HomeMy WebLinkAbout877214 8 7 7 2 Ik ,", '~.~OoK 4'~(~r' 6 :~ OUI/CLAIM DEED Pi{ PAGE ~ ~) - "J ~]'~/':~';"] ?'''J~''~' "'~ '" "":'-'" KNOW ALL MEN BY THESE PRESENTS, That C~OTTE M. CA. ISLE, a single person, G~NTOR, for the consideration of Ten and No/100 ($10.00) Dollars in hand paid, and other good and valuable consideration, the receipt whereof is hereby aclmowledged, hereby CONVEYS AND QUITCLAIMS to CHA~OTTE M. CA.ISLE, sole Trustee, or her successors in trust, under the CHARLOTTE M. CA.ISLE LIVING TRUST, dated May 18, 2000, and any amendments thereto, of P.O. Box 278, Diamondville, Lincoln County, Wyoming 83116, GI~NTEE, all interest in the following-described real property, situate in the County of Lincoln, State of Wyoming, to-wit: All lands described on Exhibit A attached hereto and by this reference made a part hereof. Together with all improvements thereon, and easements, appurtenances and incidents belonging and appertaining thereto, or used in connection therewith; subject, however, to all mining, mineral and other exceptions, reservations, easements, rights of way, and conditions of record. Hereby releasing and waiving all rights under and by virtue of the homestead exemption laws of the State of Wyoming. Dated this 18th day of May, 2000. Charlotte M. Carlisle The State of Wyoming ) 'SS. County of Sweetwater ) The foregoing instrument was acknowledged before me this 18th day of May, 2000, by Charlotte M. Carlisle. SUSANL. COUNTY Witness my hand and official seal. 8WEETWATERw WYOMING I MY COMMISSION EXPIR ES~...~__~.~__.~._~_.~._.~.~...~A_,,,,,,,,,~.~,,,., My c ommi s si on expires: SCHEDULE A The real property situate in the County of Lincoln, State of Wyoming, described as follows, to-wit: Parcel 1. The Southwest quarter of the Southwest quarter (SW¼SW¼), the South-half of the Northwest quarter of the Southwest quarter (S½NW¼SW¼), the South-half of the North-half of the Northwest quarter of the Southwest quarter (S½N½NW¼SW¼), the Southlhalf of the Northeast quarter (S½NE¼), the East-half of the Southwest quarter (E½SW¼), the North-half 'of the Southeast Quarter. (N½SE¼) of Section Eight (8),i and the South-half of the Northwest quarter (S½NW¼), the North-ha~ of the Southwest quarter (N½SW¼), and the West-half of the Northwest quarter of the Southeast quarter (W½NW¼SE¼) of Section Nine (9), all in Township Twenty-one (21) North, Range 115 West of the Sixth Principal .Meridian. Parcel 2. Lot ~1 and Lot ~5 of the Aspen Springs Second Subdivision, Lincoln County, Wyoming, Parcel 3. Those lands described on Exhibit "A" attached her@to and incorporated herein by this reference. Parcel 4. Those lands-described on Exhibit "B" attached hereto and incorporated herein by this reference. ~arcel 5. Those lands described on 'Exhibit "C" attached hereto and incorporated herein by this reference. Parcel 6. !. Those lands described on Exhibit "D" attached hereto and incorporated herein by this reference. Parcel 7. Those lands described on Exhibit "E" attached hereto and incorporated herein by this reference. 'Parcel 8. Those lands described on Exhibit "F". attached hereto and incorporated herein by this reference. Parcel 9. Those lands described on Exhibit "G" attached hereto and incorporated herein by this reference. Parcel 10. Those lands described, on Exhib£t "H" attached hereto and ~ncorporated herein by this reference. Parcel 11. Those lands described on Exhibit "I" attached hereto and incorporated herein by this reference. Parcel 12. An undivided one-half interest in and to the minerals, oil and gas lying., being situate in or under or a part of the Northwest quarter, of Section 34, in Township Twenty-one (21) North, Range 115 West of the Sixth Principal Meridian. Parcel 13. . The following described parcels located in T. 21 N., R. 115 W., 6th. P.M.: Lot numbered three, the South half of the Northwest quarter, the north half and the Southwest quarter of the Southwest quarter, the Northwest quarter of the Southeast quarter, all in Section three (3); the east half of the Northwest quarter of the Southeast quarter and the Northeast quarter of the Southeast quarter in Section Nine (9); the West half of the Northwest quarter and the NorthweSt quarter of the Southwest quarter of Section Ten-k(lO); the South half of the South half, also known as Lot number 43, of section Eleven. Wills 4/Sched. A FI3FEI'I SF'P. II'IGS TP..FtCTS REFEREPIE:E PARCEL ~6 A PARCEL OF LAHD LOCATED IH THE '~,/'2 OF SECTIOH ,5 OF THE RESURUEV OF TOWNSHIP 21 NORTH, RANGE 115 WEST, ~h LINCOLN COUHTY, WYOHIHG, TO WIT; COHHENCING AT THE SOUTXWES'T CORNER OF S~I[I SEeTIOH THEHCE H ,51°~5''~'~.= E 27-' ,7=,,,'= ~7 FEET TO, THE TRUE POIHT nF 7HENCE H ST°22~l?"E 14!7 CE' FEET 70 ~ THEHCE '; 8°Zc'~S"W 1343 8'7 FEET TO ~ POINT; THENCE ~,1 8:,°57'59'W~ . 9?2 97 FEET TO R POINT; THEHCE N ,S&°'29'.57"W 147 ~.5 FEET TO ~ PC, IHT; THENCE H 33°E~3'B2"W 36~E~ E~4 FEET TO A POINTs THEN_E N 14 48 E 1,,1 16 FEET TO R POIHT; THEMQE' N ~°~8'46~W 119 92 FEET TO ~ POINT; THFHCE H 87021 ~1 E YE_ THENQE N ~"'°52' 18"W 15~',. SS FEET TO A POINT; THENCE b ~ ~1'41 W 3.5~.0~a FEET TO A POIHT; THEHCE N 2°52'lB"W 441,57 FEET TO THE TRUE POINT OF BEG [NH [ HG, C(~I',ITAZNZNG 35,37 RCRES., HORE OR LESS, ~;EFEP;E~tCE F'AD:CEL' A PnRCEL OF LAHO LOCATED IH THE S1/2 OF SECTION 5 OF THE RESURVEY OF TOWNSHIP 2~ HC)RTH, RANGE ~'~5 WEST, 6~h ,20HHENCING AT THE WEST ONE-~U~RTER CORNER OF S~ID 'SECTION .5; THEHCE S 8~°S~:'28'E 2~1.g~ FEET TO THE TRUE POINT OF THENCE H c~7°21'~1"E 151s. TID FEET TO A PC, IHT; THENCE S 1°22'~5"E .51.5,57 FEET TO ~ POINT; THEHF'E 5 8° _ =~ 9& W 4~.34 FEET TO A POINT; THENCE S 87°22'1,='W 14lT.6;ZI FEET TO ~ F'OIHT; - THEH~E N 2°52'18'W ti~l.6.~, FEET TO THE TRUE POINT OF BEG It'(H I NG, CONT~ININ~ 55,26 ~C~'5'~, )'lORE OR LESS, ¢q_~F'EN 5F'P..IPtGS TRRCTS REFEREHE:E F'FIRE:EL PRRQEL OF LRHD LOORTED ~N 5ECT~OI'I 5 OF THE RESURUEY OF TOWhlSHZP 21 NORTH, RAI..IGE 115 WEST, 6~h P.M., LINCOLH COLIf. tTY, WYOIfllNG, TO WIT~ COMMENCING RT THE MORTHWES, T CORNER OF SRID SEETION THEHCE '; &'7°S&"t2"E ;~gE~,~o" FEET TO THE TRI~E_ POIHT OF BEG INH I HG ~ THENCE t,t 85°~4' ~,5 ~ ~ ~ 'E 1624.¢5' FEET TO ~ Pr~if,IT~ THEHCE S ~°24'~'7'E L~76~.56 FEET TO N POZI'IT~ THEhI~E N 97°2~'~"W ~5~6,7D FEET TO R P,:~f,IT~ THEI"I_E lq ~ .5~ 1~ ~.-,7,88 FEET TO ~ POIHTi THENCE hi ,5°~7'29"W 62.75 FEET TO fl POIHT~ THENQE l'1 5, ooo'4t'W~=. ,Sfi:~._,,2°, FEET TO' THE TRUE ~OIP.IT OF CONTAIblIIqG 36.0 ACRc~ 1"I,''~'~ OR .,~,, ,,~,, ~,~ ~',~ , DE~CR:I PTIOH REFEREHC:E F'FqM'.C:EL t~ 17 N PNR~TEL OF L~NO LOC'NTED ZI.I THE ~t~.,"2 OF SECT[OIl ~ OF THE RESURVEY OF TOWHSH[P ~Z HORTH, R~..IGE ~S WEST, 6b~ P.H. ~ L[N~]OLN eOIJHTY, WYOH~HG, TO W[T~ £,.fi,tEI,ICII',lG .AT THE HORT,HWEST CORNER Or SRID SE"'TION THEM£E S 7;3 ~.5 ~35 E a:c'~'.,AR FEET Tn THE TRUE POIHT OF BEG I fin II'--IG; THEhI£E FI ~,8°2~'18"E 4E~E~.g~7 FEET TO ~ POIHT~ THEIq~TE '5 &~°~'~7'E 12'78.41 FEET TO N POZNT~ THENCE S ~9°3&'42"E &TZ.o~" FEET TO R PO~f.~T~ THENCE S 83°2~'.55"W 1624.77 FEET TO THEMeE M ?o4= ~ W ~_2 ~ FEET TO THE TRUE F'OZMT OF · ~EGII, INIHG. .20hlTNINZHG 7,5.9Z NeRES, HORE OR LESS. ..... "EXHIBIT F:ISF'EI'I _,PRIPt_.,~ TF:I::ICTS ,. ...... ' , '~', E'ESCRIPTInH REF.ERE~IC:E F'r~F.:CEL R PRRCEL OF RND LOCRTEC, IN THE HW1/'4- OF SECTION 5 OF THE RESURVEY OF Ob,ISHIP" £1 NORTH, EFtl',l_,r_..¢,'- 115 LIEST , 6 th F' . H ,, L I N C' 0 L/'.1 C'_ 0 IJ N y, ~.,,I y 0 I"11 l'.l 5', T 0 L1 t T; C.:OI'II'IEN,~II'-IG AT THE 1.,IOF.:THWEST .CORNER OF SAID SECTION .5; THENPE '-5 E~oi~3'4;~"E '1211 8,3 FEET TO THE TRUE POINT OF BEG I HH I N~]; THENCE 1'4 61. o29'3'.:.'"E 25,_'3.E. 2] FEET TO ~q POIHT.~ THEHC'E_ S .]7°07'.'."'E,,_, ,571 -"-'// FEET TO ~ POINT~ THEHCE S 58o20'18'W 733.._a5 FEET TO ~q POINT; THENCE S 58°£~'i8"W iS~,]8,Z& FEET TO ~ POII'ITi THEI,I,'"E.~ '---, 7':'°,:_ 8.,--""' 14"W 992,58 FEET TO ¢4 POif,ITi .- THENCE N 0°4,5'38"W 341,66 FEET TO THE TRUE FOII'IT OF BE;'; Il,IH IHG. r,:ONTfIININ,2 35,t7 AC'P, EE., 1.1(;RE OR LE~q, REFEREMCE F'FtRE:EL :1i~-19 R PARCEL OF LRI'ID LOCATED' IN THE NWl/4- OF SECTION 5 OF THE RESURUE'¢ OF TOWI,ISHIP 21 hlORTH, R~NGE 115 ~EST, RI.ID II.I R PORTION OF THE S~1/~ OF 'E, ECTIOI..I 32, TOWHSHIP 22 HORTH, RRHGE 115 WEST., &-kb P,M,, LIf,ICOLH COUHTY, WYOHIHG, TO WIT.~ LTOI'IHENQIN6 AT THE NORTHWEST CORHER OF SAID SEQIIOH .5; THEHCE S E~°~6'~O"E 32D,0 FEET TO THE TRUE POIHT OF BEG IH fliNG; THENQE H 66°2!'41"E 1~D?,79 FEEI TO ~ POINT~ THEH{PE It .52°.5~"14~E 238.58 FEET TO A POIH~; THENEE H 52°58'1~"E 278,67 FEET TO A PO~NT~ THEHqE S Z7°gg'~&"E 7~7.15 FEET TO A POIHT; THEN,2E S ~1°29'37"W 23~,~,2~ FEET TO A POINT; THENCE H g°4~'40"W 871,9 FEET TO THE TRUE POI[IT OF BEG I HH [IqG, CO~4TAIHII.IG 35.47 ACRES, HORE OR LESS. C'ESCR: I PT I 0I'~ A PAR~2EL OF LAHO LO(]ATED I1'.1 THE Idk~t/~" OF ~=E_TIGI'tC' 5 OF THE RESURb'EY OF TOWHSHIP 2~ IlORTH, RAH,SE 115 WEST, AHD I~.1 PORTION OF THE SLtl'/4 OF SEQT[ON .32, TOL~I'ISHIP 22 NORTH, 1~5 ~JEST, abh P,H., LII',I,:2OL~I ,?OUHT"F, WVOMII..I&, TO tJIT~ BE~Z[flI'.IiN6 ~T THE t'IORTHk~EST QOR. HER OF S~[O SECT[OH TNEI.I,E'E N ~oE.~,~ ~,~L~ 11~"_~ S'I FEET TO ~ POII.IT~ THENCE ~'I 89°5~ 14'E '137~ 88 FEET TO ~ THENCE S ~°41 51~E 275 25 FEET TO ~ F'OINT~ ·, ,' ,:,~ NEET TO R POINT~ THENCE S 52°5B 14'W 298 a7 FEET TO R POINT~ THENCE N ~7°~'~ _~ ' b~ 4~, ~J S~'~ 79 FEET TO A POII'ITi THENCE 9 52°5~ 14'S 1~0 ~ FEET TO ~ ROIhlT~ THEI't~ZE q 5.5°2.5 ~g~"~ 170 57 FEET TO ~. POINTi THENQE S 47°42 31~E 0,5 31 FEET TO A POINT~ THEH~IE S 4~°46 40"E .256 ~? FEET TO ~ POII'IT; THENCE S 66°~1 ~'~.~ ~5~' 7? FEET TO R PO~hlTi THEI'I~ZE N E~°~5 4~"~J :'~ _ .¢~.:, ~ FEET TO THE PO[I'IT OF BEG Z I'.IN [ N6. --. 632 C,E'_:;C R l F'T I REFEn~iI_.E F'FIRC:EL ~2'I PARCEL OF LAND LOCgTED IH h PORTIOH OF THE SLIi,,"4 OF SE'~TIF'N- ... .~2_, TOWMSHTp. , ~ NORTH, RAHGE 115 WEqT,_ 6eh,. P.H, , LINCOLH COUHTY, WYOf'IIHG, TO WIT; COHIiENCTNG AT THE SOUTHWEST CORHER OF SAID SECTION THEH.CE ~1 0°0.5 46'W I'lOl,?t FEET TO THE TRUE POIHT OF EEGIHHIHG~ THENCE M O°F~=_~, 46"W 2267.E~E~ FE~T~ lo. ~ POIHT; THEI'i_E I'l 8 54 ~8 E 5.5o.40 FEET TO ~ THEMCE S 52°5~ 02'E 880.E~8 FEET TO ~ POINTi THEN_E S 4-1 -51 E 906 .. FEET TO A POINT; THEMCE q ~°5~"16"W 1373 87 FEET TO THE RUE POINT BEG INN I NG , CONTAINING -~ 0'~ Ar'RES ..... ' ..... - ~,~,. r!'Jr',c OR LE-~-~ EXHIBIT I A parcel of-land located in the S½ of Sec'tion 32 of .the Resurvey of Township 22 North, Range 115 West, and in Section 5, Township 21 North, Range 115 West, 6th P.H., Lincoln County, Wyoming, to wit: Beginn.ing at the West One-Quarter Corner of said Section 32;' thence South 89°56'00'' East, 5260~feet, more or less, along the Quarter Section line to the East One- Quarter Corner of said Section 32; thence South 00°15'40" East, 2650 feet, more or less, along the Section Line between Sections 32 and 33 to the Southeast Corner of said Section 32; thence South 00°15'~0TM. East, 5249 feet, more or less, along the Section Line between Sections 5 and 4 to the Southeast Corner of said Section 5; ~hence South 00°03'55'' East, 1322.92 feet along the Section Line bet~een Sections 8 and 9 to the N 1/16th Corner; thence North 89°55'40" Wes'.t~ 1847.57 feet to a point; 'thence North 14°44'31" West, 891.45 feet to a point; thence North 2°1g~'58'' Eas~t, '538.84 feet ~o a point; thence North 8°24'48'' East, 1768.23 feet ~to a point; thence North 1°23'47" West, 1676.93 feet to a point; thence North 29°36'42'' West, 671.84 feet t6 a point;' thence North 61°10'27"~'West, 1298.41 feet to a point; thenc~ North 37°09'~6'' West, 1716.77 feet to a point; thence North 6°41'51'' West~ 1182.01 feet to a point; thence North 62°51'02" West, 800.00 feet t~ a point; thence South 89°54'08'' West, 558.40 feet to a point on the West Section Line of said Section 32; thence North 0°05'46" West, 283.77 feet t..o tl~e"point of beginning.