HomeMy WebLinkAbout961073Consideration: Twenty five thousand dollars and zero cents ($25,000)
Preparer's Names: Tammey Waithall and Douglas L. Wilson
P.O Box 156 and P.O Box 246
LaBarge, Wyoming Lincoln County 83123
Property Location: 339 W. 6 th Ave
LaBarge, Wyoming Lincoln County 83123
Warranty Deed
Property is located in: Wyoming
Grantor/ Seller's Information: Grantee /Purchaser's Information:
Number of seller: one Number of Purchasers: one
Not married Not married
Douglas L. Wilson Tammey Waithall
P.0 Box 246 P.O Box 156
LaBarge, Wyoming 83123 LaBarge, Wyoming 83123
(307)386 -2310 (307)386 -2456
RECEIVED 9/20/2011 at 1:08 PM
BOOK: 773 PAGE: 125
1 inN(ni N ('n1 INN (1 FRK KEMMERER. WY
Payment Agreement: The below payment arrangement was agree upon by both the
seller and the buyer of this contract.
Balloon amount: $25,000.00
Amount of payments: 46
Down Payment: $3,500.00
Monthly payments: $275.00
Last payment: $225.00
1 payment each year starting in April of 2012 ending in April of 2015 four years) in the
amount of $2,500.00.
First payment will be October 15, 2011 and will be on the 15 of every month thereafter
until paid in full.
Known damage to the property is: damage to the floor, aged hot water tank and
some electrical issues. Seller and buyer is aware of the defects that are related to this
Allow lump sum payments on the purchase price owing?
Yes 0 No
Who will be responsible for payment of property taxes?
Purchaser 0 Seller
Who will be responsible for the following?
Seller's Contents Insurance:
Purchaser 0 Seller
Purchaser's Contents Insurance:
Purchaser 0 Seller
Property Insurance:
Purchaser 0 Seller
Liability Insurance:
Purchaser 0 Seller
Purchaser will provide proof of insurance upon renewal.
On default of payment, the purchaser will have thirty (30) days to pay the balance of the
purchase price.
The purchaser will have thirty (30) days to vacate the premises on default.
The buyer will not receive a discount if contract is amount is paid in full early.
Any amount of payment will be accepted early.
Early payments may be paid early without penalty.
There is no debt tied to this property.
Legal description of the property being sold under this contract:
Lots 17,18,19 of Biock 30 and the North 4 feet of lot 20 of Block 30, all of the first
addition to the town of LaBarge, formerly Tulsa, Lincoln county, Wyoming as described
on the official plot thereof.
There will be no late fees on any late payments.
The Buyer will have possession and use of this property until the contract is paid in full.
This property is sold as is and no repairs will be made by the seller.
The mobile home is sold on the lots (lots 17, 18, 19 of Biock 30 and the North 4 feet of
lot 20 of Block 30) as is. Mobile home includes stove, refrigerator, television, couch,
kitchen table and chairs, washer and dryer.
Filing Information:
Document drafted by:
Return document to:
(Seller Signature)
(Buyer Signature)
dina 05), it
"This Notary Certificate is prepared on a separate page
and is attached to the document entitled yOOyy(ultu cc c,
containing pages and is attached to that document
by means of Str� r't&,
State of Wyoming
County of Lincoln
This instrument was acknowledged before me on
�zt Q 47C7 by sij 5 o t 3 i c �ar' )fir'1 t y MU i 1ail
My commission expires: q--13-0
Jenny Clarke Notary Public
County of State of
Lincoln °F "t Wyoming
My Commiasio n Expirn