HomeMy WebLinkAbout871967:a6ed (leas) LL£9 3NOHd Si:13W 8£b1 NIW IIIIllhIIlIII1111111111IJJII11111Illlllllillll 11 11111111 VL00Nd 1S I'L AM W 1 aan;eu6!S leas lepj o pue pueq Au- SS3NIIM all yo!ynn ;o ;leyaq uodn Alpo a JO uosaad a ;uawna;su! ay; pa ;noaxa 'pa ;oe (s)uosaad y 1 s y;;uawna;su! ay; uo (s)aan;eu6!s a!ay;pay /s!q Aq ;ey; pue `(sa!)i( ;!oedeo paz!aoy ;ne a!a /aaq /s!y u! awes an pa ;noaxa Aay /ays/aq ;eq; aw o; pa6palnnoure pue ;uawna ;su! u!y ;!nn ay; o; paquosgns aae's! (s)aweu asogm (s)uosaad ay} aq o; (aouap!na /Go ;oe ;s! ;es 4o s!seq a uo aw o; panoad ao) aw o; unroof A!!euosaad NVW31dW31 paaeadde iIleuosaad pue pueq s s ;as 'A ;uno0 '5 ;uno0 1 b0 r •dx3 •s"" �5 VWONOS d0 AjNn00 Z dIlVO Oil8nd AHVION E r n Z ONIN1 I' 99LZI. IVIOIddO 'o!Ig94/{dN! e,.' fr` c' ';y d 01n INVISISSV A0 o NVW31dIN31 'N ANVdIN00 30V01210141 NV3It13WV H1210N O9b )1 008 u r V21nV1 `NIN108 '3 a1VNOa `ND11O8 uaann;aq pue Aq OOOZ '91 warn/ Pa ;ep e u!eJao;ey; '9Z0Z NVOIHOIIN 'INI1d '9Z0Z X08 'O'd 'su6!sse pue saossaoons 51! VO11:I3INV dO 'd2103 3OVO1210W ONd ao; aa!u!wou se 'su6!sse pue saossaoons Si! "3N1 `SW3ISAS NOI1V211SI0321 3INO2113313 39VOI2101A1 o; as ;suea; pue 'Apse 'Has saop s1uasaad nag; Aq pue 'plos seq 'pe6palnnouNoe Agejey s! 110!yan ;o ;d!a0aa ay; 'uo!;eaap!suoo algenlen pue pooh Jay ;O pue 'saelloa ua1 }0 wns ay ;o uo!;eaap!suoo u! pue ao; ANVdWOO 3OVOJ. IOW NV312I3WV H121ON `SINAS321d 9S3H1 AG N91/N1 11V NMONN HDVd 21d J ._v 9N!NOI 1:J3IAIN3 >i L L69179H 1 \1::) NiAaRod 1•^ e :11m s 84110 >1d3 -10 AINflOO N1001\111 (13Al..W e! :A8 IDVDDIOIAI 3O 1NHIAINJISSV L96IL8 •SS( ONI4 '1 aw aao;aq LOU `ZO tienagad up VWONOS dO AINf100 VIN2IOdI1V3 dO HIVIS A21V132103S INVIS SV NO 0 'S 6002 gad s!y; lees ANVd1A1O3 3DV01210W NV3I2131AIV HINON'd0a13HM SS3NIIM NI 9bs a6ed 089L98' se OOOZ `6Z ;5n6nV uo 6u!woAM ;o a ;e ;g N103NI1 40 /1uno0 ay ;0 00110 O11 u! papao0aa seen a6e6io0; yo!yM puV 921£8 AM 'MOWS "N1 11V0 088:ssaappV R}aadoad :1!nn -o; `6u!woAAA }o 01515 N103NI1 u! pa;eool Apadoad paquosep 6u!nnoilo; eq; pue 'sao6e6pow se ;unowV a6e61aoW leu!6u0 00'098'16S £L9 £bb0669600 LOH Z9b 9Z£POOL IVWV 8008f1V HOV31 Allbd :N11V 9L6b6 VO 'VWfl lVl3d 900808 X08 'O'd ANVdW00 9OVOIMOW NVOIN2WV H12.ION :01 N21111321 030210332N N3HM The land referred to in this commitment is situated in the State of Wyoming, County of Lincoln, and is described as follows: Lot 1 of the Call Subdivision, Lincoln County, Wyoming as described on the official plat thereof. part of Lot 2 of the Call subdivision, Lincoln County, Wyoming, said part being that part of Lot 2 lying and being situate Northerly of the following described existing fence line: Beginning at a marker on the Westerly line of Lot 3 of the Call Subdivision, N. 07 °51.4' E, 42.90 feet from the Westerly most corner of said Lot 3, said marker also being on the West boundary line of Call Lane ,of said Subdivision; and running thence N 52 °28.8' W, 56.50 feet to a 3/8" x 12" steel spike set in a fence corner post; thence N 72 °12.9' W, 63.22 feet to a 3/8" x 12" steel spike set in a fence corner post; thence S 86 °16.6' W, 148.27 feet to a marker; thence S 78 °30.4' W, 30,20 feet to a marker on the West line of said Lot 2 to the point of beginning. 0 `t8p74 E1 1 'r*1 uc e Li ncoLn 1 b0 00u32(o