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KNOW ALL MEN BY THESE PRESENTS, That ~ip R. Wilkes, a single person, of
A~on, Lincoln County, Wyoming, in consideration of Ten and No/100 Dollars ($10.00) and
other valuable consideration receipt of which is acknowledged, conveys and quitclaims unto
Lower Vtlley LLO, a Wyoming close limited liability company, of PO Box 890, Thayne, ~
83~27, all such right, title, ~nterest, properly, possession, claim and demand as he has or
ought to have, in or to all the following described premises, in the County of Lincoln, State of
Wyoming, to-wit:
All real property described on Exhibit "A" attached hereto and by this
reference made a part hereof.
Together with and including all' improvements thereon and all
appurtenances an'd hereditaments thereunto belonging. Subject to all
covenants, conditions, restrictions, easements, reservations, rights and
rights-of-way of sight and/or record. ..
IN WITNESS WHEREOF, Kip R. Wilkes has hereunto set his hand as of the 16th day
of October, 2001. ..
[(ip F(. VV~es-...~- '-~-~- -
The foregoing Quitclaim Deed was acknowledged before me by Kip R. Wilkes, a
single person, this .~¢ _ day. of ~(~.¢zz~.~) ' , 2001.
Witness my hand and official seal.
My commission expires: February 26, 2004.
A porlion of the NIN1/d Sitl/d of Section 2;3, T34N, Rllgl/V, 6lb P.M., located
in Ihe Town of Thorne, Lincoln ' ~0 0
described ns Mllow$: County, ~yoming, bern8 more Particularly
' NING at n poinl In Ihe itnaterly line of Ihat certain parcel of land
described in Deed No. 815012
.' I?rlnerahip, tn Ihlgh Garda from Franklin and MCGinnis properUes,
QU,Uler Corne nf ~,.],,~l tile Knnwllon's ........ 'p °~A7 leer Bas .
r .__ a..~ ~ec/Jol 9q, . n'"""meRt mar . t
S7'25'45'E 101.65 feel; Ihen'ce 1 -'" Il,cafe S~'22'07"E ~g~9~ the Center
SB3'38'54"W 422.805 feel,' ~o..t reel; lhence
more or less, 1o
Snulheasl corner nf lira ViclOr W
and wife, ol. Oner~ ......... . Arychuk and Wa .. .
540. Ihe.,~ ~.[' ..'Y ~unveyetl by Deed No na~n,' ;:2l{[Irn'~ Arychuk, hua
'/":. "uginniog of a Cilia,* _f,~a[ ~me otaald Arvchuk .... ~ ~ ra at Page '
reel) Ihence run,~.,~, , ~ c-heave 1o Ihe No~h:.[ .... t"~?erty~ 172.08 fee{
· '/~ .~'1' la Ihe Point of Beginnin~7'037 feel;
" ""y uuacrmeu as NaS'24'OS"E o~n ~.a~O~e described pron
T(')C;E'I'I lEI{ Wi'ri ! and reserving 111110
m~d ri~hl-of-wa~ ~nnw ....... Cranlor, ~
~ ~ ,. aa Ille 'lilayilo Villa e non-exclusive easement
! ~u'kway): A ~-foot wide Right_of_War, ~0 Cenler Right-of-Way (Village
described afg~[ nn each side of Ihe following
ceniurline and ia a pnrlinn of Ihe NWl/4 SE1/4 nf Seclion ~3,
R110W, 6Ih I'.M., Incaled In Ihe Town of Thnyne, IJncoln County, Wromin
and more PnHicularlg deao'ihed aa MI/nwa:
liE(~INNING ntn POinl on Ihu Enai R/W line
' '"gnwnr R/W Monumenr fntma ~ o.u~an~nown on Hwv
anid I{/W line; said I'oint nl$o being 8fi4.91 fuel 82a'3~'22,~ fi'om n B~L.M. Igpe
.... ~ otauon rC 1412+48.58
C"mHer Quarler marking Coon, King and Know/ion's location for Ihe
Corner of said Secllon 23; Ihence N64'37'48"1! 24.13 feet
I'C of n 1]{}-foot rndlua curve lo Ihe right (A~20'38'2B", ~o
Ihence ,16,8~3 fuel nhml{ amd curve In Ihe PT; Ihence Tg23.67",
NBs'16q6"E93.54 feel to
Ihe I'C of il i~{}-flml radius curve I'o Ihe left (A=85'16'16",
I.C?176.1 I'); Ihcnct: '193.,17,1 feet nhmg anitl curve lo the PT; Ihence Norlh
560.33 fuel hi n Poinl ~)n Ihu Snulh I{/W line of Dolls S ', ·
h,cnled 4H feel Smuh ,md 691.84 feel I{nal fro , ..~y.~el, ~.nlt[ point bela
St~clioll ~;I JnOllUnlelll, llllt[ /urJher reserving tln(o lhe Grantor Ihe righl lo ..
""" UXClLIHIng al~c( reaervim, ~ ...... ~a .... 3 ~.P3~blicly dedlcaled alreet,
nero lo connect or allow
omnectio~ of or prohibit Ihe connecUon 1o uti]lUes found wil[dn tl~e aaid
Thayne Village Center right-of-way to malna or Iinea
ulillly aervices to H~o property which. Is lI~e aubJect of thi~ which may provide