue uoneJO }sal e41 Jo 'Apedwd eq; 6u13oel;e ue!I Aue jo ;uawAed 'sseupe;gepul ey; 10 uol ;ortpei ay; o; spaaoold ay} Aidde 'uol ;Dale 5; 18 'Aew Japuel 'panedw! 5! A ;noes s,Japuel Jou Jo Jey;ayM •Ai8nseo ay; to sAap (g 4) uaayn u1411M os op o; Sle; mime ssoi jo Zooid ejsw Aew Japuel •A ;JadoJd ey; o; e6ewep Jo SSbi Aue to Jepuai A1nou Andwwd Heys JOIUBJ0 •spaa3OJd ;o uone3llddy •UE01 ey; 1 wje; ey; Jol aouemsul Lions ulelulew o; pus 'Jepuel Aq pannbej esiMJaylo se Jo `waJ6oJd eouemsul poold 18u0l1eN ey; Japun ;es s ;lwll Ao!lod wnwlxew ey; o; do 'ueoi ey; jo eoueleq ledpuud pledun !in; ay; Jo; eouemsul pooid 18Jepad ul8;Uiew pus u!elgo o; 599.168 JO }UBJO 'Ben pJezey pool; Roads 8 sE Aoue6y luewe6euBw Aoue6Jew3 !eloped ey; 10 Jo }o9na ay; Aq pa}8ue!sep 88.18 U8 u! p0 ;emol ewooeq awn Aue ;e Apedwd leeH ey; pings •uos .1ed Jam Aue Jo Jo}ueJO 10 ;Inalep Jo uolsslwo 'pet Aue Aq A8M Aue u! paJledwl eq }ou IIIM Japuel 10 Jong; u! e68Janoo ley; 6u1PIAwd IUOwasJOpu9 U8 epnpu! Heys osie AoHod eOUeJnsu! pug •83IOU Lions 9A16 0; smile; Jot Amen s,JaJnsul ey; 10 Jew!8pslp Aue BUluleluoo 1011 pue Japuai o} eOl ;OU uafUM JoIJd ,sAop (0 4) ue ;10 wnwlulw a lnoy }IM peyslulwlp JO pelleoueo eq ;ou HIM e6eJ0AO0 lay; uoneindns 6ulule;000 JeunsU1 (4080 won 86EJOA00 1 sele0nnJ00 Japuai 0} JeAHap Heys JOIUOJS •Japuai o1 aige}d8008 AlgeuosoeJ eq Aew se wio1 Lions u! pus seluedwoo aouemsul Bons Aq uel}!JM eq Heys sepllod •Japuai to JonoI ul esn8p ee6e6pow pJepue ;s 8 y1IM pue 'esnOlo OouOJnsuIOo Aue ;0 uon80ydde Alone o; luaplyns ;unowe U8 u! ApedoJd IB9H ay} uo s ;uawenOJdw1 pe 611 IJOAOo amen algeJnsul in; ay; .101 s1S8q lueweoeidOJ e uo s ;uewasJOpue 06E18n00 pepua;xe pJepue ;s y ;IM aouemsul an; jo selollod ule4upew pue a noold Heys Jo;U8J0 •aouemsul 10 aaueua;ulew •a6e60ow 5l11110 ;Jed a am ApedoJd ey; 6uIJnsu! o; Noma, suols!AOJd 6U!MOlo1 ayl •33NV1:1fSNI 39VINVO AlH3dOHd •sIuawenOJdW! (40 (1940 ;sop ey; Aed Him pue UE0 Jo }U8JO ley; Japuai 0; AJ0IOBIS!48S S80USJr1SSB eouenpo Japuai 01 yspumI Japuai 10 lsenbeJ uodn HIm Jo;u8J0 •sle!Ja;ew .10 'S80lnJas ')1JOM ey} 10 luno008 uo pepasse eq moo uaH Jew) .10 'ua!I S,U9WI8IJ8IEW 'uaH S,0!UByoew Aue 1! 'Apedwd ay; o} pe!iddns 8JB s18u0;8w Aue Jo 'paysluJnI eJe sa01AJas Aug 'paouawwoo 5! )iJOM Aue 0J049q SAep (g d) uaayn }sea! ;e Japuel Amu Heys J011.1 1310 •uononJ;suo3 10 aOlioN •Apedwd ay} 1Swe6e s ;uawssesse pue semmm ay; to 4uawa ;e }s ue4IJM a awl} Aue }8 Jepuai o; JeAH8p 0 1 Ie;U9WUJOA06 eleudoJdde 811} ezIJoy }ne Heys pus swewsSOSSe .10 Saxe; ey; 10 }UawAed 10 eouapine /SJOpelsne5 Japuai 01 yS!UJnt pUewep uodn Heys JO;ueJO •;uewAed to aouepin3 •s6ulpeeooJd IsO4000 844 ul peyslum4 puoq Alms Aue Japun ee6Hgo isuonppp8 ue se Jepuel 8w8u 118(49 J0jUBJ0 Apedwd ay; 19111868 1u8W8010tuO 0JO4aq 4UOW6pnf aSJOApe Aue A4SHes Heys pus Jepuel pue 11051! pUe4ep Heys JOIUeJO ';se1uo0 Aue ul •uaH 044 Japun eles JO OJnsoIOOJOI 8 40 ;nisei 8 58 anJ008 pinoo ;ay; sa6J8y0 Ja1440 J0 sea; ,SAaUJOye algeuoseaJ pub S4S0o Aue snld uel! ey; a6J8y0slp 0; ;118!0!44 (15 ;unowe ue u! Japuai 01 AJO;OelsIIes *noes Jaylo JO puoq Awns a ;eJOdJOO 1u0I0n4ns 8 .10 11580 Japuai 111!M 4sodep 'Jepuai Aq pa ;senba.1 11 10 'uaH ey; to e6J8y0slp ey; &Ines `Bunn ay} l0 0014011 sey JoIu8JO Jaye sAep (g 4) uaayn UU4!M 'pep; 5! ;all a 4! 'Jo sesIJE uaH 044 10418 step (g4) uaayn my ;M Heys 1o4ue19 '4uewA8duou 40 41(1591 a Se pa1; S! Jo s0SU8 ;all 8 41 •pazipledoef ;011 5! A; JadoJd ay} u! ISOJO }up S,Jepuei se 6uo1 os 'Aed o; uone6Hgo 84# JOAO e}ndslp y1181 po06 8 441M UOnoeuu00 Ul pup Jo ';Uewssesse 'x8; Aue to ;uawAed p1Oyy ;M Aew .1o4u8 .19 ;sa ;1103 01 ION •gdeJ6eJed 6u1MOH04 ay; Ul pePlnold es1MJa44o se 4deoxe pue 'MOleq o; p0JJe40J sseupe4gapui 6unsix3 011} .104 Ideoxe 'enp Jou s4Uawssesse pue sexe; 4O uaH ey; Jo; 4daoxe 'e686pow sly; Japun Japuel 40 ISOJ04ul ay; 04 lenbe Jo JOAO 41olJd 6u!n8y sue!! He 4 80.11 Apedwd ey; we4ulew Heys .104118)9 Apedwd ay; 04 peys!Uln; le!J0;eW Jo peJapuaJ S80IAJaS 101 JO uo BUOp )!JOM 101 SWIep He enp UOyM Aed Heys pue 'Apedwd 0 44 4 }11(10008 uo 10 45111868 pelAO! SBBJEyo 001AJ0S JOMOS pue se61gpo 1a }em 's4uewssess8 'sexe; lepeds 'sexy; Ho1Aed '50x8; HB (AouenbuHep 01 JoIJd wane He u! pue) enp ueyM Aed Heys J04UBJ0 •;uaWAed •a6e6pow sly; 40 Aed a eJe Apedwd 0141 uo sueH pub sexe} 84104 BuIlolaJ suols1no .1d Bu!Moliol 0 41 •SN3I1 UNV S3xV1 .Mel 6unuoAM Aq J0 MBI impel Aq pe ;lglyoid sI 0S!OJ0x8 Lions 11 Japuai Aq pOSpJaxe eq 4011 Heys uondo sly; 'JOAOMOH •JOIu8JO 10 'eq Aew ase0 044 se 's;seJelul Auedwoo A }ll!ge11 POUw11 S}SOJO }u! dpysieuped 51004s Bul ;on ey; 40 (q ge) IUOOJ0d enn- A}UaM} uay1 OJOW 10 d14sJeuMo u! e6u8g3 Aue sepmou! 0918 J04sueJ; 'Auedwo0 A411!ge!! p Jo d14sJeuped 'uonelod .1oo 8 s! JO4UeJ9 Aug 44 •4s0J04u1 Apedwd !eau 40 eou8Aanuoo 10 p04;ew Jay40 Aue Aq Jo 'Apedwd !Bald 044 04 0R8 Bulldog ;sin pue! Aue 04 Jo in ;Sale!;! Isloneueq Aug l0 JOISU8J1 Jo '4uawu6lsse 'ales Aq Jo 'penueo uondo -areal 'sJeeA (g) 08)4; uey; J84O0J6 me; 8 114!M !sale }u! ployeseal 'peep Jot penUOO 'pawn pue! '408nu00 ales ;uawile4sul 'peep 'ales ;46lnno Aq Je44eyM :AJeIunlonu! JO AJ8;unlon Jey ;ayM :e ge;nbe Jo Iepneueq '18601 )84}eyM 'Maley; }sale!;! .10 aA11 ;14611 Aug .10 Apedwd meld 4o aOu8AeA000 844 sueew „Je45uen Jo ales„ y •A ;Jadwd l8OH 041 u! 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'swim pe pue Aue 45111868 Japuai sselwJey ploy pub A4luwepu! o} 908168 (q) pUe 'sMei (40(15 Aug Japun S ;500 .19440 JO dnueep )04: elge4 sew000q..1olue.19 4u0n0 044 u! uonngIJ ;1100 10 AIuwepu! 101 Japuel }sule6e stump mid Aue setueM pue 5859010/ (e) Agway Jolu8Jq •seoue4sgns snopJezey pub 84seM snopJezey Jo; Apedwd 041 Bun86Hsenu! u! e3Ue8Hpp 8np 9,10411819 uo peseq 810 Maley paw841100 534ueJJr3M pue Su0ne1Uaseld0J eU1 •uoslad 10440 Aue o4 JO J04U8J9 0; Jepuai 4o Aed 941 uo A;!!lgell Jo Apingnsuodsa.1 Aue elvenn 01 pannsuo0 eq 4011 Heys ,P48 Apo sesod.1nd s,aapuel Jot eq Heys Japuai Aq spew 5499} 10 suoipedsul Auy •e6e6pow ay; 10 uonoas sly! twit A; JadoJd ey; 10 eouelidwoo aulwJe1ep 04 a oudwdde weep Aew Japuai SE 'esuedxe s,JOlu810 4e '94504 pue suonoadsul Lions a ow o; Apedwd ey} uodn Janie 04 weft 541 pus Japuai sez1JO4#ne )04U819 •enoge peq!JOSap seoueulp .10 pub '91101481(1601 'SMEI 8S0141 Uo!811W11 ;n0yIIM 6UIpnIou1 'seoueuIp)0 pug SU01;e1(160J 'SMeI 1800! pull 'ems 'le)apal alge3Hdde 118 •441M 80UeIdwoo u! peIonpuo0 eq Hsys A ;(1(108 Lions AU8 (p) pue Apedwd ay; W014 .10 ;noge ..Jepun 'u0,eou84sgns 10 e4s8M Snop1ezey Aue esee aJ Jo '40 esodslp 'leen 'amp 'am ;0e4nuew 'ensueu06 'asn Heys Apedwd 044 10 Ann pez!JO44n8 10440 .10 111068 'JO;Oenuo0 '41181101 AUe .1ou 10411810 1944I8U '6un1JM u! Jepuai Aq pe6palmowloe pus 01 pasopslp Alsnolneid s8 ldeax3 (0) pue :SJenew (40(15 04 6111;8181 uoslad Aue Aq pu!); Aue l0 SW18I0 JO uo1486R11 peua480144 10 lem08 Aue (!l) 10 Apedwd ey} 40 sluedn00o 10 SJOUMO )0!Jd Aue Aq Apedwd ey; won Jo ;nage 'Japun 'uo eous4sgns Jo elSBM snopJezey Aue 10 0988181 peu0488144 Jo 'eseeie1 'lesodslp '4U8w4een '068.1049 'aJm3elnuew '110148101196 'asn Aue '6u!4IJM u! Japuai Aq pe6paimowp8 pug o; pasoloslp Alsno!A0Jd se 4deox0 'ueeq sey way; 4841 enolloq o4 UOS8OJ 10 '40 e6paIMoun ou sey 10 }118)9 (q) :Apedwd 044 WOJ4 Jo enoge 'Jepun 'uo uos.ed Aue Aq eou84sgns Jo a4sBM snopJezey Aue to es88le1 peue480114 10 amp.' 'lesodslp '4110W4een '0681049 '8Jn4oe4nuew 'uol ;e19u86 'esn ou ueeq se11 01844 'Apedwd 044 4o dlysleumo 9,104;819 4o polled 844 Buuna (8) :ley; Japuai o4 s ;u8JJ8M pue s4uaseJdOJ Jo}UE)O •so4segse pue (panunuo3) 9OtZOOP9 oN ueoi 30V1111111 f d;;ap or:..,� Z -sZ -ZO 02 -23 -2001 rl:F Loan No 64002408 tj� MORTGAGE Page 3 (Continued) 541 bear interest at the rate provided for in the Credit Agreement from the date incurred or paid by Lender to the date of repayment by Grantor. All such expenses, at Lender's option, will (a) be payable on demand, (b) be added to the balance of the credit line and be apportioned among and be payable with any installment payments to become due during either (1) the term of any applicable insurance policy or (ii) the remaining term of the Credit Agreement, or (c) be treated as a balloon payment which will be due and payable at the Credit Agreement's maturity. This Mortgage also will secure payment of these amounts. The rights provided for in this paragraph shall be in addition to any other rights or any remedies to which Lender may be entitled on account of the default. Any such action by Lender shall not be construed as curing the default so as to bar Lender from any remedy that it otherwise would have had. WARRANTY; DEFENSE OF TITLE. The following provisions relating to ownership of the Property are a part of this Mortgage. Title. Grantor warrants that: (a) Grantor holds good and marketable title of record to the Property in fee simple, free and clear of all liens and encumbrances other than those set forth in the Real Property description or in the Existing Indebtedness section below or in any title insurance policy, title report, or final title opinion issued in favor of, and accepted by, Lender in connection with this Mortgage, and (b) Grantor has the full right, power, and authority to execute and deliver this Mortgage to Lender. Defense of Title. Subject to the exception in the paragraph above, Grantor warrants and will forever defend the title to the Property against the lawful claims of all persons. In the event any action or proceeding is commenced that questions Grantor's title or the interest of Lender under this Mortgage, Grantor shall defend the action at Grantor's expense. Grantor may be the nominal party in such proceeding, but Lender shall be entitled to participate in the proceeding and to be represented in the proceeding by counsel of Lender's own choice, and Grantor will deliver, or cause to be delivered, to Lender such instruments as Lender may request from time to time to permit such participation. Compliance With Laws. Grantor warrants that the Property and Grantor's use of the Property complies with all existing applicable laws, ordinances, and regulations of governmental authorities. EXISTING INDEBTEDNESS. The following provisions concerning existing indebtedness (the "Existing Indebtedness are a part of this Mortgage. Existing Lien. The lien of this Mortgage securing the Indebtedness may be secondary and inferior to an existing lien. Grantor expressly covenants and agrees to pay, or see to the payment of, the Existing Indebtedness and to prevent any default on such indebtedness, any default under the instruments evidencing such indebtedness, or any default under any security documents for such indebtedness. No Modification. Grantor shall not enter into any agreement with the holder of any mortgage, deed of trust, or other security agreement which has priority over this Mortgage by which that agreement is modified, amended, extended, or renewed without the prior written consent of Lender. Grantor shall neither request nor accept any future advances under any such security i reement without the prior written consent of Lender. CONDEMNATION. The following provisions relating to condemnation of the Property are a part of this Mortgage. Application of Net Proceeds. If all or any part of the Property is condemned by eminent domain proceedings or by any proceeding or purchase in lieu of condemnation, Lender may at its election require that all or any portion of the net proceeds of the award be applied to the Indebtedness or the repair or restoration of the Property. The net proceeds of the award shall mean the award after payment of all reasonable costs, expenses, and attorneys' fees incurred by Lender in connection with the condemnation. Proceedings. if any proceeding in condemnation is filed, Grantor shall promptly notify Lender in writing, and Grantor shall promptly take such steps as may be necessary to defend the action and obtain the award. Grantor may be the nominal party in such proceeding, but Lender shall be entitled to participate in the proceeding and to be represented in the proceeding by counsel of its own choice, and Grantor will deliver or cause to be delivered to Lender such instruments as may be requested by it from time to time to permit such participation. IMPOSITION OF TAXES, FEES AND CHARGES BY GOVERNMENTAL AUTHORITIES. The following provisions relating to governmental taxes, fees and charges are a part of this Mortgage: Current Taxes, Fees and Charges. Upon request by Lender, Grantor shall execute such documents in addition to this Mortgage and take whatever other action is requested by Lender to perfect and continue Lender's lien on the Real Property. Grantor shall reimburse Lender for all taxes, as described below, together with all expenses incurred in recording, perfecting or continuing this Mortgage, including without limitation all taxes, fees, documentary stamps, and other charges for recording or registering this Mortgage. Taxes. The following shall constitute taxes to which this section applies: (a) a specific tax upon this type of Mortgage or upon all or any part of the Indebtedness secured by this Mortgage; (b) a specific tax on Grantor which Grantor is authorized or required to deduct from payments on the Indebtedness secured by this type of Mortgage; (c) a tax on this type of Mortgage chargeable against the Lender or the holder of the Credit Agreement; and (d) a specific tax on all or any portion of the Indebtedness or on payments of principal and interest made by Grantor. Subsequent Taxes. If any tax to which this section applies is enacted subsequent to the date of this Mortgage, this event shall have the same effect as an Event of Default (as defined below), and Lender may exercise any or all of its available remedies for an Event of Default as provided below unless Grantor either (a) pays the tax before it becomes delinquent, or (b) contests the tax as provided above in the Taxes and Liens section and deposits with Lender cash or a sufficient corporate surety bond or other security satisfactory to Lender. SECURITY AGREEMENT; FINANCING STATEMENTS. The following provisions relating to this Mortgage as a security agreement are a part of this Mortgage. Security Agreement. This instrument shall constitute a security agreement to the extent any of the Property constitutes fixtures or other personal property, and Lender shall have all of the rights of a secured party under the Uniform Commercial Code as amended from time to time. Security Interest. Upon request by Lender, Grantor shall execute financing statements and take whatever other action is requested by Lender to perfect and continue Lender's security interest in the Rents and Personal Property. In addition to recording this Mortgage in the real property records, Lender may, at any time and without further authorization from Grantor, file executed counterparts, copies or reproductions of this Mortgage as a financing statement. Grantor shall reimburse Lender for all expenses incurred in perfecting or continuing this security interest. Upon default, Grantor shall assemble the Personal Property in a manner and at a place reasonably convenient to Grantor and Lender and make it available to Lender within three (3) days after receipt of written demand from Lender. Addresses. The mailing addresses of Grantor (debtor) and Lender (secured party), from which information concerning the security interest granted by this Mortgage may be obtained (each as required by the Uniform Commercial Code), are as stated on the first page of this Mortgage. FURTHER ASSURANCES; ATTORNEY —IN —FACT. The following provisions relating to further assurances and attorney —in —fact are a part of this Mortgage. Further Assurances. At any time, and from time to time, upon request of Lender, Grantor will make, execute and deliver, or will cause to be made, executed or delivered, to Lender or to Lender's designee, and when requested by Lender, cause to be filed, recorded, refiled, or rerecorded, as the case may be, at such times and in such offices and places as Lender may deem appropriate, any and all such mortgages, deeds of trust, security deeds, security agreements, financing statements, continuation statements, instruments of further assurance, certificates, and other documents as may, in the sole opinion of Lender, be necessary or desirable in order to effectuate, complete, perfect, continue, or preserve (a) the obligations of Grantor under the Credit Agreement, this Mortgage, and the Related Documents, and (b) the liens and security interests created by this Mortgage on the Property, whether now owned or hereafter acquired by Grantor. Unless prohibited by law or agreed to the contrary by Lender in writing, Grantor shall reimburse Lender for all costs and expenses incurred in connection with the matters referred to in this paragraph. Attorney —in —Fact. If Grantor fails to do any of the things referred to in the preceding paragraph, Lender may do so for and in the name of Grantor and at Grantor's expense. For such purposes, Grantor hereby irrevocably appoints Lender as Grantor's attorney —in —fact for the purpose of making, executing, delivering, filing, recording, and doing all other things as may be necessary or desirable, in Lender's sole opinion, to accomplish the matters referred to in the preceding paragraph. FULL PERFORMANCE. If Grantor pays all the Indebtedness when due, terminates the credit line account, and otherwise performs all the obligations imposed upon Grantor under this Mortgage, Lender shall execute and deliver to Grantor a suitable satisfaction of this Mortgage and suitable statements of termination of any financing statement on file evidencing Lender's security interest in the Rents and the Personal Property. Grantor will pay, if permitted by applicable law, any reasonable termination fee as determined by Lender from time to time. DEFAULT. Each of the following, at the option of Lender, shall constitute an event of default "Event of Default under this Mortgage: (a) Grantor commits fraud or makes a material misrepresentation at any time in connection with the credit line account. This can include, for example, a false statement about Grantor's income, assets, liabilities, or any other aspects of Grantor's financial condition. (b) Grantor does not meet the repayment terms of the credit line account. (c) Grantor's action or inaction adversely affects the collateral for the credit line account or Lender's rights in the collateral. This can include, for example, failure to maintain required insurance, waste or destructive use of the dwelling, failure to pay taxes, death of all persons liable on the account, transfer of title or sale of the dwelling, creation of a lien on the dwelling without Lender's permission, foreclosure by the holder of another lien" or the use of funds or the dwelling for prohibited purposes. RIGHTS AND REMEDIES ON DEFAULT. Upon the occurrence of any Event of Default and at any time thereafter but subject to any limitation in the Credit Agreement or any limitation in this Mortgage, Lender, at its option, may exercise any one or more of the following rights and remedies, in addition to any other rights or remedies provided by law: •paJlnbeJ s! }uasuoo yons ejegM seoye ;Sul 4uenbesgns o} luesuo0 6uinu1 ;uoo e4n31 }81)00 Iou gays eoue3sul Aue ui Jepuel Aq luesuoa yons ;o 6ugueJ6 ey} 'a6e6pow sly; ul peimbej si Jepuel Aq;uesuoo JeneueyM •suo13oBsuBJ3 amp; Aug o; se suoge6igo s,JogueJo ;o Aug Jo 8346IJ s,lepuel ;o Aug ;o JenleM a eingisuoo Begs 'JO3ueJo pug Jepuel ueemleq 6ullltep ;o eslnoa Aug Jou 'lapual Aq Jen1eM .,o1Jd ON •uO!S AoJd aeylo Aug Jo UOISIAoJd }E4} 4;iM eoueijdwoo lows puewap o} eswM&9143o }061J s,Aped ay; eolpnfald Jo ;o JBAIBM B a ;n}gsuoa Iou Heys 8613611o1A1 Sly; ;o uolslnoJd B ;o Aped Aue Aq Jo/gem v 1461., Jey ;o ha Jo ;146u yons ;o J8A?BM B sg a redo Heys Iy61J Aug 6ulslaiexe 1)l Japual ;o ped ay; 1)o uolssguo JO Aeiep oN •Japual Aq peu6ls pue 6ul ;IJM Ul sl JOAIBM yons ssalun (sjuewnooa peislad ey} Japun Jo) 96e6pow sly} Japun swap Aug penleM aney o; peweap eq 1101) Heys lapual •s;uesuoa pue sJGAl9M •a6e6pow sly} Aq pemaes sseupe}gapul Ile o; se BuIwoAM ;o ems ay} ;o sMel uol;dwexe peajsewo4 ay; ;o sA;eueq pue s3461., i sen1BM pug seseaIeJ Age1011 Jo}uBJo •uol;dwax3 pea ;sawoH ;o Janl0M a6e6pow sly) ;o aoultwopad e44 ul eouasse ey3 ;o s1 ewli •oouass3 aq; ;o s{ awll •sseupepgepul ay} Japun Aggge!I Jo156B6pow sly} suoi ;e6Hgo ey; woJ ;.,031)810 6ulseele13no431m uolsuepca Jo eoueregJo; ;o AeM Aq sseupalgepul ey; pus a6e6pow sly; o} 9011a1%8J y }1M siossaoons S,JO ;uaJ9 y;IM jeep Aew 'JO;ue10 04 eo1gou ;noygiM 'Jepuel •Jo;ueJo usy; Je43o uosied a u1 pe4sen sewooeq Apadoid ey ;o dlysJaumo ;I •su6lsse pus sJosseoons gay; 'sewed Oy ;o gieueq ey} o }'e .,nul pus uodn 6ulpulq eq bays a6e6pow sly;' }seja3u1 s,JojueJo ;0 Je ;suej} uo a6e6pow sly} ul po }eIs suolleiw11 ay} o ;oofgne •su6issy pue slosseo0ns •algee3Jo ;1)a pue men ulewaJ Heys sjoedseJ Jey ;o pe 1)1 a6B6pow sly} ;0 suolslnoJd Jaylo pe pue ualo!J ;s eq Heys I1 'peglpow os eq 3ouue0 uolslnoJd 6ulpuego ey; II '.,ammo} :A;Iplisn Jo Agippe3Jo;ue 3o s31w11 ey; 1)14 #1M aq o3 peg pow aq o} peweap eq guys uolslnold Bulpuego yons Aue 'eiglsea ;I •seoue{swnoilo Jo suosied Jey ;o Aug o; se algeeojo;ueun Jo ppenul uolslno)d lay; Jepuel Iou Hgys 6ulpug yons 'eoue;swnono .,o uosled Aue o; se algeeoJo;ueun Jo pllenul aq o; e6e6pow sly} 30 uolslnoJd Aug spin; uogolpsun! lualedwoo 30 pnoo a ;I 'AIIHgaieAe$ •a6e6pow sly; u! suol ;e6Hgo He Jo; alglsuodsaj sl Moleq 6ugu6ps suosied ey; lo yore 384; susew 8141 •JO ;uaJO /Gene pue yoga ueaw payS 1011.11319 03 se3u81e ;81 Ile PUB `Ielanes pus lulof eq is a6e6pow sly; Japun JolU8Jo 30 suoge Ilb' 'salped eldllinw •Jepuel ;o guesuoo uen1JM ay ;noy;iM 'Alloedeo Aug u! Japual 3 ;eueq ey; Jo; Jo Aq pet; ewg Aug le ApadoJd ey; u! e;e3sa Jo IseJew! Jay ;o Aug gIIM e6e6pow sly} Aq mean amiss Jo lseJagul ay; 10 Ja6Jew ou eq Heys e)ayi •Ja6Jew •a60BIJOw SILO 10 SUO!SIAOJd ay; eugep Jo ;eJdie 1)1 0; pesn eq o; 4ou 8JB pue Apo sesodind eoueluenuoo Jo; e18 a6e6pow sly; ul s6ulpeeq uogdeO •s6ulprreH uo}lde0 •6ulwoAM ;0 OIOIS 014 ;0 sme; 0141 y;IM a3Uep4OOae u1 pani;suo3 pue Aq pewano6 eq Heys 96e61Jow slyl •6uIwoAM ;o mats ay; ui Japual Aq pa;da00e pue Japual o; paJan{iap uaaq say a6e6pow slyl Mel algeoliddy luewpuewe Jo uo14eie;le ay; Aq punoq Jo pe6Jeyo eq o ;46nos sewed Jo Aped ey; Aq peu6ls pue 6ugpM u1 uen16 ssalun engoaga eq Heys a6B6pow sly; o} ;uewpuews JO 3 uog8Jelis oN •96e6pow sly; u1 14p0; 4as sia }4ew ay; o; se sewed 0143 ;0 }ueweeJBe pue 6ulpue;siepun argue ey; selnIgsuoo 'sluewnooa pe3egad Aug y }lm Jey;e6o; 'e6e6pow s14i •sluewpuawy :861360o1AI sly} 10 ;Jed 8 aJe suols!Aojd snoauageoslw 6u!M011o; 0141 'SNOISIAOHd S003Ny1133SIw •sseJpp8 3UOJJna volume 3o sawg 11g 18 pewJO;ul Jepuel deed o; seei6o JolUBJO 'sasodmd eogou Jod •e6e6pow slyl ;o BuluulBeq 043 Jeau uMOys se 'ssaJppe s,Japual 0; was eq Heys e6e6pow sly; Jeno Al!Joud set; y014M uall Aue 30 Japloy ay; wag air:sop JO; 3o seogou ;o saldoo Hy •sseippe s,Aped 044 e6u8yo 03 sl eogou 043 3o esodind ey} ley; 6u1A ;loads `sewed Jaylo mg 01 eogou Ua ;;IJM !gum; 6u1nl6 Aq e686pow sly; Jepun saogou J03 ssaJppe sl1 e6ueyo Aew Aped Auy •e6e6pow sly; ;o 6uluul6eq eq leeu uMoys sesseippe 814} o; pe;oeJlp 'P1edeld e6e;sod 'flew peJelsl6ei Jo peglpao 'sselo 3S)!3 Hew sOIels pe ;lu fl 0143 1)1 pe41sodep ueym engoe;3e peweap eq Heys 'papaw 31 'JO 'Jalinoo ly6lwano pezlu6o08J AIsuogsu a yl1M pellsodep uayM JO 'pe1°n11ap Agen;oe uayM engoage eq guys pug '(Msl Aq paJlnbeJ esIMJa4;o ssalun) egwlsotgele; Aq was aq Aew 'Bu131JM ul eq 118ys 'JO3uBJ0 0l ales ;o eo14ou Aue pue Ilno ;ap ;o eogou Aue uollellwll }noy ;1M 6ulpnpul 'a6e6pow s141 Jepun eogou Auy 'S31l1:yd 113H10 ONV UO1NVHD 01 S30I10N 'ma! Aq pepinoid swns Jay ;o pe o; uoglppe ui `s;soo pnoo Aug ABd II!M osl8 JO;U8J0 MSl elq;OHddg Aq pe3}lwled ;1)a ;xa 0143 03 `eoueinsul egg pus 'see; lesleldde pus 'spode., ,sJoAenJns '(spode) einsopeJo; 6ulpnloul) spode., egg 6uiu1elgo 'spiooaj Bulyornes ;0 3soo ey} 'sOO1AJas u013oalloo 3uaw6pni— ;sod pa }edlol ;ue Aue pus sleedde '(uogounlul JO Asp ogewolne Aue els0en JO A;1pow o3 spo; ;0 6ulpnloul) sBulpeeooid Ao ;dnnNueq Jo; 'Japual ;0 eeAoldwe pa!JBles 8 Iou AOUJoge 1)e o; 1611 ;8J pue rump J0138 sea; ,sAauJO}4e elgeuoseaJ 6ulpnloul ';1nsMe1 e sl °Jay; ;o1) Jo JegjegM sesuedxe !eel sdepuei puB sae; ,sAewo33e algeuosue., s,Jepual 'me! elgeollddo Japun s8W11 Aug 03 ;oergns Janemoq 'uoge }1wg 3no431M'epnlaul ydOJ6eJed sly; Aq pelenoo sesuedx3 •IueweeJ6y ilpe10 ay} u! Jo; pepinoid 0381 ay ;8 P1edal glun einglpuedxe ;o elsp 0 WWI ;SOJ8Iu1 Jeag Heys pub pultwep uo algeit8d ssaupe;gepul all ;o ped 8 ewooeq g814s s34611 sp ;0 IueweoJo;ue 04# Jo Is01e4u1 841 3 u0g0a1o1d 844 Jo; awg Aue ;e AJesseoeu aJe uoluldo s,J9pual 1)l 3813 lapual Aq palmoul sasuadxe algeuoseai pe 'penlonul Si uog0e pnoo Aue IOU 10 184;eyM •Ieadde Aug uo pue 1811} 3e S003 sAauJojle algeuossal se elgeuoseaJ eepnipe Aew pnoo 0143 Se wns yons J8n030J o3 pegllue eq Heys Jepuej'a6e6pow 8144 3o sWJa3 043 ;0 Aug 0030 ;U0 oI uog08 Jo }fns Aug se {n;gsul Japual ;I •sesuedx3 :saa3 ,sAauio ;ly •e6e6pow s14i Jepun selpewaJ sjl es101axe pug line ;ep 8 a18I0ap 03;146!) s,Japuei 309338 IOU hays upped o3 Jo;u8J0 ;o amp; legs a6e6pow sly} Jepun Jo1u8Jo ;0 uoge6ggo U8 wloped o3 uog08 0)183 JO seJn;lpuedxe eNew o3 uog0ele 1)e pue 'Apewoi lay }o Aue Jo Ilnsind epnloxe 40U guys ApawOJ Aug ensmd o} Japual Aq uog0a13 •uolslnoJd 18440 Aug Jo uolslnoid 3843 y41M eou8tidwoo lows puewap 01 es1MJa43o s ;y6U s,Aped 9143 eOlpniald Jo ;o 18A!OM a e4n4Hsuo3 Sou guys 0686pow 8143 ;0 uolslnoJd a ;0 y080Jq 8 30 Aped Aue Aq Jen!OM y •selpewaa ;o uollaai3 :JanleM •uoglsodslp 10 ales 043 30 awg 9133 81o;aq sAep (p{) uel pee! 413 uen16 eogou ueaw guys 901I0U eIgeuosee d 'spew eq 0l s1 ApedoJd leuos)ed ay} ;o uoglsodslp pepue3ul 1ey30 10 ales 8 ;en!Jd Aue 4OlyM 103 18 awg 841 ;0 10 ApedoJd leuoslad 043 30 ales 0ggnd Aug ;o °paid pus awg 0143 30 a0llou elgeuoseaJ Jo3ueJ0 anl6 gays Japue "ORS 10 90 11 0 N •Apedoid 0 4130 uolpod Aug Jo pe 1)o albs oggnd Aug re plq o3 poipua eq Heys J8puei 'saps a ;oJedes Aq Jo ales euo u1 'Applgdas Jo Jay ;e6ol ApadoJd ay} 3o ped Aug Jo p8 gas 0; 0013 aq Heys Japual 'satpew9J pue sly6u s }t 6utst0Jaxa 1)l •p91184sJBW Apedold 843 aney o3 4y611 110 pus Aug senleM Aga)ay Jo4ueJ0 'me! algeolldde Aq pewwJed rue ;xe 043 of Apadoid 041 10 ales •Agnbe U1 10 Mel le elg8Ien0 10 Iuaw8OJ6y ;1peJ0 944 Jo e6e6pow 5343 u1 peppno.1d selpewaJ pue sly61J Ja143o 118 aney Heys Japual •selpeweu Ja •Jepuel ;o puewap ey; uodn Ala ;elpewwl ApedoJd ey; a ;eoen (q) 10 'Aped0Jd 943 ;o esn 843 Jo; le ;1)e. elgeuoseaJ a Aed (s) Jey318 'uogdo s,.,epuel 30 'Heys pue ApadoJd 8143 ;0 JessyOJnd 043 10 Japual 3o aou8Jegns le gigue; s ewooeq gays Jo}UBJ0'JO;UBJ0 ;0 llne;ap uodn ApadoJd ay; lo uolssessod o} peggue sewooeq es!MJeyIo Japual Jo enoge pepinoJd se pros s1 Apedoid,.a4; Jauo ApedoJd ay; ;o uoissessod UI stigma.: JolusJo 33 •DOU8Jauns ;e Aoueual 'uogoe8 5143 1)1 pePlnoJd 93461 843 ;0 es1OJBxe 0144 wag penla001 slunowe us ;0 u013e0lidds 10 ;38 Jepuel of enp sseupe ;gepul 843 1)1 6ululewei A0ual0gep Aug Jo; Iuew6pni a ule ;go Aew Jepuel 'mgr elgeolldde Aq pe; ;lwied ;i •luawOpnr Aauapliea •8 ;n ;B ;s Aq pepinoid so alnsopa)o; „GIBS pug 3uaweswenpe„ 10 „airs ;o JeMod„ Aq Apeogloeds pus 'ales le101pnruou Aq ApedoJd 843 40 ped Aue 1)l Jo Ile 1)l 4S0183ul s,JO3ueJO 09010910; Aew Japual 'Gigs Iel31130(00N 'ApedoJd 043 3 ped Ault JO 110 U14s0Ja4U1 S,JO ;U8JS 6ulsol0elo; Grump I8101pni s ulelgo Aew Japual •OJnsolOaJOd lelaipnf• •Jen!80a1 8 se 6upues wag uosied e A;l3onbslp Iou 11e14s Japual Aq }uewAoidw3 •}unows Iegue ;Sgns e Aq sseupelgepul 843 speeoxe ApadoJd 041 3o amen 3ueJedde ey} Iou 10 Jay4eyM lslxe gays Janie =a= 8 ;0 3uaw }Ulodde ay; 04 ;1461., s,Jepuel *Mel Aq paylwlad I1 puoq 3noyI!M anJas Aew JanpoeJ 041 •sseupe ;gapul a43 ISU1e6e 'd1gsJeAI008l a(i 30 4SOa ay} enoge pue JOAO `speeowd ey; Aldds pug Apadold ayI woJ; s;uad ayI 3081100 03 pue 'ales Jo einsop8)o; 6ulpeooid ApadoJd 844 e;eledo 0; 'ApadoJd 044 8nlaseid pue ;0a ;ojd of JeMOd ayI y;1m 'ApedoJd ayI 3o ped AUe Jo 118 ;0 uoissessod 0)18; o; pe ;uloddo miaow a 9A014 03 ;(1631 043 9Aey Heys Japual •Janleoeu ;uioddy •1en!OO8J a 146no14; Jo 'wee Aq 'uosJed 1)1104110 ydel6oredgns sly{ Jepun swap 54! es1OJaxe Aew lapual •pajslxe puewap ey} Jo; spunoJ61adoid Aue Iou JO JO1 Ia4M spew ale s }uewAed ayI yo114M Jo; suoge6ggo ayI A;sges Heys puewap s,Japuel 03 esuodsei 1)1 Japual 03 sJesn 18430 Jo s ;ueua; Aq sluawAed •spea0old 841 3003300 pue OWES ay} elegoBau 03 pus 1031)810 10 eWOU 944 1)l 1081814 ;uewA8d u1 penleoel sluawnJ ;sul esJOpue of 3083 1)l— Aawogs s,Jo;ueJo se Jepuel saj8u61sap Alge0oneln 1oiU010 ue44 •Japual Aq p9;oegoo ale slued 844 41 •Japual o; AgoeJlp 5803 esn 10 31)81 4o sjuawA8d e)pw o3 ApedoJd ayI 30 Jesn Jaylo 10 I1)8Ue4 Ault e.,lnbej Aew Japual '4461) 8144 3 eOUoJeypn; ui •sseupe44epul 843 ;su186e 's4soo s,Jepuel enoge pus Jano 'speeowd 4au 843 Aldde pug 'plsdun pue anp ;sod s3unowe 6ulpnloul 'swab; 84i 4001100 pue '1ep pnf —uou Jo lelolpni 1a44eyM 'a)nsopeJo; Aouepued eq; 6uunp 6ulpnloul 'ApedoJd 814} ;o uoissessod 8)30; 03 '103ue10 01 0013ou Ino4;1M '3yB11 ay} 0ney hays lapual slued laailo3 •epo0 IBl0J0ww00 mown e4} Japun Aped pampas a ;o selpewaJ pue s }14611 843 110 any gays .,epuel 'Apeda.,d leuoslad all 3 ped Aue Jo 118 04 1pedsej 441M •seipeweld 33f1 'Aed o; paJlnbeJ eq pinoM Jolue)0 y014M AHeued ;uawAedeld Aue 6ulpnloul 'a14oAed pug enp Ala }olpewwl sseupelgepul e114U0 843 eJ8108p of Jo3ueJO 0; eogou 3no431M uogdo 911 le 3461) ay; envy Heys Jepuel •ssaupa ;gapul a;e1alaaoy b abe Z (panui;uo3) 80IZ00179 ON ueoi 3Dd ro e n be O ►Z sZ ZO 02 -23 -2001 r Loan No 64002408 U EACH GRANTOR ACKNOWLEDGES HAVING READ ALL THE PROVISIONS OF THIS MORTGAGE, AND EACH GRANTOR AGREES TO ITS TERMS. STATE OF COUNTY 0 y 7 On this day before me, the undersigned Notary Public, personally appeared LAWRENCE WELCH and LISA A. WELCH, to me known to be the individuals described in and who executed the Mortgage, and acknowledged that they signed the Mortgage as their free and voluntary act and deed, for the uses and purposes therein mentioned. Giv unde my hand and official this ti Notary Pub and 1 for y of SS MORTGAGE (Continued) INDIVIDUAL ACKNOWLEDGMENT My commission expires 543 PENNY)ONES NOTARYPUBLIC County of af Lincoln 1 Wyoming Mf Coi missies Expires Se LASER PRO, Reg. U.S. Pat. T.M. Off., Ver. 3.27 (c)2001 CFI ProServices, Inc. All rights reserved. MY- 003 F3.26b P3.26b LWELCH.LN L24.OVLl Page 5 EXHIBIT "A" That part of the SANE of Section 30, T31f, R118W, Lincoln County, Wyoming being part of that tract•of record in the Office of the Clerk of Lincoln County in Book 71 of Photostatic Records on page 369 described as follows: BEGINNING at a. point on the earl riyliL -of-way line of State Highway 89, S12 OG.5'E,.1776. feeLlrom the north one quarter corner of said Section thence N35 -5O'E. 156.00'feet perpendicular to the said east right -of -way 5 line to a point; thence 504" -10'E, 276.00 feet parallel to the said east right -of -way line to a point; thence S85 -50'W, 158.00 feet perpendicular to the said east right -of -way line to a point on the said right -of -way line: thence 1104 10'W, the base bearing for this survey, 276.00 feet along the said right -of -ray line to the POINT OF BEGINNING; each point marked by a steel T- shaped stake 24" long with metal cap inscribed "PAUL N. SCHERUEL RLS164 SURVEY F01UT all in accordance with the plat .,rt)nred and filed for record In the OrriLe of llie Clerk of Lincoln County titled "LYNN R. HELCN PLAT OF IXAI.1S IN THE 5U'4NE4 SECTION 30 T31N R113W LINICOLN COUNTY, NYOMINu" dateo 5 March 1982.