HomeMy WebLinkAbout877285 I "?"%<.__ ... . .~:_ i-Z!,' ;.. :'...'""',,,. " .:.~ ' 'l' . .. . ' ' .... _ ' ., ~/)~.:'~ "'. '. -. . ,., ,.,~ ~..,:.,! ,,'..,~. '. :" "::- :.<...: '.~:::':~.'~i:... , . ." ' ...... .... ~..: · :.7.':~,.~ .'., ' ,. ' · ................ 02,0].540]. L~U'-''''~ "'f c,~ f,I ~T~E~ ~WIGTON~ a s~ngle wom~ and DAVID ~. ~I~ and LOIS A. BI~, T~USTEES Of ~e ~I~CHI F~LY ~T, U/D]T {~d~r D~ularatfon of T~t) ~a~d November 2, 2000 Grantors of Reno County of Washoe sta~e of Nevada hereby CO~y and W~T M~YL N. PIECE, a single woman ~rantee of for ~e s~ of Ten DOll~ and o~r goo~ and valuable consideration ......... the following described tract of land' in Lin=oln cowry, State of Wyoming, .hereby releasln~ and waiving all rights und~ ~d by virtue of the ho~stead exem~tion laws of the state, t~-wit: ~t 10, Robe~ ~uis Strout Subdivision, bein 29, T37N Rll~W g P~ of =he SE1 4 ' . . , , 6th ~.M., as sho~ b the Of ' ' / uf filed in th~ Off~c~ ~ ~ ........ ~. . flulal Pla~ of ~aid Subdi ' . Patent and to eas~ents ' he United Stat~s - and rights_of.way of record or In u~e. WiT~R~, ~ hand of ~aid ~tor~, thi~ ~ ~~' , A.D. 2001 ....... ' On the · da of [~%1 Nola~ Public- Slate o~ Nevada [ [ ~No' 96 1559 2 Ex ires Fe ~ ..... P , bruaF27 2004 j ~ ' TITL