HomeMy WebLinkAbout877340 This space for Recorder's use only " Document Prepared by: Project #: SBBANKONE 01 SIIAWNTE SPRIGGS Assignor #: 7642641984 When recorded mail to: Pool #: BANK ONE PIN/Tax ID #: ATTN: LIEN RELEASE P O BOX 26966 Investor #: 1910048697 Property Address: GREENSBORO, NC 27419-6966 177TRAIL DRIVE --- ALPINE WY 83128 MORTGAGE RELEASE, SATISFACTION, AND DISCHARGE IN CONSIDERATION of the payment and full satisfaction of all indebtedness secured by that certain Deed of Trust described below, the undersigned, being the present legal owner of said indebtedness and thereby entitled and authorized to receive said payment, does hereby release, satisfy, and discharge said Deed of Trust in fifil and does hereby consea~t lt~at the same b e ctmceled and discharged of record. 1 ST Parly: PR'El) T LOWERY & TAMMY M LOWERY,HUSBAND & WIFE AS TENANTS * Mortgagee: LINEAR CAPITAL INC, A TENNESSEE CORP Loan Amonnt: $ 38,000.00 Date of Deed: 08-17-2000 Date Reco~'ded: 08-25-2000 Date Recorded 9: _ Volume: 450 Page: 776 Instrument Number: 867780 Comments: * AS TENANTS BY THE ENTIRETIES* and recorded inthe records of LINCOLN County, State of Wyoming and more particularly descried on said Mortgage referred to herein. IN WITNESS WHEREOF, the undersigned has caused these presents to be executed on 10/23/01. BANK ONE, NA aka Banc One Financial Services, Inc Breuila Mw ~tephanie Scales -- -..t, ..... .// ././_~/c/[ // , . aoltl~[~ell v f~ ~t~:;~fo~.u lllb rd A~i~Secretlry / ,On_lh/s date of10/23/01, before me, lhenndersi · . ~ . ./ ., , ,. , . gned au. th.onty, a Ntp~'ary Public ~uly cZmmissioned and qualified in and for the Stale and County aforesmd, appeared ~n person the w~th~n named Brenda Loxx and John Maxwell, to me personally known, who acknowledged that they are the Vice President and Assistant Secretary, respectively, of BANK ONE. NA aka Bmoc One leinancial Services, Inc, Mtg Lender, and were duly auflto~ized in their respective capacities to execute t~e foregoing instrument for and in thename and on behalfo~f said corporation, and fi~rther stated and acknowledged thal they had so signed, executed and dehvered sa/d foregoing/nstmment for and on behalf of said corporalion for the consideration, uses and purposes therein mentioned and set forth. 2~yess my hand and off/c/al seal, the day and year first above written. Notary Public: Barbar~ A.'~aay-~ ~t~,~._.// BARBARA A, HAYES N O'I'ARy PUBLIC My C0nunission. Expires: 12-12-2004 (~UlLFORD COUNTy, NC D ocurr~nt Prepared by.