HomeMy WebLinkAbout877181 ,.,, , ~Mortgagor(s), of ..," m even a~I~ herewith/, ifl monfld~ ins~-:-~~~ ~n[lSr mmum pnynbl, monthl ~- ' ~J~ Mollgng~% of Lincoln Co,tlly, Wyoming, the foHowln'g d~'serlbed rcm propc~y la tim Count7 of · 77/8'/ ocscnoed, cxecut~ by Moa-a~o:~., ,- · 2~2~J~ss accoromg to ~o terms and ~ndltl .... r,, ...... " ~.~ ~i,r,, ~., '2 · sums pa,d by Mon~a.ce re ........ Mo~g~gor(s) fad to pay s,ch taxes or asses ........... ~.?.~g~..}~ pay a~ ~x~/a~d at tim same ~tc: ...... - F.~sc shall be ndd~ to and consldc--.~ -- :-'"~'"~: mongng~,~dgy,,':~a~' [lid, aai~.afi~g If dcault occurs in the payment of thc ;ndcbt~ncss or h~ thc payment of a lns~lhncnt thereof, or if dchult occu~ in any of ~e covcn'ana and agr~mena hcr~f or under tho nforcsald Promlsso~ Note, then tho whole ~dcbt~ness shag, at Modgag~'s Option,' b~ome due.~nd payable B~hwilh, and Moagaico may forMlose lifts mo~gag~ either b and sal~ of ~o pmmlses as prowdM by thc natures of ihs S~tc of W-omb~- - · , Y advefllsement ' Mofigag~'s solo rcm~y against Mo~gagor(s) in case of default by Modgngor(s). Out of tim pmeeMs of any for~losuro ~m J g, or oy,an action m cquily. ~ds wi~ bo Mortgag~ shall rct~ln or ~ecclv6 all sU~ns duo to it hereunder and costs of foreclosure and sale, including attorneys' f~! h an amount ~tial 1o Ten Percent (10%) of:iht indcbiMncss rcmMnlng unpaid at lira lime of ~uch sale, and thc name shall bo ts coa~ h~ an~ ~ultable action brought to Br~losc thls modgago., To fully assure Moitghg~ thc benc~B of thc s~urlty Interest h fl~c premises gmntM to it hereunder, hereby assign ~ MOHgngce all rcnti hcmaacr payablo for thc usc and occupancy of O~o premises by any ~on h ~-c. lon 0~cmor wiH~ Mortgager's cons~,t. If default occurs furcsaM Pmmlsso~ Note, whaher or not tn any of Iht covcnana and ngrcemcna herein contnln~ or under tim ' Modgag~ el~ts to for~losc ods moHgago on account. Ihcr~[ MoHg~gor(s) herod authorkc MoHgag~ to coll~t thc rcna from thc pmniscs, and to at,ply fl~c snm~ to Om pnymcn~ on lbo indcbt~ncss a~ur~ hereby until such default'is remedied. In thc event of for~losurc of this mortgage upon default, MoHgag~ sha~ bc cntlllcd to I]~c ~sscaslon and enjoyment . of thc prcmlscs and mn~ and pmfi~ ther~f from Oic thno of such default and dung tho ~cndcnc7 of for~10su~ pmc~hgs · and ~dod of ~cm~tlo,, Ir n,y. If Mo[lgagor(s) shall hll 1o surrender such ~ssesslo~a to Modgagc~ pmmplly upon ia thcrcgr, Mortgagee ~ay com~l dclivc~ thereof by ejcclmcnt action or oihcr clvll precedings approprlnto fo~' thai pupae. Fu~bc~ore, h~ addition to fl~c rcmMIcs ofl~c~lsc provldM for h~ fids mortgage nnd by hw, and as ~ matter of HiM wlthout regard to Iht solvency or Insolvency of Mortgagor(s) or thc value of tho prcmhm 'or tim ~suf~clcncy thcrmf tc~ discharge O~o ' hHcbt~ncsa and cosa of for~Iosurc and sale, Mortgagee shall bc cnlltl~ to ~elw from tho premises tim rcnts~ hsucs, and ' ' profia fl~crmf from tim time of dchult to fl~e cxplrntlon of any rMcmptlvo period pmvidM b~ law. A ~clvcr may bo ap~int~ by any coud of competent ju~dictlon u~n cz pn~o applicalioa wiflmUt nollcc~ notlco Ming hereby walv~ and appolntmcnt of a rcccigcr u~n such appllcntlon being hereby conscnlcd Io by tim 'Mortgagor(s). MORTGAGOR(S) ] I IIliEBy ItEL1HQUISIi AND WAIVI! nil Hghts .oder nmi by vbt,o of lira homcalcad lawn of 0~c Sate of Wyoming. . DATEDIhls J~ne · dayor' 26~h, 2001 _,~. , MORTOAOOR($): COUNTYOF LINCOLN ) On Ods _26th day of June 2001 .~.____, 'before mo personally aiipear&l . ~nd ~ry E. Wriqht ~ on(s) dcscrib~ ~ and who cx~utcd lbo foregoing h;stmm~t and ac~owicdg~ IJmt same a~ ~ frcc act and dc~, ~cluding thc rcl~sc and waiver of thc ~gbt of homcst~d' ~TN~S my hand and s~l. I VICKIE O. JEPPERSON - N~ ~ I My Cmnmlsslon Expires: fO' O~'O [ .R~ord~ at the Request of: .