HomeMy WebLinkAbout958514When recorded, return to: Monica N. Howard HILLYARD, ANDERSON OLSEN, P.C. 595 S Riverwoods Pkwy, Suite 100 Logan, UT 84321 Tax Notice should be sent to: Ralph Johnson 8810 N Manhead Road Randolph, UT 84064 ss. BECKY DAV COUNT MY C` NOTARY PUBLIC STATE OF WYOMING SPECIAL WARRANTY DEED RECEIVED 3/17/2011 at 10:56 AM RECEIVING 958514 BOOK: 763 PAGE: 867 JEANNE WAGNER LINCOLN COUNTY CLERK, KEMMERER, WY LARRY DALLAS JOHNSON and DeCARMA GAIL J. SATTERTHWAITE, successor co- Trustees of the of the L. DALLAS JOHNSON DECLARATION OF TRUST, dated August 28, 1985, with amendments on July 19, 1995 and on January 15, 2005, Grantors, hereby CONVEY and WARRANT against all claiming by, through and under the Grantors to RALPH B. JOHNSON, individually, Grantee, for the sum of Ten Dollars ($10.00 and other valuable consideration), an undivided one -sixth interest in the following described real property in Lincoln County, State of Wyoming, described further in the attached Exhibit A, and an undivided one -sixth interest in the following described real property in Lincoln County, State of Wyoming, described further in the attached Exhibit B. WITNESS, the hand of said Grantors, this 3 day of NCetn p-f l 2010. Successor Co- Trustees of the of the L. DALLAS JOHNSON DECLARATION OF TRUST, dated August 28, 1985, with a endments on July 19, 19 and on January 15, 2005. J HNSO ALLAS Via r f DeCARMA G« SAT j7 HWAITE STATE OF 3 w ss. County of �.A On the day of 2010, personally appeared before me LARRY DALLAS JOHNSON, successor co- Trustee of the of the L. DALLAS JOHNSON DECLARATION OF TRUST, dated August 28, 1985, with amendments on July 19, 1995 and on January 15, 2005, the signer of the within instrument, who duly acknowledged to me that he executed the same. NOTARY P i1_: LIC MV COMMISS%ury cnr On the day of �Y11 2010, personally appeared before me DeCARMA GA WAITE, successor co- Trustee of the of the L. DALLAS JOHNSON DECLARATION OF TRUST, dated August 28, 1985, with amendments on July 19, 1995 and on January 15, 2005, the signer of the within instrument, who duly acknowledged to me that she executed the same. eOci 67 EXHIBIT A DESCRIPTION OF THE NORTH UNDIVIDED PARCEL To wit:— That part of Sections 26, 27, 34 and 35 and Tracts 37, 38, 39, 41 and 42 of T22N, R120W and Section 3 and Tract 37 of T21 N, R120W, Lincoln County, Wyoming, described as follows: BEGINNING at Corner No. 2 of said Tract 37; thence S89 °59'31 "W, 1039.56 feet, along Line 2 -3 of said Tract 37 to a point on the easterly boundary of the Big Sprinkler Parcel; thence coursing the northerly boundary of said Big Sprinkler Parcel as follows: N30 °48'00 "W, 1322.69 feet, to a point; N58 °19'59 "W, 926.45 feet, to a point; S88 °22'48 "W, 948.87 feet, to a point; S59 °58'24 "W, 842.00 feet, to the northeast point of the Larry D. Johnson Exchange Parcel, and leave said Sprinkler Parcel; thence N73 °41'13 "W, 1132.26 feet, along a northerly line of said Exchange Parcel to a point on Line 5 -6 of said Tract 38; thence N00 °201 9 "E, 2440.53 feet, along said Line 5 -6 to Corner No. 6 of said Tract 38; thence N00 °05'50 "W, 2669.31 feet, along the east line of the Robert M. Johnson Ex- change Parcel to Corner No. 3 of said Tract 42; thence N00 °00'00 "E, 1330.20 feet, along the west line of said Tract 42 to Corner No. 2 of Tract 54 of said T22N; thence continuing N00 °00'00 "E, 732.42 feet, along said west line identical with the east line of said Tract 54 to the southerly boundary of the Marie Weston and Dale Weston land of record in said Office in Book 395 of Photostatic Record on page 108; !thence S71 °44'E, 7058.70 feet, record distance and bearing, along said southerly bound- ary to the easterly boundary of the Weston land of record in said Office in Book 395 of Photostatic Records on page 102 on the west bank of the Bear•River; thence S03 °16'53 "E, 1621.48 feet, along said easterly boundary along said west bank; thence S72 °25 "00 "E, 3950.00, record bearing and distance, along the southerly bound- ary of said Weston land on page 102 to the east line of said Tract 39; thence S00 °01'49 "W, 2373.86 feet, along said east line to Corner No. 2 of said Tract 39; thence N89 °28'23 "W, 5302.13 feet, along Line 2 -3 of said Tract 39 to Corner No. 1 of said Tract 37; thence S00 °03'58 "E, 1317.98 feet, along Line 1 -2 of said Tract 37 to the CORNER OF BEGINNING; OOO86 3 EXHIBIT 1, ��aLinued ENCOMPASSING an area of 1260 acres, more or Tess; 000869 each "corner" marked as described in a Corner Record on file in the Office of the Clerk of Lincoln County; each "point" marked by a 5/8" x 24" steel reinforcing rod with a 2' aluminum cap in- scribed: "SURVEYOR SCHERBEL LTD BIG PINEY WY PLS 164" and appropriate details; each "position" being a calculated position with no monument found or set; the BASIS of BEARING is the line between the southwest corner of Section 28, T22N, R120W, Lincoln County, Wyoming, and the southeast corner of Section 4, T12N, R8E, Rich County, Utah and equals N00 °02'25 "E; 111 in accordance with the plat to be filed in said Office titled: "PLAT OF SURVEY FOR J OHNSON RANCHES OF LAND WITHIN TRACTS 38, 39, 41, 42 AND SECTIONS 27, 28, 33, 34 T22N R120W TRACT 37 AND SECTIONS 3, 4, 9, 10, 15 T21N R120W L INCOLN COUNTY, WYOMING AND SECTION 33 T13N R8E RICH COUNTY, UTAH dated 12 March 1999 as revised. EXHIBIT B DESCRIPION OF THE SOUTH UNDIVIDED PARCEL "To-wit:— That part of Sections 3, 4, 9, 10 and 15 and Tract 37 of T21 N, R120W, Lincoln County, Wyoming, described as follows: BEGINNING at the northeast corner of the W1 /2 of said Section 10; thence S00 °09'27 "E, 5281.48 feet, along the east line of the W1 /2 of said Section 10 to the southeast corner of said W1 /2; thence N89 °49'08 "W, 1320.15 feet, along the south line of said Section 10 to the north- east corner of the W1/2W1/2 of said Section 15; thence S00° 10'36 "E, 5280.00 feet, along the east line of said W1/2W1/2 to the southeast corner thereof; thence N89 °49'08 "W, 1320.10 feet, along the south line of said Section 15 to the south- west corner thereof; thence N00° 10'38 "W, 5280.00 feet, along the west line of said Section 15 to the north- west corner thereof; thence N89 °53'41 "W, 1364.34 feet, along the south line of said Section 9 to the south- west corner thereof on the Wyoming/Utah State Line; thence N01 °46'37 "E, 171.57 feet, along said State Line to southeast corner of Section 4 of T12N, R8E, Rich County, Utah; thence N00 °02'25 "E, 3775.30 feet, along said State Line to a point on the southerly boundary of the Double Sprinkler Parcel; thence coursing the southerly and easterly boundary of said Double Sprinkler Parcel as follows: S42 °41'15 "E, 137.88 feet, to a point; S61 °59'43 "E, 481.45 feet, to a point; N81 °35'58 "E, 775.85 feet, to a point; N53 °52'26 "E, 761.15 feet, to a point; N21 °46'39 "E, 845.84 feet, to a point; N07 °18'40 "E, 1013.37 feet, to a point; N07 °56'05 "W, 1879.21 feet, to a point; N36 °02'12 "W, 1060.72 feet, to a point; N62 °58'44 "W, 341.81 feet, to a point on the southeasterly boundary of the Larry D. Johnson Exchange Parcel, and leave said sprinkler boundary; thence N38 °08'02 "E, 1292.36 feet, along the southeast line of said Exchange Parcel to a point on the westerly boundary of the Big Sprinkler Parcel; thence coursing the westerly and southerly boundary of said Big Sprinkler Parcel as follows: OOO8's O S14 "E, 751.99 feet, to a point; S37 °03'33 "E, 695.04 feet, to a point; S60 °48'31 "E, 581.15 feet, to a point; S78 °35'26 "E, 546.86 feet, to a point; N81 °00`25 "E, 1315.46 feet, to a point; N26° 10'57 "E, 861.01 feet, to a point on Line 3 -4 of said Tract 37, and leave said boundary; EXHIBIT B eonLinued thence S00 °06'25 "E, 1894.91 feet, along said Line 3 -4 to Corner No. 4 of said Tract 37; thence N89 °53'19 "W, 1310.97 feet, along Line 4 -5 of said Tract 37 to the northeast posi- tion of Lot 9 of said Section 3; thence SO0 °17'00 "E, 2002.88 feet, along the east line of said Lot 9 and the east line of Lot 10 of said Section 3 to the CORNER OF BEGINNING; ENCOMPASSING an area of 759 acres, more or Tess; each "corner" marked as described in a Corner Record on file in the Office of the Clerk of Lincoln County; scribed o "S SCHERBEL LTD BIG PINEY WY reinforcing d 164" a d appropriate details; each "position" being a calculated position with no monument found or set; the BASIS of BEARING is the line between the southwest corner of Section 28, T22N, R120W, Lincoln County, Wyoming, and the southeast corner of Section 4, T12N, R8E, Rich County, Utah and equals N00 °02'25 "E; all in accordance with the plat to be filed in said Office titled: "PLAT OF SURVEY FOR JOHNSON RANCHES OF LAND WITHIN TRACTS 38, 39, 41, 10 42 AND SECTIONS 27 15 T21 N R120W 28, 33, 34 T22N R120W TRACT 37 AND SECTIONS 3, 4, 9, LINCOLN COUNTY, WYOMING AND SECTION 33 T13N R8E RICH COUNTY, UTAH", dated 12 March 1999 as revised.