HomeMy WebLinkAbout877290 Recording Requested By: When Recorded Return To: ', When Recorded Return To: COUNTY RECORDER SERVICES, INC. GLENDALE, CA 91205 - LINCOLN COUNTY, ~OMING SELLER'S SERVICINGS: 1516i80 "ADAMS" OKFS02 SELLER'S LENDER ID: A99 ~te o~ Assignment: 05/07/2001 9~128 Assignee: ' MORTGAGE ~ort~a~e ed 11/12/1999 and Recorded 11/23/1999 as : obD KENT in Book/Reel/Liber 438 Pa~e/Folio 604 In LINCOLN CO~Ty, WYOMING. ' Instrument/Document No. 862746 Property Address: 734 OLD ALPINE RO~, ALPINE, WY, 83128 ~OW ALL MEN BY THESE PRESENTS that in consideration o NO/100ths DOLLARS and other co ' f Q~gnor,. the receipt and su~and valuable consideratio- the.~um of TEN and ~nor hereby assigns ..... ~e~cy cz which is here ~, pal~ to the above na wlg~ the ~T~¢= .... ~= u*~uu one above- m=~ ~- . by acknowled ed. med ~[~gmnal principal sum ofZ~e~?[ mndebtedness (the [,N~,,~am~.~r~g~ge together ~.-?~ ~umm benefit o~ ~ ~ ~ ~=~cer Decome du~ .... · ~"~=~Y' cogether with contained, and th= -~] ~ ute powers and of al ~ ~ owln9 zn respect th --" t. sq ~ =?~u ansi 1 the coven . ereof, he As ~nor's benef~cia!, in~s~O~,.9~t~ and conveys ~ ~ ~?~os. there~n TO ~VE ~ TO HOLD the said Mortgage and Note, and also the said property unto the said Assignee forever, subject to the terms contained in said Mortgage and Note. OLD KENT~ MORTGAGE CO~ T~I O'NEILL, ASSIST~T 'SECRETARY STATE OF California COUNTy OF San Diego SECRETARY .......... ~a±lZornla, personall Y lc.__ln and for San D evidence~ '~~,~Y ~no~n to me (or ....... ~Y appeared Tg241 O'NEILL. ins[r,~2j~' ~ ~ucnori~ea capacity =~ ~'~~ey~uted the s~ executed the i-5~ ~,,t?)~.or the entity upon ~e =(~"~[}~ signature pn the nscrumenz. - h~ u~ wnlcn the person~ acted' Notary E~pires: 10/05/2004 ~1279309 ~ ~/ S~nOi,~o C0un~v (This area Eot notarial seal) OLD KENT FINANCIAL SERVICES, 15050 Ave of Science, ~101, San Diego CA 92128 LSS/20010507/0016 GENERIC LINCOLN ~ BAT: 277111516180 ~MOR