HomeMy WebLinkAbout877302 LI~TED POWE~ OF ATTO~Y . "" '~ ~
"SBA"), aoli:lg by and tMough ~s authorized agent, hereby appoints c~h of t~ individ~ls set
fo~ on EXhibit "A'Z a~aohed hereto severally, ~ t~e ~d la.u] atto~y-in-gaot to act in the
n~¢, place ~d stead of the SBA for the pu~oses set fo~h below, This l~itcd power of
attome~ i8 iv~ P~u~t to ~at c~ain Lorn Sale Agreem~t (the "A~e~t") by md
between the SBA ~d LO~ P~TICIPA~ P~ERS, LTD. (the "Buyer"), dated ~
August 3, 2~00 to which reference is rome for ~c de~ition o¢ all capitalized te~s beretta The
said attorneys-in-fact, ~d each of them; ~ hereby authorized, and empowered, as follows'.
1. To executc~ ac~owledge, seal ~d deliver, on behalf of ~e SBA ("Seller"), th~
Note Endo~tements wi~ resp~t to the Notes for all of th~ Lo~s to ~e ord~ of the Buyer
s~bject to lc te~s ~d conditions of th~ Agreemcnt, to my p~rch~er ~o~ or assi~ee
Buyer, pro, [ded ~at such Note Endorsements are to be subst~dally in the fo~ of E~ibit H to
thc Agreem mi, appropriately completed;
2. To ex.cute, ~owledge, s¢~ ~d d¢liwr, on beh~f of Sell~, the ~si~=t ~d
Lost ~s~ent A~davit with resp~t to my Note which has been lost or is
unav~lable' ~ provided for in ~e A~eemcnt, to the Buy~ or,' subject to thc terms ~d
conditions 8f the A~eemen/, to any p~chaser from or assignee of Buy~, provided that ~y such
Accident and Lost Increment Affidavit ar~ to b~ substmtially in thc fom~ of Exhibit C to the'
A~ecm~t ~appropnate]y completed;
3. ~ To execute, ac~owl~ge, seal ~d deliver, on behalf of Sell~, ~ Accidents of
~ Doc~m~is ~ respect to ~1 of thc Lo~s, to thc Buyer or, subject to thc t¢~s ~d
condition~ bfthc Agreement, to ~y purchaser from or assi~ec of Buyer, provided that such
. I
Assignments of ~ Docum~t~ are to be subst~tially in the fo~ of Exhibit D to
A~eement~ with such modifications ~ may be required to comply wi~
Transfer~ecordation R~quircments md appropriately
4. To execute, ae~owledge, seal md deliver, on behalf of Se~er, assi~mcnts of
scc~W int~st with respect to ali of the Lo~s to the Buyer or, subject to the te~s
conditions ~of ~e A~eement, to any p~ohaser from or assi~ee of Buy~; and
~. To endorse checks wi~ respect to ~y of the Loans that ~e made payable to Salter
~d rcCcivbd by Buyer; provided, however, ~at any such endorsement on he. If of Seller sh~].
bo wi~o~( recourse ~d without ~y representation or wa~ of ~Y t~e, kin~ ch~a~t~ or
nat~e. '
Ttfis inst~ent is to be com~ed and inteereted as a limited power of a~omey ~d does
not ~poWer or au~ofize ~e said a~om~s-in-het to do any act or execute my docummt on
bel~f of the SBA or Seller not specifically described herein.
Rb 200115453 ..... 17ane~ 1
, Tish F'caley
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· ' RN 200115453 Page 2 of
Tl~e fights, pew.s ~d authority of ~e attorneys-in-fact ~ted in this instrument shall
co~c~ md be in full force md effect on the date of ex~ution hereof ~d such h~ts, powors
~d auth(,fity ~11 rem~n ~ full force ~d effect until 11.:59 p.m., Washington, D.C. time, on
August 1~ 2001.
Dat~: A]~fil ~ 2001 U.S. SMALL BUS.SS ~M~ST~TION,
~old S. Rosenth~
Authohzed Agent
e~re me, William A, George, Jr., a Notary Public in and for the jurisdiction aforesaid,
on this _,'_._~ day of April. 2001, personally appeared Arnold S. Rosenthal, who is personally well
known t~ me (or sufficiently proven) to be an authorized agent of the Administrator of the U.S.
Small Bt siness Administration and the person who executed the foregoing instrument by virtue
oft.he authority vested in him and he did acknowledge the signing of the foregoing instrument
be his f~:e and voluntary act and deed as an authorized agent of the Administrator of the U.S.
Small Business Administration, for and on behalf of the Administrator of the U.S. Small
Business, Administration in the capacities indicated therein and for the uses, purposes and
consider ation therein set forth.
'~titness my. hand and official seal ~hls~-~' day of April, 2001
Notary Public f' / '
My commission expires:.
. Attorneys- In- Fact
D. Andre Beal
D. Erick ~yrd
Mary Hu!
William '. Saurmunann
ClarkE. ~,nright
Bonnie ,okes
Cora Klm
Carol We Ich
Gloria Fc llis
Becky B. Daggett
Michael I. Barnett
Molly Ct fl RN 200115453 Page 3 of 5
W. T. H~ ~ley
Kri~ti L. 2raig
Judy L. ~illiams
Allison N £anin
Bridget L. Mayek
Rick BoI~ gus
Dawn Mi ;Shirley
Amy She ItOh
Jolm Mi[
Heath Fr! zier
Chester ,evings
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