HomeMy WebLinkAbout958703KNOW ALL PERSONS BY THESE PRESENTS, that MARTHA D. HALVERSON and M. KEVIN VOYLES, CO- TRUSTEES of the W. STANTON HALVERSON, JR. LIVING TRUST dated the 23rd day of August, 2004, P.O. Box 5009, Etna, Wyoming 83118, GRANTORS, for and in consideration of TEN DOLLARS ($10.00) and other good and valuable consideration, in hand paid, receipt of which is hereby acknowledged, hereby CONVEY AND WARRANT to MARTHA D. HALVERSON, TRUSTEE of the MARTHA D. HALVERSON EXEMPT MARITAL TRUST dated Januaryl, 2011, c/o P.O. Box 5009, Etna, Wyoming 83118, an undivided 73% interest, and to MARTHA D. HALVERSON, TRUSTEE of the MARTHA D. HALVERSON NON EXEMPT MARITAL TRUST dated January 1, 2011, c/o P.O. Box 5009, Etna, Wyoming 83118, an undivided 27% interest, as tenants in common, GRANTEES, and their successors and assigns, the following described real property, situate in the County of Lincoln, State of Wyoming, to wit: That property described in the Warranty Deed recorded in the land records of Lincoln County, Wyoming, on September 6, 1996, in Book 387 PR at Pages 802 through 807 as Instrument No. 826037, a copy of which is attached hereto. Including and together with all and singular tenements, hereditaments, appurtenances, and improvements thereon or thereunto belonging, but subject to taxes, assessments, covenants, conditions, restrictions, reservations, encroachments, rights -of -way, and easements of sight and /or of record. WITNESS my hand this 31st day of March, 2011. MARTHA 1 HALVERSON, CO- TRUSTEE of the W. STANTON HALVERSON, JR. LIVING TRUST dated the 23rd day of August, 2004 STATE OF WYOMING COUNTY OF LINCOLN ACKNOWLEDGED before me on this, the 31st day of March, 2011, by MARTHA D> HALVERSON and M. KEVIN VOYLES, CO- TRUSTEES of the W. STANTON HALVERSON, JR. LIVING TRUST dated the 23rd day of August, 2004, acting pursuant to authority provided to them in said Trust. WITNESS m SS. hand and official seal. CHRISTINA K. ALLRED NOTARY PUBLI Count of ,;i�, State of Linc Wyoming MY COMMISSION EXPIRES: 4 30 2013 WARRANTY DEED My Commission expires: 13 OTARY PUBLIC ©00 r Chi KEV VOYLE CO- TRUSTEE of the W. STANTO LIVING TRUST dated the 23rd day of August, 2004 ALVERSON, JR. RECEIVED 4/1/2011 at 9:33 AM RECEIVING 958703 BOOK: 764 PAGE: 766 JEANNE WAGNER LINCOLN COUNTY CLERK, KEMMERER, WY 0528/1 u.J 1 4032 (a) grantees; WARRANTY DEED In Book Jack E. torsi and Jack 0. Corot, Trustees of the Henry's Mountain Land Trust dated November 1, 1994, grantors, of P.O, tiox B2Q1, Etna, WY (13118, for and In oonsideratkin of Ten and Na/100 Donne 01040), and other valuable considerations, In hand paid, receipt whereof is hereby acknowledged, CONVOY and WARRANT to W. Stanton Helvett on, Jr„ a married man, at hie Bole and separate property, prom's, of P.O. Ear 200, Wycombe, PA 18980, the following desonbed real state, situate In Unooln County, and State of Wyoming, hereby releasing and waiving all rights under and by virtue of the homestead exemption lave of the State, town: E1/2$E1/4 of Section 18, Townehip 36 North, Range 119 Weet, Unooln County, Wyoming, Conveyance of Easement TOGETHER WITH the following doeodbed perpetual right-044y easement for the following purpbsse and under the following Conditions: 1• Puine.e. of vra� a� a a0w Thle easement Is for lhe.purpoee of pmvIdlpg a peNiat tti! 8040ot *Id, right-of-Way eittement for Inge** and Otimitlo thrproperty daoadbed above from the Chokeoher y (Many Read No, 12.113, Inaluding the right to conetruot and maintain a roadway to provide, that Mares. and agrees and also any and ell Wilkie to serve the property benefiting 'frontline easement. 2, of Rlghtef Earwmnnt The conditions of this easement are: that It lea common easement }or the benefit of the grantorq and (b) that no fences, gates or other obstructions shall be oonstnreted on or acroas the easement unless a means of access through such tends, gate or other obetruogon re provtded a oil of the persona having the right to WS the easement. 3. property tienented by Freshen! Title easement le for the benefit of the real properly of the grantees described above. Ksnunsrer, wY, ,.Mwihi Mot. Clerk 000381 000382 000 I ditItO I:44M LINCOLN CO CLERK a• 0S281,17 4, gescitgaa _Quatuunga The easement is described as follow That part of Section 19, TOLIN, R110W, Lincoln County, Wyoming, deionbed u a still ot lend gay (60) feet in Width, more partiouletly described On the attached .17'00400n from Henry's Mountain Land Trust to MUM StiOthin Halverson., Henry's Mountain Road and Crooked Canyon apur 5. filliglatted. The terms and conditions of this eaeement shall be binding upon and Inure to the benefit of the heirs, sucloessore In Intense and assigns of the Wantons and grantees named lit this inehument, 6. W6110pr n Homsatat0 Ictinhts The gnutors hereby waive and release all rights to the deiriribed eisiment under and by virtue of the hoMeatead diendon lam of the Stets of Wyoming. (o the extent that 'WA nghtti may Interfere With the piiipOses of tie easement Reeerveticin of Utility Eilement EXCEPTING and RESERVING unto the Grantor* and their helm, succession) and *lune, a 40-toot wide perpetual dghtvtley erialmentior the palpate of conetruating and maintaining any and d Wades *Vet, urea and along a strip of lend *sty (40) 'Met In Width within the E1/213E1/4 of Seotion 13, 115N, 9119W, Linaiin County, Wy0Ming, twenty (20) feet on each side of the centerline More particularly desOribed on the attached .niesorlption for Hettry'e Mountain Land Trust of a Utility Easement within Z/25E1/4 Section 13, TUN, FI11OW Reetriotive Comets, SUEXCi the following restrictive covenant* which aro perpetual covenants running with the land and binding 9fl grantee's and their sucoessors In interest In the described real pmparty ng conveyed herein, and these soVenants are expresely -accepted by grntaee as a condition of the conveyance a( the (Wasted real property: 1. The real property being conveyed herein may be used only for singes family residential purposes and may not be divide:J.0r subdivided into more than eight (0) tracts, each ol any such divided or subdivided tracts not to have more than one single tangly residence and associated OUlbUlidinile touted thereon, No mobile homes or trailer. houses shall be plaoed on the property. 000383° 0 38 2 •■■••■■1 0007C8 000384 �,a B• No animals of any kind may be kept on the property except horses and domestb pet. 3. My fennel buok and pole method using onl native mat rWs. No wine feriae shell be allowed. My lenoes bulk shall be constructed In Duch a mariner with °Penings at oerleln plots Dion the pedrrleter of the property 10 show the free end unimpeded movement or wildlife through the propiaty. SUILJEtgr TO ell other easements, exoeptions, restrtollohe, reaervetlons and rights of way of eight or reco&. WITNESS our hands am of thle Nth day of September, 1996. STATE; OF WYOMINQ se. COUNTY OP LINCOLN The Jack 0. ord�Truates of the H n ye Moumaln Land t Truat, s this AO- day o September, 1996. Wrneea my hand and official seal, My oommleelon **keel i/ ..too* s 4 A• Jack E. Coral, Truetee Je 0. Corsi, Trustee 00383 000769 fCT,17.2005 1145PN LINCOLN CO CLERV QS2811 000385 Mmo1Lt'1170N '0044 000174 3.010lt10 4 LAW muff TO 112LL1a2 ITXNtOn ALYIhao. hanar!s 3 drialri21 4 aim 4 000X21 CON702 Oraa T0- 010. d•.orih olift of W go tali ton 11, MOW, 0117$1, LLgoelq County. mYoOing, reds of 1004 slot) (101 Coat in width within th. 'OKeapl74 of paid Laotian 13 thirty (20) toot osoh rids of the following duorlhmt onnta0l3no! 8 80f8113N0 01 OW op the mouth Sins otlaaid 'ah02TOWR. Within the hound. of 0000004.410 0e1111 County Mod 2o. 11.119 s 22102$0106 31 40.37 lohpd o� d000Tib i i n a 4 10 O pps h ei 8.00.4 Mod in the Mint of IOW 01" et Llntela r'tlpt*, thane 83 7. 4 $3 1 .22ga, 11.37 hot. t0 a Opike Waco I 74'444'2, 174,33 fait, to a opiks) t11ans ai3 -31 14.71 lose, t0 a .pike.; th is 4004 .33' -44.2 910.11 h ■t. along It lam with and .shirt 43•1 less rest to 0 of' 1 th. *win lino of data 18NU347NN, 0/11. 0n the nor lino stereo!) 7iN0 t :nd Cho o v.= fro. at eh. ni1g1)4.ffi 01 iRld i.e»00 37 17) 1 Y 171) feet 4t 00. 190I3I4I p .4 maid aootion that port of oha 340N of 'raid 'motion 11, 140001001 with Mot county in hook 272 Of 6PO the Clown o e p Liman 33, d000rih.d am 00330•., 00013aR3q at tho 100th...t somas of maid hNNi num, th4nal 04.00 pas, slang ah* mast lima of said th.noa alt• 87'V7•N 3,39.17 time, too Dolma[ 011 Cho mouth line .of solo VOW thanes 911 •.0 1 1'.43.$, 04.931 ls.t, of Amid *web 110., to 4110 COMM OF onato.0 p) him O°8 a 1 strip it h they within .e sn ooh aad .iooh 8 811 t "11 et Amid S IOeei es darorib0d othtorlino, 3o 31 dipg width be n at she 020 00.. .442 Sidi) being thirty bet !mac DiozinOma at a ppit. on the most lino et amid NON. 8 00•d1..44gp, 30.42 felt 3302, th. .oach.e.e corner ehoroOfl thence (L3) 3 477`- 47'.13.8, 370.44 40.1, to th. 1C 01 0 oleoel.r 00rto to oho right! 00mr4 (03) hortbo.t.rly, 0 0.00 Loo. .long the ow. of mid ourw4, through .ortr0l 44010 of Lois. 42''03 with a radium of 40.50 toot and a chord bearing 070• 4t'.40.a, 77.42 foot. 0o 00. FT eh.rptl "Mdpl..ho M .ot'wg el iholowlog ••■phm un.eww 7no!N. s p5 000770 O 2.'117 4. rem 40* hags ATII. aft !,Oat harthat alt? 00000.1 Came area tames III 114 1..31,1491, 301 gag, to a opikel thence (84). 000•. ;l'.i0e71, 704,l�qp feaa to the 4C of e oirtular o0ro0 to the m a, end .hhot. width to 37,00 Hat to the left or northerly Aida! these. IC01 n ortheaa Pp latly, 719.11 feat, sleep the ■ta of aid eidiui of 1 3 26 0 feet Pa 1�i he ring hQ/ xi,.oi1.� 324.41 Cott, to the 00 thereat std ahadpa' width to thirty (701 test on Ohs loft or northerly ado/ theta. (44) 000•.34'- 0.4•0, ;47.74 tear, to the 00 of circular three to Ohs right, thane (07) northea•terly 47.44 toot, along the ero of Oa4d all e, through a 0.nar0l anti. of heats' -e4r. with *Odle. .0 eta tut and a chord hearing wi1•.041•ei•t, 10.14 Cast, to the M0 thereof! cane (00) 047• •41' -64th. 104,71 feet, to a •pike! tans. (4i) a 771.x; flat, is 1h, MO of 0 lr0elar metre to the tidal Of 4 the (4 talthotut0rly, 143.px teat, itMy to aha 444 of pt.a ro :1l'a 0ta0 4 1 &a Ote.gt'•t 140,1 a 'tadint tact Co alit M0 t2tYYeidl 0.d a n'o'N L441I 1 101, 41 hini Alt e0 medial' .Yds1 Width to 4e.10 tun to theta. 11,7'1 .310•x7'./ e rr 03.10 fat, to the 0C of ctro,ltr autos to to left! wave, (M oathii angle a x70 the are slid radius Ot 4$.d feat 0 i 37' +lx•, wish 74 ..11 fast, 80 the tv and change widish thirty (301 Cut an the aft or sOtfh a ds, widish CO thirty thanoe (00) 1741. .a..47.8, 180.4e teat, 4 9 the PC of a 050004et outwo to to loft, chores. (001 notthwraterxy, wax fast, along the aro of said ea> v.. areal% 00004,41 ••�i�le of 13•.07'4 with radio■ fa 72,77 to the err thereeof! aed baring a 407.14 thanoa (hll wl3••01 -4iw, Sim fast to the .pike .0 beginning trom e oo n Mayen 0 a r a i d MO 1404 Gumbo (4441 4 x4(t,t1 fast, .ioonnpt tho Osaka/fa Of "Ottek■0 Canyon rut.. to to 40 of a e tema4. throe ae the riYh4i %haaa. (Cal northeasterly, lat,4. fat. 01011g.the l40 Of aid 00r4,, ttrogph antral apple of x410.01 P with a gala of u.th ft and shore Wain Wain afa••p 40,44 tat, us 00 4 as 01 t4sraof, 'ratdtleenn Inter war spa Crepes dawban t..(p44 IllheAr.( as armor' 000386 0007 I- n o0385 OCT.17.2005 1146PM LINCOLN CO CLERK OS28117 1NIW so N KIAVI a *AO* T Y Aaa u sou Sum Matti =WOW apGa thane IL]al d +11� -1• ]yt,tS tqt, 'eo mho AO o] airmail, ousve to the riphet nasals (oid) moutheettotAyy 139.30 fee' along the ass o1 mad sate., Ohreuf�7 eagteeA 'sale Ot 23•.l11.ta., with r►dluo of ]13,10 Oft sad a 'b ead boosts a]t..yt•.4a•a 114,00 Plot, to abp by a 'Mika on the eau l ai a f�4 Wi mo moor, auras sh toot, Prop the asuthNOt eossop of s '4 NL( a.'41 +11, with Ohl iLL lingo! 'C'hi'p above dalaribad atria lsnatuaina or vLK i nipu Width oY a i ar (I 4.�j eonti0unua naaaunt, that land viehln the NN wk of sou eaat,ioa 13, which tail■ within tbi' daaew 3: tpsoift'oailY wemdad, th Wit loam tort is multi'ayy id ahl we Sias of the wax of X7, UM, 011 ►0: WOO hta..1110.o0aw asap *NNW, •Ma•, milt *Of* basked by a VA w yy. stool .p3ka and. ssgeehin to by two 9/0• x.1da oust tOlgRotoina rods wish a a. alamtnud glop laeeidyad, dapyroa #aw]0a4, afo a10 s]Ndx Wit PASflif• viols hyproprlats daeeile. 'tap •eora'r+ found a dusriaed 10 a4V OPPlaa of tba a1,wls o4 Oineal'A oe mby�rn.r "ward in look 'Pabst." parked 1,y s 0/0• r 10• stool ralo41eniha rod with t i+ alueinem Cep Inseethod, •14041404 dtwaas44 040 eta Mx* w4 ALd Eats', 14th 'ppaaprtou details, O A in aoaaadawn. wish the plod pr444444 to bs:411ed 14 the 0ftios at the gab of Llboaya *pat, Clam'', Y KQ0Nph4N 4AhO VADAT *LST O► 4A44044 amp 41441 40CC O j �kad 1 4pR 1 11 3 ON y] 7.16N and rsviaed A epasnb.r Cardao.daa "Megdawwn In any 0 y dYV.440,4p d+.H+•n wn4lwa lat'n0 ankh. ••••aa T10.751 P.7 000357 0386 000 f 2