HomeMy WebLinkAbout877147 ASSIGNMENT, CONVEYANCE AND BILL OF SALE THIS ASSIGNMENT, CONVEYANCE AND BILL OF SALE (this "Assignment") is made ,~h~ into by and between DARRYL P. EKSTR©M, individually, and QUESTEX ENERGY PROGRAM 1982 A, by Darryl P. Ekstrom as Liquidating Agent, 6024 Medicine Lake Road, Minneapolis, MN, 55422 ("Assignor") and TOM BROWN, INC., 555 Seventeenth Street, Suite 1850, Denver, Colorado, 80202. ("Assignee"). For and in consideration of Ten and No/100 Dollars ($10.00) and other good and valuable consideration, the receipt and su£ficiency of which is hereby acknowledged, Assignor has and by these presents does hereby GRANT, BARGAIN, SELL, TRANSFER, ASSIGlq, CONVEY and DELIVER unto Assignee all of the following: 1. All right, title and interest of Assignor in and to the oil and gas lease(s) described on Exhibit "A" attached hereto and made a part hereof for all purposes (the "Leases"), subject to any restrictions, exceptions, reservations, conditions, limitations, burdens, contracts, agreements and other matters applicable to the Leases; 2. All right, title and interest of Assignor in, to and under or derived from all presently existing and valid oil, gas or mineral unitization, pooling, operating and communitization agreements, declarations and orders, and in and to the properties covered and the units created thereby, which are appurtenant to the Leases; 3. All right, title and interest of Assignor in, to and under or derived from all presently existing and valid oil and gas sales, purchase, exchange and processing contracts, casinghead gas contracts, operating agreements, joint venture agreements, partnership agreements, rights-of-way easements, permits and surface leases and other contracts, agreements and instruments, insofar as the same are appurtenant to the Leases; d. All right, title and interest of Assignor in and to all wells, equipment, fixtures and personal property located on or pooled with the Leases and used in connection with or as an incident to the operation of the Leases or interest therein; 5. All right, title and interest of Assignor in the oil, gas and other minerals produced and saved and to be produced and saved under and pursuant to the Leases or interest therein and the contracts referred to above, and all renewals and extensions thereof, together with the income and proceeds derived and to be derived and accruing to and to accrue from and in connection with the sale or other disposition thereof; and 6. To the extent transferable, the benefit of the right to enforce the covenants and warranties, if any, which Assignor is entitled to enforce with respect to the foregoing properties, rights and interests against Assignor's predecessors in title to same and.full substitution and subrogation of all rights accruing under the Statutes of limitations or prescription under the laws of the State of Wyoming. It is the intention of this 'Assignment to assign, convey and transfer unto Assignee, its successors and assigns, all of the interest of Assignor in and to all oil and gas leasehold interests owned by Assignor in, to and under the lands described in Exhibit "A" attached hereto, whether or not said interests are fully or a~curately described on said Exhibit "A". In confirmation of this, Assignor hereby covenants and agrees with Assignee to execute and deliver to Assignee such other and further instruments of conveyance and to do or cause to be done all such acts ~gnd things as may be necessary to more fully convey, assign and transfer to and vest in Assignee the above specified interest in all of the lands, leases, properties, rights and interests herein transferred, assigned and conveyed or intended so to be. Assignor shall indemnify, save and hold harmless Assignee against all claims, costs, expenses and liabilities which accrue or relate to times prior to the effective date of this Assignment and Assignee shall indemnify, save and hold harmless Assignor against all claims, costs, expenses and liabilities which accrue or relate to times after the effective date of this Assignment. Assignor shall be entitled to receive all proceeds, -including proceeds from production of oil and gas, attributable to the Leases before the effective date of this Assignment and Assignee' shall be entitled to receive all proceeds, including proceeds from production of oil and gas, attributable to the Leases 0 [~ :'? 714"? 3 7 3 after the effective date of this Assignment. Assignee shall be responsible for and shall pay all sales taxes which may become due and payable pursuant to this Assignment and Assignor shall be responsible for and shall pay all lawfidly assessed production and personal property taxes accruing prior to the effective date of this Assignment. THIS ASSIGNMENT is made and accepted without warranty of title, either express or implied, except by, through and under Assignor. This .Assignment shall be binding upon and inure to the benefit of Assignee and Assignor and their respective heirs, successors and assigns. This Assignment shall be effective as of August 1, 2001 at 7:00 A.M. Mountain Standard Time. ASSIGNOR: QUESTEX ENERGY PROGRAM 1982 A Darryl P. Ekstrom, Liquidating Agent Darryl P. Ekstrom, Individually .~ ," C,.'~, '~, c, .2' ,' - "/gv~TEST'.; TOM BROWN, INC. i~ : 4.., ~,.~ ' '.~' 0,~ 'h,Bruc.o'R(~.,_ D. el~oer, S~ret~ryh Rodney G. iVfellott, V.P.- Land COVNrr OF · ~_¢_~.~, · he foregoing ins=~ment w~s acknowledged before me thi~ \qmday of ~-_4~:*- ¢'-~" , 2001 by Darryl P. Ekstrom, individually and as Liquidating Agent of Questex Energy Program 1982 A. -- Witness my hand and official seal. My Commission expires: '~-~'~-'-~ ~' k ~_~0} 0 "~ l~tar~ Public STA rE OF COL O~D 0 ) COUNTY OF DENVER ) The forego~g ins~ment was ac~owledged before me th~. ay o ,2001 by Rodney G. Mello~, Vice President - Land for Tom Brown, Inc. Witness my hand and official seal. ommi.,o d EXHIBIT "A" Attached to and made a part of that certain ASSIGNMENT, CONVEYANCE AND BILL OF SALE dated effective August 1,2001 between TOM BROWN, 1NC., as Assignee and DARRYL P. EKSTROM, individually and QUESTEX ENERGY PROGRAM 1982 A, as Assignor LEASES SERIAL NUMBER: WYW-72845 LESSOR: USA-BLM LESSEE: Larry L. ttanson LEASE DATE: October 1, 1981 LEGAL DESCRIPTION: Insofar as said lease covers: Township 26 North, Range 111 West, 6th P.M. Section 17: All Lincoln County, Wyoming SERIAL NUMBER: WYW-37670 LESSOR: USA-BLM LESSEE: Carl E. Jenkins and Bayard D. Rea LEASE DATE: January 1, 1973 LEGAL DESCRIPTION: Township .2.6 North, Range 111 West, 6th P.M. Section 27:N/2 Sweetwater County, Wyoming