HomeMy WebLinkAbout958510Recording requested by: and when recorded, please return this deed and tax statements to: Escrow No.: Title Order No.: QUITCLAIM DEED KNOW ALL MIEN BY THESE PRESENTS THAT: THIS QUITCLAIM DEED, made and entered into on Feb t I ary 22 20 11 between Anlrath _R. and "Grantor whose address is 503 State Highway 232, Cokeville, Wyoming 83114 and Roland C. Willis and Linda L.Willis "Grantee whose address is 35 W. Lamborn Drive, Laketown, Utah 84038 FOR A VALUABLE CONSIDERATION, in the amount of ten DOLLARS 10.00 and other good and valuable consideration, the receipt and sufficiency of which is hereby acknowledged, Grantor hereby REMISES, RELEASES, AND FOREVER QUITCLAIMS to Grantee, all right, title, interest and claim to the plot, piece or parcel of land, with all the buildings, appurtenances and improvements thereon, if any, in the City of County of Lincoln State of Wyoming described as follows: See attached legal description [Insert legal description] RECEIVED 3/17/2011 at 10:16 AM RECEIVING 958510 BOOK: 763 PAGE: 855 JEANNE WAGNER LINCOLN COUNTY CLERK, KEMMERER, WY 000855 SUBJECT TO all, if any, valid easements, rights of way, covenants, conditions, reservations and restrictions of record. For recorder's use only TO HAVE AND TO HOLD all of Grantor's right, title and interest in and to the above described property unto Grantee, Grantee's heirs, successors and/or assigns forever; so that neither Grantor nor Grantor's heirs, successors and/or assigns shall have claim or demand any right or title to the property described above, or any of the buildings, appurtenances and improvements thereon. IN WITNESS WHEREOF, Grantor has executed this Quitclaim Deed on 1'ebf(,kG'ry X 20 it. pe or Print Name of Grantor State of Wyoming County of ,,,e, ss. The foregoing instrument was acknowledged before me by R. p G 2 this day of 20�i WITNESS my hand and official sea -e a Sign tur e of Notary Public fa nrnl E /)#'M Printed Name of Notary My commission expires: 714 a a, 0 3 NOTARY SEAL NaDene Dana County of Linco}n My COMMIS ::n 000856 a diva 2 'e TRY PUBLICS State of Wyoming May 20, 2013 ?s art Professional Land Surveyors Paul N. Scherbel Wyo. Registration No. 164 Utah Registration No. 1670 Idaho Registration No. 3990 Nevada Registration No. 6805 Scott A. Scherbel Wyo. Registration No. 3889 Idaho Registration No. 8026 Utah Registration No. 372111 MARLOWE A. SCHERBEL Wyo. Registration No. 5368 Surveyor Scherbel, LTD. Afton, Wyoming Big Piney, Wyoming Jackson, Wyoming Lava Hot Springs, Idaho Montpelier, Idaho DESCRIPTION FOR KENNETH R. PETERSEN AND ANDRA L. PETERSEN FROM ROLAND C. WILLIS AND LINDA L. WILLIS OF PETERSEN ADJUSTED TRACT To -wit: That part of Tracts 74 and 76 of the 1913 Resurveys of T22N R119W and T22N R120W, and GLO Lot 8 and GLO Lot 9 of Section 30, T22N R119W, and GLO Lot 2 and GLO Lot 3 of Section 25, and Tracts 44, 45 and 46, T22N R120W, described as follows: BEGINNING at Corner No. 2 of said Tract 74; 000857 thence N89 26' -17 "W, 54.93 feet, along the south line of said Tract 74, to the northeast corner of GLO Lot 8; thence S00 24' -47 "W, 734.86 feet, along the east line of said GLO Lot 8 and GLO Lot 9, to a point on an existing fence line; thence N75 48' -36 "W, 2109.34 feet, to a point; thence SO4 39' -49 "E, 13.99 feet, to a position on the northerly right -of -way line of BQ Drive; thence along said right -of -way line as follows: N74 15' -54 "W, 660.50 feet, to a point at the beginning of a circular curve to the left; westerly, 329.87 feet, along the arc of said curve, through a central angle of 12 41' -52 with a radius of 1488.44 feet, and a chord bearing N80 °36'50 "W, 329.19 feet, to a point; N86 57' -46 "W, 662.03 feet, to a point on the south line of said Tract 74, and leave said right -of- way line; thence N89 26' -07 "W, 639.32 feet, along said south line, to a point on a north/south fence line; thence generally following said north/south fence line as follows: N10 45' -29 "E, 954.77 feet, to a point; N07 48' -02 "E, 206.87 feet, to a point; N00 34' -48 "W, 1829.72 feet, to a point; NO3 36' -35 "E, 4340.34 feet, to a point; N09 43' -58 "E, 628.26 feet, to a point; N12 09' -08 "W, 1767.08 feet, to a point on an existing east/west fence line, and leave said north/south fence line; thence S88 43' -06 "E, 2640.27 feet, along said east/west fence line, to a point; thence S89 18' -32 "E, 2352.59 feet, along said east/west fence line, to a point on the westerly right -of -way line of the Oregon Short Line Railroad; thence S11 08' -37 "W, 3035.63 feet, along said westerly line, to a point on the south line of said Tract 76; \T &R\22- 120\Kenneth Petersen -NRCS "Modification in any way of the foregoing description terminates liability of the surveyor" Professional Land Surveyors Paul N. Scherbel Wyo. Registration No. 164 Utah Registration No. 1670 Idaho Registration No. 3990 Nevada Registration No. 6805 Scott A. Scherbel Wyo. Registration No. 3889 Idaho Registration No. 8026 Utah Registration No. 372111 MARLOWE A. SCHERBEL Wyo. Registration No. 5368 Surveyor Scherbel, LTD. Afton, Wyoming Big Piney, Wyoming Jackson, Wyoming Lava Hot Springs, Idaho Montpelier, Idaho DESCRIPTION FOR KENNETH R. PETERSEN AND ANDRA L. PETERSEN FROM ROLAND C. WILLIS AND LINDA L. WILLIS OF PETERSEN ADJUSTED TRACT PAGE TWO thence N89 15' -47 "W, 907.99 feet, along said south line, to Comer No. 1 of Tract 74; thence S00 37' -07 "W, 6640.25 feet, along the east line of said Tract 74 to the CORNER OF BEGINNING; ENCOMPASSING an area of 1004.23 acres, more or less; 00085S the BASE BEARING for this survey is the west line of Section 19, T22N R119W, being N00 30' -52 "E; it is the intent of this description that the called -for monuments, and not the existing fence lines, control the location of the property lines; TOGETHER WITH a right of ingress, egress and utilities over, under and across a strip of land, thirty (30) feet in width, being part of the SE1 /4NW1 /4, Lot 8, and Lot 9 of Section 30, T22N, R119W and Lot 2 and Lot 3 of Section 25, T22N, R120W, Lincoln County, Wyoming, with the southerly line described as follows: BEGINNING at an intersection with the west line of said Section 30, N00 °30'52 "E, 4232.29 feet, from the southwest corner of said Section 30; thence S74 °15'54 "E, 1833.71 feet, to the beginning of a circular curve to the left; thence easterly, 260.62 feet, along the arc of said curve, through a central angle of 30 °42'37" with radius of 486.24 feet; thence N75 °01'29 "E, 175.16 feet, to the beginning of a circular curve to the right; thence easterly, 295.02 feet, along the arc of said curve, through a central angle of 27° 18' 17" with radius of 619.07 feet; thence S77 °40' 14 "E, 86.56 feet, more or less, to an intersection with the east line of said SE1 /4NW1 /4; AND BEGINNING at an intersection with the east line of said Lot 2, N00 °30'52 "E, 4232.29 feet, from said southeast corner of said Section 25; thence N74° 15' 54 "W, 1484.98 feet, to the beginning of a circular curve to the left; thence northwesterly, 323.22 feet, along the arc of said curve, through a central angle of 12 °41'52" with radius of 1458.44 feet; thence N86 °57'46 "W, 662.03 feet; with the northerly line lengthened or shortened as necessary to create a continuous easement, thirty (30) feet in width from the east line of said SE1 /4NW1 /4 to the end of the above described easement; AND TOGETHER with a right of ingress and egress and utilities over, under and across a strip of land thirty (30) feet in width, described as follows: \T &R\22- 120\Kenneth Petersen -NRCS "Modification in any way of th wing description terminates liability of ~m reyor" Professional Land Surveyors Paul N. Scherbel Wyo. Registration No. 164 Utah Registration No. 1670 Idaho Registration No. 3990 Nevada Registration No. 6805 Scott A. Scherbel Wyo. Registration No. 3889 Idaho Registration No. 8026 Utah Registration No. 372111 MARLOWE A. SCHERBEL Wyo. Registration No. 5368 Surveyor Scherbel, LTD. Afton, Wyoming Big Piney, Wyoming Jackson, Wyoming Lava Hot Springs, Idaho Montpelier, Idaho KENNETH R. PETERSEN AND ANDRA L. PETERSEN FROM ROLAND C. WILLIS AND LINDA L. WILLIS OF PETERSEN ADJUSTED TRACT PAGE THREE thence N74 15' -54 "W, 32.01 feet, along said right -of -way line, to a position; thence N04 39' -49 "W, 443.04 feet, to a position; thence N85 20' -11 "E, 30.00 feet, to a point; thence SO4 39' -49 "E, 201.26 feet, to the POSITION OF BEGINNING; 6 December 2010 -RE 30 September 2010 000859 BEGINNING at a position on the south line of the above referenced Tract 74, N89 -26'- 07"W, 2124.73 feet, from Corner No. 2 thereof; thence SO4 39' -49 "E, 253.84 feet, to a position on the northerly right -of -way line of BQ Drive; each "corner" found as described in the Corner Record filed or to be filed in the Office of the Clerk of Lincoln County; each "point" marked by a 5/8" x 24" steel reinforcing rod with a 2" aluminum cap inscribed, "SURVEYOR SCHERBEL LTD AFTON WY PLS 11810 with appropriate details; all in accordance with the plat prepared to be filed in the Office of the Clerk of Lincoln County titled, "PLAT OF NRCS EASEMENT #66- 8E49 -0 -1090 FOR KENNETH R. PETERSEN AND ANDRA L. PETERSEN WITHIN GLO LOT 8 GLO LOT 9 SECTION 30 TRACT 76 T22N R1 19W OT 2 GLO LOT 3 TRACT 44 TRACT 74 T22N R120W LINCOLN CO dated 21 September 2010, as revised. \T &R\22- 120\Kenneth Petersen -NRCS "Modification in any way of the foregoing description terminates liability of the surveyor"