HomeMy WebLinkAbout960745STATE OF WYOMING COUNTY OF SWEETWATER IN THE MATTER OF THE ESTATE OF GERALD R. GROCOCK, deceased, AKA GERALD RICHARD GROCOCK Probate No. P -05 -119 -B AMENDED DECREE AND ORDER AUTHORIZING SALE OR OTHER DISPOSITION OF WYOMING PROPERTY IN THE DISTRICT COURT° 0 0 7 5 5 THIRD JUDICIALDISTRICT 72 n THIS MATTER having come before the Court on the Motion to Amend the Decree and Order Authorizing Sale or Other Disposition of Wyoming Property "Motion by Darin B. Scheer seeking to amend the Order of the Court in this matter dated December 21, 2005 "Order and the Court being fully advised in the premises finds that: 1. The late Gerald R. Grocock (the "Decedent died on March 28, 2003, a resident of the County of Jefferson, State of Colorado. 2. Informal probate proceedings with respect to the Estate of said Decedent are currently ongoing in Jefferson County, Colorado, a foreign court of competent jurisdiction. Filed herein as Exhibits to the said Petition are certified copies of certain documents from such proceeding as required by Wyoming Statute 2 -11 -202. 3. The Decedent left his surviving spouse and heir, namely: RECEIVED $/29/2011 at 2:23 PM Carolyn Clark Grocock RECEIVING 960745 24768 Foothills Drive North BOOK: 771 PAGE: 755 Golden, Colorado 80401 JEANNE WAGNER LINCOLN COUNTY CLERK, KEMMERER, WY 4. A portion of the Decedent's Estate consisted of real property located in the State of Wyoming (the "Wyoming Property which did not exceed in value the sum of $150,000 on the date of the Decedent's death. 5. The probate proceeding conducted in the District Court of the County of Jefferson, Colorado, Case Number 03 PR 0391, is sufficient, as a matter of fact and as a matter of law, to cause title to the Wyoming Property to pass to the surviving spouse and sole heir of the Decedent, namely Carolyn Clark Grocock for sale or other disposition. 6. The Petitioner has been designated as the attorney upon whom any order, notice or process issued out of the courts of the State of Wyoming may be served with regard to this proceeding. The Petitioner therefore has standing to be the Petitioner in this proceeding, to the end of establishing a good record chain of title to the Wyoming Property. 7. Pursuant to Wyoming Statute 2 -11 -202, the Order and Notice of Hearing to Allow Sale or Other Disposition of Wyoming Property was duly published in The Rocket Miner, a newspaper of general circulation in and for Sweetwater County, Wyoming, on June 28, 2011; July 5, 2011; and July 12, 2011; and the time for filing claims in this Estate has heretofore expired. 8. This matter having come before the Court on this 1 day of August, 2011, after being duly published, and no objection having been made: IT IS THEREFORE ORDERED, ADJUDGED AND DECREED that certified copies of the Colorado probate proceeding are hereby admitted to record in this Court. Lessor /Well Name Date Description Recorded USA WYW- 106386 12/1/87 Township 21 North, Range 111 West Section 20: W/2 Section 30: E/2 USA WYW -99653 5/1/86 Township 21 North, Range 111 West Section 32: All USA WYW 102106 11/1/86 Township 20 North, Range 112 West Section 10: NE /4NE /4 Section 14: NW /4NW /4, NW /4SW /4, E/2 Wagonspoke #40 -14 Township 20 North, Range 112 West Section 14: NE /4NW /4, S /2NW /4, NE /4SW /4, S /2SW /4 USA WYW -61042 2/1/78 Township 24 North, Range 111 West Section 17: N/2 Section 18: Lots 5, 6, 7, 8, E /2, E /2W/2 USA WYW -11163 7/1/76 Township 24 North, Range 111 West Section 17: S/2 USA WYW- 136521 9/16/74 Township 24 North, Range 111 West Section 7: E /2SE /4, SW /4SE /4 Section 8: All USA WYW 104974 9/1/87 Township 24 North, Range 110 West Section 31: Lots 1 through 20 USA WYW -91970 5/1/85 Township 24 North, Range 111 West 762/991 Section 23: N/2 Section 34: S/2 Champlin 289 Bannon B -1 Township 22 North, Range 111 West Section 29: SW /4 USA WYW -69480 12/1/79 Township 23 North, Range 110 West Section 4: Lots 5, 6, 7, 8, S /2N/2, S/2 Section 5: Lots 5, 6, S /2NE /4, SE /4 USA WYW 100911 9/1/86 Township 23 North, Range 110 West Section 9: E /2, SE /4SW /4 USA WYW -85239 9/1/83 Township 23 North, Range 111 West Section 12: W /2NE /4, SE /4NE /4, NW /4, S/2 Section 13: E /2SW /4, SW /4SW /4, SE /4 Section 24: S/2 000756 IT IS FURTHER ORDERED, ADJUDGED AND DECREED that the admitted certified copies of the Estate are to be considered and treated from this time forward as original proceedings in this Court and shall be conclusive evidence of the facts therein shown. IT IS FURTHER ORDERED, ADJUDGED AND DECREED that all the Decedent's right, title and interest in and to the following described real estate shall pass to the following named person for sale or other distribution: Carolyn Clark Grocock 24768 Foothills Drive North Golden, Colorado 80401 ALL OF THE DECEDENT'S RIGHT, TITLE AND INTEREST IN AND TO THE FOLLOWING DESCRIBED REAL ESTATE, AND ALL OF THE INTEREST OWNED BY GERALD R. GROCOCK, A/K/A GERALD RICHARD GROCOCK, IN ALL LANDS OR LEASES LOCATED WITHIN THE STATE OF WYOMING, WHETHER OR NOT SPECIFICALLY DESCRIBED HEREIN: Sweetwater County, Wyoming Page 2 of 7 F 7 0007 '67 Lessor /Well Name Date Description Recorded USA WYW- 123149 9/1/83 Township 23 North, Range 111 West Section 13: E /2SW /4, SW /4SW /4, SE /4 Section 24: S/2 USA WYW -96059 1/1/86 Township 24 North, Range 110 West Section 33: Lots 1, 2, 3, 4, N /2, N /2S/2 Section 34: NW /4NW /4 USA WYW- 126575 1/1/86 Township 24 North, Range 110 West Section 33: Lots 1, 2, 3, 4, N /2, N /2S/2 USA WYW 117257 9/1/89 Township 23 North, Range 110 West Section 29: N /2SW /4, SE /4SW /4, SE /4 USA WYW -97704 2/1/86 Township 24 North, Range 111 West Section 23: S/2 USA WYW -34952 7/1/72 Township 24 North, Range 111 West Section 28: W/2 USA WYW 124093 7/1/72 Township 24 North, Range 111 West Section 27: All Section 28: E/2 Section 33: All USA WYW -69481 12/1/79 Township 23 North, Range 110 West Section 5: SE /4SW /4 Section 8: All Section 9: NW /4, N /2SW /4, SW /4SW /4 Section 12: E/2 Section 15: SW /4, NE /4SE /4, S /2SE /4 USA WYW -31553 11/1/77 Township 25 North, Range 111 West 662/288 Section 35: All USA WYW- 0320802 1/1/66 Township 23 North, Range 111 West 702/1418 Section 3: Lots 5, 6, 7,8, S /2N/2, S/2 Section 9: S/2 Section 10: All Section 11: W /2, W /2NE /4, SE /4NE /4, SE /4 USA WYW- 0313534 2/1/65 Township 23 North, Range 111 West 610/409 Section 20: W /2NW /4, N /2SW /4, NW /4SE /4, S /2S/2 USA WYW 0313536 2/1/65 Township 23 North, Range 111 West 835/311 Section 27: All Section 28: S/2 Section 33: All Section 34: E /2, SW /4 USA WYW- 0318337 9/1/65 Township 23 North, Range 111 West 705/1422 Section 4: Lots 5, 6, 7, 8, S /2N/2, S/2 (All) Section 8: Lots 3, 4, E /2NW /4, NE /4, S/2 Section 17: Lots 10, 11, 12, 15, 16 USA WYW- 0318339 9/1/65 Township 23 North, Range 111 West Section 14: Lots 8, 9, 11, NW /4, NE /4SW /4, E/2 Section 15: Lots 10, 11, 12, 13, 14, 15, 16, N /2SW /4, NW /4SE /4 Section 23: Lots 10, 14, 15, 19, E /2E/2 USA WYW -68516 3/1/81 Township 23 North, Range 111 West Section 16: Lots 13, 14, 15 and that portion of Bed of Green River riparian to Lots 13, 14, 15 Section 21: That portion of Bed of Green River in Section 21 riparian to Lots 13, 14, 15 USA WYW- 0323106 4/1/66 Township 23 North, Range 111 West 610/422 Section 17: SW /4SW /4 Section 20: E /2NW /4, NE /4, NE /4SE /4 Section 28: N/2 USA WYW 11598 -A 5/1/69 Township 23 North, Range 111 West Section 29: NE /4, E /2NW /4, SW /4NW /4, S/2 State of Wyoming 73 48456 11/2/73 Township 23 North, Range 111 West 705/1404 F 7 0007 '67 Lessor /Well Name Date Description Recorded Section 16: All William J. Thoman, et ux 8/20/73 Township 23 North, Range 111 West 594/79 Section 17: Lots 13, 14, 17, 18 and those lands riparian to Lots 13, 14, 17, 18 to the thread of the river USA WYW- 130456 8/1/85 Township 23 North, Range 111 West 766/508 Section 15: N/2 USA WYW 122868 8/1/85 Township 23 North, Range 111 West 814/1233 Section 11: NE /4NE /4 Section 22: SE /4 USA WYW -40137 7/1/73 Township 23 North, Range 111 West 536/68 Section 17: N /2SW /4, SE /4SW /4, SW /4SE /4 Section 21: W /2NW /4, SE /4NW /4, SW /4 Section 22: S /2SW /4 USA WYW -5066 5/1/67 Township 23 North, Range 97 West 691/378 Section 12: N /2SW /4, SE /4SW /4, W /2E/2 USA WYW -7216 8/1/67 Township 23 North, Range 97 West 815/1511 Section 12: Lots 1, 2 USA WYW -51310 8/1/75 Township 23 North, Range 97 West 815/1513 Section 12: Lots 4, 5, 6, 7, 8, 9, SE /4NW /4 USA WYW -22609 2/1/70 Township 23 North, Range 97 West Section 13: Lots 1, 2, 3, 4, 5, 6, 7, 8, W /2E/2 USA WYW 113119 10/1/88 Township 22 North, Range 111 West Section 14: All USA WYW -47399 10/1/74 Township 24 North, Range 111 West Section 21: All Section 22: All USA WYW 117035 7/1/76 Township 24 North, Range 111 West Section 29: N/2 Township 24 North, Range 111 West Section 10: NW /4NW /4 Township 24 North, Range 111 West Section 3: Lot 12, N/2 of Lot 13 Section 4: Lot 5, N/2 of Lot 12 Township 25 North, Range 111 West Section 35: Lots 14, 15 State of Wyoming 85 -480 9/1/90 Township 21 North, Range 111 West Section 16: All USA WYW 101079 7/1/86 Township 20 North, Ranee 112 West Section 12: S /2NW /4 USA WYW 104211 5/1/97 Township 22 North, Range 111 West Section 2: Lots 5, 6, 7, S /2N/2, E /2SW /4, SE /4 Section 9: N /2NE /4 Section 10: S /2NE /4, W /2, SE /4 Section 11: N /2N/2 Section 12: NW /4NW /4 USA WYW 114768 2/1/89 Township 22 North, Range 95 West Section 8: All USA WYW- 104199 6/1/87 Township 22 North, Range 110 West Section 30: Lots 5, 6, 7, 8, E /2, E /2W/2 USA W- 111294 6/1/88 Township 22 North, Range 111 West 791/1175 Section 2: W /2SW /4 USA WYW- 102982 4/1/87 Township 15 North, Range 94 West Section 32: All USA WYW 102983 1/1/87 Township 15 North, Range 94 West Section 33: All Page 4 of 7 0 0 M 8 Lessor /Well Name Date Description Recorded U.S.A. WYW 107253 8/1/68 Township 43 North, Range 72 West Section 34: S /2SE /4, NE /4SE /4 Gerald G. Ferdinand 5/16/83 Township 43 North, Range 72 West 681/582 Section 34: NW /4NE /4 Carlita Ferdinand 5/16/83 Township 43 North, Range 72 West 681/584 Section 34: NW /4NE /4 Vada M. Bruce 5/16/83 Township 43 North, Range 72 West 681/586 Section 34: NW /4NE /4 Duane L. Ferdinand 5/16/83 Township 43 North, Range 72 West 681/588 Section 34: NW /4NE /4 Harry R. Underwood, et ux 5/2/83 Township 43 North, Range 72 West 687/518 Section 34: NE /4NE /4, S /2NE /4, NW /4SE /4 Section 35: S /2SW /4 Dorothy M. Reno, et al. 5/2/83 Township 43 North, Range 72 West 687/528 Section 34: NE /4NE /4, S /2NE /4, NW /4SE /4 Section 35: S /2SW /4 State of Wyoming 81 -0023 Township 43 North, Range 72 West Section 36: SE /4 Florence S. McClelland, et al 11/19/80 Township 46 North, Range 76 West 555/367 Section 13: S /2S/2 Section 14: S /2SW /4 Section 23: E /2W/2, S /2NE /4 Section 24: N /2N/2, SW /4NW /4 Section 26: N /2NW /4 Simon J. Iberlin, et al 11/4/80 Township 46 North, Range 76 West 555/381 Section 13: S /2S/2 Section 14: S /2SW /4 Section 23: E /2W/2, S /2NE /4 Section 24: N /2N/2, SW /4NW /4 Section 26: N /2NW /4 John P. Iberlin, et al 11/4/80 Township 46 North, Range 76 West 555/397 Section 13: S /2S/2 Section 14: S /2SW /4 Section 23: E/2 W /2, S /2NE /4 Section 24: N /2N/2, SW /4NW /4 Section 26: N /2NW /4 Florence S. McClelland, et al 11/19/80 Township 46 North, Range 76 West 555/371 Section 10: NW /4SE /4, S /2SE /4 Section 11: NE /4SW /4, S /2SW /4, N /2SE /4 Lessor /Well Name Date Description Recorded USA WYW- 121737 8/1/79 Township 14 North, Range 94 West Section 3: Lots 1, 2, 3, 4, S /2N/2, S/2 Section 4: Lots 1, 2, 3, 4, S /2N/2 Section 5: Lots 1, 2, 3, 4, S /2N/2 Union Pacific Resources Company 9/1/87 Township 22 North, Range 111 West 786/1366 Section 15: All Union Pacific Resources Company 9/1/87 Township 22 North, Range 111 West 786/1360 Section 35: All Union Pacific Resources Company 4/4/90 Township 22 North, Range 110 West Section 19: All Union Pacific Resources Company 4/4/90 Township 22 North, Range 111 West Section 25: All Campbell County, Wyoming 0 0 M 9 Lessor /Well Name Date Description Recorded State of Wyoming 78 -0950 10/2/78 Section 15: N /2NE /4 844/568 Simon J. lberlin, et al 11/19/80 Township 46 North, Range 76 West 555/385 Section 10: NW /4SE /4, S /2SE /4 Section 11: NE /4SW /4, S /2SW /4, N /2SE /4 Section 15: N /2NE /4 John P. Iberlin, et al 11/4/80 Township 46 North, Range 76 West 555/401 Section 10: NW /4SE /4, S /2SE /4 Section 11: NE /4SW /4, S /2SW /4, N /2SE /4 Section 15: N /2NE /4 Florence S. McClelland, et al 1 1/19/80 Township 47 North, Range 76 West 555/363 Section 34: W /2W/2, E /2SW /4, S /2SE /4 Simon J. Iberlin, et al 11/19/80 Township 47 North, Range 76 West 555/377 Section 34: W /2W/2, E /2SW /4, S /2SE /4 John P. Iberlin, et al 11/4/80 Township 47 North, Range 76 West 555/393 Section 34: W /2W/2, E /2SW /4, S /2SE /4 U.S.A. WYW- 0301379 4/1/64 Township 47 North, Range 76 West Township 37 North, Range 73 West Section 15: Lots 11 -14 Section 21: Lots 9, 10, 15, 16 Section 22: Lots 1, 2, 7 -16 Section 23: Lots 9 -16 Section 25: Lots 3 -6, 11 -14 Section 26: Lots 1 -16 Section 27: Lots 1 -10, 15, 16 U.S.A. WYW -58944 5/1/77 Township 47 North, Range 76 West Section 27: Lots 11 -14 U.S.A. WYW -71546 3/1/74 Township 47 North, Range 76 West Section 34: Lots 1 -3, 6 -10 Lessor /Well Name Date Description Recorded State of Wyoming 78 -0950 10/2/78 Township 37 North, Range 73 West 844/568 Section 14: SW /4 USA W -45718 7/1/74 Township 37 North, Range 73 West 822M/192 Section 3: Lots 3, 4 Section 5: Lots 1, 2, 3, 4, S /2N/2 USA W -78824 11/1/82 Township 37 North, Range 73 West 859M/591 Section 3: S /2NW /4 Section 29: NE /4 Section 30: Lots 1, 2, E /2NW /4 Section 33: W/2 USA W -39967 7/1/73 Township 37 North, Range 73 West 865M/435 Section 2: Lots 1, 2, S /2NE /4 B B B Company 12/3/84 Township 38 North, Range 73 West 849/511 Section 34: NW /4 Federal #32 -2 Township 37 North, Range 73 West Section 2: SW /4NE /4 BBB Federal #31 -10 Township 37 North, Range 73 West Section 10: NW /4NE /4 Lessor /Well Name Date Description Recorded USA W- 101073 7/1/86 Township 21 North, Range 111 West 241/231 Converse County, Wyoming Lincoln County, Wyoming Page 6 of 7 V 6 0 Lessor/Well Name Date Description Recorded USA WYW -95949 12/1/85 Township 48 North, Range 93 West Section 19: Lots 7, 8, E /2SW /4, SE /4 Section 28: NW /4 USA WYW- 133697 12/1/94 Township 48 North, Range 93 West Section 17: N/2 Section 18: Lots 5, 6, 7, 8, E /2, E /2W/2 Section 22: NW /4SE /4 State of Wyoming 87 -00409 10/02/87 Township 48 North, Range 93 West Section 16: NW /4, S/2 Lessor /Well Name Date Description Recorded USA WYW -1 17169 9/1/89 Township 35 North, Range 77 West Section 8: NW /4 Saddle Rock Unit Township 24 North, Range 111 West Township 33 North, Range 86 West Section 17: N/2 Section 18: Lots 5, 6, 7, 8, E /2, E /2W/2 Section 21: E /2SE /4 Section 22: S /2N /2NW /4SW /4, S /2NW /4SW /4, S /2SW /4, W /2NE /4SW /4 Section 27: W /2E/2, W/2 Section 28: E /2NE /4 Lessor /Well Name Date Description Recorded Section 30: Lots 5, 6, 7, 8, E /2W/2 USA W -61042 2/1/78 Township 24 North, Range 111 West Section 17: N/2 Section 18: Lots 5, 6, 7, 8, E /2, E /2W/2 By: IT IS SO ORDERED. DATED this day of August, 2011. PREPARED BY: Darin cheer, Wyo. Bar 6 -3558 Bjork Lindley Little PC P.O. Box 147 Farson, Wyoming 82932 307 273 -3400 307 273 -3401 (facsimile) dscheer@bjorklindley.com Attorney for Carolyn Clark Grocock Natrona County, Wyoming Washakie County, Wyoming IT IS FURTHER ORDERED, ADJUDGED AND DECREED that it is the express intent that this Order shall convey all of the interest owned by Gerald R. Grocock, a/k/a Gerald Richard Grocock, in all lands or leases located within the State of Wyoming, whether or not specifically described herein. Dated: BY THE COURT: District Court Judge of7 000761 (4-•* o SEAL A FT wA "f ER G The document to which this certificate is attached is a full, true and correct copy of the original on file and of record in my office. Dated 6 g 1 Donna Lee Bobak Clerk of the District Court County of Sweetwater V State o rmi BY