HomeMy WebLinkAbout877282 04015325 Grantor¢ of Jackson, County o~ Te~on, S~a~e of WYomin¢ hereby CO~EY and WAR~T TO: C~LEE M~C~L WILKINSON and ~TH WZLE~MSO~, a wife and husband, as tenants by the entire~ie$ 4 Granbee~ o~ 22~. ~ler Street, Rock SP=&ng~, ~o~&ng 82~0Z for the sum o~ Ten Dollar~ and other 9oDd and valuable ¢onside=a~ion ......... ~he ~ollowin~ described tract of land in Lincoln County, State hereby releasin~ and waiving .al! rights under and by virtue o~ ~he homestead exempgion laws of the state, ~o-wi~: Lot 76, s~ar valley Ranch P~az 7, Lincoln Co~y, Wyoming, as Platted and recorded in the Official Records Of said County. SubJec~ to rese~a~ions and restriczionm contained in the United S~ate~ Fazen~ and zo easemengs and ~i~h~s-of-way of record o= in use. ToGether with all improvements and appurtenances thereon. W~ZS$, the hand of said'~rantor8, ~hi$ 7Ch day of Nove~er, A.D. 2001 County of Lincoln On ~he ~h day o~ Nove~e~, A.D. 2001, person p~eared before Darryl T. Llewellyn and Yrene ~. Llewell known 0~ i~en &lied zo me zo be th~~ ~-~-~-~a_ 'bscrlb tO the within znstru~nt, and ~ota~ Punizc ' : - My commission expires ~ TITLE CO.ANY 8I:80 TOO~,LO'AON