HomeMy WebLinkAbout877307 When Recorde Mall To: THE JACKS STATE BANK 112 CENTER ., P 0 BOX 1788' JACKSON, Y 83001 LOAN NO. 8 ~ 0 2 3 SPACE ABOVE THIS LINE FOR RECORDER,S USE~.. ¥ )o -at:±on Assigz' ,tent: of :Rea3. Estate Hoz't:gage FOR VALUE RE the undersigned hereby grants, assigns and transfers to Countrywide Home Loans, Inc. all the rights, tJtk and interest of undersigned in and to that certain Real Estate Mortgage dated 0 c t o b e ~ 5, 2 0 0 1 , executedbyW~ liam Hadley, A Single Man and Z. Elizabeth Puig, A Single Woman to THE JACK ON STATE BANK, a State Bank andwhose ssis 112 CENTER ST., P 0 BOX 1788, JACKSON' WY 83001 and recorded in ~ook/Volume No. L+-i ~ , page(s) "-I~'c::[ , as Document No. ~___~ , L ~ n c o n Records, State of ~ y o m i n g on real estate legally described as follows See Exh }it "A" attached hereto and made a part hereof. TOGETHER with/he note or notes therein described or referred to, the money due and to become due thereon with interest, and all hts accrued or to accrue under said Real Estate Mortgage. DATED: o c t Witness: Witness: STATE OF On 0 c t o b e r 200[ '"{~'~ ' Notary Public in and for the said County and State, before me, gned, a personallyappea-ed ~OA ~. ~'~ . to me personally mown, who, being duly sworn by me, did say that~e/she is the ~/~ ~/~N~ of the corporatio~ named herein which executed t~e within instrument, that the seal affixed to said instrument is the corporate seal. of said corporation; that said instrument was signed and seated on behalf of said corporation pursuan~ to its by-laws or a resoiution of its Board of Directors and that./she acknowledges said instrument to be the free act anti, deed of said corporatio ;::::t:;(o~reix: '~'~:~¢';;';*:,:::,~:;::,' :,:¢,'?~::::;] x-: ,::,:?~;,,~ ~ Public for the state of W y o m i n g I SC/AS MTG//0990- Beginning on the North~ boundary line of the Broken Wheel'Ranch' ~Subdivision at a point which is North 89 54'34" East,'+'~2'0.98 ~ feet from the Northwest' Corn.e,r of ~he said Subdivision. Said °int also being South'31.19' East, 1~83~.47 'feet fron~ the ~1~ ' orthCorner. of section 19; and running thence North 89 54'34, East, 342.42 feet to the Northeast Corner of Lot 39;" thence South 43 00' .West; 180..00 feet to the lot 'corner common to Lots . 25, ~26 and~39;.thence .South 50 11' 'West~ 384.TGfeet to the~lot~.~ corner ..common to Lots 23, 24 and 39; thence. North 32 44~, West~ ~~ " 103.54 feet; 'thence North 24.25, East, 318.9~ feet to the.point of'beginning. .A parcel ~f land in the SW1/4NE1/4 .Of .Section !5.~'WyOming;'~s '"~' .North, Range 119 West, 6th P.M., Lincoln County!. parcel of land being a portion of Lot 39 of. the . , Broken Wheel~ Ranch Subdivision~ Plat Number 117~ as recorded OffiCe ..... in the the Lincoln County clerk and, Ex-officio Register ' , of .Deeds` on ~ the 2nd day. of February~ 1972; Said` parcel of land' being more '.Particul.ariy 'described as follows: . BEGINNING at a survey point i°ca~e~'d on the cen.terline .of Aspen ~ ". ~Lane as.. platted in the. ab'ove menti'oned Broken Wheel.'Ranch Subdivision Plat; said survey point being lo'cared.at the most northerly corner of Lot 23 of said.subdivision; thenCe along the..' centerline of Aspen Lane,~South 50 3'1' West, '97.05 feet; thence N~rth. 3 20' West, 67.4~ feet; thence North :34 34' East, 70.28 '.feet; thence South 31 32' East., 74 47' feet t° the. ;oint 'of. 'beginning. .'