HomeMy WebLinkAbout960712RECEIVED 8/26/2011 at 10:21 AM RECEIVING 960712 BOOK: 771 PAGE: 665 JEANNE WAGNER LINCOLN COUNTY CLERK, KEMMERER, WY IT IS HEREBY MADE OF PUBLIC RECORD that a Contract for Deed, dated the A S day of August, 2011, by and between DONALD E. SNIDER and JYMME GEORGIA SNIDER, husband and wife and in their capacities as Trustees of the DON 8s JYMME SNIDER LIVING TRUST, DATED OCTOBER 7, 2008, PO Box 775, Thayne, WY 83127 "Seller"), and JUAN LUIS HERERRA, JR and MACARIA HERRERA, husband and wife, PO Box 1586, Thayne, WY 83127 (Buyer") exists for the purchase of the following described property located in Lincoln County, Wyoming, more particularly described as follows, to -wit: PLEASE SEE THE ATTACHED LEGAL DESCRIPTIONS ENTITLED "MOTEL" AND "JUAN'S HOUSE OF TACOS" INCORPORATED BY THIS REFERENCE. rk WITNESS our hands this 5 day of August 2011. SELLER DONALD E. SNIDER BUYER: NOTICE OF CONTRACT FOR DEED NOTICE OF CONTRACT FOR DEED PAGE 1 OF 2 MACARIA HERRERA 0U0665 STATE OF WYOMING: COUNTY OF LINCOLN ACKNOWLEDGED before me by DONALD E. SNIDER and JYMME GEORGIA SNIDER, this Q5 day of August 2011. 'WITII �F�SSV y:; d official seal. SkGc.�SDM brat i4f�6x COWerY OF STATE OV 3 aE 1 ,�IV COPti�Gl1�"sLwit��9 �x:iJ t`� z My Commission expires: 4 1z-/ a?pj STATE OF WYOMING COUNTY OF LINCOLN SS. f SS. ACKNOWLEDGED before me by JUAN LUIS HERRERA, JR. and MACARIA HERRERA, this day of August 2011. WITNESS my hand and official seal. .o;U.8" COUNTY OF pp�yy LINCOLN 1;21a9 FWYC6l-0d "2:553°Ad F`(4' 6R My Commission expires: 6- el-,9-0(01_ NOTICE 01? CONTRACT FOR DEED PAGE 2 OF 2 MOTEL Part of Section Z3, T34N R119I of the :pith PI, Lincoln County, Wyoming described as follows: Commencing at a point 185 feet North of the Southeast Corner of the NE114NW114 of said Section 23 and running thence North 114 feat; thence West 312 feet, more or less, to the East bank of the East side Canal; thence Southeasterly along the East hank of the saki East Side Canal to a point 279 feet West and 53 feet South of the point of beginning; thence East 164 feet; thence North 53 feet; thence East 115 feet to the point of beginning, Tempe, 'rernxi to in Instrument No. 855409, recorded iD Book 422FR cm pap 794 of the records of the Lb =In County Clerk, within the NE4NWS4 of Se CtiOrA 23, T34N R119W oldie 6th P.M., the Town of Therm, leincobi County, Wyoming, the boundary and area being more particularly described as follows: BEGINNING at an /roti Pipe tot at a poincln the West Right-of-Way line of U.S. Highway 89 Wain Street) said point being 309.00 feet N 0°51'01r E, along the East line ofad NE14NW54 and 34.27 feet N 88 W from the id( Nail found, markb3g the Lloyd B. Baker FE/LS 698, location for the Southeast mum of said- NBSINW54 (CNI/16 S23); thence N 88!4719w W,12.0.84 feet to an Iron Pipe set at a point in the East bank of tho East Side -Canal; thence Northwestedy, along add East Bea, to Iron Pipes set the following: N 68°72"21 W, 12.72 feet; N 61 W, 22.54 feet; N 59'07'4V' W, 21.82 feet; N 52,58'39* W, 3I46 *eq N 40°52'58" W, 2382 feet; N 21•1500 W, 18.49 feet thence S 88'47'19" E, 424.87 feet to an Iron Pipe set at apoint in said West Right-of- Way line; thence S 0*25 W; along said West Rigbt-of-Way line, 83.01 feet, to the POINT OF BEGINNING. JUAN'S HOUSE OF TACOS Ou0668