HomeMy WebLinkAbout961074Affidavit of Successor Trustee I, Linda Elton, being of lawful age and duly sworn according to law, upon my oath, depose and state: That under the date January 9, 2006, Daniel Elton and Linda Elton, husband and wife, by deed of that date, which deed was duly filed of record in the Office of the Lincoln County Clerk, on January 18, 2006, in Book 609 on Page 881, conveyed to The Daniel Owen Elton and Linda Fay Elton Family Trust, dated January 9, 2006, Daniel Elton and Linda Elton, Trustees, the following described property situate in Lincoln County, Wyoming, to -wit: Lot 43 of Star Valley Ranch Plat 18, Lincoln County, Wyoming as described on the official plat thereof That by reason of said conveyance aforesaid, The Daniel Owen Elton and Linda Fay Elton Family Trust, dated January 9, 2006, Daniel Elton and Linda Elton, Trustees, became the owners of the above described land, and title thereto vested continuously in said trustees from the date of conveyance described in said deed to the date of death of Daniel Elton, also known as Daniel Owen Elton, on the 12th day of October, 2010. That by reason of and upon the death of Daniel Elton, also known as Daniel Owen Elton, and pursuant to the Administrative Provisions of the Trust, title to the above described real property vested in The Daniel Owen Elton and Linda Fay Elton Family Trust, dated January 9, 2006, Linda Elton, trustee. Affiant avers and certifies that Daniel Elton, also known as Daniel Owen Elton is the identical party named as trustee in the aforementioned deed, whose death terminated his interest, title and estate in said real property; and Affiant attaches hereto and makes a part of this affidavit, a copy of the Official Certificate of Death of said decedent, duly certified by the public authority in which said death certificate is a matter of record. Dated this 17 day of 5 t 4 2011. Subscribed and sworn to before me, a notary public in and for said County and State, by Linda Elton, this /4 of 51- ,tM.ter 2011. County of Lincoln My Commission State of o Wyoming pires July 6, 2014 My Commission Expires: _5-hLL1 d o h D Q This Document is being recorded by Rocky Mountain Title' Insurance Agency of Lincoln County as a COURTESY only 000131 Linda Elton RECEIVED 9/20/2011 at 2:31 PM RECEIVING 961074 BOOK: 773 PAGE: 131 JEANNE WAGNER I INCnI N Cant INTY CI FRK KEMMERER. WY Deceit. ent: Name: Gender: Date of Birth: Date and Place of Death: Date of Death: City of Death: Location: Additional Decedent Information: Place of Birth: Residence: Marital Status: Armed Forces: Narne of Father: Name of Mother: Informant: Disposition: Method of Disposition: Cremation Place of Disposition: Funeral Home or Facility: Facility: Cause of Death: Other Significant Conditions: Manner of Death: Certifier: Type: Name: Address: Date Filed: 548393' 11/ ‘k. I ji1 t .QP i vill, a1 pr l R� CERTIFICATION OF VITAL RECORD 4 Natural Death October 12, 2010 Star Valley Ranch /720 Hardman Rd. Napa, California Star Valley Ranch, Wyoming Married Linda Fay Martin No Arthur Monroe Elton Helen Lowery Linda Fay Elton Daniel Owen Elton Male September 04, 1940 STATE OF WYOMING DEPARTMENT OF HEALTH CERTIFICATE_ OF DEATH State File Number: Social Security Number: Age at the Time of Death: County of Death: Eagle Rock Crematory, Idaho Falls, Idaho Relationship: Schwab Mortuary, Afton, Wyoming The immediate cause is listed on the first line followed by any underlying causes. (a) Myelodysplasia Physician Noel B Stibor, M.D. 110 Hospital Lane, PO Box 579, Afton, VVyoming;;33110 October 13, 2010. This isl a true certification of the document on file in the office of Vital !o Statistics Services, Cheyenne, Wyoming. DATE ISSUED: Tuesday, September 06,':20'11 This copy is not valid unless prepared on paper with an engraved. border. .1 LI.I.1.1. J.I.111.1 LI.LLI 1.1.1 I.LI.IJ.I.I.IJ.I I.IJ'J.I:11�1 J:I I I I I I. I IJ.LI.I LI. 141. W. LI. LI: WJ. IJJ. IJ. WJ .I.IJJ.I.I.LWJJ.IJJJJJJJJJJJJ� 000132 2010- 003130 70 years Lincoln Wife Interval: one year Time of Death: 10:30 (Actual) Matthew T. Rowe Interim Deputy State Registrar; k�t