HomeMy WebLinkAbout961124NOTICE OF LIEN OF JUDGMENT 000271 WHEREAS, my name is Inga L. Parsons, and I am a licensed attorney practicing in the State of Wyoming of counsel to the Law Offices of Elizabeth Greenwood; and WHEREAS, our office represents, LISA A. FRIST- DRENTH, and WHEREAS, the District Court Judge for the Third Judicial District has entered a Decree of Divorce in Civil Action No. CV- 2010- 35 -DC, filed on February 28, 2011, that incorporates the terms and conditions of a Stipulated Settlement Agreement filed on February 7, 2011, including property settlement wherein paragraph 10. DIVISION OF ASSETS: sub paragraph "K." HENDRIK H. DRENTH shall pay to LISA A. FRIST- DRENTH One Hundred Seventy Five Thousand Dollars ($175,000.00) and sub paragraph "L." HENDRIK H. DRENTH shall pay to LISA A. FRIST- DRENTH Ten Thousand Dollars ($10,000.00) for total of One Hundred Eighty Five Thousand Dollars ($185,000.00); and WHEREAS, HENDRIK H. DRENTH shall have six (6) months from the date of the entry of the Decree of Divorce to obtain refinancing to pay LISA A. FRIST- DRENTH the lump sum of One Hundred Eighty Five Dollars ($185,000.00); and WHEREAS, six (6) months have passed and LISA A. FRIST DRENTH to date has not received any of the lump sum of One Hundred Eighty Five Thousand Dollars ($185,000.00); and WHEREAS, statutory judgment interest of ten percent incurs an interest rate $50.68 per day for a total of $195,440.08 due as of the date of signing of this lien and accruing thereafter at that rate per day; and WHEREAS, LISA A. FRIST DRENTH has executed a Quit Claim Deed transferring her interest to HENDRIK H. DRENTH which is currently being held in escrow in the real property located at 176 Dell Creek Road, Lincoln more particularly described as follows: A parcel of land in the SE1 /4 of Section 15, T36N, R1 19W, 6 P.M., Lincoln County, Wyoming, more particularly described as follows: COMMENCING at the section corner common to Section 14, 15, 22, 23; Thence N89 57'53 "W, 1704.14 to the true point of beginning; Thence N00 08' 18.5 "E, 1278.91 feet; Thence N87 17' 40.3 "W, 578.55 feet; Thence S02 21' 43/4 "W, 1314.94 feet; Thence S89 57' 53 "E, 629.02 feet, more or less to the true POINT OF BEGINNING. TOGETHER WITH all improvements and appurtenances thereunto appertaining. SUBJECT TO reservations and restrictions contained in the Untied States patents, to easements and rights -of -way of record or in use, to prior mineral reservations of record and to all other matters of public record. WHEREAS, I am attaching herewith Exhibit A, a certified copy of the Decree of Divorce incorporating and evidencing the Settlement Agreement. WHEREFORE it is hereby requested that this Lien be placed against the land and tenements owned by HENDRIK H. DRENTH in Lincoln County pursuant to W.S. 1- 17 -302. RECEIVED 9/26/2011 at 11:08 AM RECEIVING 961124 BOOK: 773 PAGE: 271 JEANNE WAGNER LINCOLN COUNTY CLERK, KEMMERER, WY DATED this day of STATE OF WYOMING ss. COUNTY OF SUBLETTE My Commission Expires: l 2011. r�, Th foregoig n Jum ,?:2 day of -PIS Lie by INCA of L PARSONSent was acknowledged to me this WITNESS my hand and official seal. Jacqueline A. Ingersoll Notary Public County of Sublette 000272 State of Wyoming My Cammissidn axpires 121115!2014 F LE E, BY \v\ l% v( 090273 IN THE DISTRICT COURT OF LINCOLN COUNTY, WYOMI L J11 THIRD JUDICIAL DISTRICT LISA A. FRIST DRENTH, Plaintiff, HENDRIK H. DRENTH, Defendant. KENNETH D. ROBERTS CLERK OF DISTRIC i COURT 3rd JUDICIAL DISTRICT LINCOLN COUNTY, STATE OF WYOMING vs. Civil Action No. CV- 2010 -35 -DC DECREE OF DIVORCE THIS MATTER having come before the Court through the Complaint of Plaintiff Lisa A. Frist Drenth, and the Affidavit for Decree of Divorce of Plaintiff Lisa A. Frist Drenth, and the Court having reviewed the parties' Settlement Agreement, and the other pleadings, and otherwise being fully advised finds that: 1. Plaintiff currently resides in the State of Wyoming, and resided in the State of Wyoming for a continuous period of more than sixty (60) days immediately prior to filing the Complaint in this matter. 2. Defendant has been properly served with a copy of the Complaint herein, filed an Answer, and has consented to this proceeding for divorce. 3. Plain and Defendant were married on December 28, 1989, in Hendricks County, Indiana, and have been husband and wife since that date. 000274 4. Two children were born of the marriage: Melissa Drenth, born 1992; and JHHD, born 1995. Melissa Drenth is emancipated. 5. Irreconcilable differences have arisen between the parties such that continuation of the marital relationship is not possible, and Plaintiff should be granted a Decree of Divorce for such cause. 6. The parties have signed a Settlement Agreement, filed previously with the Court, providing for the care and custody of the minor child which Agreement is in the best interests of the child, and the allocation of marital assets and debts. 7. The Plaintiff and Defendant own certain personal property, and have incurred certain debts since the time of their marriage, which they have divided between them by agreement, which Settlement Agreement is fair and equitable. The Court should accept and approve the terms of the Settlement Agreement, and award the Plaintiff a Decree of Divorce incorporating and adopting the terms of said Agreement. IT IS THEREFORE ORDERED, ADJUDGED AND DECREED AS FOLLOWS: 1. Lisa A. Frist Drenth, Plaintiff herein, is hereby granted, awarded and decreed a Decree of Divorce from Hendrik H. Drenth, Defendant herein. 2. The Court has reviewed the Settlement Agreement, executed by the parties and filed previously with the Court. The Court approves DECREE OF DIVORCE Frist Drenth v. Drenth; Civil Action No. CV- 2010 -35 -DC Page 2 000275 the Settlement Agreement, and incorporates the terms and conditions of said Agreement as if set forth fully herein; and the parties are ordered to comply in full with the provisions of said Agreement. 3. The assets and debts of the parties shall be distributed in accordance with said Settlement Agreement. 4. Legal custody of the parties' minor child is hereby awarded jointly to Plaintiff and Defendant with the Plaintiff awarded primary residential custody and the Defendant awarded visitation in accordance with the Settlement Agreement. 5. Either party planning to change their home city or state of residence shall give prior written notice to the other parent and the Clerk of the District Court stating the date and destination of the move in accordance with the Settlement Agreement. 6. Commencing February 26, 2011, the Defendant is hereby ordered and directed to pay to the Clerk of the District Court of Lincoln County, P.O. Drawer 510, Kemmerer, WY 83101 -0510, child support for the parties' said minor child, with case number included, the sum of One Thousand Twenty -Two Dollars ($1,022.00) per month due and payable on the first day of each month pursuant to the terms of the Settlement Agreement. Each party is hereby ordered to notify the Clerk of Court in writing within fifteen (15) days of any change in address or employment. Either party may petition to enforce this order pursuant to W.S. X20 -2- 201 -204, 20 -3 -310 and 20- 2- 311(d). DECREE OF DIVORCE Frist- Drenth v. Drenth; Civil Action No. CV- 2010 -35 -DC Page 3 7. The current names, addresses, and employers of the parties have been included with the Confidential Statement filed previously with the Court 8. It is further ordered that the parties comply with W.S. §20 -2- 201 et seq., to provide for child support as herein ordered. The Court finds adequate grounds for the withholding order not to go into effect immediately. The employer of Defendant shall withhold income due the said Plaintiff and remit the same to the Clerk of the District Court as specified in any notice received from the Clerk of the District Court. The withholding of income shall commence: (a) upon voluntary application by the said Defendant or, (b) subsequent to the filing of a notice of delinquency by Plaintiff or assignee as provided in the above mentioned statutes. 9. Health insurance for the minor child shall be in accordance with the Settlement Agreement. Pursuant to W.S. §20- 2- 401(b), the Plaintiff shall provide proof of heath care coverage within sixty days of the entry of this Decree which proof shall state, at minimum, the following information: (a) the name of the Insurer; (b) the policy number; (c) the address to which all claims should be mailed; (d) a description of any restrictions on usage, such as preapproval for hospital admission, and the manner in which to obtain preapproval; (e) a description of all deductibles; and (f) two (2.) copies of claims forms. Further, the Plaintiff shall notify the Court and the Defendant if insurance coverage for the DECREE OF DIVORCE Frist- Drenth v. Drenth; Civil Action No. CV- 2010 -35 -DC Page 4 000276 000277 children is denied, revoked, or altered in any way that would affect the Defendant including any change relating to information required as set forth above. 10. The parties shall each pay their own attorney's fees. 11. Defendant's maiden name of Lis, rist is hereby restored to her. DATED this APPROVED AS TO FORM: )e 'arldeI so Judge ct TATE Of: WYOMING 3 UNTY OF LINCOLN SS. 1, Kenneth D. Roberts, Clerk of the Third Judicial District Court within and foresaiid county and in the State of foresaid, do hereby certify the foregoing to be a full, true, and complete copy. ctstoo.1144.k. Ri Jars J. Mulligan Kelly Blue B No. 5 -1731 WY Bar No. 6 -4268 Attorney for Plaintiff Attorney for Defendant DECREE OF DIVORCE [=rise- Drenth v. Drenth; Civil Action No. CV- 2010 -35 -DC Page 5 000278 I, Donna Hinton, Deputy Clerk of District Court, hereby certify that on the 28 day of February, 2011, I caused a true and correct copy of the foregoing Decree of Divorce and Order Allowing Withdraw) of Counterclaim by depositing the same in the United States mail, duly enveloped, postage prepaid, addressed to: Richard Mulligan Mulligan Law Office PO Box 1066 Jackson, WY 83002 Kelly Blue Hand Delivered CERTIFICATE OF SERVICE a\N\ Donna Hinton Deputy Clerk of District Court F E D FEB 0 2011 KENNETH D. ROBERTS CLERK OF DISTRICT COURT 3rd JUDICIAL. DISTRICT LINCOLN COUNTY, STATE OF WYOMING