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Improvements are conveyed and sold "AS IS." DATED this SALT RIVER HEREFORD RANCH, INC. By: JAC HALE, President NELSON JACK HEMMERT SALT RIVER HEREFORD RANCH, INC. PEGGY CHERYL HALL Secretary Fe day of Nev e 96 SALT RIVER HEREFORD RANCH, INC. Vice President WARRANTY DEED/WOODS /SALT RIVER HEREFORD RANCH, INC. 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COUNTY O„J STATE OF On this day of before me personally appeared Peggy Cheryl Hale, who being by me duly sworn, did say that she is the Secretary of the Salt River Hereford Ranch, Inc. The said instrument was signed on behalf of the said Corporation by authority of the Board of Directors, and the said individual acknowledges the said instrument to be signed as the free act and deed of the Salt River Hereford Ranch, Inc. WITNESS my hand and official seal My Commission Expires: NOTARY PUBLIC WARRANTY DEED/WOODS /SALT RIVER HEREFORD RANCH, INC. Page4of4 p Jo Z asd 'ONI `HDNY2I (11I0d32IaH IaARI ,L'ID'S /SQOOAA/QaaQ A.LNV'RIVAA Mold 03 !A f IMO S'IHN v 'OOOZ `ao Jo App oozh H'IVH ZA2IHHD A.'OHd 'DM `HDNVVI QfIOJH2IHH 2IHARI Z'IVS Iuaptsazd `TIVH 'D ?I0Vf 'ONI `HONVVI '3NI `H3NV2i Q2I6,IHIIHH 2iHARt .L'IV S Q2IOdH2IHH 2IHARI VS S l aHSVa „'SI SV„ Pios pup poi anuoo a.zp sluauzanoaduzl •2utuzoicM `iiluno3 ujoourj A d 1 119 A1.8 I I agl 2I `1\1££I utgltn& TIP `L I uotloa S Jo 17/ I MNZ/ I N agI Pug `8 I uotloaS 3 i7/IHNZ� /IN agl PU L uo!loa5Io b /tHS1b /IMS aqi oI sulyvad goi p uoilduosap jo pug `L I uotloaS Io 171 I HN1b/ I MS an Jalua of auavogs JO papualxa aq of satin X o -Ig2RI agl pup aun d Ptps gltM `Ia I LZ'St. £O1bjbo9£S Pue IaaJ I8'LS Hil£i7 Zbo6S `la °J 17L'Lt7ti .t STATE OF COUNT Y OF ±6uriallt On this day of P �v nib. 200�, before me personally ppeared Jack C. Hale, who being by me duly sworn, did say that he is the President c f the Salt River Hereford Ranch, Inc. The said instrument was signed on behalf of t e said Corporation by authority of the Board of Directors, and the said indijvidual acknowledges the said instrument to be signed as the free act and da of the Salt River Hereford Ranch, Inc. WITNESS my hand and official seal My Commission Expires: STATE OF 04\ I. i 0E NA l 1 SS. COUNTY OF k l On this day of u' 2„6 before me personally appeared Nelson Jack Hemmert, who being by me duly sworn, did say that he is the Vice President of the Salt River Hereford Ranch, Inc. The said instrument was signed on behalf of the said Corporation by authority of the Board of Directors, and the sai individual acknowledges the said instrument t9ibe s' _ned as a e fre act and eed of Salt River Hereford Ranch, Inc. WITNESS my hand and official seal My Commission Expires: NO 'ARY PUBL NOTARY PUBLIC r3J aunoun.utIunInouununnlIIe r 1: CYNTHIA LYNN Q(JBA14EZ q 1 h. A. #1148481 it RY'Ptk c cALIMANIA HUMBOLDT OOUNTY .r..owa. 1, 2001 E I t14!lftlri #.yilrtanr WARRANTY DEED/WOODS /SALT RIVER HEREFORD RANCH, INC. Page 3 of 4