HomeMy WebLinkAbout877296 State of Wyomiqg Corner Record (In compliance with the CORNER PERPETUATION AND FLUNG ACT, Wyoming Statutes, 1977, Seotlon 36-11-101, et. ,,sq., and the Pul# and Regulations of the Board of ReglCn'atlon for PrefeIelonal Engineers and Pref#elonal Land Surv~m) Reveres side of this form may be used If more space is needed. Record of orlglnal survey and citation of source of hlstorlcol Information (If corner Is lost or obliterated). Description of corner monumenfaflon evidence found and/or monument and accessories established fo perpetuate the location of this corner. Sketch of relative Iocatlon of monument, accessories, and reference polnfs with course and distance to adjacent corner(s) (If determined in this survey). Method and rationale for reesfabllshment of lost or obliterated corner. R.117W. (N89'59'E (BASIS OF BEARINGS) 2639.3') N89'39'OO"E 2637.1' (NO9'39'E 2639.3') RECOVERED A 2-1/2" DIA. BRASS CAP ~" ~ ~/.~1.I" '0~ I ON A 1" DIA. PIPE 10" ABOVE GROUND. r~ ! ~ -~ ' - \ LOCATED TO THE NORTH OF THE 1.20N . ~.J ,,, F + - c~ p I SCALE: 1"=1000' o o I LEGEND (s89'42'w 5280.0') (~- EXISTING 2-1/2" DIA. GLO BRASS CAP ( ) -DENOTES GLO DATA / Date of' Fletd VDt'k, 06/08/'01 nf'rlce Ref'er'ence, JOB NO. 01506, BK. 152, P. 50 I I I I I I ~ll I' :~ ENGINEERING AND LAND SUBVEYZNG ---I-- -% .... 4.- -J,--. ---F- -+-. !,'i ' ' ,._;_ i i ! 4 ! ! ! ! { , ! 407 West Adorns Avenue, Box 1751 (307)856-1647 · -+,-- , --jr----jr .... +, .... + .... +, .... ,+ .... +, .... ,+-. -+, .... ,+_. Riverton, Wyoming 82501 opex~,vyomlng.com -? .... ? .... + .... ± .... + .... ~' .... +, .... t .... + .... f-' I ?__ This corner record was prepared 'Dy me or under, I 7 I i I i t I 1, I [ 11 I t17 i~f m7 d~eet, ion a.t'td supervision. /I ! 1!~_+_ I 17 I I 1 --jr--' ' -4 .... Jr- --+, .... 4--- , , -? .... t-- , , , , ,-+, .... ,+ .... ' --Jr .... Jr .... 4- Jr-- _.f .... ,+ +, .... ,.?_ , ._.f .... ,?. , ~ ~  '-'f .... I-- -+, .... 1-- Co.ne~ N~e, 1/4 CORNER Section 28 T, 20NR. 117W; 6th P.M. C.oss-Index No,, V, 11