HomeMy WebLinkAbout87728402015401 ~T~EN SWISTON, a single woman and DAVID B. BI~CH~ and LOZ~ A TRU~T~ES of the BI,CHI ~ILY TRUST, U/D/T (Under Dealara~ion' da~ed Nova~er 2, 2000 hereby CO~EY a~ W~T TO: N~RYL ~. PIRRC2, a single woman Grantee of P.O. Box 3688, Alpine, WY. 83128 for the mum of Ten Dollars and o~her ~ood and valuable consideratio~ ......... the follO'win~ described tract of land in Lincoln County, S~ate of ~yoming, hereby releasing and waiving all rights under and by virtue of the ~omestead exemption laws of the State, to-wit: Lot 10, Robert Louis Strout Subdivision, bein~ part of the SE%/4 cf Section 29, T35~, Riigw, 6~h P.M., as shown by ~he Official Plat of said Sukdivisl0n, filed in the Office of th~ Clerk of Lincoln County, Wyoming Subject to reservations and restrictions contained in the Unit ~d States Patent and to easements and rights-of-way of record or in use. Together with all improvements and appurtenances thereon. WITNESS, ~he hand of said ~rantors, this ~ day o~ Nove~e~, 2001 County of Lincoln On ~he ~ day of Nove~er A.D. 2001, personally appeared ,efore Kathteen Swiston, known or identified to me Zo be the person whot~s name is subscribed to the within instrument, and acknowledged Zo me tha~ sh executed the same. LAND TITLE COMPA