HomeMy WebLinkAbout877158· AFHDAVIT (For Property of Trust) ' '" '-' i:~i;~ g' '~
(Statement of Authority/Certificate of Trust)
State of Colorado }
County of Denver )
I, MARY L SCOPEL, of ]awOl age, being first duly sworn, upon oath does depose and say:
1. "The MARY J. SCOPEL TRUST dated September ] ~ , 2001" is the name of a
revocable living trust which may acquire, sell, convey, enchmber, lease' and otherwise deal
wi~ interests in real and Persona/prope~y in said name.
2. I am the Tmstmaker (Settlor) and Trustee of the aforementioned Trust and as such have
authority to execute and to record this affidavit. The address of my trust and the trustee
9066 E. Nassau Ave., Denver, CO 80237.
3. I may act for and represent the t~st in any transaction. Upon my death or written
ce~ification by my attending physician that I have become so incapacitated as to be unable
to manage my financial affairs, or upon other events described in my trust, one of the
following persons, listed in order of priority, shall act as trustee: First, ELLEN M.
g. All trustees and. successor trustees have ~11 power and au~ority granted to personal
represen~tives under the Colorado Fiduciaries' Powers Act. No person paying money to
or delivering prope~y to any trustee shah be required to see to its application. All persons
relying on this document.regarding the trustees and ~¢Jr powers over t~st prope~y shall be
held ha~less for any resulting loss or liability from such reliance. A photostatic or other
facsimile copy of this Affidavit shah be just as valid as the original.
MARY J/S~PEE~m~maker and Trustee
Subscribed and sworn to before me on this September J~> 2001. Witness my hand and
official seal. '
Notary Public
My Commission Expires: December 22, 2004
4380 S. Syracuse Street, Suite 3'10
Denver, CO 80237-2625