HomeMy WebLinkAbout877374 State of fyomi g Cor er Reco d (In compliance with the CO~R PE~ETUATION AND FI~N~ ACT, Wyoming Statutes, 1977, S~tion 56-11-101, et. seq., and the Rules and Regulotlons of the Board of R~stro[i~ for Professlonol Engineers and Land Sur~rs.) Reverse side of this fo~ may be used if more space is needed. Record of orig~no~ survey and citation of source of historic informo[ion (if corner is Jest or obliterated). DescripUon of corner monumentation evidence found and/or monument and accessories established to perpetuate the ~ocation of this corner. Sketch of relative IocaUon of monument, accessories, and reference poin[s with course and distance to adjacent corner(s) (fi determined in this survey). Method and rationale for reestablishment of lost or obliterated corner. FOUND THE MONUMENT FOR THIS 1/4 CORNER OF MAXIMUM CONTROL WHICH IS A SET MARKED SANDSTONE WHICH MEASURES 0.4' EAST & WEST BY 1.3' NORTH & SOUTH AND PROTRUDES ABOVE THE GROUND 0.9'. THE STONE IS MARKED 1/4. ON THE WEST FACE. THERE IS A MOUND OF STONES 3' IN DIAMETER BY 1' TALL ON THE WEST SIDE OF THE STONE MONUMENT. THIS IS THE MONUMENT FOR THE 1/4 CORNER AND IS MARKED AS INDICATED. T24N R 112W 1/4 THE MONUMENT ~s Fo.: S32 I S33 stone 6th PM T24N El12W T24N RI12W S32_j,_553 1/4__S33 CO S5 ,/T25N T23N ,.....a ~ stone /1975 6th PM /§th PM N89'49'OO"W 2655~71' (Maes.) S32 I S33 CORNER MONUMENT SYMBOLS s[one $ RECORD IS FOR THIS CORNER MONUMENT. SCALE 1 6th PM * A RELATED CORNER MONUMENT. BEARI~ ASSUMEIS: BUT 1HE MONUMENT IS FOR RELATIVE DRARN BY: N,N COUNTY: LINCOLN Date of Field Work: 08/17/2000 Office Reference: , CROSS INDEX DlztCP..4M Firm/Agency, Address ' Th~s corner record i i -L i i L i i j i i ii i L i ^ UIn'l:ah Engineer'lng o, nd end supervision. i-T--~q- i--F'-I--T--I -I .... F i--T---q-T-r-- -T--i q-' 8 SEAL ,~ SIC. NATYJ'.RE -J-6*a- -Ls-J-.~-L4~ .... L3' .... L2-~-- --L1-L- c Land Sur'veylng ._~J_+_ _~_~_~_ _+_,L~_. ---I-~--+- --f-- J--I--- -+-iL-I-. o I I I I I I I I i I I I I I I , ~ , ' ~ ~ ~ , ~ , ~ ~ [ , ~ ~ , I ~ ~ 85 ~ou't;h 200 E~sl; --~-'-~-, · , -f-+-iL--f-~1 .... iL-Fi- -",-+-iL- -f-~-~,--. --4-7~- --~-8--4 .... {-9-4 .... {-10-4-- -{-11~ .... ~-12-~-- s i I _L I I LI I/ I Ill I LI Vernal, Ut;~h 84078 -T- -q-,-~-, ' --T--, -I .............. FIT q ! F T!R" ,,, , i, , i, , i,~ /,Z' :::::) '-F--I-+- '-~-T-I-- -+-F-t .... F--i--+- --a-T-l-- -+-F-~-- K Telephone Number: 435-789-1017 --q-18-~-* -F17-q .... F16-q F15--~-- -~--14--~ .... T-15-i--- L _LJ_.L__J_±_L_ _J._LJ_ ~_LJ_±_ ._J_i_L_ _J__LJ_. u -F-]--T--"q--T--F---T-F-~-~--F~-T- '~--T--F---T--C-1--' 0 --F'-J--+--~"t--'~--I----+--~--I-- --I--I--+-~ - --+--~--t-- -h-~-~- -1-+-h--f-i-l- -hq-f--1-+-h--f-~-l- ~ · -~-50-1 .... {-29-t-- -{-28-1-' -{-27--t .... +-26~ .... ~-25-~-- J_ I__ I__L_I _ I L I I j I I / I I L I T ] ! F-T-,-~--~-,--~--~-~-r---T-, ~- . I , I I I I I I I I ~--F--i-+----I--T-I--- -+--F--I--.-I--]--+----I-T-t---+-i--I- w --]-51~ .... i-.32~ I-F'55-I-' -T-54--~ .... 1-35'~-q'-r-36-r-- ._L~II_L_ __J_ I_L. _I_I,._J_,.~L I_j__ ! , T ,, , , ,' '' ' I,] ! -~-'! T !~-~-'-'~-' ! ,r!~- 1/4. CORNER OF MAXIMUM CON'IROL Corner Nome: WEST 1/4. ,CORNER OF SEC330N 3.3 Section: 3~ T 24N R 112W . 6TH P.M. Cross Index No.:. X-~ SBRPEPLS/PLSW:Morch 1994 (CLCR...$JA)