HomeMy WebLinkAbout960695PERSONAL REPRESENTATIVE'S DEED OF DISTRIBUTION THIS PERSONAL REPRESENTATIVES' DEED OF DISTRIBUTION is made by RONALD D. MOORE, PERSONAL REPRESENTATIVE OF THE ESTATE OF BEVERLY J. MOORE DARLING, Deceased, whose legal address is 227 Jared Court, Phoenix, Oregon 97535 "Grantor WHEREAS, the Colorado Probate was closed effective December 3, 1990; 000627 RECEIVED 8/25/2011 at 11:21 AM RECEIVING 960695 BOOK: 771 PAGE: 627 JEANNE WAGNER LINCOLN COUNTY CLERK, KEMMERER, WY WHEREAS, David A. Moore a/k/a D.A. Moore a/k/a David Amoss Moore died testate on July 28, 1989 as a resident of Jefferson County, Colorado; WHEREAS, the Will of David A. Moore, deceased, was duly probated in the District Court for Jefferson County, Colorado by virtue of Case No. 89 PR 625 "Colorado Probate WHEREAS, the Will of David A. Moore devises the residuary of the Estate of David A. Moore, deceased, to his surviving spouse at the time of his death, Beverly J. Moore Darling. WHEREAS, Beverly J. Moore Darling subsequently filed a Petition to Admit Colorado Probate Proceedings in the District Court for Sweetwater County, Wyoming, requesting the ancillary probate of the Estate of David A. Moore, deceased, with respect to all property located within the State of Wyoming and owned by David A. Moore, deceased, at the time of his death "Wyoming Ancillary Probate Proceedings WHEREAS, Beverly J. Darling, aka Beverly J. Moore Darling died testate on August 17, 2009 as a resident of Jackson County, Oregon, during the pendency of the Wyoming Ancillary Probate Proceedings; WHEREAS, the Will of Beverly J. Moore Darling, deceased, was duly probated in the Circuit Court for Jackson County, Oregon by virtue of Case No. 09- 697 -P6 "Oregon Probate Proceedings WHEREAS, effective November 30, 2009, Ronald D. Moore was duly appointed as the Personal Representative of the Estate of Beverly J. Moore Darling, deceased, pursuant to the Oregon Probate Proceedings; WHEREAS, the authority of Ronald D. Moore to act as Personal Representative of the Estate of Beverly J. Moore Darling, deceased, with respect to legal actions and property within the State of Wyoming was confirmed via Order Recognizing Domiciliary Foreign Personal Representative Pursuant to Wyo. Stat. Ann. §2 -11 -301, 302 (2010) dated June 28, 2010 as issued by the District Court for Sweetwater County, Wyoming, in Case No. P- 10 -70 -R, as set forth in Exhibit A "Wyoming Personal Representative Order WHEREAS, Grantor subsequently filed an Amended Petition to Admit Colorado Probate Proceedings in the District Court for Sweetwater County, Wyoming, in Case No. P- 09 -98 -R, 000628 requesting the ancillary probate of the Estate of David A. Moore, deceased, with respect to all property located within the State of Wyoming and owned by David A. Moore, deceased, at the time of his death; WHEREAS, by Order for Ancillary Administration Pursuant to Wyo. Stat. Ann 2 -11 -201 dated September 21, 2010 and issued by the District Court for Sweetwater County, Wyoming, all property owned by the Estate of David A. Moore, deceased, and located in the State of Wyoming was judicially set over, transferred and distributed to Grantor pursuant to the terms of the Will of David A. Moore, deceased, within the State of Wyoming and owned by David A. Moore, deceased, at the time of his death, as set forth in Exhibit B "Wyoming Ancillary Probate Order WHEREAS, at the time of execution of this Personal Representative's Deed of Distribution, the Oregon Probate Proceedings remain open, Ronald D. Moore remains the duly appointed Personal Representative of the Estate of Beverly J. Moore Darling, deceased, and such appointment continues to be recognized by the courts of the State of Wyoming pursuant to the Wyoming Personal Representative Order; and WHEREAS, it is the intention of Grantor to hereby convey all right, title and interest owned by the Estate of Beverly J. Moore Darling, deceased, whether now known or acquired or discovered in the future. NOW THEREFORE, KNOW ALL MEN BY THESE PRESENTS, that: pursuant to the authority conferred upon Grantor by the Oregon Probate Proceedings, as recognized by the Wyoming Personal Representative Order; with respect to the property specifically identified and distributed in the Wyoming Ancillary Probate Order; and pursuant to the Will of Beverly J. Moore Darling, deceased; Grantor hereby gifts, grants, conveys, assigns, transfers, quitclaims, sets over, and releases unto the BEVERLY J MOORE DARLING REVOCABLE TRUST, whose principal business address is 227 Jared Court, Phoenix, OR 97535 "Grantee all of the following described real property situated in the State of Wyoming: SEE EXHIBIT C The above distribution and conveyance includes, but is not limited to surface estate and interests associated therewith, oil and gas leases, minerals, royalties, overriding royalties and contracts relating thereto, and other properties of whatsoever kind and nature relating thereto or used in connection therewith, and all right, title, and interest of the Estate of Beverly J. Moore Darling, deceased, in and to the properties described in Exhibit C hereto, together with all personal property, appurtenances, fixtures, and equipment or whatsoever nature used in connection therewith or relating thereto. The properties listed in Exhibit C represent to the best of Grantor's knowledge all surface and interests associated therewith; oil, gas, and other minerals; royalty and overriding royalty interests; oil and gas leases and contracts relating thereto; personal property; and other properties of whatsoever kind and nature relating thereto or used in connection therewith owned by Beverly J. Moore Darling, deceased, and located in the State of Wyoming. In the event any other surface estate; oil, gas, and other minerals; royalty and overriding royalty interests; and/or personal STATE OF c_otor..cto ss. COUNTY OF .kcLr Witness d and official seal. By Ronald D. Moore Personal Representative Notary Public 000629 property are hereafter discovered to have been omitted from the said Exhibit C hereto, it is the Grantor's specific intent that by this Personal Representative's Deed of Distribution, Grantor hereby grants, transfers, assigns, quitclaims, sets over and conveys unto Grantee all of the right, title, and interest of Grantor in and to any and all surface estate and associated interests; oil, gas, and other minerals; oil and gas leases and contracts relating thereto; royalty and overriding royalty interest; and /or personal property, of whatsoever kind and nature, located in the State of Wyoming This Personal Representative's Deed of Distribution is made without warranty of title, either express or implied, and is made subject to all royalties, overriding royalties, and other burdens and encumbrances upon the interests conveyed existing as of the date hereof, and is subject to all applicable provisions and the oil and gas leases, joint operating agreements, farmout agreements, pooling agreements, and other agreements associated with the interests conveyed. Executed and effective this ZA `day of 2011. ESTATE OF BEVERLY J. MOORE- DARLING, deceased GRANTOR Signed, sworn and acknowledged before me this 'vi.g day of .Ke- 2011, by Ronald D. Moore, Personal Representative of the Estate of Beverly J. Moore Darling, deceased. EXHIEIT A WYOMING PERSONAL REPRESENTATIVE ORDER 000630 Brent D. Chicken, WY 6 -4058 Drake Hill, WY 6 -3106 Beatty, Wozniak Reese 2616 Carey Avenue Cheyenne, WY 82001 Telephone: 303.407.4499 Facsimile: 303.407.4404 E -mail: bchi.cken @bwenergylaw.com dhi11 @bwenergylaw. corn Attorneys for Petitioner ELLEN SMITH BY JUN 2 8 2010 CLERK OF DISTRICT COURT DEPUTY CLERK STATE OF WYOMING IN THE DISTRICT COURT ss. COUNTY OF SWEETWA'!'ER THIRD JTJDICIAL DISTRICT IN THE MATTER OF THE ESTATE OF BEVERLY J. MOORE- DARLING deceased. Probate No. P- Ib ~76 —le ORDER RECOGNIZING DOMICILIARY FOREIGN PERSONAL REPRESENTATIVE PURSUANT TO WYO. STAT. ANN. 2 -11 -301, 302 (2010) 000631 The above- entitled matter coming before the Court upon the Petition for Recognition of Domiciliary Foreign Personal Representative Pursuant to WYO. STAT. ANN. 2 -11 -301, 302 (2010) "Petition of Ronald D. Moore, as Personal Representative of the Estate of Beverly J. Moore Darling, deceased "Petitioner and the Court having examined the records and files herein and being fully advised hereby ORDERS that: The appointment of Ronald D. Moore as the Personal Representative of the Estate of Beverly J. Moore Darling, deceased, in Case Number 09- 697 -P6 before the Circuit Court of the Dated ELLEN SMI State of Oregon for Jackson County effective November 30, 2009, is hereby recognized for the purposes set forth in WYO. STAT. ANN. 2 -11 -302. Dated this .1 day of The document to which this certificate Is attached Is a full, true and correct copy of the original on file and of record In my office. Clerk of the District Court County of Sweetwater State of Wyoming By Deputy 155185 2010. 2 DISTRICT COURT JUDGE 000632 EXIIIBIT B WYOMING ANCILLARY PROBATE ORDER 0UO33 Brent D. Chicken, WY 6 -4058 Drake Hill, WY 6 -3106 Beatty, Wozniak Reese 2616 Carey Avenue Cheyenne, WY 82001 Telephone: 303.407.4499 Facsimile: 303.407.4404 E -mail: bchicken @bwenergylaw.com dhill@bwenergylaw.com Attorneys for Petitioner STATE OF WYOMING IN THE DISTRICT COURT ss. COUNTY OF SWEETWATER THIRD JUDICIAL DISTRICT IN THE MATTER OF THE ESTATE OF DAVID A. MOORE, deceased. Probate No. P- 09 -98 -R ORDER FOR ANCILLARY ADMINISTRATION PURSUANT TO WYO. STAT. ANN. 2 -11 -201 SEP 21 2010 ELLEN SMITH BY 0u0 34 The above- entitled matter coming before the Court upon the Amended Petition to Admit Colorado Probate Proceedings "Petition of Ronald D. Moore, Personal Representative of the Estate of Beverly J. Moore Darling, deceased "Petitioner under WYO. STAT. ANN. 2 -11 -201, and the Court having examined the records and files herein and being fully advised, FINDS: 1. David A. Moore, a/k/a D.A. Moore or David Amoss Moore "Decedent died testate on July 28, 1989, while a resident of Jefferson County, Colorado. CLERK OF DISTRICT COURT DEPUTY CLER!, 2. Decedent died owning property interests in Sweetwater County, Wyoming, described as follows: a. 0.5% Overriding Royalty Interest in Federal Oil and Gas Lease WY- 014692, insofar as the lease covers the SW /4, W/2 SE /4, and NE /4. SE /4 of Section 24, Township 13 North, Range 101 West, 6 P.M.; and b. 0.5% Overriding Royalty Interest in Federal Oil and Gas Lease WY- 014600, insofar as the lease covers the SE /4 SE /4 of Section 24, Township 13 North, Range 101 West, 6 P.M. (collectively, "Subject Property") 3. The Decedent's estate has been probated in the District Court for Jefferson County, Colorado, Case No. 89 PR 625 "Colorado Probate 4. Authenticated copies of the following Colorado Probate proceedings were filed herein with the Petition: a. WILL of David A. Moore a/k/a D.A. Moore or David Amoss Moore dated June 15, 1976; b. APPLICATION FOR INFORMAL PROBATE OF WILL AND INFORMAL APPOINTMENT OF PERSONAL REPRESENTATIVE dated August 15, 1989; c. INFORMAL PROBATE OF WILL AND INFORMAL APPOINTMENT OF PERSONAL REPRESENTATIVE dated August 15, 1989; and d. LETTERS dated August 15, 1989. 5. Under Colorado law, the court appointed Beverly J. Moore Darling personal representative of Decedent's estate, and the property held by Decedent in Colorado has been 2 000635 3 0)0636 fully administered by informal procedure, and no further action is required in the Colorado Probate. 6. Pursuant to this Court's Order Recognizing Domiciliary Foreign Personal Representative Pursuant to WYO. STAT. ANN. 2 -11 -301, 302 (2010) in Probate Case No. P -10- 70-R issued on June 28, 2010, Petitioner is recognized as the Domiciliary Foreign Personal Representative of the Estate of Beverly J. Moore Darling, deceased, and may maintain legal proceedings on behalf of said estate. 7. All debts of Decedent were paid in the domiciliary Colorado Probate, and the only assets in Wyoming described above do not exceed in value the sum of $150,000.00. 8. This Court, by Notice of Amended Petition to Admit Colorado Probate Proceedings "Notice entered herein on the 9 day of CL.cs, 5 2010, set the Amended Petition for hearing on the may of S,n jL. 2010, at JO: pM a the Notice being published in the Green River Star, Green River, Wyoming, on 2010; ,c7' 2010; andi,L 2010; as indicated in the Affidavit of Publication on file with the Court, and as required by the above -cited Wyoming statute. 8. No one has appeared herein or made or filed an objection to the granting of the Petition and the entry of an Order pursuant thereto. WHEREFORE, IT IS ORDERED, ADJUDGED and DECREED that: 1. The Colorado Probate be, and the same hereby are, under WYO. STAT. ANN. 2- 11 -201 (2009), admitted to record herein as the probate of the Estate of David A. Moore, a/k/a D.A. Moore or David.Amoss Moore, deceased, in Wyoming and shall be considered and treated from this time as original proceedings in this Court and shall be conclusive evidence of the facts therein shown. 2. The Subject Property, together with any and all other property of Decedent situated in the State of Wyoming hereinafter discovered, be and the same is hereby distributed and set over to: RONALD D. MOORE, PERSONAL REPRESENTATIVE OF THE ESTATE OF BEVERLY J. MOORE- DARLING, DECEASED. Dated this /may of S 010. 128981 1 CD q31) 4 STRIC COURTS GE The document to which this certificate is attached is a full, true and correct copy of the original on file and of record in my office. Dated Y 4= 0 ELLEN SMITH, Clerk of the District Court Counbj of Sweetwater State of Wyoming By V t )C-.. Deputy 0u0637 Campbell County, Wyoming: EXIIIBIT C Township 45 North, Range 71 West, 6th P.M. Section 2: SW /4 Section 3: S /2, Lots 15, 16, 17 and 18 Section 4: SE /4 Section 8: S /2NW /4 Section 13: W /2, Lots 3, 4, 5, 6, 11, 12, 13, and 14 Section 17: SE /4 Park County, Wyoming: Township 54 North, Range 100 West, 6th P.M. Section 20: E /2, Lots 1 and 5, E /2SW /4 Section 21: All Section 29: NE /4 Natrona County, Wyoming: Township 37 North, Range 78 west, 6th P.M. Section 16: SW /4, S /2SE /4 Lincoln County, Wyoming: Township 22 North, Range 112 West, 6th P.M. Section 12: All Section 13: N /2N/2 Section 24: All Section 26: N/E Section 27: All Section 34: NW /4 Section 36: E /2NE /4 Township 23 North, Range 112 West, 6th P.M. Section 35: SW /4 Township 22 North, Range 111 West, 6th P.M. Section 30: SW /4 Section 31: W /2NW /4 Carbon County, Wyoming: Township 18 North, Range 77 West, 6th P.M. Section 18: Lots 3 and 4, NE /4SW /4, NW /4SE /4