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o RELEASE Chip_ M ortgage Sit SbO!(:'Af 4RT`iAU$ p 1_ MORTGAGOR: GLENN J DREAD 1807 Highway 241 Afton, Wyoming 83110 811940 LENDER: PRINCIPAL BANK Organized and existing under the laws of Iowa P. 0. Box 9351 Des Moines, Iowa 50306 -9467 42- 1466678 Glenn J Dread Wyoming Mortgage IA/ 3352C10739000000000000000F00000010n4 Space Above This Line For Recording Data MORTGAGE RECEIVED LINCOLN COUNTY CLERK 01 117 -5 1\11 9 13 KE M ER ViYOMING A X66 BOOKya' DATE AND PARTIES. The date of this Mortgage (Security Instrument) is January 23, 2001. The parties and their addresses are: 1. CONVEYANCE. For good and valuable consideration, the receipt and sufficiency of which is acknowledged, and to secure the Secured Debts and Mortgagor's performance under this Security Instrument, Mortgagor grants, bargains, conveys, mortgages and warrants to Lender, with the power of sale, the following described property: THE FOLLOWING DESCRIBED REAL ESTATE, SITUATED IN LINCOLN COUNTY AND STATE OF WYOMING: PART OF SECTION 24, 131N R1 19W OF THE 6TH P.M., LINCOLN COUNTY, WYOMING, MORE PARTICULARLY DESCIBED AS FOLLOWS: BEGINNING AT A POINT 225 FEET NORTH OF THE SOUTHEAST CORNER OF THE NE 1/4 OF SAID SECTION 24 AND RUNNING THENCE WEST 264 FEET; THENCE NORTH 165 FEET; THENCE EAST 264 FEET; THENCE SOUTH 165 FEET TO THE POINT OF BEGINNING. SUBJECT TO RESTRICTIONS, RESERVATIONS, EASEMENTS, COVENANTS, OIL, GAS OR MINERAL RIGHTS OF RECORD, IF ANY. The property is located in Lincoln County at 1807 Highway 241, Afton, Wyoming 83110. Together with all rights, easements, appurtenances, royalties, mineral rights, oil and gas rights, all water and riparian rights, wells, ditches and water stock and all existing and future improvements, structures, fixtures, and replacements that may now, or at any time in the future, be part of the real estate described (all referred to as Property). This Security Instrument will remain in effect until the Secured Debts and all underlying agreements have been terminated in writing by Lender. 2. MAXIMUM OBLIGATION LIMIT. The total principal amount secured by this Security Instrument at any one time will not exceed $10,000.00. This limitation of amount does not include interest and other fees and charges validly made pursuant to this Security Instrument. Also, this limitation does not apply to advances made under the terms of this Security Instrument to protect Lender's security and to perform any of the covenants contained in this Security Instrument. 3. SECURED DEBTS. This Security Instrument will secure the following Secured Debts: A. Specific Debts. The following debts and all extensions, renewals, refinancings, modifications and replacements. A promissory note, No. 51085, dated January 23, 2001, from Mortgagor to Lender, and a loan amount of $10,000.00 with an interest rate of 8.49 percent per year maturing on February 15, 2006. B. All Debts. All present and future debts from Mortgagor to Lender, even if this Security Instrument is not specifically referenced, or if the future debt is unrelated to or of a different type than this debt. If more than one person signs this Security Instrument, each agrees that it will secure debts incurred either individually or with others who may not sign this Security Instrument. Nothing in this Security Instrument constitutes a commitment to make additional or future loans or advances. Any such commitment must be in writing. In the event that Lender fails to provide notice of the right of rescission, Lender waives any subsequent security interest in the Mortgagor's principal dwelling that is created by this Security Instrument. This Security Instrument will not secure any debt for which a non possessory, non purchase money security interest is created in "household goods" in connection with a "consumer loan," as those terms are defined by federal law governing unfaiq and deceptive credit practices. This Security Instrument will not secure any debt for which a Initials ©1996 Bankers Systems, Inc., St. Cloud, MN Page 1 Z e6ed sIe131u1 NW 'pno13 S "Dui 'swe;sAS sJe)uee 9661® Vu01000000d0000000000000006ELOLOZ9':•F. /V I eOe6 o j BulwaAM pima r uuei :anopo 6u!nnolIol ay]. 10 Aue 4! 11ne4ap u! aq IIlm Jo6e61}oL 11flbd34 71, :Mel alge3!ldde pue saseaq 941 40 swaal 9141 yl!nn Aldwo3 Ol lueua1 Aug Gimbal pue u!elu!ew of saai6e osi9 ao6e61JOl i •nne! 1u8ual /paolpuel alg2o!idde Aue 10 saseaq 841 .spun sl.s!xa 11ne49p ou 1541 slueJJem 1ofie61aolj •luewnJlsul Al!Jnoas s!41 u! pap!noJd se pa!idde aq !pm p01391lop slunowe Auy *spun'. Jay lo Aue 414m s1uaI ay1 al6u!wwoo l0U II!nn pue Japuaq 104 1sn11 u! sluaH Aue 9A!0301 II!nn pue uo!ssassod s,1o6e61JO1ji w slum'. 10 luawAed Aue Japuaq of Jan!lap pue asJOpua lI!nn 106e61JO1N 'llne4ap 40 ao!lou BUTA19001 up •Japuaq of Alloanp sluaj aminl lie Aed lueual Aue 19141 spuewap pue llnelap s,1o6e61J0W 40 Jo1e31JOA sa!1!lou 'waft sl! J0 '19p.uaq uaynn moo() 01 pawaap s! uo!ssassod 'ewe ley'. pue uo!1oe 1e6a1 6u!ouawwoo 10 A1!ssaoau ay1 lnoyllnn Allado1d 9y1 40 uo!ssassod lenlpe ai1el Aew Japuaq 15p1 saaiBe Jo 6s611o1N •p'a!4s!les aJe slgaa pampas 941 pun po!1ad uo!ldwapal Aue 6u!unp 139449 u! u!5wa1 Ii!nn luawu6!sse s!y1 15141 pue 'nnel Aq paq!J3saJd uo!1Oe an!1ew1!440 salel 1apUaq uaynn sowed 141!141 01 se an!loalla s! luawu6!ss2 s!41 19y1 saaJ6e ao 6e61.10A •luawnIlsul A1!Jn0as sm. 01 sa!119d ay1 uaannlaq an!13alga Alale!paww! s! luawu6!sse s!141 le saal6e ao6e611oJ •luawnllsul A1lln3as s!141 40 swJal 9y1 Japun ljnelap u! 1ou s! 306e61JOlN se 6u01 os swat] gip asn pue Aofue 'an!9391 'loallob Xew Jo6e61JOInI •saseaq aJnlnl pue 6u!ls!x9 He 4o sa!do3 1091100 pue arm yl!nn Japuaq op/wad A1ldwoad .li! Jobe 1Joinf •A1Jadold 9y1 40 lied Aue 10 0104m 9y1 40 Aouednopo Jo asn ay1 40 lun000e uo 012 Jo O1 u!e1Jad Aem Aue u! ley'. aney Aew Jo6e131J0A 140!ynn sw!elo pue s146!J lie pue 'salgl6uelu! leaaua6 'sw6!J 1oe11uoo 'sluno0oe 'sasnuoq 'speaoold 'sa!1IeAo1 'sanuana1 's1d!aoaJ 1san6 'aouoJnsu! „dual 40 ssOl„ 'swn!wald uo!leila0ueo 'llne4ap 6u!nnollo4 sa6ewep pal2p!nb!1 'suo!lnqu1uoo wn!waid aouemsu! 'saxel alge0!Idde aaylo '59x51 alelsa !eat '50619113 6uwed '5061 ego a3ueualulew ewe uowwoo '1U91 Ieuoplpp2 '1ua1 a6e1uaoiad 'lual wnw!u!w 'sl!sodap Al!m3as o1 pal!w!1 lou lnq 6u!pniou! 'lsluala se of pa/19491 He) sl!4o1d pue sanss! 'Sluo '8 •saseaq se 01 p911949i Ile) swawa916e Lions 40 suollnl!lsgns 10 suolle0!4!pow 'slennaual 'SUOISUalxa Aue 6u!pnpu! 'A11ado1d 941 uo!11od Aue 4o Aouedn000 pue asn 9y1 104 sluawaaJ6e !Klan 10 uallllnn 19y10 Aue pue sa!lu2aen6 'sasuao!I 'sasealgns 'saseal aanln4 J0 Bul1s!x3 •y Ale pue Aue o1 pue u! lsaaalu! pue 91141 '1116!1 9y1 Ile A1!m0as leuo!1!ppe se Japuaq 01 s1ueIJenn pue Sa62611ow 'sAanuoO 'su!o6Jeq '51u216 106561.10 W 'S1N31:1 aNv S3SV31 AO 1N3WNDISSV 'L L •uo!10fJ1suo0 910 4o uo!laldwoO 6u!pnlou! 'A11adold ay1 u! 1saIa1u! Al!Jnpas s,Japuaq 10a101d of AJessapau sdals Ile 9)151 Aew 1apuaq 'Jauuew alg8uoseal 9 u! uo p09120 10U Jo panu!1uoOS!p s! Alaadold 9y1 uo uo!1On11suo0 Aue 41 •luawnJlsul A4!Jn°as 5!141 Jo nne! 9y1 Japun s1y6!a 10110 s,Japuaq 4o Aue 6u!sp exa wo14 aapuaq apnpald 1ou !pm w1o4lad o1 a1nl!e4 s,lapuaq pue 'w1o41ad of uo!1e6!Igo ue aleaJ3 lou ll!nn 1o6e61JOLAI 104 w1o41ad of 1146!1 s,Japuaq 'a0uew1o4Jad 104 AIOssa3au lunowe Aue Aed 10 aweu s,1o6e611o1n1 u6!s 01 1324 u! AawoUe se Japuaq slu!odde 106261101N •paw1o41ad aq of wa41 asne0 Jo w1o41ad 'ao!lou lnoyl!nn 'Aew Japuaq 'luawnJlsul A1l1n0as s!141 U! pau!eluoo s1Ueuan0O 9y1 40 Aue Jo A1np Aue w1olJad 01 si!94 /0696110 W 41 'WaOd1:13d 0.1. AIIHOH1fV '0L •uo!13adsu! s,Japuaq uo Alaa Aem ou u! !!!nn 1oBe6110IN pue 1!lauaq sdepuaq 104 Ala1!1ua aq II!m A1Jadold 0y1 40 uo!loedsu! Amy •uo!loadsu! ay1 101 asodind algeuoseal 2 6u!A4!Oads uo!l0adsu! ue 9104aq JO 40 aw!1 0141 le a0!lou ao6961101N an!6 II!nn Japuaq °AlladoJd 9y1 Bu!lOadsu! 40 asodlnd 0y1 404 aw!1 algeuoseal Aue 1e A1Jadoad 0141 Jalua 'uo!ldo s,aapuaq 1e 'Aew slua6e S,Japuaq 10 Japuaq •Alladoid 0141 01 06ewep Jo 5501 Aue 40 pue 'a062611Olni 1su!e6e suo!10e pue 'sw!el0 's6u!paaoold 'spuewap He to Japuaq A4!1ou ll!m 1oBe61JO1j1 •luasuo0 uaUunn 1o!Jd s,lapuaq lnogl!nn 1uawasea Jo 1UBUanoO an!19!11sa1 'asua3!l Aue u! a6ueyo Aue l!uJJad 1ou lI!nn 106861101) •luasuo0 uall!1nn 10!1d s,lapuaq lnoyl!nn 06u2143 Allel1uelsgns 1ou ii!nn asn pue Aouodn000 9141 10 adnleu 0141 15 saa162 Jo6e61101N •sassea6 pue SpaaM sno!xou 40 9911 Alladold 9y1 deal II!M 1o6e61101Ai •A1Jadold 9141 40 uo!1e1o!1a1ap Jo 'luawI!edw! 'alsenn Aue mo11e 10 11ww03 1ou II!M 106261101N •AJessa0au Algeuoseal ale 19y1 s1!ed04 112 a)lew pue uo!1!puo0 p006 u! A11ado1d 9y1 daal Il!M /06861/0 W 'NOI1O3dSNI aNV SNOIIVH311V 'NOIIIaNOO A11:13d0Hd '6 *Ailed 9 s! 1o6e6110lN 40!ynn 01 10 1o6e6110W 6u!wano6 luawaal6e Aue 91210!n 10U II!nn 1UawnJ1sul A1IJnOas s!y1 to A1an!lap pub uo!ln0axa 9141 •luawnalsul Alunoag 5!141 ow! 1a1ua o1 AluOglne pue 1146!1 9144 524 106e611o1Ai 'SNOI1V1N3S3Hd3H aNV S3IINVHHVM '8 •aige0!idde se 'snne! ales -uo -anp awls 10 uo!ldwaaad 9y1 6u!wano6 noel 19191491 Aq pasodw! suoll3!11sa1 0141 01 lOafgns s! 146p s!yl •Al1ado1d 0y1 40 ales Jo aalsU811 2 '40 uo!leaa3 ay1 104 13211UO3 JO '10 uo!1eaa0 ay1 uodn aigeAed pue anp Ala1e!paww! aq o1 slgaa pampas 041 10 a0ueleq aJ!lua ay1 alepap 'uolldo 51! le 'Aew aapuaq '31VS NO 3fla 'L •A11adOJd 9141 anoldw! Jo u!e1u!ew o1 sle!1a1ew 10 10(491 Alddns own sa!11ed 1su!e6e anal Aew Jo6e61aoW sasua4ap 10 sw!e40 '51116!) Aue 'lapuaq Aq palsanbal se 'Japuaq 01 u6!sse o1 590162 Jo6e611o1j •luawnalsul Aij noas s!y1 40 ua!l 9141 1!8dw! pinonn 12y1 sw!ep Aue 1su!e6e Alladoid 9111 01 91141 pua4ap ll!M 1o6e611oW '1uawAed s,1o62B11oin1 6u!OUap!na sld!a0a1 0y1 pue anp ale slunowe y3ns 18y1 sap!1ou 118 4o sa!dop JapUaq 01 ap!no1d 01 Jo6e6110A Gimbal Aew Japuaq anp uaynn Alladold ay1 01 6uRe1a4 59612140 191110 pug 'sa!1!1!1n 'Shia'. punoi6 'sluawAed 95291 'sa0ue1gwn3ua 'sue!! 'sluawssasse 'sax81 Ile Aed 1I!nn a06e6110W '31111 1SNIVDV SINIV1O '9 •luasuo0 uall!1nn 100 s,Japuaq lnoyl!nn luawnOOp ua!I 9y1 Aq pampas 1Uawaa169 10 910U Aue Japun sapuenpe alnln4 Aue lsanbaJ 01 10U '10 uo!sualxa 10 uo!1e0!1!pow Aue nno11 o1 1oN 0 •1ap1014 9y1 WO44 san!9091 4o686110A 12141 sa0!lou Aue Japuaq o1 Jan!1ap AlldwoJd of '8 •slueuano0 112 y1!nn Aldwoo 10 W10110d of pub anp uaynn sluawAed 115 alew 01 •V :saaa6e 1o6eB11o1N 'Alledold ay1 uo a3ue1gwnOUa Jo 1S9191u! A1!1n3as Jol1d 8 14918910 12141 luawnOOp ua!l 10(110 Jo luawaal6e A1un0as '1sn11 10 paap '96e611ow 19y10 Aue 01.p1e691 1 11!M 'S1S31:131NI AIIHf1O3S HOIHd '9 •luawnJlsul A1!Jnoas sly pue slgao pampas 9y1 40 swlal 9y1 y1!nn 90uep40008 u! pue anp uaynn pied aq II!M swap pampas 941 Japun sluawAed Ile 12y1 saa162 Jo6e611oW 'SIN3WAVd 'ti •luawnllsul A1!JnOas sly. 4o sw181 9y1 Japun Japuaq Aq palmou! sasuadxa pue pa0uenpe swns lly •peouenpy swns •0 •sa!1!Jnoas 6u!wano6 me! impel Aq pa1!nbal pue pau!4ap se „'asodind 10 luawalels„ 2 u!elgo 1ou saop Japuaq pue „Tools u!B1ew„ u! pa1ea10 s! 1saIa1u! Al!Jnoas W f.- -4 A. Payments. Mortgagor fails to make a payment in full when due. B. Insolvency. Mortgagor makes an assignment for the benefit of creditors or becomes insolvent, either because Mortgagor's liabilities exceed Mortgagor's assets or Mortgagor is unable to pay Mortgagor's debts as they become due. C. Death or Incompetency. Mortgagor dies or is declared legally incompetent. D. Failure to Perform. Mortgagor fails to perform any condition or to keep any promise or covenant of this Security Instrument. E. Other Documents. A default occurs under the terms of any other transaction document. F. Other Agreements. Mortgagor is in default on any other debt or agreement Mortgagor has with Lender. G. Misrepresentation. Mortgagor makes any verbal or written statement or provides any financial information that is untrue, inaccurate, or conceals a material fact at the time it is made or provided. H. Judgment. Mortgagor fails to satisfy or appeal any judgment against Mortgagor. I. Forfeiture. The Property is used in a manner or for a purpose that threatens confiscation by a legal authority. J. Name Change. Mortgagor changes Mortgagor's name or assumes an additional name without notifying Lender before making such a change. K. Property Transfer. Mortgagor transfers all or a substantial part of Mortgagor's money or property. This condition of default, as it relates to the transfer of the Property, is subject to the restrictions contained in the DUE ON SALE section. L. Property Value. The value of the Property declines or is impaired. M. Insecurity. Lender reasonably believes that Lender is insecure. 13. REMEDIES. Lender may use any and all remedies Lender has under state or federal law or in any instrument evidencing or pertaining to the Secured Debts, including, without limitation, the power to sell the Property. Any amounts advanced on Mortgagor's behalf will be immediately due and may be added to the balance owing under the Secured Debts. Lender may make a claim for any and all insurance benefits or refunds that may be available on Mortgagor's default. Subject to any right to cure, required time schedules or other notice rights Mortgagor may have under federal and state law, Lender may make all or any part of the amount owing by the terms of the Secured Debts immediately due and foreclose this Security Instrument in a manner provided by law upon the occurrence of a default or anytime thereafter. All remedies are distinct, cumulative and not exclusive, and the Lender is entitled to all remedies provided at law or equity, whether or not expressly set forth. The acceptance by Lender of any sum in payment or partial payment on the Secured Debts after the balance is due or is accelerated or after foreclosure proceedings are filed will not constitute a waiver of Lender's right to require complete cure of any existing default. By choosing any one or more of these remedies Lender does not give up Lender's right to use any other remedy. Lender does not waive a default if Lender chooses not to use a remedy. By electing not to use any remedy, Lender does not waive Lender's right to later consider the event a default and to use any remedies if the default continues or happens again. 14. COLLECTION EXPENSES AND ATTORNEYS' FEES. On or after Default, to the extent permitted by law, Mortgagor agrees to pay all expenses of collection, enforcement or protection of Lender's rights and remedies under this Security Instrument. Mortgagor agrees to pay expenses for Lender to inspect and preserve the Property and for any recordation costs of releasing the Property from this Security Instrument. Expenses include, but are not limited to, reasonable attorneys' fees, court costs, and other legal expenses. These expenses are due and payable immediately. If not paid immediately, these expenses will bear interest from the date of payment until paid in full at the highest interest rate in effect as provided for in the terms of the Secured Debts. To the extent permitted by the United States Bankruptcy Code, Mortgagor agrees to pay the reasonable attorneys' fees Lender incurs to collect the Secured Debts as awarded by any court exercising jurisdiction under the Bankruptcy Code. 15. ENVIRONMENTAL LAWS AND HAZARDOUS SUBSTANCES. As used in this section, (1) Environmental Law means, without limitation, the Comprehensive Environmental Response, Compensation and Liability Act (CERCLA), all other federal, state and local laws, regulations, ordinances, court orders, attorney general opinions or interpretive letters concerning the public health, safety, welfare, environment or a hazardous substance; and (2) Hazardous Substance means any toxic, radioactive or hazardous material, waste, pollutant or contaminant which has characteristics which render the substance dangerous or potentially dangerous to the public health, safety, welfare or environment. The term includes, without limitation, any substances defined as "hazardous material," "toxic substance," "hazardous waste," "hazardous substance," or "regulated substance" under any Environmental Law. 471 Mortgagor represents, warrants and agrees that: A. Except as previously disclosed and acknowledged in writing to Lender, no Hazardous Substance is or will be located, stored or released on or in the Property. This restriction does not apply to small quantities of Hazardous Substances that are generally recognized to be appropriate for the normal use and maintenance of the Property. B. Except as previously disclosed and acknowledged in writing to Lender, Mortgagor and every tenant have been, are, and will remain in full compliance with any applicable Environmental Law. C. Mortgagor will immediately notify Lender if a release or threatened release of a Hazardous Substance occurs on, under or about the Property or there is a violation of any Environmental Law concerning the Property. In such an event, Mortgagor will take all necessary remedial action in accordance with any Environmental Law. D. Mortgagor will immediately notify Lender in writing as soon as Mortgagor has reason to believe there is any pending or threatened investigation, claim, or proceeding relating to the release or threatened release of any Hazardous Substance or the violation of any Environmental Law. 16. CONDEMNATION. Mortgagor will give Lender prompt notice of any pending or threatened action by private or public entities to purchase or take any or all of the Property through condemnation, eminent domain, or any other Glenn J Dread Wyoming Mortgage IA/ 3352C10739000000000000000F00000010n4 ®1996 Bankers Systems, Inc., St. Cloud, MN Initials Page 3 °Bed slell!ul JI N1M 'pn013 '1S ''eul 'swelsAS sJe )1ue9 966 le bu01000000d0000000000000006 £L0 LOZ2££ /VI eBeBvoyj Bu!wZAM pee,a r uu°lO 9119 iou uo! ;sanb u! sia ;ew lay ;o Jo sw!e!o 'sa ;ndsip pa ;eiaJ Aue y ;!M a ;nds!a Aue a ;ep!losuoo Aew Jo ;e1 ;lgJ9 ayl A ;!nba u! Jo nnel ;e renew 1ay ;o Aue 10 110; ;oeJ ;uoo uo paseq lay ;ayM Jo 'alnleu u! ;up! Jo lenp!n!pu! 19y ;ayM 'a ;nds!a Aue anlosaJ !I!M 10 ;e1 ;!q1e al6u!s y •91geJlig1e s! a ;ndsia a Jay ;ayM auiwJa ;ap Il!M Jo ;eJ ;!qJe ayl uo! ;e1 ;!qJ2 adwoo o; ;y6u ay; 10 Jan!eM a a ;n ;suoo ;ou II!M sa!pawaJ d!a4-119s 6uinslnd Jo uo! ;o2 le!o!pnf a 6uinu! ;uoo pue 6U!uu!Baq 'ales 10 laMod e Buisiolaxa Jo 6u!s013010d •Jo6e6 ;Jolty Jo Japual o; A1nfui algelndeiii luanald o; Jo 10 s ;y6u ay; an135aJd o; uol ;o!psunf Bu!ney ;1noo a woJ1 aw!; Aue ;e sa!pawal leuo!s!nwd Maas Aew JOBe6 ;JOIN Jo JapUa1 •uo! ;eJ ;!qJe Aue 1a ;1e Jo Bu!Jnp 'alolaq a ;ndsla ay; 6u!AlJapun pue A ;Jadold IeaJ s!q; Aq palnoas ;qap ay; awolua osie Aew Japual uo! ;e1 ;!q1e Aue 1a ;12 Jo Buunp 'alolaq a ;ndsia Aue 6u!AlJapun lqap e Bu unoas A ;Jadwd 199.1 1suie6e ales 10 sJaMod Aue 991319x3 10 asoloalol Aew lapual uo! ;eJ ;!q18 pasodwd ay; 10 aw!; ay; ;e a ;e ;sa 1291 Aq paJnoas ;qap a Bu!ulaouoo a ;ndsia Aue a ;91 ;!qle 0; ;uasuoo ;snw 10626 1JO0,1 pue Japual •5M91 Aa ;dnqueq sa ;e ;s pa ;!un ay; Japun „s6u!paaowd 9100„ Aue u!y ;!M a ;ndsia Aue a ;eJ ;!q1e ;ou Him JoBe6 ;JO!N Jo lapua1 1uawnJ ;sul A ;unoaS s!y; o; a ;2Ia1 ley; wan 10 suo!sua ;x9 Jo sueol pasodwd pue s ;uawnJ ;su! 's ;uawnoop 19410 Aue pue ;uawn4sul A ;unoaS s"1 sapnlou! uol ;oesueJi 5!y; 'uo! ;oas sI14 1 sasodind Jod •Bu! ;uM u! 0; 99188 JoB86;Jo!N pue lapual se 10 uo! ;oas sly; u! pa ;9o!pui asIMJay ;o se ;daoxa '(a ;nds!Q) uo! ;oesueJl s!y; o; sa ;elaJ Jo 10 ;no saspe ;ey; Jo6e6 ;JO!N pue Japua1 Buowe 10 uaaM ;aq uo! ;sanb u! 1a ;ew Jay ;o Jo w!eio 'a ;nds!p Aue uol ;9J ;!qJe o; ;!wgns Aew 10696 1.1OIN 10 aapuaq •31VHlf8HV Ol 1N3W33H )V '9Z •aouessa 99; 10 s! aw!l •A ;JadoJd Aue uo sn ;2 ;s ua!I s,Japua1 WJ!luoo o; pue ;uawnl ;sul A ;unoaS s!Li; lapun suo! ;e6!lgo sdol3e8 ;JOLN anJasaJd pue 'anu! ;uoo 'looped o; AlessaoaU 1ap!suoo Aew 1apual ;ey; suo! ;90!1! ;Jao Jo s ;uawnoop I9uo! ;lppe Aue al!1 pue '1an!lap 'u6!s o; sa9162 JoBe6 1101N •a ;aldwoo pue 1391103 aq II!M lapual san!6 J0626 1Jolty uol ;ew101u! pue s ;uawalels Ie!oueu!1 Ily •s ;sanbal 1apual uoilew1o,u! .10 s ;uawa ;g ;s Aue Japual ap!nwd Him Jo6e6 ;Jolty uo! ;ewlolu! uo! ;eo!Idde J9410 Jo ssaJppe 'aweu s,1o696 1.1oLN u! 96uego Aue 10 6u! ;uM u! Japual wwowu! II!M Jo6e6 ;Jolty •sal ;J9d lie o; 9o! ;ou aq o; pawaap aq II!nn A ;led auo o; ao! ;oN 6u! ;uM u! pa ;eu6!sap ss3Jppe Jay ;o Aue 0; Jo 'uo! ;oas S3IJUVd QN`d 31va palsy ssaJppe s,A ;Jed a ;eudoadde ay; 0; pew sselo ;51!1 Aq 6u!I!9w Jo 6uuanllap Aq uen!6 aq II!M Sol ;ou Aue 'noel Aq pannbel as!nnaay ;o ssaiu fl 'S1N3Wf1O0a 1VNOillaav aNV SlliOd3a 1VIONtfNId '33110N 'SZ ;uawnl;sul Mimes s!y; 10 sw1a; ay; au!1ap 10 ;aJdla ;u! o; pasn aq o; ;ou ale pue Aiuo aoua!uanuoo 101 918 s6u!peay uo! ;oas ayl •1ein6u!s ay; sapnloui l9Jnid ay1 pue Ielnld ay; sapnlou! J9ln6u!s ay; 'pasn 1anauayM 'NOI1V13adli31NI •tiZ •aige9o1olua aq II! ;s !I!M suo!s!nwd Bu!u!ewal ay; pue paJ3A9S eq II!nn uo!s!noJd alg9ao1o1Uaun 9141 uay1 'aigeaololuaun s! ;uawnI ;sul A ;unoaS sm. 1 uo!s!nwd Aue 11 ;uawa916e 941 10 uoissaldxa 191.111 pue a ;aldwoo ay; s! ;uawnJ ;sui A ;unoaS s!yl •Japual pue JoBe6 1J001 Aq pa;noaxa pue 6u! ;uM u! apew ssaiun an! ;09119 s! ;uawnl ;sui A ;unoaS s!y; 10 uo! ;2o!1!pow Jo ;U9wpuawe oN ;uawa9J6e Iwo Aq pailipow Jo papuawe eq ;ou Aew ;uawnl ;sul A ;unoaS s !yl 'AII1I8Vli3MS aNV NOIIVllD31NI "1N3WaN3WV '£Z •.1o6e8 ;JOIN pue lapual 10 su6!sse pue 5lossaoons ay; ;!lauaq pue pu!q II!M ;uawnI ;sui A sly; 10 slilauaq pue sa! ;np 341 Ali adwd 6ulu!ewei ay; 104 ;uawnI ;sul A ;unoaS s!y; aapun pa ;eBilgo aq II!ls Him Jo6e6 1Jolty pue AlJadwd ay; 40 Lied Aue °seep' Aew 1apual •10626 ;JOIN JaLi ;o Aue y ;!M 194 19601 Jo Alienp!n!pui ao6e6 1.Jolty yoga ens Aew 1apual •Jo6e6 ;JOIN 191.0.0 Aue 40 suo! ;e6iigo 94; 40 ;Uapuadapui ale ;uawnl ;sul A ;unoaS s!y; aapun suo! ;96!lgo s,1o6e6 ;Jolty yoe3 'Sli0SS3O3f1S aNy AlIlI8vI1 1dlalAIONi CNV 1NIOf 'ZZ •eo 40 sa ;e ;s pa ;!ua ay; pue 'pa ;9901 s! A ;aadwd ay; 0194M uo! ;a!ps!Jnf 94; 1 sMel ay; Aq paJinbeJ as!M1ay ;o ;ua ;x9 ay; o; ;daoxa 'envoi 10 5M91 94; Aq peulano6 s! ;uawnl ;sul A ;!monS s !yl 'MV1 3181/011ddV LZ •A ;Jadwd ay; 01 6u! ;9101 s14611 uoildwaxe pea ;sawoy Ile san!eM Jo6e6 ;1oIN 'M91 Aq pa ;!q!yold ;ua ;xa 041 01 ;daoxa 'Sa3AiVM 'OZ •5Me! uo! ;0e -auo Jo Aoua!o!1ap -Rue Aue 'o; pa ;!w!1 ;ou 91e ;nq 'apnlou! Aew s14611 emu •uoile8i qo 941 aapun pa ;gapui A ;aed Aue Jo JoBe6 ;Jo1N ;su!e6e w!e10 Jo uo! ;oe Aug 6ui6u!Jq W0 11 1apUa1 ;Uanald Aew ;ey1 5148u Aue an!enn o; saaJ6e 10626 ;JOIN 'J06e6 1J0lty pue Japua1 uaann ;aq A ;uelen6 e salvoes ;uawnJ ;sul A ;unoaS s!y; 1I •s ;qaa pa1noas 941 uo algell AlleuosJad aq 01 99169 ;ou saop 1o696 ;1oi pue s ;qaa paJnoas ay1 1 ;uawAed amoas 01 A ;Jad01d ay; u! Isamu! s,JO6261JO1N 9696110w 01 Apo os saop Jo6e6 ;Jolty 's ;qaa pa1noas 9111 uBis ;ou saop ;nq ;uawna ;sul A ;!m3as s!y; su6!s ao6e6 ;Jo W 41 'Sli3NDIS '6L •M01359 UI a9Uelnsui pug saxe1 104 spunl 1apual 01 Aed o; pa1!nbaJ aq sou II!M Jo6e6 ;JOIN '3ONVHflSNl aNv S3XV1 HOd MOHHOS3 •8L •93U91nsui ay; paseyolnd JoBe6 ;Jolty 1! we ;qo pinoo Jo6e6 ;Jolty ueii; 9 1.e1 19461q a ;2 ua ;uM aq Aew pue 'asooyo p!noM JoBe6 ;Jolty auo uey ;.Jay ;o Auedwoo a Aq ua ;!1M aq Aew 'JoBe6 ;Jolty 1 pannbal AIIeu!6uo sou sa6eJanoo apnlou! Aew 9ouelnsu! s!yl •A ;ladwd 941 u! 153191U! s,lapual ;oa ;old o; 3ouelnsui u!e ;qo Aew Japual palnsu! A ;ladwd ay; deo)! o; sI!e1 Jo6e6 1.J0lty 1! •aoueJnsu! 1 uo! ;eu!w1a; 10 uo! ;eilaoueo 10 lapual A1!sou Ala ;9!paww! li!M Jo6e6 1.JoW s ;qaa paInoas 341 40 ;ua ;xa 9141 o; Japua1 o; ssed il!M spaaoold pue sa!o!Iod aouelnsu! Aue o; 5114611 s,JOB2B ;1oIN 'uo! ;!puoo pa6ewep u! A ;Jadwd 941 salinboe lapual 11 •uo! ;do s,lapu91 ;e 's ;qaa pampas 941 01 Jo A ;Jado1d 941 10 n9da1 10 uo! ;910 ;sal o; pa!Idde aq 11!M spaaowd 3OU21nsU1 ll •ssol Aue 10 ao!4ou a ;e!paww! Auedwoo aouelnsu! 041 pue lapual 9n!6 1I!M ao6e6 1.1o1N „•asnelo aaAed ssol„ 'algeo!Idd9 a1ayM 'pue „asneio 9626 1.10w„ pJepue ;s 2 apnlou! 11!M siemeual pue sa!o!Iod aouelnsu! Ily •playy ;!M AlgeuoseaJun aq sou II!M 49!11M 'Ienwdde s,Japual o; ;oafgns 'Auedwoo aouelnsui ay; asooyo Aew Jo6e6 ;Jolty ;uawnl ;sul A ;unoaS s!y; wo11 pasealaJ s! A ;1adold 941 pun 1sel II!nn aou9Jnsui s!yl •sa1!nba1 Japua1 s ;unowe ay; u! aou2lnsui s!y; u!2 ;Ulew II!M Jo6e6 ;1oLN •A ;ladold ay; y ;!M pa ;e1305se Algeuose91 1sule6e palnsu! A ;Jadwd 941 deal 04 590169 Jo896110 W '33NVaflSNI 'L L ;uawnoop ua!I lay ;o Jo ;UawaaJ6e A ;1lnoas ;sn1; 10 peep '3696 110W loud Aue 40 sw1a; 941 0; ;oafgns s! spaaowd 10 ;uawu6!sse s!yl ;uawnl ;sul A ;unoaS s!y; u! pap!nwd se pa!idde aq li!M pue s ;uawAed palapisuoo eq II!M spaaowd Lions •A ;Jadwd ay; 10 ;Jed Aue Jo Ile 40 Bum; lay ;o Jo uo! ;euwapuoo e y ;!M pa ;oauuoo sa6ewep 101 w!elo Jo pJeMe Aue 1 spaeoold ay; Japua1 01 su6!ss9 10696 110IN 'sumo Jo swipe paquosep anoge ay; 10 Aue u! aweu s,J06e6 ;JOIN u! auanla ;u! 01 Japua saz!1oy ;ne JoBe6 ;JOIN •sueaw gip ,111111 473 out of this Transaction. Any court having jurisdiction may enter a judgment or decree on the arbitrator's award. The judgment or decree will be enforced as any other judgment or decree. Lender and Mortgagor acknowledge that the agreements, transactions or the relationships which result from the agreements or transactions between and among Lender and Mortgagor involve interstate commerce. The United States Arbitration Act will govern the interpretation and enforcement of this section. The American Arbitration Association's Commercial Arbitration Rules, in effect on the date of this Security Instrument, will govern the selection of the arbitrator and the arbitration process, unless otherwise agreed to in this Security Instrument or another writing. 27. WAIVER OF TRIAL FOR ARBITRATION. Lender and Mortgagor understand that the parties have the right or opportunity to litigate any Dispute through a trial by judge or jury, but that the parties prefer to resolve Disputes through arbitration instead of litigation. If any Dispute is arbitrated, Lender and Mortgagor voluntarily and knowingly waive the right to have a trial by jury or judge during the arbitration. NOTICE TO CONSUMER: 1. Do not sign this paper before you read it. 2. You are entitled to a copy of this paper. 3. You may prepay the unpaid balance at any time without penalty and may be entitled to receive a refund of unearned charges in accordance with law. SIGNATURES. By signing, Mortgagor agrees to the terms and covenants containe in this Security Instrument. Mortgagor also acknowledges receipt of a copy of this Security Instrum t. fi MORTGAGO Glenn J Dread ACKNOWLEDGMENT. (Individual) OF This instrument was acknowledged before me this Glenn J Dread. My co min expires: Glenn J Dread Wyoming Mortgage IA/ 3352C10739000000000000000F00000010n4 0F/ 616E.. O eirt clay of 1 ®1996 Bankers Systems, Inc., St. Cloud, MN by Initials Page 5