HomeMy WebLinkAbout957867.z STATE OF WYOMING COUNTY OF LINCOLN I, Norma L. Rich, Trustee being of lawful age and first duly sworn according to law, upon my oath, depose and state: FURTHER AFFIANT SAYETH NOT. Dated 3 o State of Wyoming County of Lincoln The foregoing instrument was subscribed and sworn to me by Rich, Trustee, this 7 day of December, 2010 My Commission Expires: JILL H. LARSON County of Lincoln 3. That said •,IOTARY PUBLIC State of Wyoninci MY CorfItnl Io ....;:ifes dune r'G 2011 sa,,,�„+,,aacwN'a3 VwUS.u:°c,.�+wtv:s )ss. Witness my hand and official seal. SS. AFFIDAVIT TERMINATING ESTATE 1. That I am of adult age, a resident of Lincoln County, Wyoming, and the Affiant herein. 2. That by virtue of the conveyance which is recorded in the office of the County Clerk for Lincoln County, Wyoming, located at Kemmerer, Wyoming in Book 378PR on page 472 is recorded a QuitClaim Deed. The QuitClaim Deed, dated the 2nd day of January, 1996 conveys unto Glen E. Rich, and their successors, Trustees, of the Glen E. Rich and Norma L. Rich Family Revocable Trust dated the 12 day of December, 1995, the following described property, to -wit: Glen E. Rich, Trustee on the c2.5 day of f ,200..3 died and a copy of the original certificate of ath, certified to as true an correct by public authority in which the original of said certificate is a matter of record, is attached hereto as Exhibit "B 4. That by reason of death of said Glen E. Rich, Trustee by reason of 2 -9- 102 W.S. (1980), the decedents interest and title in said conveyance has terminated and title to the real property conveyed thereby has vested absolutely in Norma L. Rich, as sole Trustee, continuously since the death of the said decedent. 0 /1 See Exhibit "A" Norma L. Rich, Trustee y4-1-6 Notary Public Norma L. RECEIVED 1/31/2011 at 12:54 PM RECEIVING 957867 BOOK: 761 PAGE: 589 JEANNE WAGNER LINCOLN COUNTY CLERI AERER, WY Exhibit "A" Beginning at the Northeast Corner of Lot #3 of Block #11 of the Town of Afton, Lincoln County, Wyoming, thence North 1 rod, 5 feet; thence West 7 rods, 14 feet, thence South 5 rods, 15 feet; thence West 2 rods, 3 feet; thence South 4 rods, 24 feet; thence East 9 rods, 15 feet; thence North 10 rods, 4 feet to the point of beginning. Less parcel deeded to Carl H. Stock and Lucille Beatler Stock, husband and wife, recorded 12 -6 -1971, at Book 96, pg. 418, described as follows: Beginning at the Northeast Corner of Lot 3, Block 11, Afton Townsite, Lincoln County, Wyoming, and running thence North 1 rod 5 feet, thence Weft 7 rods 14 feet, thence South 1 rod 5 feet, thence East 7 rods 14 feet to the point of beginning. Beginning at a point 7 rods North of the Southeast Corner of Block 11 in the Afton Township, thence North 4 rods, thence West 6 rods, thence South 4 rods, thence East 6 rods to the point of beginning. Beginning at a point which is 20 rods south of the Northeast Corner of Block 11 in the Town of Afton, and running thence West 20 rods, thence South 10 rods, thence East 10 rods, thence North 1 rod, thence East 10 rods, thence North 9 rods to the point of beginning. Beginning 7 rods 14 feet West of the Northeast Corner of Lot 3 of Block 11, Afton Townsite, thence West 2 rods 3 feet, thence South 4 rods 10 feet, thence East 2 rods, 3 feet, thence North 4 rods 10 feet, to the point of beginning. VR 2-89 11/99 15M o ma /,.ascanet,r -ttAAN ma wax LAST FORNPENT AI GLEN ELMO RICH. 1 1( 4°' 11( P. ROMAN. aeclNrY. 5a a arlhao Mad I51 51 FOR ranucilows 80 dlff Ta MACE OF WAIN (Cho, wr am/ NAIIIMOOK tlaRLO{r Obpi*. I3 f Pi Oulo IM QooA l aRIEB' Qar+ew ::OR..,a.�a.' Clowi� s.w) 14. FACUry NAME to r AS tl,r.M1 Nloo NOW ma a.roal r a arY NONR, on LOCATION OF OHRN COUNTY OF DEATH 280 MONROE STREET AFTON"' I ra COUNTY a SINE OF RAIN (R .m in USA. tow .a.•P) O. rmarSo. town warm. ,O atRRAew muse tE .A OW ...too aarl *PAW IDAHO MARRIED NORMA HAKES MRS DECEDENT RYER O MA MEAD PONCES/ a, INIML OCLglON ROA or ar ...lc AR,i afro Aar ,ft,tarc OF SMER IOINNRY tapoNF,a ar.Abl r aaAOO k .a. r rR+dl NO MAINTENANCE WYOMING HIGHWAY DEPARTMENT /ta leatoeNC[ Sons ta CO,ATt IactOSY. rows. ORtnrvo* Nato lRltEEi ANR N,R WYOMING LINCOLN AFTON: 280; MONROE STREET l.. INS0Harm I,Yt$/ 54,516.s t1Et:E0EI AP /R1.YJlC MOON 10 wADt:1 'M s*. tq +N +K. tapes tr se d Aa/ 19A•aHY at M f.. R t.a NarM Et.r 1ARa lb. :,:I4AaN' oy' AVa� PRa aa�pAra) Oda Widow Ohrb Rem Hat YES di WHITE O,.N.rr/E.a..Yt 40-11Cow n -4aGoo N. 10 v..O prow 12 I 17. ptR1lYIY /MINE :FYr MOO LA! 1E: MDTQN'S NAME NN AEAIr mid. Swarm ELMO SMITH RXCH BERTIB MOURITSEN 1FJ 20 YSa rrarrANr -.wrt Mo. a. MA) ;r REU/tbwrr ro blt�a(.t NORMA RICH SPOUSE t0a MAILING Ab0 11ESS: attl9r ON R.PD.ISRIAfrR CRY OR.00*5 Stet a CODE P. 0. BO X 31 AFTON WYOMING 83110 PERE 7R 6r.I.Yr NAM. Osl a GE11Et50 5 CREMATORY, INNS ]m 10a610N CRY OR 10wN r IA JUNE 28. 2003 AFTON CEMETERY I AFTON WYOMING AFTON rr, ,^"'E ..7 POW. Aas.o Naha Otto NAME OF t OLM/ Mace tb.ba !to. OF MINT r trnE, SCHWAB MORTUARY 45'44:EAST FOURTH AVE., 22a1b' moor sad Rom .a do Paaa*551.55 am55 5 bamRaSm.Aa%.tFamaM,O.eaa.M bb oroolo)Mora rarti..aR..MPWP n.d to Y plAaeYa(al✓WL py.M. W 7M.1 12a oar *5051 Oda. 22a 110 OF DEATH ZQ 2 -OG.�' 3 00 A. 22aNAAE A PH5 ICMN IF O/11ER NOW evaMIER t/R,F a Raa/ 21.IMIi WO Arcadia OF COMFIER MONSOON OR CI IIOINRtR5 a /MR/ 0..`0.. PERICES.MD. tIOSPITAL LANE AFTON, WYOMING -43110 25►KONIIMIt 2ER.PATEEEEERRO M INN.nNw fib. Dog No Fos'' L7_ U S' WORT I. Sallom..PON... a•A.. �.E .a OU Oa +MOalma M. aaN RP ...ad 1100. sMb st .N =oh *.*NOW w Yaw NA a maY aato r or t Mum. LW a a a err .rb K. STATE[ OF WYOMING 00;41,59 STATE OF WYOMING DEPARTMENT OF HEALTH CERTIFICATE OF DEATH 506'350 This is a true certification of the document on file in the office of Vital, Statistics Services, Cheyenne, Wyoming. DATE ISSUED: JAN 2 4 2011 1 1�L This co is not valid unless prepared on paper with an engraved border, �f� s copy a F P PP 5• 2.262 MALE Gladys K. Breeden Deputy State Registrar t r 1 0t I sWEwE MINER IL MATE of NOTE (AY. bar, N.J JULY 24, 1922 3A. FRO OUNCE0 DEAD 0Nr1 M #ri olOY i S. L� FF f[!A is „F 1Y .i!IV�1/ilr 1, .`SF'L`'C:lti CERTIFICATION OF VITAL RECORD 1( Stii?# R'