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WHEN RECORDED RETURN TO: LienCounsel, Inc. 4723 Harrison Blvd, Suite 200 Ogden, Utah 84403 Claimant: All Above Roofing and Repairs LLC dba Kimball Roofing, Po Box 850, Midway, Utah, 84049 (435) 657 -9991 Record Owner: LEON G A G M TRUSTEES LEON G G TRUST, 2495 E. Granite Hills Circle, Sandy, Utah 84092 -3309 Debtor: Gus Leon Amount owed: $3,366.4, together with interest, costs, and attorney fees as allowed by contract and by law. First labor and materials were furnished: Last labor and materials were furnished: Property subject to this lien: STATE OF UTAH County of Weber 35183020712000 DATED this 20th day of July, 2011. ss. RECEIVED 7/22/201 at 2:20 PM RECEIVINIG 960191 BOOK: 769 PAGE: 695 JEANNE WAGNER LINCOLN COUNTY CLERK, KEMMERER, WY ©2004 LienCounsel Inc. All rights reserved. NOTICE OF MECHANICS LIEN June 29, 2011 June 29, 2011 SVR UN 22 L 21 T35 R118 S30. LINCOLN COUNTY, STATE OF WYOMING., located at: 155 S Forest Dr, Thayne, WY 83127 CL 'IMANT Y: ienCounsel, Inc. ITS: Agent ACKNOWLEDGMENT On the 20th day of July, 2011, Dana T. Fanner personally appeared before me and stated and swore under oath that he is the authorized agent to sign for Claimant, that this Notice of Mechanic's Lien was signed on claimant's behalf, that he is authorized by Claimant to sign on its behalf, that this claim of Mechanic's Lien and the information contained herein is true and correct and represents a valid claim to the best of his knowledge. 000695 JILL DINSDALE NOTARY PUBLIC STATE of UfAII COMMISSION NO. 808461 COMM, EXP, 04-13 -2015 P.O. Number Terms Rep Ship Via F.O.B. Project KS 6/16/2011 111123 Quantity (tern Code Description Price Each Amount Repair Residential NORTH SIDE FRONT ENTRANCE, REBUILD DORMER 3,000.00 3,000.00 COMPLETE FRAMING AND METAL ROOFING, TONGUE AND GROOVE WOOD SIDING GABLE END INSTALL NEW TRIM FLASHING METAL PANEL ROOFING ALSO T G WOOD SIDING GREEN IN COLOR $2800.00 LABOR MATERIAL KIMBALL RECOMMENDS LOG RAILING STAIR BRACES (2 TOTAL) $200.00 CASH DISCOUNT PRICE FOR ALL $3000.00 Payment APPROVED ON 6/17/2011 DEPOSIT WITH CHECK #6589 1,500.00 1,500.00 FOR $1500.00 Time Material R... TIME MATERIAL REPAIR RESIDENTIAL $95 PER 680.00 680.00 MAN HOUR INCLUDES DRIVE TIME PLUS MATERIALS COST TO REBUILD EXISTING CRICKET BEHIND CHIMNEY. 4 man hours x $95 per man hour plus $300 in materials $680.00 ADDITIONALS P... ADDITIONALS PER CONTRACT 15 SNOW GUARDS 375.00 375.00 AT $25.00 EACH $375.00 Surcharge AS PER PROJECT AGREEMENT, A 20% SURCHARGE OF 811.00 811.00 TOTAL CONTRACT PRICE WILL BE ADDED IF NOT PAID UPON SUBSTANTIAL COMPLETION. IN ADDITION, INTEREST WILL ACCRUE AT THE RATE OF 2% PER MONTH. Payment is due upon receipt as per project agreement. A 20% surcharge of total contract price will be added if not paid upon receipt. Total $3,366.00 Bill To Kimball Roofing Repairs P.O. Box 850 Midway, UT 84049 Toll Free (877) 657 -9991 GUS LEON 2495 E. GRANT 7 HILLS CIRCLE SANDY, UT. 84092 000696 Invoice Date 6/16/2011 Invoice 6460 Ship To 155 S. FOREST STAR VALLEY RANCH, WY oats 06/16/2011 22 :38 14356579558 t nrncnd Bonded and Insured Roof' ROOFING REPAIRS DBA KIMBALLROOF ABOVE ALL ROOFING REPAIRS LLC OFFICE: TOLL FREE (877) 657 -9991 1x OX 850, MIDWAY. UT 84019 EMAIL: ahoveallroofingandrepairsr JJgmaiLcom FAX: (435) 657 -9558 F7ti titer K1MDAi G $Tr(ICKL.AND Cell; 801-910 -9560 Roofing Siding Soffit Fascia Gutters Windows Gene NORT1i S11)E FRONT ENTRANCE, REBUILD DORMER. COMPLETE FRAMING AND METAL ROOFING. TONGUE AND GROOVE WOOD SiDiNG GABLE END INSTALL NEW TKIM rk.ASI-IrNG R. METAL PANEL ROOFING AI 5O T do G WOOD SIDING GREEN IN COLOR $2800.00 LABOR MATERIAL KIMBALL RECOMME NUS LOU RAILING STAIR BRACES (2 TOTAL) $200.00 CASH DISCOUNT PRICE FOR ALL 53000.00 Dawn anmt 1 Ch9di No. ng Agreement Organization /Contact Name GUS LEON 2495 E. GRANIT HILLS CIRCLE SANDY, LIT. 84092 Job Location 155 S. FOREST STAR VAI.I.FY RANCH. WY Est. it 2930 Job 0/ Home Phone N/A Wor MIMIC 80I -245 -2864 Mobile Phone 801 -971 -6752 Fax Datetfime 6/I6/201 I 2:00 E man gus,leonjra(' amaii.com Person Meeting NOT MEETING Building Type RES. REPAIR al Construction Repair 000697 PAGE 02/03 ASK ABOUT OUR General maintenance for loner roof life for Additional warranty: Additional cost for (OPTION) Entire Existing Roof Workmanship Warranty cost $"\.1 TN. .years Intl. to accept^C1IIN THiS AGREEMENT W NOT ACCEPTED ON THIS DATE, PRICES ARE SUBJECT TO CHANGE WITHOUT NOTICE. Ail terms in writing supercede any mat or wrhal „2r14,n+onts. ADDITIONAL COST FOR DECKING REPAIRS ARE LISTED ON THE BACK SR>iv. Our term, um payment upon substantial completion_ A 20% S of total connect price will be added if not paid upon completion. in addition, interest will accrue at the rate of 2% per month. No invoice will be mailed, Payment will not be held up due to completion of third -party inspections. Any material warranties will be mailed upon payment in full recorded. This warranty shall" not be or become erTective unless Above All and Kimball has been paid in full for all its work as per this agreement.. (1 understand *nd.authnriza any check, if ,dishonored, plus a processing fee with applicable taxes to be electronically debited from my account.) We hereby propose to furnish materials and labor. complete with terms and specifications for the stnn of price includes all discounts: within Visas Mastercard. Paypal Cash or Check Price Cash or Check Price I days) Accepted STANDARD ettI SIGN NOW DISCOUNT Doilar Amount Terms of Payment: 50% down balance on completion, Changes by Management ONLY in writing. Option Contract Price 1 1 inalPmnt 1Chhtic Chocks must be payable or endorsed to the order of KIMBALL ROOFING AND REPAIRS DBA. Cancellation must be in writing and mailed to management, via certified malt This ogre t C N NOT BE CANCELI.8i) without forfeiting deposit. 11 Company Authorized Signature Date e+_J P ALL PROVISION$ REGARDING H TIES. tiUARANTEES ANDJOR WAIVERS AR6 ON TH IS PAGE AND ARE NIADB ART ammo ACCEPTANCE OF THIS AGREEMENT including prices, specifications and conditions are satisfactory to me and I hereby accept them. You are authorized lu do the work specified Payment will be made by customer a5 outlined above. 1, CUSTOMER, HEREBY CERTIFY THAT 1 HAVE REAI] AND UNDERSTAND THE PROVISIONS CONTAINED IN THIS AGI;.CEMENT AND I AGREE TO BE BOUND BY SAID PROVISIONS. t Lit r Date/ 1 Customer Authorized Signature: i CUSTOMER HAS READ TERMS AND WA ON REVERSE SIDE OF ORIGINAL AGREEMENT Any changes to standard terms warranty must he in writing and signed only by managemnt. Installation schedules arc handled by the office and cannot be confirmed byThe sale sman.'Scheduled dates are subjected to change due to weather, materials or delivery. White Copy: Above All Ximball Yellow Copy: Customer Sign Sc Return