HomeMy WebLinkAbout958401DURABLE POWER OF ATTORNEY FOR FINANCIAL MANAGEMENT WARNING TO PERSON EXECUTING THIS DOCUMENT THIS IS AN IMPORTANT LEGAL DOCUMENT. IT CREATES A DURABLE POWER OF ATTORNEY. BEFORE EXECUTING THIS DOCUMENT, YOU SHOULD KNOW THESE IMPORTANT FACTS: THIS DOCUMENT MAY PROVIDE THE PERSON YOU DESIGNATE AS YOUR ATTORNEY -IN -FACT WITH BROAD LEGAL POWERS, INCLUDING THE POWERS TO MANAGE, DISPOSE, SELL AND CONVEY YOUR REAL AND PERSONAL PROPERTY AND TO BORROW MONEY USING YOUR PROPERTY AS SECURITY FOR THE LOAN. THESE POWERS WILL CONTINUE TO EXIST EVEN IF YOU BECOME DISABLED OR INCAPACITATED. THESE POWERS WILL EXIST UNTIL YOU REVOKE OR TERMINATE THIS POWER OF ATTORNEY. YOU HAVE THE RIGHT TO REVOKE OR TERMINATE THIS POWER OF ATTORNEY AT ANY TIME. THIS DOCUMENT DOES NOT AUTHORIZE ANYONE TO MAKE MEDICAL OR OTHER HEALTH CARE DECISIONS FOR YOU. IF THERE IS ANYTHING ABOUT THIS FORM THAT YOU DO NOT UNDERSTAND, YOU SHOULD ASK A LAWYER TO EXPLAIN IT TO YOU. 1. Principal and Attorney -in -Fact PRINCIPAL Carolyn Knowles Fauber 3779 Strawberry Creek Road Bedford, Wyoming 83112 I, Carolyn Knowles Fauber, appoint the fact to act for me in any lawful way with 4, below. RECEIVED 3/9/2011 at 9:45 AM RECEIVING 958401 BOOK: 763 PAGE: 440 JEANNE WAGNER LINCOLN COUNTY CLERK, KEMMERER, WY person named below as my attorney -in- respect to the powers delegated in Part Durable Power of Attorney for Financial Management Page 1 of 11 ATTORNEY -IN -FACT Michael S. Fauber 3779 Strawberry Creek Road Bedford, Wyoming 83112 Main phone: 307 883 -2782 SUCCESSOR ATTORNEY -IN -FACT I name the following person to act as my attorney -in -fact if the named attorney -in- fact dies, resigns, or is otherwise unable to serve. Shannon D. Fauber 2453 Elon Road Madison Heights, Virginia 24572 2. Delegation of Authority My attorney -in -fact may not delegate any authority granted under this durable power of attorney. 3. Effective Date This power of attorney is effective immediately, and shall continue in effect if I become incapacitated or disabled. 4. Powers of Attorney -in -Fact I grant my attorney -in -fact power to act on my behalf in the following matters, as indicated by my initials next to each granted power. 1111 1/// 1111 1/1/ /1/1 1111 111/ 11/1 /1/1 1111 1/// /111 1/1/ 1111 1/11 /1/1 Durable Power of Attorney for Financial Management Page 2 of 11 00;A 41 INITIALS X 411 9 (1) Real estate transactions. (2) Banking and other financial institution transactions. t (3) Business operating transactions. XX (4) Insurance and annuity transactions. (5) Estate, trust, and other beneficiary transactions. X (6) Living trust transactions. X (7) Legal actions. X�`L (8) Personal and family care. X (9) Pet care. X( (10) Government benefits. a X (w (11) Retirement plan transactions. X (12) Tax matters. These powers are defined in Part 11, below. 00,r,./442 5. Compensation and Reimbursement of Attorney -in -Fact My attorney -in -fact shall not be compensated for services, but shall be entitled to reimbursement, from my assets, for reasonable expenses. Reasonable expenses include but are not limited to reasonable fees for information or advice from accountants, lawyers or investment experts relating to my attorney -in- fact's responsibilities under this power of attorney. 6. Personal Benefit to Attorney -in -Fact My attorney -in -fact may buy any assets of mine or engage in any transaction he or she deems in good faith to be in my interest, no matter what the interest or benefit to my attorney -in -fact. However, if a successor attorney -in -fact is serving under this document, he or she may not benefit personally from any transaction engaged in on my behalf. 7. Commingling by Attorney -in -Fact My attorney -in -fact may not commingle any of my funds with any funds of his or Durable Power of Attorney for Financial Management Page 3 of 11 hers. 8. Liability of Attorney -in -Fact My attorney -in -fact shall not incur any liability to me, my estate, my heirs, successors or assigns for acting or refraining from acting under this document, except for willful misconduct or gross negligence. My attorney -in -fact is not required to make my assets produce income, increase the value of my estate, diversify my investments or enter into transactions authorized by this document, as long as my attorney -in -fact believes his or her actions are in my best interests or in the interests of my estate and of those interested in my estate. A successor attorney -in -fact shall not be liable for acts of a prior attorney -in -fact. 9. Reliance on This Power of Attorney Any third party who receives a copy of this document may rely on and act under it. Revocation of the power of attorney is not effective as to a third party until the third party has actual knowledge of the revocation. I agree to indemnify the third party for any claims that arise against the third party because of reliance on this power of attorney. 10. Severability If any provision of this document is ruled unenforceable, the remaining provisions shall stay in effect. 11. Definition of Powers Granted to Attorney -in -Fact The powers granted in Part 4, above, authorize my attorney -in -fact to do the following: (1) Real estate transactions My attorney -in -fact may act for me in any manner to deal with all or any part of any interest in real property that I own at the time of execution of this document or later acquire, under such terms, conditions and covenants as my attorney -in -fact deems proper. My attorney -in- fact's powers include but are not limited to the power to: (a) Accept as a gift, or as security for a loan, reject, demand, buy, lease, receive or otherwise acquire ownership or possession of any estate or interest in real property. (b) Sell, exchange, convey with or without covenants, quitclaim, release, Durable Power of Attorney for Financial Management Page 4 of 11 00,1./443 surrender, mortgage, encumber, partition or consent to the partitioning of, grant options concerning, lease, sublet or otherwise dispose of any interest in real property. (c) Maintain, repair, improve, insure, rent, lease, and pay or contest taxes or assessments on any estate or interest in real property I own or claim to own. (d) Prosecute, defend, intervene in, submit to arbitration, settle and propose or accept a compromise with respect to any claim in favor of or against me based on or involving any real estate transaction. (2) Banking and other financial institution transactions My attorney -in -fact may do any act that I can do through an agent in connection with any banking transaction that might affect my financial or other interests. My attorney -in- fact's powers include but are not limited to the power to: (a) Continue, modify and terminate any deposit account or other banking arrangement, or open either in the name of the agent alone or my name alone or in both our names jointly, a deposit account of any type in any financial institution, rent a safe deposit box or vault space, have access to a safe deposit box or vault to which I would have access, and make other contracts with the institution. (b) Make, sign and deliver checks or drafts, and withdraw my funds or property from any financial institution by check, order or otherwise. (c) Prepare financial statements concerning my assets and liabilities or income and expenses and deliver them to any financial institution, and receive statements, notices or other documents from any financial institution. (d) Borrow money from a financial institution on terms my attorney -in -fact deems acceptable, give security out of my assets, and pay, renew or extend the time of payment of any note given by or on my behalf. (3) Business operating transactions My attorney -in -fact may do any act that I can do through an agent in connection with any business operated by me that my attorney -in -fact deems Durable Power of Attorney for Financial Management Page 5 of 11 desirable. My attorney -in- fact's powers include but are not limited to the power to: (a) Perform any duty and exercise any right, privilege or option which I have or claim to have under any contract of partnership, enforce the terms of any partnership agreement, and defend, submit to arbitration or settle any legal proceeding to which I am a party because of membership in a partnership. (b) Exercise in person or by proxy and enforce any right, privilege or option which I have as the holder of any bond, share or instrument of similar character and defend, submit to arbitration or settle a legal proceeding to which I am a party because of any such bond, share or instrument of similar character. (c) With respect to a business owned solely by me, continue, modify, extend or terminate any contract on my behalf, demand and receive all money that is due or claimed by me and use such funds in the operation of the business, engage in banking transactions my attorney -in -fact deems desirable, determine the location of the operation, the nature of the business it undertakes, its name, methods of manufacturing, selling, marketing, financing, accounting, form of organization and insurance, and hiring and paying employees and independent contractors. (d) Execute, acknowledge, seal and deliver any instrument of any kind that my attorney -in -fact thinks useful to accomplish any purpose listed in this section. (e) Pay, compromise or contest business taxes or assessments. (f) Demand and receive money or other things of value to which I am or claim to be entitled as the proceeds of any business operation, and conserve, invest, disburse or use anything so received for purposes listed in this section. (4) Insurance and annuity transactions My attorney -in -fact may do any act that I can do through an agent, in connection with any insurance or annuity policy, that my attorney -in -fact deems desirable. My attorney -in- fact's powers include but are not limited to the power to: Durable Power of Attorney for Financial Management Page 6 of 11 Oil 445 OOO44 (a) Continue, pay the premium on, modify, rescind or terminate any annuity or policy of life, accident, health, disability or liability insurance procured by me or on my behalf before the execution of this power of attorney. (b) Procure new, different or additional contracts of health, disability, accident or liability insurance on my life, modify, rescind or terminate any such contract and designate the beneficiary of any such contract. (c) Sell, assign, borrow on, pledge, or surrender and receive the cash surrender value of any policy. (5) Estate, trust and other beneficiary transactions My attorney -in -fact may act for me in all matters that affect a trust, probate estate, guardianship, conservatorship, escrow, custodianship or other fund from which I am, may become or claim to be entitled, as a beneficiary, to a share or payment. My attorney -in- fact's authority includes the power to disclaim, release or renounce any assets which I am, may become or claim to be entitled, as a beneficiary, to a share or payment. (6) Living trust transactions My attorney -in -fact may transfer ownership of any property over which he or she has authority under this document to the trustee of a revocable trust I have created as settlor. Such property may include real property, stocks, bonds, accounts with financial institutions, insurance policies or other property. (7) Legal actions My attorney -in -fact may act for me in all matters that affect claims in favor of or against me and proceedings in any court or administrative body. My attorney -in- fact's powers include but are not limited to the power to: (a) Hire an attorney to assert any claim or defense before any court, administrative board or other tribunal. (b) Submit to arbitration or mediation or settle any claim in favor of or against me or any litigation to which I am a party, pay any judgment or settlement and receive any money or other things of value paid in settlement. Durable Power of Attorney for Financial Management Page 7 of 11 (8) Personal and family care My attorney -in -fact may do all acts necessary to maintain my customary standard of living, and that of my spouse and children and other persons ,customarily supported by or legally entitled to be supported by me. My attorney -in- fact's powers include but are not limited to the power to: (a) Pay for medical, dental and surgical care, living quarters, usual vacations and travel expenses, shelter, clothing, food, appropriate education and other living costs. (b) Continue arrangements with respect to automobiles or other means of transportation, charge accounts, discharge of any services or duties assumed by me to any parent, relative or friend, contributions or payments incidental to membership or affiliation in any church, club, society or other organization. (9) Pet care My attorney -in -fact may use my funds or other property as reasonably necessary to provide for the health, care, and welfare of any pets or animals that belong to me, including (but not limited to) expenditures for food, veterinary care, grooming, toys, day care, and temporary boarding or pet sitting fees. I grant my attorney -in -fact the authority to maintain my pets or animals in the same standard of health, care, and welfare as I have done. For purposes of this document, any actions taken by my attorney -in -fact for the benefit of my pets or animals shall be considered taken for my own benefit. (10) Government benefits My attorney -in -fact may act for me in all matters that affect my right to government benefits, including Social Security, Medicare, Medicaid, or other governmental programs, or civil or military service. My attorney -in- fact's powers include but are not limited to the power to: (a) Prepare, execute, file, prosecute, defend, submit to arbitration or settle a claim on my behalf to benefits or assistance, financial or otherwise. (b) Receive the proceeds of such a claim and conserve, invest, disburse or use them on my behalf. Durable Power of Attorney for Financial Management Page 8 of 11 0044'7 (11) Retirement plan transactions My attorney -in -fact may act for me in all matters that affect my retirement plans. My attorney -in- fact's powers include but are not limited to the power to select payment options under any retirement plan in which I participate, make contributions to those plans, exercise investment options, receive payment from a plan, roll over plan benefits into other retirement plans, designate beneficiaries under those plans and change existing beneficiary designations. (12) Tax matters My attorney -in -fact may act for me in all matters that affect my local, state and federal taxes. My attorney -in- fact's powers include but are not limited to the power to: (a) Prepare, sign and file federal, state, local and foreign income, gift, payroll, Federal Insurance Contributions Act returns and other tax returns, claims for refunds, requests for extension of time, petitions, any power of attorney required by the Internal Revenue Service or other taxing authority, and other documents. (b) Pay taxes due, collect refunds, post bonds, receive confidential information, exercise any election available to me and contest deficiencies determined by a taxing authority. Durable Power of Attorney for Financial Management Page 9 of 11 000448 I understand the importance of the powers I delegate to my attorney -in -fact in this document. I recognize that the document gives my attorney -in -fact broad powers over my assets, and that these powers will become effective as soon as I sign this document and continue indefinitely unless I revoke this durable power of attorney. Signed this 7 day of State of Wyo g, County of Signature: Signature: Print Name: z-0 i/ WITNESSES On the date written above, the principal declared to me that this instrument is her durable power of attorney, and that she willingly executed it as a free and voluntary act. The principal signed this instrument in my presence. Mr" VIM Address: iA -k6t' �{ul '241 Fan W' r`lQ1,10 Signature: 1 1 4D r Print Name: f t e 4,( t Oy Address: 5 -D k-r Ou-ek K--c G ,014 1/1/ /111 /11/ 1/11 /11/ 11/1 11/1 /11/ 1/1/ 11/1 1/1/ Durable Power of Attorney for Financial Management Page 10 of 11 000449 CERTIFICATE OF ACKNOWLEDGMENT OF NOTARY PUBLIC State of )1 O m,,-vo ss. County of Lt r 1Co On M c_k rsi aO 11 before me, a notary public in and for said state, C o 1 ,r, Pak Ira personally known to me (or proved on the basis of satisfactory evidence) to be the person whose name is subscribed to the within instrument, and acknowledged to me that she executed the same in her authorized capacity and that by her signature on the instrument the person, or the entity upon behalf of which the person acted, executed the instrument. personally appeared 15, 2014 HEIDI L CLAYE NOTARY PUBLIC County of 1 Stele of Lincoln Wyoming .......•..rte my Commission Expires Febru [NOTARIAL SEAL] WITNE my hand and official seal. Notary Public My commission expires: d /is /ao iy Durable Power of Attorney for Financial Management Page 11 of 11 0 45