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KNOW ALL PERSONS BY THESE PRESENTS, that CLARENCE V. ERICKSON, also known as C. VAL ERICKSON, and DORIS W. ERICKSON, husband and wife, as tenants by the entireties, P.O. Box 94, Grover, Wyoming 83122, GRANTORS, for and in consideration of TEN DOLLARS ($10.00) and other good and valuable consideration, in hand paid, receipt of which is hereby acknowledged, hereby CONVEY AND WARRANT to C. VAL ERICKSON and DORIS W. ERICKSON, TRUSTEES of the C. Val Erickson Doris W. Erickson Family Trust dated July 14, 2011, P.O. Box 94, Grover, Wyoming 83122, GRANTEES, and their successors and assigns, the following described real property, situate in the County of Lincoln, State of Wyoming, to wit: That property described in the Warranty Deed recorded in the land records of Lincoln County, Wyoming, on July 28, 2000 in Book 449 PR at Pages 356 and 357 as Instrument No. 867247, a copy of which is attached hereto. Including and together with all and singular tenements, hereditaments, appurtenances, and improvements thereon or thereunto belonging, but subject to taxes, assessments, covenants, conditions, restrictions, reservations, encroachments, rights -of -way, and easements of sight and/or of record. WITNESS our hands this 14th day of July, 2011. CLARENCE STATE OF WYOMING COUNTY OF LINCOLN ACKNOWLEDGED before me on this, the 14th day of July, 2011 by CLARENCE V. ERICKSON, also known as C. VAL ERICKSON, and DORIS W. ERICKSON. M. KEINITMOVISI8ntlatneflYaKIERkci COUNTY OF STATE OF LINCOLN WYOMING MY COMMISSION EXPIRES JULY 16, 2011 My Commission expires: SS. WARRANTY DEED ERICKSON DORIS W. ERICKSON 1 seal. 000486 RECEIVED 7/18/2011 at 10:39 AM RECEIVING 960099 BOOK: 769 PAGE: 486 JEANNE WAGNER I INCni N COUNTY CLERK. KEMMERER. WY Lincoln County Clerks BOOK449 PR PAGE 3 5 McT+7+:i.L PORTER AND LESA D. PORTER, Husband said Wife, grantors of Lincoln County, State of Wyoming, for consideration of Ten and 00 /100's (510.00) and other good and valuable consideration in hand, receipt whereof is hereby acknowledged CONVEY AND WARRANT TO CLARENCE V. ERICKSON MW DORIS W. ERICKSON, gusband and Wife as Tenants by the Entireties, grantees, whose address is 4520 So. 2000 West, Rexburg Idaho the following described real estate, situate in Lincoln County and State of Wyosnipg, hereby releasing and waiving all rights under and by virtue of the homestead exemption laws of the state to 'wit: That part of Section 30, T33N RI18W of the 6th P.M.,' Lincoln County, Wyoming deserted on Exhibit A prepared by Marlowe A. ScherbeI labeled "MeKell Porter and Lesa D. Porter, Parcel C -1.2" dated May 15, 2000, revised lunc 15, 2000. WITNESS our hands this day of July, 2000. State of Wyoming County of Lincoln Witnes r band and official seal. 887247 WARRANTY DEED My Commission Expires: :::,aft tl Clr i.� v?Xi`t 09:05:20 07 14 2011 83440 The foregoing instrument was acknowledged before me by McKcll Porter and .Less D. porter this 26 thday of July, 2000. RECEIVED LINCOLN COUNTY ,C111 00 JUL 28 Ph 12:0f Jc�1iNNE 1 GN1= R REMMEPER, WYOMING 307- 877 -3101 Lincoln County Clerks Sent By: EXHIBIT A DESCRIPTION FOR MCICELL PORTER AND LESA D. PORTER PARCEL C -1.2 To -wit: 307 885 9800; Jul-28-00 2:4BPM; Page 2/2 C©PY That part of the NE' /.SE% of Section 30, T33N, R1I8W, Lincoln County, Wyoming, being part of that tract of record In the Office of the Clerk of Lincoln County In Book 416 of Photostatic Records on page 03, described as follows: BEGINNING at a point on the north line of said NE'4SE1/4y S89 55'- 36 "13, 424.34 feat ftom tho northwest corner of said NE' /SE 'A; thence S89 55'•36 "L', 319.73 feet, alorig said north line, to a point; thence S00 28' -54 "E, 640.26 feet to a point; thence N89 55' -36 "W, 348.38 feet to a point on Ore northeasterly right-of-Way line of 1.).S. Highway 89; thence N41 228.92 feet, along said right -of -way lino, to a point; thence N41 06' -52 "E, 225.64 feet to a point thence N05 14' -24 "E, 300.81 feet to the POINT OF BEGINNING; ENCOMPASSING an area of 5.62 acres, more or less; the BASE BEARING for this survey Is the west line of the NE' /4S6''/ of Section 30, T33N, RI18W, being N00°-2l'-06"W; cob "comer" found as described In the Comer Record filed In the Office of the Clerk of Lincoln County: each "point" marked by u 5/8" 3C 24" stcci reinfbrotng rod with a 2" aluminum cap inscribed, "SURVEYOR SC1•IERBEL LTD APTON WY PLS 5368 with appropriate details; all In accordance with the plat prepared to he filed in the Office of the Clerk of Lincoln County titled. "PLAT TO ACCOMPANY PARCEL DIVISION APPLICATION FOR MCKELL PORTER AND LESA D. PORTER FOR PARCEL C -1.1 AND PARCEL C-1.2 WITHIN THE NE' SE14 SECTIOt 30 T33N RI I8W LINCOLN COUNTY, WYOMING este• 2000 arui rev- 2000. ay 2000 35'7 'Modification In any way of the foregoing description terminates liability of the surveyor