HomeMy WebLinkAbout960860J NOTICE OF TRUST THE TERENCE L. MOORE FAMILY TRUST DATED NOVEMBER 2,1994 000280 COME NOW MICHAEL THOMAS MOORE, SHERRY LYNN LEVASSEUR, LAURA LEE ARNOLD, and LEAH ANN LOWERY, TRUSTEES of THE TERENCE L. MOORE FAMILY TRUST dated November 2, 1994, who, being duly sworn and under oath, hereby state, pursuant to Wyoming Statutes 34 -2 -123, as follows: 1. That the Warranty Deed that was recorded on April 15, 1996 in the land records of Lincoln County, Wyoming in Book 382 PR at Page 172 609 as Instrument No. 818172, a copy of which is attached hereto, (for Lot 16 of Stewart Creek Subdivision, which is now Lot 201 and part of Lot 202 of Stewart Creek Subdivision 2nd Filing, as shown on the plat that was recorded on February 27, 1998 in the land records of Lincoln County, Wyoming as Plat No. 275 -A) failed to include the information that is required by Wyoming Statues §34 -2 -122 to define properly The Terence L. Moore Family Trust dated November 2, 1994, and therefore it failed to vest title to the property described therein in Michael Thomas Moore, Sherry Lynn Levasseur, Laura Lee Arnold, and Leah Ann Lower, Trustees of The Terence L. Moore Family Trust dated November 2, 1994. 2. That the title to the lands described in the above referenced Warranty Deed were intended and are now intended to be vested in Michael Thomas Moore, Sherry Lynn Levasseur, Laura Lee Arnold, and Leah Ann Lower, Trustees of The Terence L. Moore Family Trust dated November 2, 1994. 3. That the Affidavit that was filed in the land records of Lincoln County, Wyoming on February 7, 2008 in Book 686 at Page 183 as Receiving No. 936811, a copy of which is attached hereto, purported to correct the identification of the Trust as to Lot 14 of Stewart Creek Subdivision (which is now part of Lot 202 of Stewart Creek Subdivision, 2nd Filing, as shown on the plat that was recorded on February 27, 1998 in the land records of Lincoln County, Wyoming as Plat No. 275 -A). However, it failed to do so, as it did not provide the information that is required by Wyoming Statues §34 -2- 122 to define properly The Terence L. Moore Family Trust dated November 2, 1994. 4. That the title to the lands described the above referenced Affidavit, which were those lands described in the Warranty Deed that was recorded in the land records of Lincoln County, Wyoming in Book 370 PR at Pages 607 through 609 as Instrument No. ce w 804839 a copy of which is attached hereto, (which is now part of Lot 202 of Stewart ce a w Creek Subdivision, 2nd Filing, as shown on the plat that was recorded on February 27, N c N Et m 1998 in the land records of Lincoln County, Wyoming as Plat No. 275 -A) were intended 0o LLi z Y and are now intended to be vested in Michael Thomas Moore, Sherry Lynn Levasseur, m Q L Lee Arnold, and Leah Ann Lower, Trustees of The Terence L. Moore Family Trust o 0 a J dated November 2, 1994. N 4k Z O 0 Z c T1,.,+ we execute this N of Trust as S rs and as Trustees of The cm w w 0 Terence L. Moore Family Trust dated November 2, 1994. 0 U 0 Z NOTICE OF TRUST 0 W m 0 THE TERENCE L. MOORE FAMILY TRUST DATED NOVEMBER 2, 1994 ix Z PAGE 1 OF 5 DATED this a da of 3 STATE OF ..1 -u COUNTY OF Fl SS. WITNESS my hand and official seal. My Commission expires: a 1+ CL ,2011. M HAEL OMAS MOORE, CO- TRUSTEE of The Tere ce L. Moore Family Trust dated November 2, 1994 S BSCRIBED, SWORN TO before �o�' a of y J 2011, AND by Michael Thomas Moore, acting me as a on Co- Trustee thisthe of The Terence L. Moore mily Trust dated November 2, 1994. 4 NOTARY PUBLI NOTICE OF TRUST THE TERENCE L. MOORE FAMILY TRUST DATED NOVEMBER 2,1994 PAGE 2 OF 5 000281 DATED this L. day of r 2011. STATE OF SS. COUNTY OF Vin..__) WITNESS my hand and official seal. My Commission expires: E Y L N LEVASSEUR, CO- TRUSTEE of Thherence L. Moore Family Trust dated November 2, 1994 000282 SUBSCRIBED, AND SWORN TO before me on this, the day of Mor ..i 2011, by Sherry Lynn Levasseur, acting as a Co- Trustee of The Terence L. e Family Trust dated November 2, 1994. Y UBLIC v Jeffrey A Dugg ns :NOTARY PUBLIC a:7te /At Large Kentucky Dora iss on Expires 9/01/2014 NOTICE OF TRUST THE TERENCE L. MOORE FAMILY TRUST DATED NOVEMBER 2,1994 PAGE 3 OF 5 DATED this day of p_00‘ 2011. STATE OF Yp r 4t,,A,i COUNTY OF(,urcV(‘ SS. WITNESS my hand and official seal. My Commission expires: q-14- .611 000283 f URA LEE ARNOLD, CO- TRUSTEE of The Terence L. Moore Family Trust dated November 2, 1994 SUBSCRIBED, AND SWORN TO before me on this, the 33 day of ka% 2011, by Laura Lee Arnold, acting as a Co- Trustee of The Terence L. Moore Faint Trust dated November 2, 1994. NOTARY PU LIC NOTICE OF TRUST THE TERENCE L. MOORE FAMILY TRUST DATED NOVEMBER 2, 1994 PAGE 4 OF 5 DATED this l 3 day of STATE OF����� COUNTY OF ?/O YN SUBSCRIBED, AND SWORN TO before me on this, the /3 day of 2011, by Leah Ann Lowery, acting as a Co- Trustee of The Terence L. Moore Family rust dated November 2, 1994. WITNESS my hand and official seal. Cq../u4 )6L My Commission expires: SS. 2011. 1,41bJ 1.t.4 H ANN LOWERY, 6- TRUSTEE of The Terence L. Moore amily rust dated November 2, 1994 NOTICE OF TRUST THE TERENCE L. MOORE FAMILY TRUST DATED NOVEMBER 2, 1994 PAGE 5 OF 5 000284 307 877 -3101 Lincoln County Clerks to RSA-EASE R is Mori gs ge SEE 1131111YOL.Of ORIOLES MULL-- 11:17:08 07 -14 -2011 1/1 rte In Boolt. F of ,.,�,a.,,.,,.M No ................47 ...�,r...Kemmerer, WY. WARRANTY DEED Marsha Moe, Clerk 000285 D E. CURTIS as the sole Trustee of the THE CURTIS TRUST, dated the 19th day of April, 1993, GRANTOR of Lincoln County, State of Wyoming, for and in consideration of TEN DOLLARS ($10.00) and other good and valuable consideration, in hand paid, receipt of which is hereby acknowledged, CONVEY AND WARRANT to TERENCE L. MOORE, as Trustee of THE TERENCE L. MOORE FAMILY TRUST, GRANTEE, its heirs, successors and assigns forever, all such right, title, interest, property, possession, claim and demand, as they may have or ought to have, in or to the following described real estate, situate in the County of Lincoln and State of Wyoming. Lot 16 of the Stewart Creek Subdivision, Lincoln County, Wyoming, according to that plat of the subdivision recorded in the Office of the County Clerk, Lincoln County, Wyoming. Subject to all easements, reservations and restrictions set forth in that Warranty Deed recorded April 1, 1982 in the office of the Lincoln County Clerk in Book 186PR, page 232, and together with and including all improvements thereon and all appurtenances and hereditaments thereunto belonging. Subject to all the covenants, conditions, restrictions, easements, reservations, encumbrances, rights -of -way of sight and /or record, except for those covenants, conditions, restrictions, easements, reservations, encumbrances, and rights -of -way against which Grantors had title insurance. Hereby releasing and waiving all rights under and by virtue of the homestead exemption laws of the State of Wyoming, to -wit; WITNESS my hand this 2 3 day of February, 1996. STATE OF WYOMING COUNTY OF TETON WITNESS my hand and official seal. e RICHARD E. CURTIS, Trustee The foregoing instrument was acknowledged before me this x day of February, 1996 by Richard E. Curtis as trustee of The Curtis Family Trust, dated the 19th day of April 1993. Notary Public My Commission Expires: 6010716320 AFFIDAVIT 1, Terence L. Moore, bein first duly sworn upon my oath depose and state as follows: 1. That 1 am the settles of the Terence L. Moore Family Trust. 2. That on July 10, 1995 in Book 370PR on page 607 of records of Lincoln County Clerk was recorded a Warranty Deed from Sherry L. Levasseur, Michael T. Moore, Laura L. Arnold and Leah A. Lowery to The Terence L. Moore Family Trust conveying the following described land: Lot 14 of the Stewart Creek Subdivision, Lincoln County, Wyoming as described on the official plat thereof. 3. The Warranty Deed conveying the property to the trust was not properly defined as required by W.S. 34 -2 -122 (1977) in that the date of the Trust was not shown and the trustees were not named. The date of the Trust is November 2, 1994. The Trustees of the trust are Leah Ann Lowrey, Sherry Lynn Levasseur, Laura Lee Arnold and Michael Thomas Moore. Dated this #21 day of )anuary, 2008. 7eren e L. Moore State of Wyoming )ss County of Lincoln I, Terence L. Moore, do solemnly swear that 1 have read the foregoing Affidavit subscribed by me; that I know the contents thereof and verily elieve the statements therein contained are true. :1 1 rb•ILIi,�i� 1! c,,... is ;iA7F.OF I 1( fi,..' t. INNAiiI9G .:('N1.• '7, 553 14, 2 5 '::M Commissionr.Expires:...:.. U rO g Teren L. Moore The foregoing instrument was subscribed and sworn before me by Terence L. Moore this 2.9 day of January, 2008. Witness my hand and official seal. I Z 41 otary Pub Ic 000183 RECEIVED 2)7/2008 at 4:14 PM RECEIVING 936811 BOOK: 686 PAGE: 183 JEANNE WAGNER LINCOLN COUNTY CLERK, KEMMERER, WY 000286 0 307- 877 -3 s Lincoln County Clerks g rantors of Elizabethtown CONVEY and WARRANT to WARRANTY DEED THE TERENCE L. MOORE•FAMILY TRUST 08:43:10 10 28 2010 2/5 SHERRY L. LEVASSEUR, MICHAEL T. MOORE, LAURA L. ARNOLD, AND LEAH A. LOWERY County of Hardin State of KY hereby grantee of for the sum of Ten 010.00) Do I t a r s Lincol County, State of Wyoming, the following described tract of land In hereby releasing and waiving all rights under and by virtue of the homestead e,iemptton laws of the State, to -wit, Lot 14 of the Stewart Creek Subdivision, according to the plot filed in the Office of Lincoln County Clerk, Lincoln County, Wyoming. Recaraea,..lAl �l� C..,3 ,.......M In Baikal..[) lox, t (.....Kemmerer, WY. No O'3 JlJ Marsha Mug, Clerk WITNESS, the hands of said grantors this Signed In the presence of STATE OF KENTUCKY ss. County of KENTON On the 3,s4 day of A.D. 19 95 personally appeared b e Sherry L. Levosseur, Michael T. Moore, Laura L. Arnold, and Leah A. Lowery n luil 4 4, the signers of the within Inutument t acknowledged to me that t hey eXSateil t l iGMoK t c O A R Commisstonexplress 3 /16 /'9,,6'"'�j'•••••••'p t. Residing in Kenton County;''. eAI u k cky Corot Marne r i ng 0 04, '(he bd 1It6 pant RECORDING. DATA Fee I1EC0RDED PLATTED COMPARED A.D. 19 95 INDEXED 0 ABSTRACTED DELIVERED 000287 n Lincoln County Clerks GRANTEES The Moore Family Trust (606 491 -2299) 50 E RiverCenter Boulevard Suite 220 Covington, KY 41011 GRANTORS Sherry Lynn Levasseur (614 875 -4652) 4735 Claybum Drive Grove City, 011 43123 Michael Thomas Moore (502 862 9594) 4396 St. John Road Elizabethtown, KY 42701 Laura Lee Amold (502 862 -3360) 7945 Rineyyille -Big Spring Road Rineyville, KY 40162 Leah Ann Lowery (205 409 -9641) 707 Thousand Oaks Drive Montgomery, AL 36109 08:43:40 10 -28 -2010 Go 307 877 -31 Lincoln County Clerks 08:43:51 1u- to -4viv Lot 14 of the Stewart Creek Subdivision, according to the plat filed in the Office of Lincoln County Clerk, Lincoln County, Wyoming.