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Which pertains to the SW1 /4SE1 /4 of Section 7 and the N1 /2NE1 /4 of Section 18, and the N1 /2NW1 /4 of Section 17, all within T33N, Range 118W 6th P.M., Lincoln County, Wyoming. TO HAVE AND TO HOLD the same together with the tenements, hereditaments, and appurtenances thereto belonging, and the rents, issues, and profits thereof, unto the MORTGAGEE in fee simple. And, the MORTGAGOR covenants with the MORTGAGEE that the MORTGAGOR is indefeasibly seized of said land in fee simple; that the MORTGAGOR has good right and lawful authority to convey said land as aforesaid; that the MORTGAGOR will make such further assurances to perfect the fee simple title to said land and the MORTGAGEE as may reasonable be required; that the MORTGAGOR hereby warrants the title to said land and will defend the same against the lawful claims for all persons whosoever; and that the said land is free and clear of all encumbrances. PROVIDED, ALWAYS, that if said MORTGAGOR shall pay unto said MORTGAGEE, the certain Promissory note in the amount of ONE HUNDRED THIRTY THOUSAND ($130,000 DOLLARS and NO /100, with NO interest, as t to ads,/ IIIuI4IwaH/a'IwH/9000M a9V91UIO1A1 paiiduzoo `pauuojzad iiiinj loll am 'zalta JO `02•211OJA sal pus °loN plus JO SluuuanoO pug `suolltpuoo `suotluindtls `sluauzaaiSu agl jo Anna pus Mona 3t JO `anp samooaq acres alp nip mud 1iiidmozd log aq of pazzajaz maim' Xauom Jo 'AIfIS AAIv 3I •M2I pamoire aluz In3Mgi Isag2tg alp Ig joazagl alup wog isazalut react hugs sluaugud goes Hu pun `zapunazaq Igpu JOglo fug zo asoioazoj of uotldo alp 2u9o0jj JO 2utn!uM inogliM autos a 1fud Amu ggovaLwoini agi `zaglta zo `amlzow slip pus aloN piss jo aTtlztn ,iq aiqukud Axiom jo wins zagio JO `luautssassu xul puu `anp uagM'Aud of sITU3 2IOJV91.11OYAi aql Juana aql uI •zagiT JO `02 aizout TIT pun aloN pigs ui gizoj JaS Slusuan00 pus `suowpuoo `suotluindtis `sluautaaau Anna pug gosa Aq apiqu pug `glint AIduto3 AIN pus Xpdmoid of 2IOOvaniow alp Jo aznitg3 alp Jo asnuoaq ggDVOL oini agl Xq mud JO pazznOU1 ifiquuosuaz `sagozuas ailpl pus saaj s,Xauzollu aiquuosnaz Sutpnioul sasuadxa pug saazugO 'sisoo jIn /Cud of tamp. ATM In uoazagl sluauzanozdurt OM JO pun plus Jo uopezoualap zo luauuredurt `alsuM ou nips JO 'Iluzuz03 `iiuuad of `.Xizadozd pigs uo aznluu /zana jo saouuzqutnoua pus `suollaggo `satliitquii `salnal `sltzauzssassu. `saxnl alp zuin2uts pus iin /cud of `zaglta JO `02g211ow stgl pug alou Ares ut zoJ paptnozd Aauout Jo sums zap pus lsazalu! pug redtouud agi `anp uagM `Xilduzozd /Cud of saaag pun sluguaA0O zaglznJ Xgazaq 1100V01 110111 HILL QNiv •alou plus Jo alup jjokgd agl pualxa of lou JOAOMOg `joazagl luaugud aiaiduzoo of situp �0£)1tqT Pomoilg aq Iiu is 1100 0,L110YAi agl 0nt2 iiggs g IOVD.L2IOY\I aq L •a2g2lzouz zo/puu aloN Xzosslutozd stgl zapun panto 5ututguzaz sums rig Jo iin3 ul luautAud alulpaututl aztnbaz `uotldo "PT lu Xnut HaDVDZ21OIAI aql `luasuoo ualllUM zotzd S HOVDZ2IOJ 1 aril lnogilM pazzaJsuuzl zo pios st it ut lsazalut Jfue zo 1Cizadozd agl Jo Ind Auu zo jIn jI ma'am suual agl Xq uoptluasazdai jo Altouduo iiq pus `iiiquzanas `Iijunptnlput punoq aq Hugs 02v2lzout slgl of pion pus iinu aq pug autuualap `asnao pegs paean ,igazaq ainisa agi pus a2u2pout slip uagl `a2u 1oJAI stgl jo pus `joazagi luuuanoO pug `uotitpuoo `uounindtls `luautaaz2g iizana pug goga liq aptgn pus `gpiM Xidutoo `uuojiad pugs pau2tszapun 1L „y„ ainpagos aaS •aloN 6zosstutozd plus Aq paztnbaz uotiuzaiaOOn JO Oopou 2IOJVD.L2IOTAi SPrizi gOUH 'IOV9J lIOLII aiavii iiswvui Pug f'IUVII4ilISSV s .44.4.44' with, and abided by, then the entire sum mentioned in said Note and this mortgage, or either, are not fully performed, complied with, and abided by, then the entire sum mentioned in said Note, and this Mortgage, or the entire balance unpaid thereon, shall forthwith and thereafter, at the option of the MORTGAGEE, become and be due and payable, anything in said Note or herewith to the contrary notwithstanding; and MORTGAGOR hereby grants to MORTGAGEE, their heirs, and assigns, a Power of Sale over the property described above which may be exercised by MORTGAGEE or their heirs and assigns in case of such default as described above, and pursuant to such Power of Sale, MORTGAGEE, their heirs and assigns may foreclose on said property and sell and dispose of or cause to be sold or disposed of, the above property and all rights, title, benefit, and equity of redemption of the MORTGAGOR, their heirs or assigns, therein, at public auction, for cash according to Title 34, Chapter 4, Wyoming Statutes as the same presently exists or may hereafter be amended. IN WITNESS WHEREOF, the MORTGAGOR has set their hand and seal the day and year first above written, hereby releasing and waiving all rights under and by virtue of the homestead exemption laws of the State of Wyoming. DATED this 70 day of November, 2000. 439 iv, (du C c')4 ..4: -t'r l HOWARD W. WOODS GRETCHEN L. WOODS MORTGAGE DEED- WOODS/HALE/HEMMERT Page 4 of 5 ►1 STATE OF WYOMING 1 SS. COUNTY OF LINCOLN My Commission Expires: BEFORE ME, the undersigned authority, this day, personally appeared HOWARD W. WOODS and GRETCHEN L. WOODS, to be the persons described in and who executed the foregoing MORTGAGE DEED, and after being duly sworn acknowledged that they executed the same as their own free act and deed. WITNESS my hand and notarial seal this XV day of November, 2000. ref-A NOTARY PU MORTGAGE DEED- WOODS/HALE/HEMMERT Page 5 of 5 440