HomeMy WebLinkAbout877308 When; Recorded Mail To: THE JACKSON STATE BANK 112 CENTER ST. p 0 BOX 1788 t..,l~"J~:ih:'!'l I i],,l.](.~l,.j.-F.?,, ,,, :',,/ JACKSON. WY 83001 8'27308 LOAN NO. 88: !' 809 - SPACE ABOVE THIS LINE FOR RECORD USS Corporation Assig~ent of Real Estate Mortga~,e FOR VALUE RECEIVED, the usdersjgned hereby graDts, assigns and transfers to Cou~tF3wj de Home hoa~5 , aN the~rights tJt~e and interest of undersigned ~n and to that ce~aJn Real Estate Mo~gage dated 0 c t o b r 12, 2001 , execu~edby Ja3ue OuQuoj n and Mark DuQuoin, joint tenants with riEhts of sur';ivorship '-to THE JACKSON STAT[ BAN~ . a State Bank a~dwboseaddressis 112 CENTER ST. , ~ 0 80X 1788. JAC. KSON. WY 83001 7 , h ~ u c o ] ~ ~ecords, State of wy c ~ ~ n g on real estate legaNy ascribed as foNows: Lot .12~ of Nordic Ranches DJVJsJOS ~0. 9, [JRCO]R Couut3, accoFdJug to that Plat filed Octobe~ 4, 2000 as Plat No. 312-B. TOGETHER with the note or notes therein described or referred to, the money due and to become due ti ereon with interest, and alt rights accrued or to accrue under said Real Estate Mortgage. 'F STATE OFw Y o M I N G COUNTY OFT E T 0 N ) SS. ) On 0 c t o b e r 1 2 2~'01 bef( dersigned, a Notary Public in and for the said Court' and State, persor~aNy appeared L-'~h.c,,,¥ ,v,,. to me,personally known, who, being duly sworn by me, did say that ~e/she is the IJiC.,6; of the :corporation named herein which executed th'e within instrument that the seal affixed to said instru~ corp°iate seaJ of said corporation; that said instrument w ' by laws or a re as s~gned and sealed o of ;aid comora~i°olnU, tl°n of its. Board of Directors and that H~/she acknowle-':- n.b. cha. lf of said corpora,, lent is the on pursuant to its ~, . '~ uges said Ins[rument to be the ~ee act and deed · ' ¢'=':'¢~' ' -- My commission expires: ISC/ASMTG//0990-L