fat Bank
7 hway 89
Brix 3110
Malec WY 83128
79 Highway 89
'P;0. Box 5110
Aiphia, WY 83128
let Bank
79 Highway 89
P.O. Box 3110
Alen. WY 23128
RECEIVED 5/31/2011 at
BOOK: 767 PAGE: 442
THIS: MORTGAGE dated r Is made and executed between DEFTY LAND. HOLDINGS, LLC
(referred to below es' "Grantor"}' and let Bank; Whose address: is 79 Highway 89, .P.O. Box 3 110, Alpine, WY
83128 (referred'tobelow'as "Lender
GRANT OF MORTGAGE. For veluablo aonetderaaan, Grantor mortgages:end conveys to Lender all of Gtentor'e right, USE and interest In and to
the lolowing dbscrlbe'd real property,' together with all exiiting. or :subsequently erected' of affixed buidings,.Improyemonte and fixtures; ell
easements, tIShte of. way, and appuitenanae% eII water water to watercouraee and etch ,rlyhta..lingluding 3tOek in utilities with ditch or
trrigatibn rights/ and all other rf nte, royalties; and profits rotating o "the. reel property, Including without limitation Ni mlnereie, Oil, gee.
geolharmal stinger ster matters ittte; .Real. Property) Iooated LINCOLN County,. State of Wyoming:
Lot 2 of the ROICE SUBDIVISION; Lincoln County, Wyoming, as shown on the official plat thereof filed January
23, 2002, as Receiving No. 878723; 7n. the.Offce of the Clerk of Lincoln County, Wyoming. as Plat No. 8 -C,
The Real Property or its. eddrosa is oor'rtmonly known as 110084 HIGHWAY 89, ETNA, WY- 83118:
Grantor presently sUsiW' to. Lendor tII of Grantor's right, title,,endinterest in end to all present. and future lenses of the Property and ell Rents
trom'the:Property. In addition, Grantor giants Candela Uhiforrn.Commerci& Code eectsity interest in the Poreohal Property and Rants.
'GRANTOR'S WAIVERS. Grantor waives air rigMs or dereneeawprieln° by reason oteny 'one.aodon" or extent law,: or any other iriw
which, may prevent Lander Horn bringing. any action. agalne0 Gm
laor, including aileire for darielency to the Lender is otherwise entitled to
elin detklency,'betere•ar alter Cinder's commencement or cdittpkUon of any foreclosure action, elthor judicially or by exarclee'of o
pdwir'of sale.
GRANTOR'S.REPRESENTAT.IONS AND WARRANTIES. Grantor warrants Chet: la) this Mortgage Is executed at Borrow.er'e request end not at
the regueat .Of Lender; Ibl Grantor the fug powerslght, •and.euttwfrty to enter Into ihls Mbrtgage.end to hydoiheca a the Property; lc) the
provlrdane of this Morigoge do hot conigot with, tor; result In s- default under any agreement or etherineerument binding upon Grantor and do not
result:to a violation of any law, mitigation, toilet decree sr order eppllesble to Grantor Id) Granioi 8,. established ads Wets meanq of obtaining
froin•RnrroWOS oma continuing' bards infannetion about Borrower's linanoial condittont end iel Lender has made no repreae 11 1100 to Grantor
aboutRonrowei tlncludGg without Iknitation the oreditw,orthineas df Borrower).
PAYMENT'AND PERFORMANCE. Except as othanyieo provided in thls Mortgage, Borrowerehall 901 to Lender all. indebtedness secured by this
ledngignie h becomes dine; end Botrovrer'erd Orontor shell strictly perform all Borrower's end Peontor'c obligations under this Mortgage,'
POSSESSION AND MAINTENANCE THE PROPERTY: Borrower and Grantor epree.that.Borrower's and Grantor's poaeesalon and use of the
Property ahelibe:goyemod by the following:proWalona:
Pasasloe'and U,. •.Untll the ocosrrenea: of an Event et Default,. Grantor may 11) iameln kr possession and control of the Propsrty1 12I,
we; operate or: managa.the Property and 131, collect the Rents Coelho Property.
Duty 16 Meese,. Grantor ,;hell meimaln the. Property In tenantable condition and promptly perform all repairs, roplacements, and
melntenence.acesewy m preservoJta value.
Compgenee With Etvdoajoemal Laws. Grantorlrepraaenta and warrants to lender that:, (11 During the period of Grantor's ownership of
the Propoityl, there has 0000 0.ue0 generation, meaufseture, treetrpent, dfepcee l, ieleaee or throetened reltiee of any Hazardous
5ab lei one by any pareon on miner, about or from the Property; 12) 'Granter has n0 ktowlodos Of, or reason to- Believe that there has
bean,.:excapt ea praviouaty dlectoead to and aekriMeledged try lender In wrhing, PP any Weechvar violadon of any Environmental Lends,
RBI any usa,;generedon,. menidectur0 5torege, freetment, dlepoaal.teleaea ia)05?e of any Hazardous Substance en, under,
about Or from` the Property.byany priorewnaraer occupants of 1)1. •Proparty, or tc1 any seise) or threatened Ihigetion or Caine of any
kind by any person relating to:audh matters) and (3) Except as previously dlsphsed to. end by Lender in writing. le) nolthor
Grantor nor 0y5, 00), cordriOtop agonter other euthorhed user of the prope015 sheik uae,:ganereia, inanufpctutae;'stare, treat, dispose of
or release any Hazardous Substance on, under; about or from the Property; end (b) any etch activity shell be conducted in compllanca
With' ap applicable federal,: end kraal laws, regulations :end ordinances, Including without gmltaI)On el 'Environments( Lowe, Grantor
euihodzes Lenderandits egents:tw enter uponlho Property10 m000 aonh inepeetloni end teats, et Grantor's expanse, as tender maydeem
appropriate- tadetermine compilence. of the Property with th19 cectlo•of the Mongega. Arty rnepoctione or: teats:made by Lender shall be
for: Lafidor 'apsposas ;only and .hail not.be e5Mtrued 00 create arty respgaibllity o). lability on.the pert of Lender to Grantor or to any other
poison. TM:repraantad,ne:eno warrandas. poirtefad heigln era rFiesad an Warder's due diligence In Investigating the Property for
Hezerdoua Substances. Grantor hereby li) retepe00 and waves: any future cI Irato.08Olnat Lender 1a9ndomnkty or contribution In the.
eventGranter Peewees /able for cleanup or other coats under any such laws; and (2) sprees to Indemnify, defend, and hold harmless
Lender •agelnet any:, end ell cieims knees, Ilebllltlas, Carnage", pbnetdes, end expenses Medh Lender May directly or Indirectly eustein or
aufler ro.uldng,tmma breach orthis section of the Mortgage -or as a Coneegance of any uae;gener manufacture, storage, deposed;
release,er threetaned roleeaeooaurting prior to Grantor's menorah'', or)narest In. the, Property, whether or not the eeme Wes or should have' been known le Granter.' The:provialons of:this eectloni05 the Mortgage; including the abhgoda' to Indemnity and defend, shag eurvlve
-the payment the Indabtedneas.ond t80,ftlslection and rnconveyana of Rho Ion of this Mortgage and theli not be effected by
eoqulaition of arty Interest'an the Pibpenyrwhather 55 foietioeurhorofherwlse.
Nulsarra,; Waste. Grerlar snail not cause, Conduct or permit erne nuiaenee nor cornm)t, hermlt..or buffaram; mapping Of b/weate on or to
the property or any portion 0l'the:Property, Without limiting the generality of the foregoing,; Grantor -will not remove, or grant 1o'e0Y other
Patti the right to fie /ea, env tImb,r, minerefs. @nolo8ng rig end Peel, Oriel, clay, 000 le 00149revel or rock products Without Lendet's
Written consent
RetnovaI of Imprgvennene. Orentor ;half notdemopeh orremoye spy Improyementa from. the Reel Propertywhhopt Lender's prior Written
opnaent. As a MeidIdon to the.rernovaf Of. any Improvemam.; Lander may require Grantor to make •eirengenrsnts seal actnry. to. Lender to
reple ti soh improVementa with Irnprovemerits of at load egdat vehre,
Landeee. Nibs to :Enter, Lender -end Lender's agents. and representatives mite enrer upon.the Property ;Yell Neenebke anwa to attend
to- endar'e interfere aide, Inspect the neat Property for purpeeee of Grantor's eomp)lence with the terms end.00nditions of tMs•MOngego,,
Loan No: 761002356
Page 2
tomplpnaa with OoverrmaMe Regdremefda. Grantor *hap'ptbmpdy,complY With ell Iewa,OMmencei, and repuletlorm, now or hereafter
In °Net; of all gbvammehtel eutl orltks applicable to the -use or occupancy of the' Property including vrithodt'llmltelIon the.Amedcane
Nth •Dt blildee Act. •Greeter. may oorttertf M good rabhi..eny auch•aw, otdine0ce,. or regrlletron and withhold compliance during any
proceeseIng, IneludIng appropriate appeals So lorry m Gra0Or'hae notified Lender in writing prior ro;doi,g ab and so long ea, in Lender's
stile odmlon, Lendar'e mleresta in the Property..are not isepardlied, lender may require (rintor to post.adequate security or suretybond,
raaeonablyaagetaotory to Lender,ib pfotadt Lendet'a interest,
Daly to Protect, Grantor sgrees neither :to ebandon.or 1aaneunattended. the. Property. Grantor. shell do all other acts, In addition to those
emir set forth above in this oatdon. which the ehetaoter end useiof tha:Property.aro seasonably necessary to protect and preserve the
TAXES; AND LIENS: Tire following provla)ona relating to the texerand liens on the Property are part of this Mortgage:
Paym Il opt, Grantorshe pay. when dim lend mall events prior to delinquency) ell :texea,.peyroti taxes,. special taxes, asseasmonts,'writer
cnargee and sewer eePrIce olgrgee levied against or on-accountof the Property, end shall pay When due all blelms•for'Work dode'bn or'for
services rendated:ermeterlel'furnshed to the Prppertin Grantor.ehetl the.Property. free of, any Ilona hoeing, pdorlty aver or equal to
the interest of Lender under ths.Mortgage, streept for thoae.gens speblfleellyagreed It in Writing by Lender, and extern for the Ilan of taxes
and seeoaamente not doe As furtlierapeeiged In the Rlghtto'Contest paragraph.
fiigbt.te CoMaN, drentor may withhold payment of any tax, eeseesment, or.oleim in connection with a good] faith. dispute over the
'Obligation to :pey,.ao long es Lender's Intareet)n the Property )e net Jebperdfxed.; If e_ lien arises aC fried ed. es a result of nonpayment,
Orantor alien WIthfq fifteen )161 •daye;after the tan arises on:)f.8 IMnls filed,'wihIn fifteen OE) days alter Grantor hes:notice of the filing,
secure ine dbbbaybe of the Ilan, dr(1tequested McLendon depoelt •with Lender cash or aaulficlent corporate surety bond or other security
aetafactery;to Lender (n en amount eufacient to d)ae argt the lien PIge any oosts.end:reasehabte attorneys' feet, or other charges that.
Could'adcrui'aa a7Padt of a foreclosure oraaki:under tl o lion. In any.contest, Grantor eheti detonditaelf and lender end satisfy any
adverse Judgment before enforeemant.agalnat the Property; Grantor shill nine Lander :as, en •addidonet obligee under any !wren bond
101000 M.tho content propeedings.
EvIdenoe OPPaymenL. Grantor shell upon demand fuMieh to Lender uatiefpotory evidence of payment of-the Marco, aseessmente and shall
euthodxa the eppropdote governmental official' to deriver to Lender et. any times written statement of the lame and assessments egalnat
'tire Property.
Notieaofbonefruadon, :Gran anal,. notlty'Lender etleest fifteen-116i deye before any work Is commenced, any serviette am furnished, or
enry' i are supplied to :the :Property, Reny mechenk's' lien, maredalmen's hen, or other ten could be asserted :on account of the
work; eervlbee; or Materials: Granter WEI:upon request. of Lender furnish to Lender advance eseurenctweailatactory 50 Lenderthet Grantor
can and will pay rho coat of•euch lmprovaments.
PROPERTY: DAMAGE INSURANCE. The following provision* reladng to Insuring the Property are a pert of this Mortgage:
Meintenapae e1, hisuranee. Grentot shall prooureend maintaln.pollcbs of foe Iraurenea with standard extended coverage endorsements on
;a; replpoement With for rho.full Insurab)evelue covering all Improvements on the.ReiRProPetty tn_en amount. sufficient to evoldopplioatlon
or any 00Jrieutanea Cloud*, end,. with' a menders! mortgagee clatme M favor. of Lender, Grantor. shall Mee produce 'end maintain
comprehensivegeneral gabifity fneiiranee ins ich 80085890 amounts es Lender may re0taet. with Lenderboing named ae additional insureds
•q auoh.tlabt(t•insurenpepoliciea: AddIdenally; shellmetnteln aoaltOther inaureOoe including bin not AMINO to hazard Lt, iness
hlterrup1ori and bolter brobrenpe es Lender mey;require. Polklas :shell be written byesulh:lneurahcocompenlas end in such formes may be
reasonably acceptable to Lender. O antor shall detwerto Lander' certificates of Coverage from oath :Nemec contelnlng a sdpuletldn Chet
Coyerege wll( not be weeded .ordiminished. without a:minlrourir: o8 tntrty (30) days';prior Written notice. to Lender and not conielning, any
dleclelmori attire Mevrer'e liability' for fe0Wre;to give welt nogg. Each bedtimePO0y elan shell Include on andorienient prov(i)ng Stet
coverage In favor Of Lender will not ba,lmpelred,In any wey.liy Onyeet, otasVlen ordefabit.of Grantor or any other person Shouts. the'R4el
Property be looted In.an.aree designated by.the Okeetor Of the Fedare) Emergency Management Agency a6:a :epeolel Hood hazard area,
Grantor 'DOME 0:0bt6ih end m inteln EadereLpIpod Insurance, a available, within 45 deye after notice. la given by lender that the'Proparty
laloeeted in a apedtal flood :haiefd area for the;fug:unpakl, prinelpet Milano". of the ipen end any prior. liens on the property Meeting the
teen, 'u➢ tb the.maxirnum policy Amite set. under the Netone Rood Ineuranoe Program, or Al otherwise regelted by Lender; -and to maintain
auoh.inetntlnde'fo terrii:of6)0loen.-
'Application -et 'Prooeeds Grantor shell promptly notify Lender of any tote or dengue to the Property If the eetmated cost, of repair: of
repleeprnent or oeods 61 ;6004. lender may ,.eke proof Of toss If Grantortalleto do io :within fifteen (16) days'of the 0am:why. Whether
or not tendei'e' searWty to linpalred tender to *t6 et lenders eleotlon, retrofire end fetein. the prodeeda'of any Insurance and.epply the
proceeds Yo the.reducdon of the tndebtedneeo, paymem.af any gait. affecting the Forerun, or the, restoration and repair of the Property. If
Lender elebte to apply the proceeds to restorarlt* and. repair, Grentot ohiIl repel? or. replace this damaged or destroyed Improvements In a
manner aetlefactory to Lender. Lender Shell; .upon aatlefeotory proof of such expenditure, pay or relrnbdree Grantor from the proceeds far
the teaaonatsla -cost Of repelror restoraton if Grantor to not In desalt under.thla Mortgage.. Any procoeds. which. have not been disbursed
WINO ISO. days` efter'lhelr receipt and which Lender heanot eommltted td the repelror restoration cf theProperty shall he need :Prot to pay
any amount awing to Lender Under-AMC Mortgage tlren.10 pay aocruedlmerast, and the remelndar:Jf any, shall be oppliedrto the principal
halanceot the Indentediaas. ti L ender doldeieny in full of the Indebtednose; such.praceedeshall be pale to Grantor
e s Granter's inter-eats meyappear•
G rantors Reperf.on lmorenee.. Upon requaat01 Lender; howovernot more then onee.e.yeer Grentar:ahall furnish to Lender a. report On
mien erdst)ng pulley of Ineurom0- s)towing:. 11) the name :.of the Insure 121 the risks )nsbredp 13) she amount of tin policy; (4) the
property insured,.the ien.cyrrentaopledament value of such, property. and the manner of determinine t)at'value; end {61 the exPlration
date of the palsy. Grantor'ahatl, upon request of lender, hive en independent appraiser satisfactory determine the cash value
repiaoement. toe t otthe Property..
.LEND91'S EXPENDITURES It any aodpnor.ptoceeding •is commenced thatwouldmaterially effect Lander: interest In the .Proparty.or 1)6,00tor
IaIM 40 gomply.wlth any provlalon of tins Mortoseeror •any Reetedbocurnente, Including but not Ilmged toGrantor's figure io discharge DAM
wlrendeS. any embrmte:Orentor. IS iequired.. to discharge or pay under 51140 Mortgage or tny Docornente, Lander on Grantee behalf may
(butehell;not be Obligated tot tekeany acllorilhtit Lebtler:deetrye epproWteted ihdlbdmg but' not Ihn)ted to discharging or. paying ell texea, "Ilona,
'Mouthy bltpre0b, encumbrances: end'other cle(tne; et any time levied or pieced on 110 Propeliyprd pa for Insuring malntelnlrtg and
prOeervtng the •Property; 'At such expenditures Intoned or paid by Lender for craft purposes eilA;then bra, Intero*t at the rate charged under the
Note frumtha date incurred or paid: byt.9nder to' the;dat of repaymentby Grantor All suoh, expenees win become a part of t M Indebtedneda
end et Lenders option, will 1.0%) ;be paisahla ondefnend 1a) .be; o the:
edded tibolenca el the NOte and be appordonedemong and be'peyable
wkh,eny Inatelbnent'peyments to beaoma dw -0uring Nther (1) the term of only appikable.Insurenoagolicy: or 12) the remaining term -of the
Nob; or IC) '00 treated :ee a balloon payment: Which Wilt be due end payebie•eirhe Nota a meter ty. Tho Mortgage else will secure :peynient,of
these :emouMe: '500h-fight Shell tie in sdtetWnao trgothe!tights and rertiedla;to whkhleadrri maybe endtted upon.Deleult.
'WARRANTY) DEFENSE_OF TKLE, hoofs byibmi relaiingto ownership blithe Property:are a part of the Mortgage:
'ride. Grantbr•v irrantsthan ;le. Greiner holds goad and Marketable ;Woof nand to the.Property In fee stipple, free and olear:of all Irons
:end encumbrances other than those set 10,5(1 in t Ree Property description or in any, t ielnuureneri po)ioy, Ute- teport,or tits opinlon
cabal 5, favor of,: pd e aboeptad by Lender In'conraotten with 08010 Mortgage, and lb) Grantor tea the full right,'Power, and authority to
acetate and deriver tile MOrtgageao Lender,
Defame of Tine. SubJect to tha •exeeptbn In paragroph above, Grantor warrens and Will forever :-defend thetit10 to the Property against
the lawful clarets Of elf persona. In ,.fro event any scllon ar.proceading la cemmenoed-thet questions Grantor's fifth or the interoet:of Lender
.under thlaMortgage Orontor Shall defend:the action 11 0)aetor's exponie,, Granter they be 1105, noMlnel parry In such proceeding, but,
:lender Valli be entWed fo 'panldpatean the proceeding end.to be represented it the,proce by ootareel et Lender', own choke, and
Grantor cliff: deliver; Or aeuidptb' -bo dbllvered„ to Lender au,Us Inetnrrtrente as, Lander "may request from time 110 time 80 permit ouch:
'Cortpriance wldt•Lawa,, Grantor warrants that the Property end Grantorie use of the Property complies with ell existing applicable Iowa„
-Ordineheee; erid.ragblatlon$ of govornnlentel aotnontes,
.Survfvet .8 Repraaamadrma and yearrandee, All representations,. werrentea, and agreement;. "lhada by Grantor :In this Mortgage shell
:e00dve the ekecutidn end :degve'ry;af this Mortgage; sheibbe Continuing In nature, end shod remain In full 'force and affect umg•*uch time La
Borrowers andeitadraae shag be pold)n:full.
CONDEMNATION. Thefed0W.ing provisions relating.ta. conderonerbn proceedings. aro a, pert of fhls Mortgage:
Loan No: 761002356 (Continued)
Page 3
Proceedings.. 11 any proceeding In eondemdetlon le Rid, Grantorahe l promptly notify Lender In Wilting, and •Grsntor shall promptly take
such atape es may be. necessary ,t defend the. ectlon'andobtain the award. Grantor may be the :nominal perry in such proceeding, but
Lender shell be entitled to psrtlolpete M the..proeeadktg .end to be represontod In the praceeding Mr otiose! of its own choice,'end Granter
will deliver or cause to 'be 'delivered to Lender each kutrumonte and documentation as May be requested by Lender from time to time to
.permit each partieIpatlon.
Appeeadan. of Net Proceeds. If all or eny pert of the Property is condemned by eminent domain pr000edinga or any proceeding or
putchaeo: at lieu of condemnation, Lender. mayat Its etecdon regulfe thet'all or any Minion of the notprocseds of the award be'epplled'to
the Indebtednesi or rho repir o
ar reatoretion.of the Property:. The net proceeds of the award shell mean the award after payment of
as ell
reonable Coate, expenses, andattorneya' feesinoorred by Lender In oonneotfomwiththecondemnation.
IMPOSITION CF TAXES, FEES AND CHARGES BY GOVERNMENTAL AUTHORITIES: The following provisions relating to govammental tease,
tee's and charges era a patt'of thie'Mortgege:
Carters Taxes, Face and Charges .Upon roquast by Lender, Grantor shell execute, aeon documents In addition to age Mortgage and take
whatever othBrectleil le requeeted:by Lender to'perlect end Conduce Lender's Iles on the Reel Property. Grantor shag reimburse lender for
all texas. as deatrlbed below; together With ail exponeee incdmed in reiderdiag, psrfectleg 8r contiriuing this Mortgage, Including without
limitation ell taxes, tees,, dooumentery'atemps, and other Charges fortecording or registedng'thie Mortgage.
'Tnaee. The shall constitute taxes to which title section 'eel/Beef 0) e. ep upon this type of Mortgege,or.upon all or any.
part.of the Indebtedness secured by thle Mortgage: 12) a apeoNk tex'en eorrowef which Borrower le authorized or requtrod ao deduct
front poymonte on the lndebtedneae:eeeured by this type of Mortgage; 13) a tax on this type. of Mortgage chargeable. egelnet the Lender or
the-holder of the Nora; end 1d) a :epeelfIctex on ell or :any portion Of the lndebtedneas on peyments :of ptncipar.and intermit medo by
Sdbdogtieat Taxes. If any iex.to:whlch thla section applies le (naoted subsequent to the date of this :Mortgage, this event shell have the
some effecttis. an:Evenfof Default:and Lander May exercise any or all of its e remedies for en`EVeniof Default es provided below
Urilette Grentor either. (1) RAYS the tax before It becomes- delinquent, or 12) conteata the tax as provided above :in the Taxes and Liens
M otion and dealBlta :with Lender Cash of aaufficient corporate surely bond 'another security satisfactory Lender.
SECURITY AGREEMENT :.FINANCING STATEMENTS: The following provisions relating ledge Mortgage as a security agreement ere s pert of
title Mortgage;
save lty, Agesetreet. This instrument shall constitute 0 Sonority Agreement to the extent any of the Property constitutes. fixtures, and
Le:nC_ersfutN all of the rights of a secured party under the .Uniform Commercial Codeea'emendad from $ime to thee.
SacwKy fineresi, Veen request by Lender,: Grentor:ahalr take whatever eetign is requested by Lender to. perfect and continue Lender's
aeodrityyintereatln the Rents and'Pereonai Property. In addition to fecordng this Mortgage In the real property records, Lender May, of any
Mire' rind'withoet sunhat authorization from .Grantor, ill. executed counterparts, copiee or reproductions of. title Mortgage ell 0 finencing
statement. tremor Shall relmburse Lender for ell expenesatncurred Inperfeoting or oondbuing'Nb Intermit. Upon default, 'Granter
shelf not.rentove; severer detach the Persons Property fro nthe.Property. Upon,defe'ult, Grantor etiell assemble arty .Prdporty not
affixed to the Property In a manner and ate place ieesonebiyeonventont to Grantor and Lenderend me aoalleble9o.LendorWithin three,
(3hdeya• after rooelptof written demand Dein Lender to the extent permitted by applloeblelew,
Addresue •The:maliing addressee of Grantor (debtor) end Lander (eecured pertyl whtchlnformetion concerning the security interest
grepledby thIa"Mdrtgege maybe obtained.leech ell required -by the uniform Commarclel Code)' are es stated•on the first page of this
FURTHER:'ASSURANCESt ATTORNEY.(N.FACT. The following provisions relating to further assurances end ettomey- Irrfact are a parrot this
Further. Autumn*. At any time; end iron) time to dime; upon request of Lender; Granter. will make. execute. and deliver, or will cau0e
he Made, dxeduted:or delivered, to :Lender to to Lender's.designee, end when requested by Lender; cause to be Ned, recorded, railed, or
rerecorded, an the Date maybe, it such limes end, in such offi000 and PIaPes as Lender may deem appropriate, any and ill such mortgagee,
deed* of Wet .security deeds cur)ty ilnenCing: statsmeras, cuntinuedon etetemente,'Inatruments of further esstiranbcf,
certi9aetea ;and ofher'documentf 0e trey,. In the Sot opinion of Lender, be necessary:ordeairable In orderto effectuate;, complete, perfect,
continue; or,preesitie 11) Borrowers end:G'rentor'e obligations under life Note; this Mortgage, End the Related Decuments; end 2) the
benr title
end security Interests created ,by. Mortgage ea feet. nre end prior lens on the Property, whetfrer"now owned.or:hereafter e0quired by
Graotor. Ghlsba: prilliibited fry lowor Lender :egrees to the: contrary in wilting, Grantor, shall relmburee Lender for ell coats and expanses
Inquired m:condeotion:wlth' thereafter' referred to In ttdaperagraph.
Attdmeyinfeot.. if GrantortaI)y.tb do amy of.thethings referred to in khepreceding :paragraph; lender may do so for and le thenorne of
Grantor :end at Granter's expense..For such Purposee,'Grentor herebyIrravooebly. appoints Lender as Grantor's ettorneyirrfact, for the
putp010 of, making,. executing, deilvenng, Sling; recording; rind 'doing* other things.:es..mey: be necessary 01'deekabk',. 10 Lander's. sole
opinion, to'ecccmptleh•ihe:mattere relerrod to in* plecedkhg parag
NCE. It Borroer end Grantor pay all the Indatmdneu and Gran& othervrlee.Darfbrms dg the obligations imposed
upon Grentor_under this Mortgage, Lender el1eltexocute-and deriver to 'Grantor a suitable satlef00tlan of this Mortgage ande011.1Na. statements
of te(n iijepon of any0nencktg dtetemeni omfie evidemaing Lender's security interest In the. Ronteend the Personal Property. Grantor will pay_
If permltted.by eppgceble:.lew, any lanadnudtle teiminatton fall as detafmined:by Lender itereVine to time.
EVENT,5.GF DEFAULT. E'edh of the' .followIng,:et tender's option; anew constitute. en Event o4Defeultonder this Mortgage:
Peyment:Defaolt. BortBever fellseto make eny payment when,due under the indebtedness.
Default on r'
olhePayments. 'Feflure.ol .Grantor within rho time required'by this Mortgage 't0 make any' payment for taxes or insurance,: or
lily, ether'psyrnsn£neeeasary.te preVehr:filing:of of to effect discharge of:enyeen.
Ootlr.Opfauke; Borrower or Grentorfella to comply with orao_perlorminy other term, obllgedoh, covenant or condition contained M [tile
Mortgage or In any of the Related: D00umems or to comply Wither to perform any term, obligation, covenantor condition contained in any
eUler: egreoihent between Lenderend'Bdrrower of GieMOr.
0Neull•le Favor ot Third Parties. slioilld Borrower or any Grantor detsuh ender Any loan, extension.of credit, security agreement, purchase
Or e agreement; :or eny other. agreement, In: favor ot•any othe r0dtcar or P01000 that trey materially affect any of Borrower's or any
•ranterle:propefty or Borrower's. ebllhy to repay the indebtedness Or Borrower's or Grantor's ebillty.•lo perform theirfespective obligmiont
•odde tole Mortgage,of any. of (lie Reated Documents.
Feiss'Stetanients. Aify,wariedty, repreaentetlon :or etstement made.orfumaltsd to Lender by Borrower or Grantor or Borrower's or
Grentorie bohelf•undar this Moregege br the Related Doeumant1 i0 fable or Inbleading in' any Matsdal' rmpeet. either now or etthe t
:made tlrleinlehed:ortie0omes false or *leading at any time thereafter.
Dekoflve Cobatsnllaedon. Thle Mortgage or any. of the Rested Documents coaaeeto Win 10(1 force' and effect (Incl dine fellure of any
eolletetel documoM:to. creete;a•yeild 0001 perfected aecuritylntereat *teen) 01 eny lima end tersely reason.
Death. br IneoMnoy. The dissolution:of Grantor's lregardiese of whether election to continue is made), any member withdraws from the
Ifmned,llirbHityeomdany, or any other•brminsdon of 8orcowePa. or Grentdr'e. ezlsten0e Mitt going ausinaae or rite aaeth of erryrnember; site
Insolvency of Borrower or Granter, :the appointment of a receiver forany perttof 3orrower.'a or Grontor's property, any aeeignment tonne
:bensRe of creditors,. any rype'of creditor,workeui or the canmencernent of 'env proceeding under anybenkntptcy'or insolvency laws by. u,
agatnat'90rfOwer or Grantor.
110dl(pr or porfahtire- Procsedktge. Commencement Of fotacldetxe or forfeiture prodeedingd, whether by judicial proceeding, eey- help,
repoeee0 (onr eny pther'method, by enq•Credi*oi of Borrower or Gientor or by anygolier0Mernel agency egelrot:a property eecuring'the
l .o
ndebtednesel. Tits Includes a.gerrtiehment:elany of Borrower's:or Grentor'e:eccotarta, Includmg.depooltacooume, with Lender, However,
lfiil Event of Deledlt ehell:nbt epp)y11 there le'e.good filth dtptiteby.BOrtoWer 01 Grorot.e's to the;yetIdIty11 roaaoneblaneot of lhe: olelm
sash is the beds bathe dtedlpr or ldrfeltureyroceeding and d if Borrower or. Gragtor gluei'Lander wrtttennotice of tits creditor or forklike''s:
proceeding end *mesas with Lender nouns of esurety bond, for *creditor 01 fbrfeture proceeding, Men amount determined by Lender,
fn ire ads dtectedoii,• as:bulng en:edequete feaervetor Mindful' thirdispate.
6,raeohof'ddisrAgnwnant+ Any breech by 9orrewer or Grentot underthe -terms of any artier agreement between Borrower or Grano, and
;Lender that 4.. not' remedied v{Ithin'eny.graee period provided therein, Mdluding. without 'limitetlon any agreement concerning. eny
Loan. NO: 761002356
indabtodnasa or bther c flgetion of.Borrowor or Grentar tbi ender, wbethe ixisting raw or later.
Evelitr,Affoodng Guarantor.. Any of the.precedIng.events odours with teapot any guerentoq endorser, surety, or accommodation party
of :any of the Indebtednese or ahy,guareotor, endorser..surety, or accommodetiori party diet or becomes incompetent, or revokes or
disputes veltdityof, or l under, any Guerartry of the Indebtedneae.
Adelina :fmanpe. A `Metedal adores chant* occurs In Grantor's. }howl& condition, or Lender belle ves the proepact of payment or
performance orthe Indebtedness le Impaired.
'impurity. Lender faith Oaken/se Itself Ineocuro.
lailifiTA AND REMEDIES :ON DEFAULT: Upon tire. oceurnnee ot`an Event of Defaultt end at any time thereafter. Lender,.01 Lenders option, may
eaerclse- enyeneer more of Otte following rights end remedla, in addition to any other'dghts er remedies provided by law:
'Amalie-ate IndeMadeas. Lender shell have, the right at Its option.wlthout nodes to Borrower or Grantor to declare the entire Indebtedness
immediately due and payable, Including any prepayment penelly.tbet Borrower woukt;be required to pay.
1iC0' Rehiadlee. With respect to ell or any. part et the Personal Property, Lender ;Mail have all the rights and remedial, of e secured party
under the Uniform Commercial Code.
Collect Rents. Under shall heve:the:dght, .without notice to Borrower or Grantor, to :teke'possassion of the Property,. including .during, the
pendency. of foreclosure, whether judicial or non,Judleiel, and collect the including amounts past due and unpaid, end apply the net
prpceoda,.'OVer end stave Lender's costs; against Indebtednesb. In"furtherenee. of this right, Lender may require any tenant or ether
user of the Properly So meke:peymaMaof rent.oe use .fae directly teLender. If the Renes�efe collaetad•by' Candor, then Grantor Irrovoaabiy
deslgnatee Lender ae Granter's attdmeygn•tabt to endd,eo inairemente recoNad In peymantthereof In the name of Greiner and .to negotiate
the some and`coltect the proceeds.: Payments by or other users, id Lender. In •response' to Lender's demand shell $etlaf•the
otilksidleris ler whloh the peymonte are made, whether or not any proper grounds for the.demend existed. Lender met exercito Its rights
unde•thla eubperegrepn either In:paraon, by agent, of through a receiver.
:Appoint Reindeer. ,Lender shag have the right -to hove a receler appointed to take posaeasion of ell Or any of the Property. with the
powerte protect NW preaeive the Property, to operate the Property'precedlrlg.•foreclosure or sale, and to collect the. Rents from the.
.Properiy..erid apply.the.proceeds, over and above the debt of the recelyorshlp egsinst:tbb ledebtedness. The receiver may ewes: without
bond it perrnitted,by low. Lender:e right to As appointment of a receiver-shell eeIot whether 'or not the apparent value of the Property
exceeda'tbe indebtedness bye eubetemlel amount: Employment by Lender shell not dlagwlife e.person from'sarving oa receiver.
.Jallotel Foreclosure: Lender may obtain e judicial decree torscloaing Grantor'e Interest In ell or any part of the Property.
Nonjuipblal Sale, Lender may fdreolese Grantor s interest in all or loony part of the Property by non- judioiol sale, and epeeificelly by "power
:of sole" or "'advertisement sale' foecloswe eel provided by statute..
:Deficiency Judgments If permitted by .applicable law, Lender may obtain a judgment forarty deflcieney remaining in the Indebtedness due
'le Lander after apptladon of ell emouau, received from the exeralee'of the dgho. provided 1011,10 section.
Tertenoy at Sultermae• If Grentor:remalne lit .poaaesalon of the. tho Property le sold as provided above' or Lender otherwise
bebomoe emdled :to poaoeseio'n of the :Preps ty Wen of BortoWer or Grantor, Grentor shell become a tenant at aufhirance of Lender
_.7 or the purehaser•of the Property and a attandsee,op1100 :CIthei 111 pays reaaorleble- rental for the use of the Property, or 12) vacate
the Propertylmmedletelyupon the demand of Lender.
Other Remedlaa. L'andoraholl'beve all other nghtsandremadlec provided In.thteMortgege.or the Note or evelleble at law or inequity
;Seto of the :property. To the extent pemiittedbe opplluble lew,tlorrower end Grantor hereby waive enyagd Alright to have the Property
matehailed. inegerpbitig its rights _end ,temedies, Lender shall be tree to tall ell or any port of the Preperty'Weather' or aeperstely,'Tn ono
sate why operate bites. Lindershell be,ontlde0 tbibldatariy public sale oh filter any portion of the Property.
Roth* ofgato, Lontlor ehgll NO Grantor reaal/noblenotice of the time end place of enypubli* sale of the Personal Property or of the time
after.Whbh- any`prtyste sale or:iither'Intended dlepoaltion -.of tits Personal. Property is N. be made, 'Reasonable notice :s Mean notice
given et least ten 001 days before rho dma of -the solo brdisposition, Any Bale of the Pereonef Pre may be modern conjunction with
an(sele.Of the Real Properly.
Election oflhrnedies. Erection by Lender to pursue: any remedy shall not exclude pursuit of any other remedy; and an election' to make
ekpendtturee or- totakofae0on to perform en ebllgetl0n of Grantor under thfe Mortgage,.efur Grantor's fillero.00 perform: shag not effete
tarlder a: merit to decline a default andekerclsa'h0 remedies. Nothing under thle Mortgage or otherwise shell be:cohstrued 00 se to grnlr ar
medic! do rights and remodieo'evellable.tolender follaWing 00 EOM ofDefault, or In env way to limit or restrict the tights and ability of
Lander to pro0eed.dlrectly109ainst Grentor and/o Borrower and /or against any other coMiaker; :guarantor, surety or en0orser and /or to
p00000d Against aoy;othdreoaaterel. dirs0lry or lndlroctly. secuting the irdebtedne0s•
Attorneys' -Pea: Eapenesa, If Lender lnsgtatea.eny: eWt or elation to tefotc0 eny Of the terms Of this Mortgage, Lander shall be entitled to.
recover MIN.-aura of the court 100(0 edludge reasonable as ettomeys'. tees attrial andfupon any appeal. Whether or wittily court sotlan le
Ineoleed,.aed to the extent not prohibited bylaw, sec ree1dneble.oxpertaes L'enderanours- thefln Lender,'* opinion are necessary et any time
for th.'protecdon of h. Interest'orthO entorcernent of rte tights thee became o.part'offhe.lildobtedneee payable; on demand and abaft beer
Inte.*et she Note raid from the date clrthe yxpanblturef Until repaid. Export's,. covere0 by this perooreph include, without limitation,
however subject to env "undN applicable law, .Lender's reasonable ettorneye fees, and Lander a •loge) expenses whether Or northern'
a Nwsuib including reasonable attorneys' fags end 1000 ttaes for 01 kruptoy proeee0inoe inncluding effort. to modify or vacate any
st tbmado stay or;INenellonl; appeals, :age any antklpated post •judgment:cogabtlo'n :terylces, the cost of searching records, obtaining file
'reports INCtudlng taredosure. reporte4 eurv0Yora' sports, and appralsif tea and title Insurance, to the extent permitted by applicable law.
Grimier also well. pay any court coati,tn.addidon toell'otherauto. providedbylaw.
NOTICES. Any pollee Milked TO be glean under this Mortgage, Including without limitation arty notice of default and any rotice of sale shall be
glean :Jn writing; and shall be affecllye When ectea)110 dagvared,. witen actually eceived by telpfeoeimil5 1unless otherwise required by lewI; When
Asphalted with nettonelty recognised overnight cov0r or, t incited when.depoehed in United 90,1 es Merl, eel prat class, or
regbtered mall poetdga dlreoted to Otto addresses eheOf near the 00.9 nning of 11es :Mortgage;, All copies of notloa of lorecloauro from
0+e.holdef of ahyllen Which bedpdprlty over ahla.Mortgage anal) be sent to :Loners address; es shown near the beglnning Of this Mortgage.
Any party may charge Its address for notices under this Morogege by tieing formal.writton.nodce to the ^other pertres, specifying -Mat the
:purpoee.of the notice' N to change'the pant's eddrooe For notice'pwpeses, Grantor agree. to .keep Lender Informed at all 0moe:of Grantor's
ouirent:address. Unlace otherwise prctbed 'or requfred bylaw, if there i0 more Man one GraMO,. tiny nodcegiven by Lender to eny Grantor 10
eemod to berwtfce9lven to ail Grantors,
MISCELLANEOUS. PROVISIONS. The following misoellaneous provielone are a pert of thit Mortgage:
Amemfn ants. Title Morogege, together with any Belated Documents; cdnotitutec the :entire underatending.endagreement of the parties eel
to the mattire:aet`.forib in'rids Mo tgage...N0 ehetation of or amendmoM to. this Mortgage *hail' be effective wiles. given In writing and
:elgned'bythe patty or perden Ought te be:charged:erbound by the aft or am.hdnient,
Annual Repine., If the Property, Is-used; for purposes ot ter. than Grantor's oaidence,. Grantor' shall shall to tender, .upen request, S
certified :statement of net Operating kiwis received frost the Property dart g Grantor's precious fiscal year in such form..und detail es
Lender .0.11 require.-- Net eperadnD Income" Shall mean ail cash receipts ir'om the PrOPertY0 as ell oath oxtlendlteree made in connottioq
'WA ,the lanedon o f Ike. Property,
•Caption Nadinge. Caption headings io 0010 :MOrtgege aoe:forconvenience purpetee only and ere not to be used to Interpret or define the
precisiorupfthis Mortgage.
;Govanilrg.Law: TIt)s Mortgagewill be,9owrned by federal law applicable to Lander. end. to:iheestent not preempted by federal law; Otto
laws**. the ANN of 1FAMMIng withputregerd'to its conflicts of Iawiprovbiona, This Mortgage het beige Oeooptedby fonder in Ilia State of
Choice of Venus. If there N afasvadib Grantor ogress upon Lender's request to subrn10 t0 the Iudedictlon of the courts of Lincoln County,
:State. of Wyoming.
Joint and Several Uebgdy, All obllgatlont of Borrower end Grantor under this Mortgage shell bo joint and several; and elf rotorencee to
.Grantor shell moan each end every Grantor, add, all references to Borrower shall: mead aeon end every Borrower. This means that each
Genitorsigning below it responsible for ell obligations In thb.Mortgege. Where any one or more of the penNS is a corporation, partnership,
P090 4
Lean No 761002358
limited Nobility company or spoiler entity, It le' not necessary for Lender to Inquire Into the powers of any of the officers, directors, partners,
members, or 'other agents ocbng or purporting ie. act of the entity* behalf, and any.obiigetbns made, or created in reliance upon the
profoaeed ezareese of such powers aliall.beguarenteed under this Mortgage.
No Wslver by Lender; 'Lender shag not; be deemed to have waived any rlghte under thls Mortgage. unless such waiver: Is given In writing
and signed by Lender. No delay, or omission on the part of Lander in eserclsing snit right shell operate' as 'e waiver of :such right or any
ether: right. A.welver be 'Lender of a provsion Of this Mortgage shall not prefudlca or constitute a waiver of Lender's right otherwise to
.debm&id etrlct compliance with that provision or any ot8et provl5lon'of this Mortgage. Noprior Waiver Lender, Not any eouree• of dealing
between Lender and Grantor, ehalf constitute a waiver of any of tender's rights or 'of any of Grantor's obllgotlons as to any •hture
trerieastloni: Whenava the otinaent of tinder le 'requited under We Mortgage, the granting of such consent by Lander In any. Instance
shaft not constitute, continua ig dement td aubeaquont Intender whee eueh consent is' required and In all oases sigh consent may bo
.grooted:or withheld' Inure e01e discretion of Lender,
Severebillty.. If: a court of ob npetent lurledlottort finds any provision of tole Mortgage to be Illegal, invalid, or unenforceable as to any
elraumetence, that Ending shall not makethe. offending provtrton illegal, Invalid, or unentorcesblo as 10 any other circumstance. ft feeslblo,
the offending.provlafon shell' be considered modified so thetas becomes lapel „validand. enforceable. If the offending prevision cannot bests.
modified,.( shell tea' carxilderad dete)0d from this Monatea, Unless othetwiee required bylaw, the illegality, lnveildlty; or unenforceatilllty
of any provision of this Mortgage shall notoffeott0W Iege0ty, validity or enforceability of an y other prevision of this Motigege.
Merger, Those shall be no monger 061'1e :interest orestete created by tma Mortgage with any other interest or estate In the Property at any
rime held byor for the benefit Lender in arty Capacity, *Mites the wyltten'aonaeet of Lander..
SueeNaon and Assigns. Subloct to any limitations stated in this Mortgego on Vensfer:et Grantor's interest. thle Mortgage shall be binding
upon end :Inure toile benefit of tM parties; their succeaeoro one asslgns, If owne ll:go of the Property becomes vested in a person other
then Grantor, Lender.. without n08ee to Grantor, mey deal with Grantor o'euceeaeora with reference t0 this Mortgage and the Indebtedness
by way of forbearance_ or.extenelon Without releasing Grantor from theohfigetlons of tide Mortgage ar.11ebiilty under the Indebtedness,
Tone trot the Essence, Time t6 of the 0000010 fn the performance this Mortgage:
Waiver of Homestead Earthier. 'Grantor hereby releosso 2nd Waives all rights and benefits of the homestead exemption laws of the State
Of Wyoming m:fo.dil Indebtedness secured by. thla Mortgage.
DEFINITIONS. The following oaplfeliied worths end terms obeli have the following Meetings' ?Mortgage 'In this Mortgage. Unless opeclficelly
sdted'to the' to ittery alt 00doaer amountsshall. mean amounts In lewtel money of the :United 6fetes•ol America. Words and terms
used inthe singulei shall Include'tha plurat, end the' plural ahsN include tlss.etn6glar; ee the context may require, Words and terms' not otherwise
defined :in Kee Mortgage shall hews the meaning, enribumd'to.auch'totms In the'Unllorm C'om'merolel Coda:.
eorrewer.• The wed "Borrower' mean OEM' LAND HOLDINGS, LLC( SPENCER H, DEFTV;, and LAURA ANN DEFTY end'lnoludee:ell
Co•slgnera. end co.mekere slgning:lhe.Noteand ell their eocceesora and eisipp
Deitch. The word"DefeulP means the.Dofauit eat forth in this Mortgage In the section titled `.Default'.
Envhonmentel Lowe. The words `Envtrenmental Laws” Mean any erid'ell state. federal end lethal statute's, regulations' and ont1non0ue
•releting to 'Ow protection. of human health or the environment, Including without gml'tatien, the:Coinprohenulve Environmental Ro ponce,
Compeneatlon,.'And Liability Actor 1980,' 0 amaoded. 42 U.S.G. Section. 9601, et 'see. ('CERCLA'l, the SuperNnd Amendgnpnta end
Reouthorization A 06
pt 1988, Pub.L. N -45
o. 999 I`SARA"l, the Hezardoue Materiels TrendportetkmACt, 49 U S.C. Section 1801, et seq.,
rite Resource Conservation end Recovery Act 42 U.S.C. Section 8901, at seq., or other appOcable state or federal laws, rules, er
regulation .ednpted pur0000there(O.
Event. of Default. The words `Event of Default" moan any -of the events of default set forth In this Mortgage In the events of default
aecti9n'Of this Mortgage.
Grantor. The word "Grantor' means UNFIT LAND HOLDINGS, LLC.
Guaranty. The word 'Guarpnty' means the guaranty from guaranto,, endorser, surety, or accommodation party to Lender, including
without limitation a'guafenty of ell croons of the Note,
Haaerd0u0 Sebotencee, The words 'Hezardoue Subetenbea' mean materiels that, becouua of their quantity, concentration or physleel,
cheekier or iifeotlaue' charecterletice, may'cause. fir poet u present: or peened! herald to human health or the environment When
improperly tread, stated .atoreif...dispeaed of, generated. rrunufeetored, transported or otherwise handled. The words' ".Hazardous
Subetenceo' ere uead:ln their very broadeoGaense and include without Ilmltallon any end 011 heierdeee of 'undo substances,,meddale or
vitiate aedetined by or listed Under the Envhonitemel Lawe:'he.ter10 'Hazardous also Includes, without ttmltatlon, petroleum
end. petroleulti bPproducto or any. •**on thereat and enbdoto;.
(mpreeemonts. The word. 'Improvements" meene all existing and future improvements; buildings, structures, mobile homes affixed an the
Real Property, tecliiOea; additions, replacergentetand 'other C01 11uetlon on tha Real Property•
Indebtedness. The -word 'Indebtedness" •meene elf principal, interest and ether omounts, 00 end expenses payable under the Note or
Related Decuretinte; together with' Oii'redewal0;of, exrenalons.4f, modifications. of, 'consolidations:of end substltugons for the Note or
ye eted Deitanome end any amounts expended or advanced bpLendur to discharge Grentor'aobfigetldne Or expenses Incurred by Lender to:
Niece Grentpt's Obligations under this Mortgage, together with Interest on such ametlnte es provided 101010 Mortgage.
(Wider. The word "Lender` means 1st Bank, 1t11 o000esa0fa 004 cosigns.
Mortgage. The word "Mortgage moans. this Mortgage between Greeter and Lender.
Note. The:Word 'Wee nieanathe.egmtleecry:nole dated May.20, 201.1, in the original principel•emount of 8340,000.00 from
Borrower to Lender, :together with all tenawele of, *tangent of, moditic'ations of, re0nancings,ot; c0neogtlatiens Of, ants substilulions for
Personei Property: 'The words "Pmeorwl Pioporty" meek e9 oquipmant, fixtures, and other arliolos of personal property .now or hereafter
owned'by. Grantor, end now r thareetter ettoched or affixed.to the Real Property; together with :allaccession, parts; and additions` 10, all
iepleceenenta of„ end alt sube8brtion for, eily.01 such property; and together• with all protegee (including without Itmltatien ell insurance
proceeds and reluode of prmd[lumel'frem any'pale ot:other -0lopoaltlon of the Property.'
Property. The word'Praperty' meenesellectively the Real Property and the Personal Property.
Reg Property: 71h words "Real- PrOporty' Mean :the:reel property,. Intereetsand fights', es..further described In Isla Mortgage.
Related Dprymend. The. Weds "Related. Ooeuments' mean ail promtaaory notes, credit ogrcements, loan agreements, environmental
**entente, guonantlae aeeuriiy egreoments, 000108090.. deeds of hest' MOWN deeds, 'Celesta' mortgages; and' all niter Instruments,
agreemente.end deoumente, wltother now: of hereafter Meeting, executed In conncedon With the Indebtedness,
Rind;.. The word `Banta" means all present end liner. rents, revenues, inaome,.lea000, royahlee. profits, and other benefits derived Isom'
t}id Property.
f'4A ANN .DEFT)', Member of DEFTY LAN
Page 5
Loan Nei. 761002366
State of CO∎V'k< Mt
County of K O O
Ibis Instrument was acknowledged before me on OSIJo'4o(t
Commission 1363071
Notary Public California
Yolo County
Comm. Exolns Aua 29.2013
(Not J )gnature)
My ommisddn expires:. o "!3
LASER PRO Lending, Ver. Capr, Harland Financial So18 2 I nc. 1997; 2011, All Rights Reserved
Page 6
L: \CFI \LPL)003.FC