HomeMy WebLinkAbout8719341.98£ WIOj
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If Borrower pays Funds to Lender, the Funds shall be held in an institution the deposits or accounts of which are insured or
guaranteed by a federal or state agency (including Lender if Lender is such an institution). Lender shall apply the Funds to pay
said taxes, assessments, insurance premiums and ground rents. Lender may not charge for so holding and applying the Funds,
analyzing said account or verifying and compiling said assessments and bills, unless Lender pays Borrower interest on the Funds
and applicable law permits Lender to make such a charge. Borrower and Lender may agree in writing at the time of execution
of this Mortgage that interest on the Funds shall be paid to Borrower, and unless such agreement is made or applicable law
requires such interest to be paid, Lender shall not be required to pay Borrower any interest or earnings on the Funds. Lender
shall give to Borrower, without charge, an annual accounting of the Funds showing credits and debits to the Funds and the
purpose for which each debit to the Funds was made. The Funds are pledged as additional security for the sums secured by this
If the amount of the Funds held by Lender, together with the future monthly installments of Funds payable prior to the due
dates of taxes, assessments, insurance premiums and ground rents, shall exceed the amount required to pay said taxes,
assessments, insurance premiums and ground rents as they fall due, such excess shall be, at Borrower's option, either promptly
repaid to Borrower or credited to Borrower on monthly installments of Funds. If the amount of the Funds held by Lender shall
not be sufficient to pay taxes, assessments, insurance premiums and ground rents as they fall due, Borrower shall pay to Lender
any amount necessary to make up the deficiency in one or more payments as Lender may require.
Upon payment in full of all sums secured by this Mortgage, Lender shall promptly refund to Borrower any Funds held by
Lender. If under paragraph 17 hereof the Property is sold or the Property is otherwise acquired by Lender, Lender shall apply,
no later than immediately prior to the sale of the Property or its acquisition by Lender, any Funds held by Lender at the time of
application as a credit against the sums secured by this Mortgage.
3. Application of Payments. Unless applicable law provides otherwise, all payments received by Lender under the Note
and paragraphs 1 and 2 hereof shall be applied by Lender first in payment of .amounts payable to Lender by Borrower under
paragraph 2 hereof, then to interest payable on the Note, and then to the principal of the Note.
4. Prior Mortgages and Deeds of Trust; Charges; Liens. Borrower shall perform all of Borrower's obligations under
any mortgage, deed of trust or other security agreement with a lien which has priority over this Mortgage, including Borrower's
covenants to make payments when due. Borrower shall pay or cause to be paid all taxes, assessments and other charges, fines
and impositions attributable to the Property which may attain a priority over this Mortgage, and leasehold payments or ground
rents, if any.
5. Hazard Insurance. Borrower shall keep the improvements now existing or hereafter erected on the Property insured
against loss by fire, hazards included within the term "extended coverage, and such other hazards as Lender may require and in
such amounts and for such periods as Lender may require.
The insurance carrier providing the insurance shall be chosen by Borrower subject to approval by Lender; provided, that
such approval shall not be unreasonably withheld. All insurance policies and renewals thereof shall be in a form acceptable to
Lender and shall include a standard mortgage clause in favor of and in a form acceptable to Lender. Lender shall have the right
to hold the policies and renewals thereof, subject to the terms of any mortgage, deed of trust or other security agreement with a
lien which has priority over this Mortgage.
In the event of loss, Borrower shall give prompt notice to the insurance carrier and Lender. Lender may make proof of
loss if not made promptly by Borrower.
If the Property is abandoned by Borrower, or if Borrower fails to respond to Lender within 30 days from the date notice is
mailed by Lender to Borrower that the insurance carrier offers to settle a claim for insurance benefits, Lender is authorized to
collect and apply the insurance proceeds at Lender's option either to restoration or repair of the Property or to the sums secured
by this Mortgage.
6. Preservation and Maintenance of Property; Leaseholds; Condominiums; Planned Unit Developments. Borrower
shall keep the Property in good repair and shall not commit waste or permit impairment or deterioration of the Property and
shall comply with the provisions of any lease if this Mortgage is on a leasehold. If this Mortgage is on a unit in a condominium
or a planned unit development, Borrower shall perform all of Borrower's obligations under the declaration or covenants creating
or governing the condominium or planned unit development, the by -laws and regulations of the condominium or planned unit
development, and constituent documents.
7. Protection of Lender's Security. If Borrower fails to perform the covenants and agreements contained in this
Mortgage, or if any action or proceeding is commenced which materially affects Lender's interest in the Property, then Lender,
at Lender's option, upon notice to Borrower, may make such appearances, disburse such sums, including reasonable attorneys'
fees, and take such action as is necessary to protect Lender's interest. If Lender required mortgage insurance as a condition of
making the loan secured by this Mortgage, Borrower shall pay the premiums required to maintain such insurance in effect until
such time as the requirement for such insurance terminates in accordance with Borrower's and Lender's written agreement or
applicable law.
Any amounts disbursed by Lender pursuant to this paragraph 7, with interest thereon, at the Note rate, shall become
additional indebtedness of Borrower secured by this Mortgage. Unless Borrower and Lender agree to other terms of payment,
such amounts shall be payable upon notice from Lender to Borrower requesting payment thereof. Nothing contained in this
paragraph 7 shall require Lender to incur any expense or take any action hereunder.
8. Inspection. Lender may make or cause to be made reasonable entries upon and inspections of the Property, provided
that Lender shall give Borrower notice prior to any such inspection specifying reasonable cause therefor related to Lender's
interest in the Property.
9. Condemnation. The proceeds of any award or claim for damages, direct or consequential, in connection with any
condemnation or other taking of the Property, or part thereof, or for conveyance in lieu of condemnation, are hereby assigned
and shall be'paid to Lender, subject to the terms of any mortgage, deed of trust or other security agreement with a lien which
has priority over this Mortgage.
10. Borrower Not Released; Forbearance By Lender Not a Waiver. Extension of the time for payment or modification
of amortization of the sums secured by this Mortgage granted by Lender to any successor in interest of Borrower shall not
operate to release, in any manner, the liability of the original Borrower and Borrower's successors in interest. Lender shall not
be required to commence proceedings against such successor or refuse to extend time for payment or otherwise modify
amortization of the sums secured by this Mortgage by reason of any demand made by the original Borrower and Borrower's
successors in interest. Any forbearance by Lender in exercising any right or remedy hereunder, or otherwise afforded by
applicable law, shall not be a waiver of or preclude the exercise of any such right or remedy.
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•palln000 peg not ;ezalaoov ou 3i se 1oa33a pue ao1o3 lln3 ui uiewat "legs Alarm' paznoas suotlailgo ail pus a2a11ow
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se uojloe gons sa)lvl .amolz0g (p) pug :saa3 ,sAauio1111 algvuoseaz `ol paliuil 1011 lnq 'uipnloui 'pang LI gdeaezvil ut papinozd
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aapua-1 dq paaanout sasuadxa algvuossaz lag sX11d aam01.10q (o) sail 111 pautpluoa 1amo11og 3o smatuaa1311 10 sluguanoa
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Sue ;e ;aadoad at; asetaand Sew aau2isap mapuarl ao .lapual •me4 alqua4dds £q pagtaasaad aauuetu aq; ui pros aq 11egs
Spadoad ail; pus ales jo aatlou ail; gsilgnd Begs aapua-1 •loaaaq ZI tdeafeaed u[ paptnoad aauusw aq; ui aamoaaog o;
ales ail; jo aatlou a jo ,fdoa e Item Begs aapua7 •mst algeaildd13 mot aauupaoaau ut ')uaaajjip dI ',f ;aadoad aq; 3o uotssassod
ut uosiad ail; o; pue aamoaaog 03 asopaaoj 01 maw; JO 33330U a/0 11ets aapuaj 'ales jo aamod ail; saMonut aapua71l
•saa3 ,s,fauaofs alquuosnaa 'o; pa;ttu; ;ou ;nq Iuipnput 'LT gduageasd
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•mil alquagdde fq pa; ;tuaad satpawaa aaq ;o Sue puu alas jo aamod ail; a)lonui few pue puuuap aaglanl mown alge,fed
puu anp £plelpaunut aq o; ageglaoytJ siq; fq paanaas stuns ail; jo Ile aaepap ,few 'uoi ;do mapuarl ;e 'aapua-1 '11!;011
ui pailaads amp at; aaojaq ao uo palm ;ou st gaeaaq at; 31 •alss pun not ;eaapaae o; aamoaaog 3o asuapap aaq ;o Sue
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aamoaaog mop; aaq ;and Hugs aoilou aqj •a3e3poytj siq; Aq paanaas suns ail; jo uopsaalaaas ut ;lnsaa ,few aai;ou ail; 111
pat31aads amp at; aaojaq ao uo gaeaaq Bans aana o; aanite3 lug" (p) pus :paana aq ;sum gaeaaq tans gatgm fq 'aamoaaog
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:gaeaaq aq; (I) :flut,fji0ads Joaaaq Z1 gdsafleasd ui papinozd se aamoaaog o; aapou aniS Hegs uoi;eaalaaae 0; aotad aapuarl
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ao;ueuanoa Sue jo gaeaaq s uodn '3oaaat 91 gdeaSeand ut paptnoad se ldaaxg •satpawag :trot ;eaapaaV *LT
:smo"Io3 S11 001211 pus lusuanoa latllm3 zapuarl pug JOMO110
•zam0110H uo puewap 10 aoilou 10411n31noglim a5e5110N sup iiq
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•a uguoyJ
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sup siq paznoas stuns 11 3o iln3 ut luatuSed aletpatuul azinbaz `uoildo s1i 111 `view lapua1 trasuo0 ualltam 1oiid s,1apual
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li ui Isazalu! Sur 10 Suadoad ail ;o Ind Sue 10 Ile 3I •aamoaaog ui lsaaa;ul lepijauag a ao ,f ;aadoad a1; 3o aaJsuea,L •91
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atp 114 •a2e2laoY4 sits 01 me" 4111apa3 30 A1ipg11oildde atp row" lou Hells a0ualuas 2040 0103 a41 •pale004 st iilladold 041 404gm ui
uoilaipstznf atp Jo sme4 0141 aq lle4s 05e21.10yi sup 01 algeotidd11 sm114 "11001 pue arms a4Z •,f;1ltgeaanas :marl guivaanoO •£i
•1110104 pal110isap zauueu a41 ui uani;l uagm aapuarl 10 1amo11og o1 uani;I
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1amo11og o1 passa1ppu lieu pagt1100 ,Cq aatlou gons 2u11i11u Sq zo li Sui1ant4ap ,iq trams aq Mugs a11Slzoyk still ut 10; papinozd
zamoalog of 0011011 Sue (11) `latruew 104101111 ui uan12 aq o1 m111 a4g11o11dde 1ap11n palinbal aoilou Niue ao3 idaoxg •0090N •Zi
•Alladoad am ut lsazalut mammon 11141 01 S11 02112310 sup 2utiijlpo1 1OMO1z0g 11181 lnogltm pug luasuo0
s,1amozaog rem lnoqum 010M atp 10 a201101A1 sup 3o su101 a141 01 pm5a1 gum suotlepowwo00e 10410 Aug alum ao `111agio3
`ii ;ipow `puaixa oI aaJd11 Arm lapunalag 1amo11og latllo Niue pue zapuarl 111141 saaa11 (o) pue `a2e2l1o4A sup zapun 10 aloN 014;
uo aim (li11uoslad 1011 si (q) `a Wallow sup jo su1a1 0431apun lapua-I o1 Suadold 0141 ai lsazalut s,1amollog 111141 Sanuo0 pure
lue12 `0301aou 03 Aim, aSgSl1oy4 sup $utu2ts -o0 81 (11) `010 041 aln0axa lou saop 1nq `0$e21104 4 sup suds -00 o4m 1amo11og
Cud •4111anas pue lutof aq 441114S 10M011013 3o sluawaaA11 pue slu11uanoa iIy •300104 94 gdez3eaed jo suoisinoad 0141 0l Ioafgns
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1110104 sluau0arge pue sluEuanoa a4Z •saataIs -0O f ;Illgei I isaanas pue ;ulor :punog sua4ssd puu saossa0anS •11
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Upon acceleration under paragraph 17 hereof or abandonment of the Property, and at any time prior to the expiration of
any period of redemption following judicial sale, Lender, in person, by agent or by judicially appointed receiver, shall be
entitled to enter upon, take possession of and manage the Property and to collect the rents of the Property including those past
due. All rents collected by Lender or the receiver shall be applied first to payment of the costs of management of the Property
and collection of rents, including, but not limited to, receiver's fees, premiums on receiver's bonds and reasonable attorneys'
fees, and then to the sums secured by this Mortgage. Lender and the receiver shall be liable to account only for those rents
actually received.
20. Release. Upon payment of all sums secured by this Mortgage, Lender shall release this Mortgage without charge to
Borrower. Borrower shall pay all costs of recordation, if any.
21. Waiver of Homestead. Borrower hereby waives all right of homestead exemption in the Property.
Borrower and Lender request the holder of any mortgage, deed of trust or other encumbrance with a lien which has
priority over this Mortgage to give Notice to Lender, at Lender's address set forth on page one of this Mortgage, of any default
under the superior encumbrance and of any sale or other foreclosure action.
IN WITNESS WHEREOF, Borrower has executed this Mortgage.
The foregoing instrument was acknowledged before me this f 1 3 c,
by John H Craft
Susan L Craft
[Space Below This Line Reserved For Lender and Recorder]
State of
76(WY) (89121.01
Joh Craft Borrower
Susan L Craft Borrower
Page 4 of 4
County ss:
(Sign Original Only)
Form 3851
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Exhibit "A"