HomeMy WebLinkAbout958497STATE OF UTAH County of Cache says: RECEIVED 3/16/2011 at 10:16 AM RECEIVING 95$497 BOOK: 763 PAGE: 790 JEANNE WAGNER LINCOLN COUNTY CLERK, KEMMERER, WY AFFIDAVIT ESTABLISHING SUCCESSOR TRUSTEE ss 00 790 L. BRENT HOGGAN, being first duly sworn on oath deposes and 1. He is a resident of North Logan, Cache County, Utah, over the age of twenty -one (21) and is competent by personal knowledge to state and swear to the things hereinafter contained. 2. He was the attorney of STERLING L. WEBER during his lifetime. 3. STERLING L. WEBER died on September 23, 2009. STERLING L. WEBER is one in the same person as STERLING LAWRENCE WEBER named in the State of Utah Department of Health Certificate of Death, State File No. 2009023395, a certified copy of which is attached to and by reference made a part of this Affidavit. 4. On April 28, 1977, Decedent, STERLING L. WEBER, and MARIAN C. WEBER "Webers made and executed a Declaration of Trust, creating the STERLING L. WEBER FAMILY REVOCABLE TRUST "Trust By the terms of the Trust as amended by a First Amendment to the Trust dated October 28, 2008, Webers declared themselves as the Trustees thereof and, upon the death of the first of them to die designated the survivor of them as Trustee of the Trust. 5. Pursuant to the terms of the Trust, LEE R. HYDE and LAUNIE H. HYDE, Mortgagor, made, executed and acknowledged a Mortgage to Webers as Trustees of the Trust as Mortgagees. Said Mortgage was recorded January 18, 2006 in Book 609 at Page 859 as Receiving No. 915294 in the records of the Lincoln County, Wyoming Recorder. 6. By reason of the death of STERLING L. WEBER, MARIAN C. WEBER has become and now is the Trustee of the Trust and the Mortgagee as Trustee of the Trust of said Mortgage, which Mortgage covers real property situated in Lincoln County, Wyoming and 2 legally described on Exhibit "A" attached hereto and by this reference made a part hereof. DATED this 8 day of March, 2011. STATE OF UTAH SS County of Cache L. Brent Hoggan 000791 On the 8 day of March, 2011, personally appeared before me L. BRENT HOGGAN, the signer of the within instrument, who duly acknowledged to me that he executed the same. LBH /beh J: \LBH\ ESTATE \Weber.Sterling.Marian \Weber.Aff Est ST.WY.mortg.doc N -11754 AR PUBLI LAURA MEIER NOTARY PUBUC STATE OF UTAH My Comm. Exp. 04!0712013 Commission 578277 NO EXHIBIT "A" 000792 The Southwest Quarter of the Northeast Quarter the Southeast Quarter of the Northwest Quarter and the Northeast Quarter of the Southwest Quarter of Section 15, in Township 31 North of Range 119 West of the 6'" P.M,, Commencing at the Northwest corner of the Southeast Quarter of the Northeast Quarter of Section 15, Township 31 North, Range 119 West of the 6' Principal Meridian thence running 40 rods South Thence 30 rods East thence Northwesterly 9 rods parallel to County highway 140 thence 9 rods East thence to the West Boundary of said County highway to a point where said Public Highway intersects the North boundary line of the southeast Quarter of the Northeast Quarter of said Section 15 thence West to the point of beginning, Excepting therefrom that parcel of Land conveyed to Douglas M. Broadhead and Verdene N. Broadhead, recorded January 20, 1975, Booki 16 P.R., Page 620. DECEDENT INFORMATION Date, of Death: S eptember °23, 2009 City of Death: Logan Age: 89 Place df Birth: Fairview; .Wyoming Armed Services:. Yes' Spouse's Name: Marian Elizabeth Clark Industry/Business. Real Estate Residence: Mothers Name: Facility or Address: CERTIFICATIO ITAL RECORD 511��1 iVr�'V551�ii'irYYr YlVi Sr /V''!r•1VY1Ir.r51ti1'Yii1V.l•Yr V.'i1515 r5 1YrlS'154fYY1.1JY�ViV'VM1�r�'V5 i5.r5Y5r Yrilrl rlYrfYVrIrIVifi54 14VY1V5'r 1rV rYlrrrr Y!!'1V11YY11NY•'FVYY.Y'i' Logan, Utah Leone Augusta Barrus' Sunshine Terrace Foundation INFORMANT INFORMATION Name: Julie Wiley ;Mailing.Address: 2085 North 1000 E DISPOSITION INFORMATION'' Method of Disposition: Burial Place of Disposition: Logan Clty Cemetery Logan Uta Date of Disposition: Septemb er29,'2009'; FUNERAL HOME;INFORMA:TION Funeral Home`; Allen -Hall Mortuary 34 East Center Street Log -a Jo hi* p atevenson Date Issued: September 28, CERTIFICATE OF DEATH State File Number: 2009023395 S terling Lawrence Weber Time of Death: 17:30 County. of Death: Cache Date of Birth: March 21, 1920 Sex: Male Marital Status: Married Usual Occupation: Broker Education: Some College but No Degree Fathers Name: Lawrence Frankliln Weber Facility Type: Nursing Home /Assisted Living Relationship st "North Lbga n; Utah 84341 Address: Funeral Director: MEDICAL CERTIFICATI Me dical Professional:.;; CAUSE OF DEATH Dehydration secondary to. debility;„ nset 1 M Transitional Cell Carcinoma of Bladder ]Onset 8 Months] w:. cerebrovascular accident dement hypertensign recurrent DVT Tobacco Use: Non -user Medical Examiner Contacted 'No ,,;Autopsy, No Manner ofpea th ",Natural uite3�0 Logan, Utah .84,341.. This is ar(exact reproduction of the document registered in the State Office of Vital Statistics. Security features of this official document include: Intaglio Border V R images in top cycloids, ultra violet'fiberS and hologram image of the Utah State Seal, over the words "State of Utah". This document displays the date, seal and signature of the State Registrar and the County /District Health Officer. 1 0 11 1 1 1 1111 i Lloyd Berentzen 0 6 1 4 2 5 0 6 1* Director/Health Officer County /District Health Department n.:.::. ..e i ..nr.:a ei........n. Y +r,.. �x. n fn i xra: e_g ^•L. S.. A Tin iipF g pF rl�l� f f l i A ci n 1 Jlf Barry E Nangie, State Registrar i1 Off ice of Vitat'Statist►os I 8 9 6..i0