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State of Wyoming Corner Record (In comptlonce with theCORNER P£RP£1'U,~I'ION 4ND FII, IN(; 4CI', WyomlnO Statutes, 1977 Section 36-11-101, et. seq., and the Rutes ~nd Regut~tlons oF ~he Bo~pd oF PpoFession~l Engineers ~nd Ppogession~t L~nd Su~veyops) Reverse side og this ~opm ~ey be used iF ~ope sp~ce Is needed. Recopd o~ opigina[ supvey and citation o~ source oF his~opica[ inFopmation (i~ copnep is tos~ op obti~epa~ed). Description oF corner monumen~ion evidence ?ound and/or monumen~ ~nd ~ccessories estabtished to perpetuate the [oc~tion oF this corner. Sketch oF relative location oF monument, accessories, and re?erence points ~ith course and distance ~o adjacen~ corner(s) (iF determined in ~his survey). Me%hod and ra~ion~[e For reestablishment oF lost or obliterated corner. FOUND: SET STONE 0.9/ X 0.6' X 0.6" A.G. MARKED '1/4' ON NORTH FACE T-POST 1.5' SOUTHEAST BASIS OF BEARING GPS OBSERVATION Monument location Monument Inscription - - ~S 89'09'27" E 2367.91 Date of Field Work: 10/31/01 Office Reference: 5420-2 Cross Index Plat Firm/Agency, Address This corner record was prepared ....... * D.R. GRIFFIN & ASSOCIATES. INQ. and supervision. ~ + + ~ + + ~ + + ~ '+ ~ ~ ~ ; ~ '+ ' 1414 ELK STREET. SUITE 202 6 ' I 5 ' , 4 , ' 3 , ' 2 ' ' 1 ~ e SEAL ~ SIONATURg ~ + + t + + ~ + + t + + t + + t + o ROCK SPRINGS. ~OMING 82901 : : : : : : : : ~ ~ ~ ¢ Telephone Number: 362-5028 ~ ~7 ' ~ 8' ~ 9 ' '10' ,11, '12~ ~ + I + + T+ + I+ + T+ + t+ +;T " .......... j L~18, ,17, ,16, ,15, ,14, ,13~ ~19~ '20~ ~21, '22' '23, ~24~ +t+ +t+ +T+ +t+ +t+ ~30, '29, ,28, ,27, ,26, '25~ , +T+ +t+ +T+ +~+ +T+ +T+ ~ ' 31, ' 32' ' 33' , 34, ' 35' ' 36~', Corner Name South Quarter Corner Section 1~, T 2~ N, R 11~ W, 6th P.M. Cross-Index No.: J-23 County: ~ncoln Wyoming