HomeMy WebLinkAbout877271 WHEN RECORDED RETURN TO: LI ~,i0(}i....[,i (ifi':,L.!i',i'i'¥ TYSON V THOMAS THANE, WY 83127 Loan No. t06318~48 ~ELEASE OF MORTGAGE BOO .... PR PAGE STATE OF WYOM~G ) ) KNOW ALL MEN BY THESE P~SENTS: CO~TY OF LINCOLN ) That in consideration of payment of 1he debt named therein, GMAC Mo~gage Co~oration, by these presents does hereby release land located in LINCOLN CounW, State ofWYOM~G, d~scribed as follows: Legal Description: See attached E~ibit from the lien of a cbnain mortgage ~de and executed by TYsoN V. I'HOMIS, AND ~STINE L. THOMAS, to W~LICK AND VOLK~ INC., on April 10, 1994, and recorded on April 27, 1994, in Document No. 78!1~!, Vol. 349PR, Page 307, Ce~ificate ---, Counw of LINCOLN and State of WYOM~G, to the end that said mortgage shall cease to be a lien on'the land above-described. Wi~ess their hands and seals, this November 6, 1001. GMAC Morlgage Corporation ickie Ingamells,~sista& Vice Presi~enl STATE OF IOWA CounWof BlackHawk On November 6, 2001, before me, Doris Gilbert, personally appeared Vitae Ingameils, Assistant Vice President, personally ~o~ to me (or proved to me on the basis of satisfacto~ evidence) to be the person whose name is subscribed to the' within ins~ment and ac~owledged to me that he/she executed the same in his/her authorized capacity, and that by'his/her signature on the ins~ment the person, or entiW upon behalf of which the person acted, executed the ins~ment. WITNESS my hand and official seal. [~ COMMISSIOk~ EXPIRES JUNE 21 2~3 ~~ ,/ , NOTARY PUBL,~- STATE OF IOWA ~ ~a~ s Signature (Nota~'s Seal) Doris Gilbert 06/21/2003 2001-11-05 LoanNo. 306318548 7 2 9 Exhibit "A" LOT 7 OF SOUTHBROOK RANCHES SUBDIVISION, LINCOLN COUNTY, WYOMING, ACCORDING TO THAT PLAT FILED SEPTEMBER 5, 1990 AS PLAT NOS. 335- 1 AND 335.2 IN THE OFFICE OF THE LINCOLN COUNTy CLERK.