HomeMy WebLinkAbout9607670u0 3 1 On this SD day of August, 2011, for $10.00 and other good and valuable consideration, Mayfield Corporation, Inc specifically assigns TO the following parcels: T25N R117W, 6 P.M., Lincoln County, Wyoming Section 8 SW1 /4SW1 /4 Section 17 W1 /2NW1 /4, NW1 /4SW1 /4 a blanket perpetual easement for fishing all waters, hunting all lands and using for recreational use all lands as described in Attachment "A This easement shall also grant a blanket easement for ingress and egress for all fishing, hunting and recreational activities for properties described in Attachment "A Authority to grant this easement was given to Mayfield Corporation in a document recorded with Lincoln County September 29, 2010, document 955755, Book 754, Page 607. This easement shall be assignable in whole or in part by Mayfield Corporation, Inc. Mayfield Corporation, Inc and /or its assigns agree to work with the currently land owners to maintain the current operations of the Ranch as much as possible. It is declared and understood that Mayfield Corporation, Inc can release this easement from parcels described within Attachment "A" as they are sold. Mayfield Co M► o 'on, nc, by aniel A. Schwab PO Box 5`:, ,WY83110 State of Wyoming County of Lincoln On this ao day of August, 2011 before me personally appeared Daniel A. Schwab representing Mayfield Corporation, Inc who being by me duly sworn, did acknowledge said Instrument to their free act and deed. Witness my hand and official seal, My commission expires: LQ. `a &)1S (Notary) RECEIVED 8/30/2011 at 3:02 PM RECEIVING 960767 BOOK: 771 PAGE: 831 JEANNE WAGNER LINCOLN COUNTY CLERK, KEMMERER. WY EASEMENT T24N R119W, 6 P.M., Lincoln County, Wyoming Section 30 NE1 /4NW1 /4 Dyarr' 'arker Notary Public County' State of Lincoi Wyoming My Cvi;unisoion Expires Juno 29, 201 Jan �JJ 7 12: 20P1M HP LRSERJE7 P 3 1 Attachment "A" 6 P Township UlklorIkt, Ramie e 118 Wept. 15 P.M- Lincoln Count•. Wyomilig: Section 1 Lots 5, 6, 7.511 1 /4, N1/2SE1 /4, SW1 /4SW1i4, SE1 /4SE1 14, S W I /+SSE 1/4 parcel deeded to Z,cbrc at Book 119PR, Page 461) Section 2 Lots 5. 6, SW1 /4SE1/4, SW114NE1 /4, NW 1/4SE1(4 Section4 Lots 5.6, 7.3. SW1f4N'WI /4, SI/2SWI /4, NVr 1 /4SW1!4 Section 5 Lot 5 Section 8 SEIf4NEI /4 El125E1 /4 Section 9 N 11/4NW1f4, N12SWI /4, SW1f4SW114 Seddon 11 SW1:4NE1 /4,NE1 /4SElr4, SW1/4SE1 /4. NW114NE1/ SW1/4SWI g. Section 12- NEI /4NW114, WI f2W1/2, E1f2SE1 /4, SE1 /4NEI /4 Section 13 N1/2SEI /4, W MN SEI /4NW1 /4. El 12NE1 :4 Section 14 SE1 /4SW1 /4, NEI /4SEI /4, SW1/4SE1/4, NE1/4NW1/4 SOClittri 17 E1/2, SW I4 E1/21+11Wi/4, $W1/4W011/4 Section 20 NE1 /4, Elr2NW1 /4 Section 21 SW i /41ti W I/4 Section 24 SW1 4SE1/4,NFI/4Sw1/4 Section 25 N /4NWL4 Section 27 NE1f4NWI!4 uu0 Section 5 NW1/4SW 1/4, SE114SW 1f4 Section 6 Lots 10, 11, 12, 13, 14, 16, 18, 19. S1/2NE1 /4 (Less parcel deeded to Zcbre at Book 119PR, Page 461) Section 7 Lots 7, 8, 9, 13, 14, 15, SE1!4NE1 /4, N1/2NE1 /4 Section 8 NE1 /4NE1 /4, SWIJ4NE14, W1f2SE1 /4 Section 9 SW 1 /4NW I /4 Section 17 NE1/4NW1 /4, N1/2SW1 /4 Section 18 Lots 5, 7, 8, 9, 10. 11, 12, 13. SW: /4NE1/4, NEI 4SE1t4 Sc tion 19 Lots 13, IS Section 20- NW I F4SW 1/4 Section 22 SW1 /4SW1/4 Section 23 SW 1145W 114 Section 26 NW 1/4NW1/4, SW 1/41:W1/4 Section 27 SE1/4SW114 Section 28 +1W1 /41rE1/4,NWI /4NW1 /4 Section 29 S 12NW 114 Section 30 Lot 10. 51'24E1 /4 Section 32 NE 1 /4SW 1 /4, SE1f4NE 1 r4 Section 33 NWII4NEI /4 Section 34 NW1 /4SE1 /4. NWI /4SW1/4 Section *5 SW 1 /4NW 1 /4 000 692 Jan 03 2007 12 21 PM MP LASERJET 3330 233 To% 23 ?v Wvo Lot 69 (Originally N1/2SW f4 Suction 1 and Nl12SE1 /4 Section 2) All that Pan of Tract 67 Iyying West of the Bear Rises (Originally SE1/4. S1/2NEI /4 of Section 5 and NE1 /4 of Section 8) All that Part of Tract 77 lying West of the Bear River (Originally S W 1 /4. S 1/2NW II4. Lots 3, 4 of Section 5 and 1r12SE1/4, SE1 /4NE1 /4. Lot 1 of Section 6 and NE /4NE1/4 of Section 7 and N 1/2a \'Wl /4 of Seetioa 8) Section 6 Lots 9, 10, 11, SE1 /4N *W1:4 Ta Wes nf t1 6 Cossczt Wyoming: Part of ahci 79 (Originally Lots 3, 4 of Section 7) Part ofTract 80 (Originally Lots i, 2 of Section 7) Tracts 97F, 97G Gas pt rte: deeded to John Russell Thornoek, Sr. and F -truna Lucy Thoraock at Book S09PR. Page 572) Section 6 Lots 20, 21, 22, 26. W l/25E1 /4 and all of Lot 17 and Lot 25; and that part of Lot 14 and Lot 24 of said Section 6 lying and being situated southerly of the following described existing fence line: Bcgirnng at a point on the West line of said Lot 24. NOQ°28' 15 "E. 578.54 feet of Corte No. 2 of said Tract 97, found as described is the Corner Record filed ra the Office of the Clerk of Lincoln County; thence S89°01'12 "E. 583.41 feet along said fence to a point: thence S88°45'49"E, 457A7 feet along said fence to a point; thence SS8 °50'S1"E, 421.6 feet along said fesece and an easterly protraction of said fence to the east line of sad Lot 14 Section 7 L o t s 5. 10. 11, W 1/2NE 1/+. NW 1 /4SE I /4 Section21 E112SE1f4, NE1 /4SWI /4, SE1/4NE1 /4, WI/2E1/2, SE1 /4SW1 /4, NW1 /4, NEl /4NE1/4 Section 22 SW1/4SW1/4 Section 27 NE1 /4,1C I 'W 1 /4, NW1 /4SE1i4, E112SE1 /4 ami parcel deeded to Zebra at Book 119PR, Page 461) Section 28 -1 I/2NE1 /4, E1/2W1/2, SW1 /4NE 1/4, W !2SEI /4 Section 33 SE1 /41: 'W 1 /4. E1/2SW1 /4, NE1 /4, SE1 /4 Section 34 NE1 /4NE1 /4 (Less panel deeded w Zebre at Book 119PR. Page 461) ToKnsltia 2 Kane 119 West 6!.M LincoLn County W yotr►i Tract 42 (Originally EI/2W 1 of Section 32) 2 p.4 0 to i rl, q 000693 Jan 0 7 12:2IPM HP LASERJET 3; 25391. 000694 Tract 43 (Originally E1I2NE1 /4, E1/2SE1/4 of Section 31 and W1 /21cW1/ '1/2SW I!4 of Section 32 Lam- parcel deeded to E1cbeverry Sheep Company at gook 28PR. Pate 429) Tract 44 (Originally WI/2 of Section 29) Tract 45 (Originally NE1 /4 of Section 29) Tract 46 (Originally I `W 1I4 of Section 28) Tract 50 (Originally 1C1/21s;1/2 of Section 27) Tract 51 (OrginaFy NE1 /4 of Section 28 ,Lem parcel containing 35.21 awes, more ar less known as Grandma's Place— House Tract attached as Exceptitx I) Tract 54 (Originally SE114 of Section 20) Tract 57 (Originally N1/2SW1 /4, SE1/4SWI/4 of Section 17 and NEI /t.''W114 of Section 20) Tract 58 (Originally SEI /4SEI /4 of Section 17 and N12NEi:4, SW1/410E1 4 of Section 20) Tract 59 (Originally 5E1141'4E1/4 of Section 20) Tract 66 (Originally SW1 /414E1 /4, W i/2SE1/4, NEI /4SE1 /4 of Section 17) Part of ?tact 67 (Originally N1/2NEl /4. E1/2N'W%1, "4 of Section 17) as described in decd rce rdcd a Book 198PR, Pepe 688 Tract 68 (Originally W 1/2SW 1 /4 of Section S and W 1IIN W 1/4 of Section 1 7) Tract 69 (Originally W1!2NE1/4, SE1/4NE1/4, XE1r4SEI /4 of Section 18 411 parcel deeded to `taVoy O. Taylor at Book 207PR, Page 489 and km parcel deeded to Terri .A Schnitz at Book 495PR, Page 426) Tract 70 (Originally S W 1 /4SE1 %4 of Section 7) Tract 71 (Originally IC 1/5E1/4, SE1 /4SE1 /4 of Section 7 and NE114NEI /4 of Section 18 Less parcel deeded to Roberts at Book 24 Deeds, Page 416) Tact 72 (Originally El.'2SW 1/4 of Section 8) Tract 73 (Originally W 1 /2SE1/4 of Section 8) P 5 Jan 03 2007 i2;21Pti HP LAS_RJET 3330 P•G 0925391 ?isn't 78 (Originally W1/2NW 1 /4, SW114. W1/2SE1 /4 of Section 12) !'a., of Tract 79 (Originally E1w2SE1 /4 of Section 12) Part of Tract 84 (Originally El►2NE1/4 of Section 12) Tract 81 (Originally W1/2NE1t4, E1.'22XW 1/4 of Section 12) Tract 95 (Originally NW 1/45W1/4 Of Section 2 and NEl/4SEl /4 of Section 3 ,so parcel deeded to Tows. of Coke ille at Book. 388PR, age 206) Tracts 97D, 97E, 97F and 970 adm parcel deeded to John Russell Thornock, Sr. end Emma Lucy Thomock at Book 509PR, Page 572) That part of Tract 97 -11. Tract 97 -1, Tract 974, Tract 97 -K, and Lot 46 in Sanction 1 and Lot 38 in Section 2, ?24 1. R1 19W. Lincoln Comm•. Wyoming, lying and being situated southerly of the following described existing fence Lae: Beginning at a point on the east line of Section 1, Iti00 °14'38"E, 583.78 feet of the closing earner between said Section 1 and Section 6,1"24N. RI 18W, on the south line of said Tract 97; thence N88 °53'04 °W, 881.38 feet along said fence to a point; thence N88'50' 13 "W. 1070.76 feet along said fence to a point; thence :488'47'59"W, 690.86 fort along said fence to a point; thence N88 °47' 13"W, 1011.30 feet along said fence to a point; thence N88'42`26"W, 934.30 feet along said frnte to a point thence N88 °41'49 "W, 457.76 feet along said fence to a paint; thence N88°20'37 "W. 560.07 feet, mare or mss, along said fence and a westerly protraction of said fence to the west rte of said Lot 38 Tract 97C Section 1 Lots 20, 21.24, 25, 33, 34, 37, 45 Section 2 Loans 30, 33. 35, 37, SWI /4SW1 /4, SII2SE1 /4, SE1 /4SW 1/4 Section 3 Lot 43, SEI /4SE1 /4 Section I O N1f2SE1 /4,14E1/4 Section 11 N1/221W1 /4, SWI /43'1/4. NW1/45W1/4, WI i2SElf4, NW U4NE1/4, NE1 /4NEl/4, SI/24E1 /4, SE 1/4NW1 /4. E1/2SW1 NE1 /4SE1 /4. SRI /45E1/4 Section 12 Lots 10, 11, 18, 21, 22, 25 Section 13 Lot 3 S e c t i o n 14 N 1llNE1/4, n'E1 /4NW1 /4, Lots 1, 4, 6 Section 18 E 1 f2 1 /4, Lots 9, 10, 17, 18 Section 19 E l'21` W 1/4, Lots 5, 6 Sedan 20 Lots 4, 7, 10, 11, 14, 15, 27 Section 22 SE1 /4NE1/4, NIf2SS1 /4 Section 23 Lets 10, 22, 23. N1I2SW114 exeeol N 75' of E 220' Section 26 NE3/4NE1 Section 27 Lots 12. 15, N1/2SW1 /4 000695 4 0925391. 12: 2'1Pfl HP LF1SERZET 22 SeCt.012 1 Lots 1„ 12, EIP2NE1/4, SEP4 Seaton 24. Lots 1, :4, SE:I4NE1/4, El 12SE1x, N1aNE1/41E1. SW114NE1/4 Scion 25 NE1/4NW1/4, N112NE-1/4, SE1/4NE1 N12Sli1;‘, N i2SW1: V/1/2CW1 /4, SW1/4NE1/4, SE1/4NW1/4 S talon 26 N1/2SE1/4, Sli2NE1/4,N112SWI/e-,NWV4 (Lest parer, clevded Elvery Shoop Company a Book 2SPR, Page 429) 1,jr orti Wvo Section S S1iZSE:/4, N1 /2SE1;4, SW1/4 Section 9 S1/2SWIi4, N1125W11 5E1:4 Section 17 E1/2, W1'2 Section 20 NE1/4, Slf2, NW1. iection 21 W1r2NWIM, SW1/4, Voll2SE1/4, SE1i4SE1/4 S' =ton 27 SW1 /4SW1/4, W 1IZNWIf4, NW1,4SW1r4 Scction 7.8- 1 I/4 Section 29 5E114. N1/2 Section 32 NV:14 Section 33 Nit2SEI/4, N1f2 SE1/4NWII4, SW1/4NW: Section 34- S1/2, SW1/4NE1/4, W1/214W114 Section 35 Sli2S1/2,N112SW1/4, SE1/4NW1,4. SW1 f4NE1/4, N122SFI. 3 6 000696 Section 29 LAns 7, 20 Sector, 30 Los 6, 7. /1. 10, N10,NE1/4, NE14SE1i4 Swbon. 31 Lots 6, 7, 10, 11, 14, 15, 1S, 19, W1/2Siiii4,N1E1/4SW1/4, SE! i4SW1,"4, 24Vv El aNwi i4 SW1/4NE1/4 Toyisship 24 North Rai= 120 West, 6t1 1?„M.. Lincoln Couiri, Tract 39 (Originally SI r2NW1.4 cd Section 13) in 03 20117 12: 21PH HP LRSER3ET 3330 p.8 00069'7 4392 Exception 1. Grandma's Place Horse Tract That pmt of GLO Tract No. 51 of T24N, RI 19W, Lincoln County Wyoming described as follows: BEOINN1NC at a point on the south line of said Tract No. 51, 1∎:89e 2'45"W. 350.56 fact from Comer No. 2 of said Tract; thence con tinuing '&9 2201.01 felt. along the south line of said Tract to an intetseedoti with the east right -of -way line of State Highway 30: thence Northerly, 292.40 feet. along said right -of -way tine along the arc of a circular curve to the right through a cenual angle of 04'27'58" with a radius of 3751.25 feet to a tacker thence N 1200'41 "E, 354.88 feet, along said right -of -way tint to a ratmcer, thence Northerly 328.15 fret, along said right-of-way line along the arc of a circular curve to the left through a central angle of 83°13'4&^ with radius of 5821.21 feat to a Pte; thence S6$'54`00 E, 115.41 feet, along the north fence line of the house roadway to a point; thence S62 210.91 fret, along said fence to a point; thence N26°I0'40 "E, 31.99 fleet, along said fence to a point; thence S80°27''28"E, 156I.03 feet, to a point: thence S15°30'55"E, 626.49 feat, to the point of beginning containing 35.21 acres more or less Jan 0' 09253 IIVFFORD Permit 1 _ce _pct rs .cS I� 6358 Kenyon Spring Creek 30.00 0.42 /1/601904 6811 fir° H Canal Pine Creek 640.00 9.14 7/1061905 2211 Ent V H Canal Pine Creek 153.24 2.19 4'06'1910 3226 Ent V H Canal Pine Creek 133.45 1.90 6'1111915 13760 V H House North Fork SSubletre Creek 1 5.00 020 11/12/1915 Totals 971.69 13.85 Well Permit 0 613, Thompson 04.403 best depth. 1.200 gallons per minute, covers 220 acres. Supplemental supply to Permit 6811. 7�L&I f RANC'flti Posit it Ditch A gf fi. Date r=r Stoflrs Snb1c to Creek 50.00 0.71 1 832 Terr Abraham Stoner Subleat: Creek 626.00 8.94 2106/1882 Terr Mika &Tee. ea Bear River 315.00 4.50 10/17/1882 Tar Fotgean Trr Smiths Fork 200.00 2.85 6. Terr Forgeon Irr Smiths Fork 65.00 0.92 6001/1885 Tar Bourne Smiths Fork 105.00 130 1387 Terr Martin Smiths Fork 115.00 1.64 6101 /1887 Tem Mau Canal Smiths. Fork 30.00 0.42 5/1011890 9249 Marks No. 1 Lost Creek 15.00 0.21 8t002/1909 9250 Marks No 2 Lost Crock 25.00 036 8'02!1909 4561 Eat Covey Canal Smiths Fork 99.60 1.42 927/1927 3719 Ettii Pixk} Bear River 436.74 6.24 4/24/19330 5719 Ertl Pix)ey .Bear River 206,29 2.95 4/24/1930 Totals 2,288.54 32.66 Well I'emit 0 341, Thaompsoa #1, 203 feet depth, 1 ,200 gallons per minute, 220 *acres under pig in addition to water ruts noted above. 12t21Pti HP LASERJET 3 P -9 OuO8 8 ACHMENT "B" ustmwp "amiz frsmnki___zjgk__ficrercc Acores cfs Dee 7677 Frederick No, 1 Frederick Creek 140.00 2.00 3/07/1907 7678 SS Frederick No. 2 Wyman Creek 140.00 2.00 3/07'1907 2215 Rcs Frederick No, 1 Reservoir 1.32 Acre Feet 610311910 ')TOME GOVRE. Emit A Ditch Source Acres eft Dice 4438 Res Bark "A" 1.93 Age Fat 2117/1931 4439 Res Bartok "B" 1.00 Acre Feet 2/1711931 0 00698 Attachment "B" Page 1 of 2 Jan 03 2007 12: 21Prl HP LASERJET 3330 P 092 5391 MAYFMLD Pert0kX Ditch, 18114 Adams No. Two Source As Ham's Fork 88.78 cfs Ditr-h 12763 Brick No 1 12769 Berta No 2 1563.5 Bitztek Ditch No 1 15686 Banak Ditch No 2 15687 Bartek Ditch ?.:to 3 15688 SS 13artek Ditch No 3 Totals SS Denotes Supplemental Supply Supplemental supply not counted in total West Fork Fish Creek North Fork Fish Creek North Fist: Creek North Fish Creek West Fish Creek Dry Fish Creek 58.00 22.00 10.00 20.00 20.00 8.00 130.00 Date 1.22 10203/1932 Datc_ 0.83 10/13/1914 0.31 10/1311914 0.14 1912:1919 0.28 611211919 0.28 6 0.10 6 (ME REMAINDER OF TIM PAGE INTENTIONALLY LEFT BLANK. 000699 Ted T. Thermal, p.t, 10614mah Sone Lmsatsthh, Wrmaive 00)840 Wasatch Surveying Associates L.L.C. E)//W7?c,. A chef W. Chin, PIS. Suwon lherirt, P.LX Boundary Description &LIZ Traci A owl of laid located in Tracts 67. 68. 72 and 73. Township 24 North, Rdflp 119 Wtst, fith P.M ih1n Courgy. Wyoming, sa;.1 tract king more particularly describoi es folknia: Beginning 8 1 C o m e r No. 4 of s a i d T r a c t 72 mcnurnented by a Nue! pipe uith a 34 akartiman cap inscribed IS 29Xr and appropriate details. and mining tlx N 89'191 I E. 1340,21 feet along the north &no thereof to Corner No. 1 of said Tran 72 (ident1/4-.-11 with Comer No. 4 of said Tract 73).3 sled pipe Hitt a 3..1,2- bras cop insabed CC Wall LS 482 por =Id appropriate deta1417 thews S 89e4r4r F.. 1310.86 fact aloe the north lint of said Tract 73 to Corner No. I th..roof. a steel bar with a 1-141 nim.= can inscribed 1/73 theme S 00 F. 2700.98 feet along the 4:251 life of mid Tract 73 to Curtner No. 1 thereof: thence S 00 W, 1335.86 fed lu Corms No. 11 err= 66, a steel pipe with a bras.) cap inscrtIoi Paul N. St:barbel IS 164` and appropri.vc dotaiN thorn= S li*'2924 W, 132&64 feet along the north hoe cif said' Tr ut 66 to Comer No. .3 of said Tract 67: thence continuing S 88 W. 40.Z3 feet to the easterly right-of late of the Oregon Mat L i n e Railroad as eviecnad by an =king ftrax Hoc thence N 113`31'39" W, 1391.01 feet. more or less along skid ocistarg fence and nght-of. way kw to the south Pne amid Tr= 724 thence N 13 E 39.61 feet along said south line and said right-of-way line to a porn: on said =orb Raik' oad dght-u f line as estabfisbod from mined alignment pins ma INT moat of the cersraikse of the rzwii4 track: theAcc N 181649 W. 289137 feet alorg cod right-of-way !be toe* notth fax ofseal Tract 68. then= N 891910 F. 33.59 feet along cad math lint to the Point of Beginning. Said tract containing 189.02 mos. more or Ines sicaDIFICATIOtat 1 MS DOCRIPTICIPO MAUL num THE EIMORSEE OF ANY uAsitny THAT 1$E KAY HAVE TOWARD THE SECT PROPERTY. ar) 7111-643 tArt 444 firm Job *.s.b. 07.24 Ted T. Tad:prt, P LS. MI %tomSt Stereo groo Wasatch Surveying Associates L.L.C Fred W. C o i n P.L.S. P.1 staatom C. Tats n. Boundary Description Well Tract air 1 of 2 OW) 7119-454,4 laurel 4“-kkkit rat A tract of>arsl bowed in Tractsj7. 70. 71 and 71 Township 24 North. Range 119 West. 6th 1 Lints County. Wyoming. and tract being ream minietalar I, s1eiaibcd us Potions; 1IEG1PNYING at Corner No. 4 of !laid Tract 70. the Menai tune monument.. and rooting tlhchcc S 89'55 1.466.71 f e e t along the north Gee thereof to the atrectf'doc of the utoh Line C a l t e v i k C o w r y Rood No. 12 -207, as s a i d road t i dcaAibrd in that Gra filed in Bank PR 120 on Page 5019 Of the Lincoln County Records: theme N 27 E. 251_62 Pax along said cerzerline to the point of canon= of a curve to the right having a rob= or 13,749.95 feet: thencc 927.93 fan ate the are of said acre and said osterlinc through a anra1 axek of ()357(1 03'57!Otr. the king chord of which hears N 29 F.937.75 fees to a point meet thence N 31 5[704` E. 12.3.82 fix: along said =lane to the point of curvature ors curt c to the felt hairy a ra i us of 954.94 fret; thence 776 feet along the art: of said aunt x 1 said centerline throt.0 a °a angle of 16'3514n the log chool of xlcvh beats N 23'3214 E. 2.75.61 fors. to a print hirg on the rxvth Iche amid Tract 71; thence S W4740 F. 78.67 feet slang said north Eiineof'fra t 71 cn Corner No. 3 o f Tract R: a 2 -1'2` aluminum pipe with s 3-1W a l: int= cap irhsaibcd 1.5 2SOOr' and spprufrtiate.desai thence continuing along said north tine of Traci 71. S 89'5033 E„ 1323.01 feet to Corner `a 1 thereof (aka Coiner No 4 of said Tract 68) a 2.1/2` alw uaun pipe with a 3-114' sIt nintsn carp inssasbUI '1S 2500" and appropriate details: that= N 119'1907 F 1096.19 fad along the north line of fold Tract 68 to the weer.ialy right-of-way lane of the Oregon Skit Line Railroad as said tlgt t.of uas ettsbr:she4 &ran railroad atipte eat plans at 104' Westoiy of the onatcrlinc of the main rack shcnpt S 1 *'3049' E. :'697.34 feet, more or fam Wong said right -of -wry &tic to the north sine of 67; thence N ai'20'03' E. 44.16 foal along said right-of-way lira and the north erne- of said Tit 67 to art existing fon= lnh= thenrx S 18'3712' E, 2076.95 fro: along sand tight-of-way linens evidenced by the ccicting fence 1 nc thence S 72'4316" 3&81 fat along said misting fence and sight -a -way fine-, thence S 15 3319' E. 33111.79 feet a+ung said existing knee Jame and right-of-way to a point on the tooth rut ufTren 66, said pain heels 88 W. l92.88 feet from Coracr No. 6 of said Tract 66: thence S 111'5136 W. 1102.66 feet aior4t the south lint of said Tract 66 to the sorxh■tst cOnhcr thereof (Cunher Na. 7 of Trtt 66). a 34' stets tar with a 3-114 alumiwsn rap hncrilacti 'Sssracon G. Taggart PLS 6386' and appropriate details: said corner lytng on the cast line of said Tract 57: thence N 0q'05' 1T E., 1312.72 feet eking the e2St feae of mid T'rect 57 to a 51` surd hi- riot a 1 _!/2" aitani nen ap 1nscrihed "Stan Taggart PLS 6386% tartlet. liming said eaa line of Tad 57. S 89'3251" W. 13110R7 feet to Corner No. 4 of said Tract 57. a 3f4` se el Dar w ith a 3- I e-4' &ant tin cap irtwrhbed :Stanton G. Taggart PLS 6386` and appmprime dctah'[s; thence Miltillin4S 89 W.1319.65 fat among the south line ofcdd Tsict 57 to Corner No. 5 of said Tract 57 (also Corner No. 4 of Trait 69). the original cone monument: it Cr•J 0u084 We st Tract continued- Page 2 of.". thence N /19 W. 94959 tea along the south line of said Tract 69 to the porn of intaseetion with the cost lior of Section 11. said peat marked with the original stone inootenent: thence. continuing along the south fee of said Tract 69, N S94917" W. 376.$6 feet to Corner No. 5 thei eof. the crigfital mane woman; theme N 00 F., 181.1$ (Wain the foe ofsisi That 69 to the southeast corner of the Taylor Sulxhvision, as said Subthvisiaa is platted and of rowed in the Office of the Lincoln County Clak7 thence N 00 E. 1105.45 feet ahase the %test. 11ne of &ad Trxs 69 asi the ant lire of said Suixfnision to Corner No. 6 ofssid Tract 69 and the northeast comer ofeski Sahefnision. 3 tact! pipe vAith brass cap inserked 'Paul N. Schahel LS 164' and approrriate (Waite that= N 89 HT W. 25446 feet along the north Inc of soid Sulativklon to The centerline of said Comity Roed No. 12.207 aid the scuthaez comer of the L. Taylor tract as &scribal in Book 207PR CM Page 489 of said Rectords; theme N 0035 E,450.39 feet slang said oarertbe and dit OW le ofjd Lot:1y Taytor traa to the northeast cornet thereof; thence N 89 W. 103.01 feet along the north line ofd Lorry lay for tract to the scariscra corner crew IRTsehtfnisket. u said Site:ninon is planed and onward In the Office of the Lincoln CaunryCkria. sad corner being marital by o cc1 law with a 2" aheninum cap irovitk-kt "Suneyvr Setertal Big Piney Wy PLS 164 200r: thence N 00 E.29521 an along the east foe ofsail IRT Sehifivision to the northrau COM( therea. %Mt bar with a 2' ahotharit rap iromled 'Sus-wryer Schcrtel Big Piney Wy PLS 2&4 200r thence N E932'30 W. 295.19 fon along the north fire of said JRT Subtfnision to the northwest cornet thcreoE =steel bar with a 2' ahersirsort cap inunled*Stansyer Seberbell3ig Piney Wy PIS 164 2002"; data 5 0 W. 29521 fen Wang the %%est lint of said JILT Subdivision to the southwest corner thereof aid the north Ike of said Lawy Taylor troa. a nod tar whh 3 2 Plananuni cap inserthed "Surveyor &babel big Piney Wy PLS 164 2002: thence 3 /1975735" W. 675.73 remaking ttx north In egad Lavoy Taylor tract to the west line of said Tract 69: thence N 00 E. 113034 feet akvtg the vvist line of said Tr ci 69 to the poist of intersection with the north teen of said Section t& said' point being masted by a steel 'pipe with a brass cap inscribed Pawl N Scherbd LS 16I" and appropriate detailt theme, aionnuing along the west liar of said Tract 69, N 00 E., 104Z93 feet to the narthoetst owner thertinf(Ceener No. Tract 69 and Comer 3 of Tract 70 thence N 00`4401 4 W. 1397.94 feet Meng the .iest tine of aid Tract 70 to the POINT OF BEGINNING, Said parcel containha; 657.09 oars, rn less. 10100ERCATI0NS TO THIS DESCRWITOR SRAM RELIEVE THE EROORSEE ANY timin.ny THAT RE WAY HAVE TOWARD THE swum* PROPERTY. Page 2 of 2 Job No. 07-24 000842 Ted T. Taggart, P.I S. 906 Main Street Evanston, Wyoming 82930 Wasatch Surveying Associates L.L.C. Containing 239 arms, more or less. Fred W. Coles, P.t S. Stanton G. Tart, P.LS. Teichert Boundary Description That part ofTracts54, 58, 59 ft 66, Township 24 North. Range I 19 West. 6th P.M_ Lincoln County, Wyoming, tying East of the Easterly right-of-way line oldie Oregon Sion Line Railroad. MODIFICATIONS TO THIS DESCRIPTION SHALL RELIEVE THE ENDORSEE OF ANY LIABILITY THAT HE MAY HAVE TOWARD THE SUBJECT PROPERTY. (307) 7894545 (307) 444-4555 fax Job No. 07 -94 �i�a CGS_ ATE August 29. --LEGEND— r. ii Wes! Traci Ems East Tvc. dither Tract u06 Teichert Ranch Sear River Land Cattle Tracts within T2111 R119W, 6th P.M. Lincoln County, Wyoming URVf V1P teteAl .;-.weetr Myrawess XV117. SCALE. 3 2oocr PROJECT NO 07 -24 Vicinity Map *yeti f $HEF 1 OF 4 Ted T. Tart, P.1 Wasatch Surveying Associates L.L.C. Said parcel containing 35.030 acres, more or lam, Fred W. Coles, P.L.S. Stanton G. Taizart, P.L.S. 906 Maio Start (307) 789 1545 Er *nstoa, Wyoming 82930 (307) 4444555 fax Don Thompson 35 Acre Parcel Boundary Description A parcel of land located in Traci 51 of Tovaiship 24 North. Range 119 WCSt. 6 P.M., Lincoln County, Wyoming, being mon: particularly described as follows: Commencing at Cotner No. 2 ofsaid Tract 51 (the Southeast corner) and running thence S 89`51`2" W. 350.96 feet along the south line thereof to the POINT OF BEGINNING: thence N 1 6 W, 626.86 feet; thence N 81'02 W, 1 1()9.19 feet: thence N 12'36 E. 523.38 feet: thence N 83'54'42° W, 833.55 feet to a point lying on the east right-of-way line of State Highway 30, said point lying on a curvy concave to the west. the radius point of which bears N 85 w 5804.55 feet; thence northerly 286.04 feet along the arc ofsaid curve and said right -of -way line through a central angle of 02'4924 the long chord of which bears N 02'3772" E. 286.01 feet to a point tangent: thence N 01'1211" I. 94.19 faet along said right line: thence, leaving said right-of-way line. N 90'00'00" E. 1299.48 feet: thence S 54 "46'23' E, 817.69 feet: thence S o0'os ©2' E, 1282.25 feet to the POINT OF BEGINNING. MODIFICATIONS TO THIS DESCRIPTOR SHAD. RELIEVE THE ENDORSEE OF ANY t,UABLfTY THAT HE MAY HAVE TOWARD THE SUBJECT PROPERTY. Job No. 07 57 Ted T. Taggart, P.L.S. Wasatch Surveying Associates L.L.C. Said parml containing 9.096 acres. more or less. Fred W. Coles, P.L.S. Stanton G. TamR, P.L.S. 906 Main Street (3 07) 789 -4545 Evanston, Wyoming 82930 (307) fsv Don Thompson 9 Acre Parcel Boundary Description A parcel of land located in Tract 51 of Township 24 North. Range 119 West, e P.M. Lincoln Coumy. Wyoming, being more particularly described as follows: Commencing at Corner No. 2 of said Tract 51 (the Southeast comer) and running thence N 0'05'05" W, 716.35 fort along the east lire thereof; thence S 89 W, 161936 feet to the POINT OF BEGINNING. said point lying on the north line of that property described as "Exception 1. Grandma's Place House Tract" in the Warranty Deed found in Book 643 on Page 690 of the Lincoln County Records: thence along said North line the following four (4) courses: l )N 8 l'02'42" W. 451.30 feet; 2) S 25'5517" W, 32.17 fact: 3) N 62'47° W, 210.34 feet; 4) N 69'3014" W, 120.29 feet to a point lying on the east right-of-way line of State Highway 30. said point lying on a curve concave to the v. t, the radius. point of which bears N 81'47'58' W 5804.55 feet; thence northerly 422.05 feet along the are of said cure and said right-of-way tine, through a central angle of 04'09'58 the long chord of which bears N 06'07 E 421.96 feet; thence, leaving said right- ©f-way tine. S 83'54'42" E. 833.55 feet: thence S 12'36'18" W, 523.38 feet to the POINT OF BEGINNING. MODIFICATIONS TO THIS DESCRWTIQN SHAt.L REUEVE THE ENDORSEE OF ANY LABILITY THAT HE MAY HAVE TOWARD THE SUBJECT PROPERTY. Job No. 07 -57 uu0846 Ted T Tegga'r P 1. S Wasatch Surveying Associates L.L. C. Professional Land Surveyors 906 drain &mat Evanston, WY 82930 (3077 7.9¢.i5i5 130 444 -045 fa, f`rvG W. Cis P LS. Sralat G. Taggs.? P LS 'i'elehert Legal Description Township 24 Narth,linge 119 West, 6 P.M Lincoln Count+, W'vtxning frame 45: All o #'that pan of Tract 45 hy ing east of the caged!, right -of -way line of the Oregon Short l..ine Railroad. T r i a l 46: All of that part of Tract 46 Less State Highwa} 30. TrUCt 51: All of Into 51 Leas and Except the following 4 t four) parcels: Parcel Nu. 1 A partxl containing 3521 acres more or icss known as Grandma's Place Horse Traet F*cing dcs�yibctl Uh follows: BEGINNING at a point on the: south line of said tract No. 51. N89.3745" W. 350.56 feet fauna Corner No. 2 of said 'tram; therm continuing N89 W, X1.01 foci, along the south line of said Tract to an intetseetian with the sag right-of-way line of Stare I highway Sit; thence Northerly. 292.40 feet along said right-of-way line along the are of a cirtutar curve to the right thrnugh a central angle of 04.27'58' with u radius of 3751. feet to a marker; thence N12•00'41 "1, 354.Xii feet, along said right -of -wady line to a marker thctnx Northerly 32&15 fed along said right -of- way line along the arc of a circular cunt: to the left through a txrdral angle of 03•13'411" with a radius of 5821.21 feet to a point: thence .8 118.61 fed., along the north fence of the house roadway tci u point: thence S62•01'58'E. 210.91 feet. along said fence to a point: thence N26•I0'40'E, 31.99 feet, along said fence to a point: thence S80•2T28"F., 1561.03 feet to a point: therm S15.30'55 1 1, 626.49 tett. to the POINT OF BEGINNING. Panel No. 2 A panel containing 35.0311 acres, mare or less, located in Tract 51 of Turrnrhip 24 North. Range 119 West„ 6` P.M.. Lincoln County. Wyoming. being more particularly descrilled as follows: Commencing at Comer No 2 of said Tract 51 (the Southeast corner) and running thence S 89•5122' W, 350.96 feet along the south line thereof to the POINT OF BER:INNING: thence N 16.072_3" W, 626.86 feet: therm N 81.0242' W, 1109.19 fen; thence N 12.36' E, 523.38 feta; thence N 83.54'42' W. 833-55 feet to a point lying on the mot right -or -way line of Highway 30. said point lying on a curve concave to the nest the radius paint of which Mars N 85•5T5" W 5804.55 feet: thence nonhetiy 286.04 feet along the arc; of said curve and said right -of -way line through a central angle of02 the long chord of which bars N 02 1'.. 286.01 teat to a print tangent; thence N 01 •12'IT E. 94.19 fact along said right-of-way tine: thence leaving said right of -way line. N 90•00'01r 1? 1299,48 feet: thence S 54.4623" E, 817.69 feet; thence S 00'05'02' E, 1282.25 fe'a.t to tlx POINT OF BEGINNING. Pagel of Ttichett Legal Description Page 2 Parcel No. 3 A parcel containing ntaining 9.0% acres, more or less, located in Tract 51 of Township 24 North. Range 119 West, 6" P.M.. Lincoln County. Wyoming, belong more particularly described as folkiwx; Comm acing at Corner No. 2 of said Tract 51 (the Southeast comer l and running theme N 0405115 W, 776.35 feet along the cast line thereof; thvice S 89'54'M' W, 1619.56 feet to the POINT OF BEGINNING, said point h ink on the north line of that property described as "Exception 1, Grandrna', P1act House Tract in thn. Warnarty Deed Iinuttnd in Book 643 on Page 690 of the Lincoln County Recoils; thencce along said North line the following four (4) courses: 1) N 1; I •02'd2 W, 45130 teat: 2) S 25.55•17 11', 3217 few 3) N 62.4723 W, 21034 feet; 4) N 69 W. 120.29 foot to a paint lying no the east right-of-way line of 1 Highway 30, slid point lying on a curve =rave to the wit, the radius point of which bears N $1•4758' W 580455 fe t; thence nor hedy 422.05 fiat along the arc of said curve and said right-of-way line, through a central angk; ofO4 09'58", the lung cho nl of which bears N 06.07103" E. 421.96 fret; thence, leaving said right-of-way 1'trR. S 83.5412' E. 833.55 feet; thence S 1243618" W. 52338 feet to the POINT OF BEGINNING. Parcel No. 4 US_ Highway 30 right-of-way, Tract 50: That part of t;LO Tract 50, T24N, 4N, R l 19W, Lincoln County. Wyoming ilm rib arl acs follows: BEGINNING at the Southwest corner of said Tract No. 50 and running thence N 00.05'31" W. 1320.00 fret oolong the vort line thereof to the rinrdswess corner of said Tract: thence N 89 E, 2705.17 feet along the north line ottiid Tract to an existing fence line: thence S 07 W, 1335.14 fret; along said fence line to the south line of said Tra .t; thence S 89 W, 2539.43 foes along Said south line to the POINT OF BEGINNING. Containing 79.60 acres. more yr Its. Job No. 07 -146 tyGKAFIt:AIKH It) MO DESCRIPTOR SHALL REUEVE THE ENDORSEE OF ANY LIABILITY THAT HE MAY HAVE TOWARD THE SUBJECT PROPERTY. Page 2 of 2 000848 Teo T. Taggart P.L.S. Wasatch Surveying Associates L.L.C. Professional Land Surveyors 906 Main Street Evanston, WY 82930 (307) 789-4545 (307) 444 -4555 fax Teichert Southwest Area West of Railroad Legal Description Township 24 North, Fla el; 119 W st. fi P M Lincoln C'eunt� W�omin8 Tract 45: Tract 59: 'tract 58: Tract 54: Tract 57: All of that part of Tract 45 lying Oregon Short Line Railroad. All of that part of Tract 59 lying Oregon Short Line Railroad. All of that part of Tract 58 lying Oregon Short Line Railroad. All of that pan of Tract 54 lying Oregon Short Line Railroad. That part of Tract 57 described as follows: westerly of the westerly westerly of the westerly westerly of the westerly westerly of the westerly 0(0849 Fred W Colas PLS. Stanton G. Taggart PLS. right-of-way line of the right -of -wry line of the right -of -way line of the right line of the Commencing at the Northeast corner (Corner No. 1) of said Tract 57 running thence S 040517" W. 1306.71 feet along the East line thereof to the POINT OF BEGINNING; thence continuing S 0 W. 1312.72 feet along said East line to Corner No. 6 of Tract 58; thence S 0641'54" E, 1308.19 feet along the East line of said Tract 57 to the Southeast corner thereof (Comer No. 2 of Tract 57); thence S 89.49'40" W, 1336.46 feet along the south line of said Tract 57 to the Southwest corner thereof (Comer No. 3 of Tract 57); thence N 0'14'02" E, 1319.74 fret along the West line of said Tract 57 to Comer No. 2 of Tract 56: thence N O'04'29" W. 1294.68 feet along the West line of said Tract 57 to Corner No. 4 thereof; thence N 89'32'51" E, 1318.87 feet to the POINT OF BEGINNING. Containing 79.41 acres, more or less. Section 20: All of 1.ots 4, 7. 14 and 15. Job No. 07 -163 0 cio P'• •1 z 0 U Z a V :ft Q.l coo ch O M 0 0 4CA E5 0 0 (N N r--r e c).- c5 o (N M b' N N M M f 4 A C +4 0 0 0 0 0 f.) .4 C 2 E H H r n rn r�c n c nZ Z U►U0850 CID �6