HomeMy WebLinkAbout877321 8 7 7 3 2:t QUIT CLAIM DEED ",l. ,,I~,,L~''r '"'~""-"~l" ~C~Y ~Y C~STEN'SEN ~ TA~Y C~STENSEN, Husband ~d Wife of ~e County of L~coln, State of Wyo~ng ~ comideration of Ten ~d 00/100's ($10.00) ~ld other good ~d valuable comideration ro thru ~ h~d paid by Rickey Ray Christensen and Tawny P. Cl~istensen whose address is P.O. Box 1357, ARch, ~ 83110 The recap[ whereof is hereby coursed and ach~owledged, have reused, released, convey ~d forev~ quitchhned and by fltese presen~ do for my heir, executors and a~inistmtors, remise, rele~e ~d forever quitcl~ Unto ~e ~C~Y ~Y C~STENSEN ~ TA~ P. C~S~NS~, H~b~d ~d Wife as T~ by ~e ~tireti~ heirs m~d ~sigm, forever, all such right, title, interest, property,, possession, cl~m and dem~d ~ we have, ought to have or hereaRer aeq~re in or to MI the following described pre~ses, to-wit: The WtAE~A of Lot 3 of Block 18 to the Town of ARch. L~coln Co~ty, Wyon~ng ~ described on the official plat Der~of. ' ~erehy rele~ing ~d ,w~ving all rights ~der ~d by virtue of the homestead ex~ption laws of State of Wyo~g. TO HAVE AND TO HOLD ~e said pr~ises unto the said Rickey Ray C~iste~ ~d Tamy P, Christemen h~rs md assi~, to ~s ~d ~ own prop~y use ~d behoof forever. So that nei~er we nor m~y o~er ~erson in my name or behalf shall or will herder claim or dem~td any hght to rifle to ~e prem~es or ~y part ~ereof, but they ~d everyone of ~em shall by fltese presets be excluded and forev~ b~red. Dated ~is. ~ day of November, 2001. Tawny Chfist~s~n ~TAT~ O~ ~O~NG COUNTY O~ LINCOLN The tbregoing insi~ent was ac~owledged before me by Rickey Ray C~istensen ~d Tawny P. C~istensen this _ ~% day of November, 2001. ~ Wimess my hand ~d official se~. My Co--sion Expires: ~ --i