HomeMy WebLinkAbout961184Form 31 1 0- 2
(lanuary 1978)
7.1p Code
(Sec. 17 Noncompetitive Public Domain Lease)
Act of February 25, 1920 (41 Stat. 437), as amended (30 U.S.C. 181 -263)
BERGO Associates
c/o David D. Berdon
132 Temple Street
New Haven, Connecticut 06510
This oil and gas lease is issued for a period of ten (10) years to the above -named lessee pursuant and subject w the
provisions of the Mineral Leasing Act and subject to all rules and regulations of the Secretary of the Interior now or
hereafter in force, when not inconsistent with any express and specific provisions herein, which are made a part hereof.
Lands included in the lease:
(Offeror/Lessee Signature)
(Title) 1
as, /71-
(Da Siggiec1)
State: Wyoming
T. 24 N., R. 112 W., 6th Prin Mer
Sec 1: Lots 1, 2, 3, 4, S1/2NE4,
SE;NW;, Er SWr SE;
2: Lots 1, 2, 3, 4
4: SE4SE;
Containing a total of 659.92 acres Annual Rental
(Atty -in -fact or Agent's Signature)
W -85245
Count Lincoln
l Serial Number)
Lands in offer were not within
a known g?oiogical struc' l e on
AU G 4 1983
b istrict Supervisor
for. the Director
This lease is issued to the successful drawee pursuant to the Simultaneous Oil and Gas Lease application filed
under 43 CFR 3112, and is subject to the provisions of that application and those specified on the reverse side
(Signature of Signin
Chief, oil
Gas Section
AUG 15 1983
SerIrI (e) (11) neulnMn5
01; _n;, $3 per mxe or
fraction Tnnr ol.
Effective date of lease: SEP 01 1983
D_ w
M CO w Y
c Q Y
to be a true and, comparative copy
of the official records on file
29 011
I�. d I ...,.....+r.,..,•
u .hc �r•�!s s!1 IF d tl ruci and
:ill buiie,,, .raterwaYS.
'nl ec;,arC ��:Ir" Jipelines, fasorvolrs, tanks,
;��btaliv�^s n m sinrctnres nec¢ssarY In tn< cull onjoy�
-oV �iod ni +0 years. and so Icng iherrtarter as
nnybrg nunntities: subirc' n ccy unit
r vfara J or hererrrer appmveJ Jy the Sxratary 1
1P1 n" Dravi•�ions S%rnmenl [n Aovern iIIB IandS i
wnero �i ncons ;inn: wish rho terms pi Ihif lemse.
"An lessen ngrues: I
-11; to '':IO :ny band ryUirrd SY :ni•, Iwse and I,
I r ant rn,;uir,!iuns ar,d cntil ;uch Dond is filed nvt to enter
and r ibis !c i<) To rnaintmin any 6pnd furnished
n ine Meese n c !!.e issuance of this lease. (3)
rn is; n bUnd�In 9 r m double tie amount of S2 Par scro an�
:nl rune :al Dui not ie_s r SI.000 ncr more ;ban 510,000.
n the mcl+ +sloe of any'� on N, of the leased lend ithin the i
o wn a<a!og:< slr•,cmre ur a ar anting pa n: Ras iirie. (4)
.¢gin ing a! vpxrations and 1
:urtm, n esi«r n rra'.lied SY :he lessor a bond v in I
I sum� n 'IG,000 +nth spornveA :orpornra surcry.
tll d ^UCSi^ Jvited Sraras DondS az sur it !nar¢!nr, conditicnnd
mn armpl inece with Ihu terms of this leixe, anless a bond I
a't amvu:+; already :,ainH mnintainod o mlass sucA band'
by operator 1 ihn Ieeso i acce➢�ad. (5) Until
:s riloa to t rm•.h nnd mmn•,a+n a bond
not :esn °hnn S :,000 In ihasn chaos in bleb
i• ^.A h•r In r',he :rvkoctivn of :he ow rs al sur�
th nds das<rrbuu h I
u S P S d ha r 4vletrons m y p t
r.;+ r pr..n. —Nlth n 30 dars ai demrnd,
'ho nnr mittoJ to Un aDaraved nit or c000�
:r'!•r •I;,n U' Dlxn noted prior to :ho axpiralion
;hr� I��a :v, +v �'U days aldamnnJ nrrdv thcrea;ter, !o suD�
vDnrate une ^r •uch re,gonxble <ooperativn
it v n Mr 'hc �'vvalepmant and pernlion at the a a, fiNdr
sv eol, u+: brncinq ihn Ianda includod herein s
,:r¢tn+y :ho '•terior a r then determine to Dm Drac(ira6le
cn-�san ar advi•xblx, •:rhich Dien snnli dequately protect
rinnls a Dnrties in interest, i rl uding ins United States.
�!cl ri!•. —r.l'• Ta ;!,ill anJ L`rnt(nce ell wmis n essary to
•m r 0 1 ^aseC land :r m drainage by v.vlls en lands n t the
y x +n59nr. i9nd of ;h¢ :nit,¢ sterna Ian ;oe mt a
r rovtltp r9ta. ;c w` 'fin mrai ties .tad rentals are
in:u •li7r•�re r: than thosr. v� this !e sa n lieu
w arly :ml tiirlin$ red p. ductinn, with �10 c ar i nt pl
n �t �';Fa ;coinP.I.si Sulvey, rc compensate thi lessor
inch munrit Im Ira tali nteE loss of rcyalM Through
r+nem in lire nmoum dotarmined by said Direclo.. i2) et the
S 'Av !visa c, to Arils onJ produce other wells i <on�
,.t +nn v mrY sl'.ivm c1 :roll spacing mr production alloimenh
i c R fielJ or araV in \ri,ich :ha !oaaed lands nm sifuatod,
i'ch m thori :ed and son timed Dy apDlicnble levy or Dy the
acrat'r:,r of ^.ha Intariar, anJ t3) cromDttY of'er duo notice In
o rlril! and croduce i •n. other \VDUs Js tnC Secretary of
irrior �n :y roasonsbiY u �eeuiro :n order that lira !e sad
s may bo pransrly anJ r•InUly developed and Droducod rn
cor IA ,poci opemUn. ernctice.
(d) >r rrrfE a rnYaJrrrJ. -(i: 7o oral nntala and roynllies'
mvuniv Or YnluO nl prod :t +on moYSd nr .u!:1 tram tAe
lensed :ands ns Scllows:
R, r lessor .c +vnco an .,nnual rental ai
`ollowinu ro n ec y
r, ,f rich ads are wholly n t :ido h:a Nnown geologic struc�
nl DroAucir:R oil alit
sett n :nl of .51.00 per here i
!bl 't 1hn J.rr,tlx n' nartly I+ 1,hv known goo-
c ot•uctnm vi a p�occ� ng oil or r Ans �tiald: t r 0 de i
9vginn nn �r +4h tea 'rsi Imase yoar of e 3 Y
noVicr r ;hat o- pert ^i tF,e .,.nd is laded in
^ncA n �;;ructure anb xaci•. v ar 1 lhareaftar, i
of oil ur m s on the o lands i
iraVed' i2 an'r 'mefion n e'
I m'x t livn o r unit glcn n v�h�i�indudrs
rrr maducin„ c I or gas and -cr.!air.x a general
Mmision far nl!xafinn of pruduction, the rnntel
prasribod !m ;Aa rnnative lenw yen^ in sub
pnragmnh (a) of IAis scclien, shall anely to the
r:•agA hat :kl!h In a parUtigaling ,9rxn.
ritin+m r. n: +.rir r.-- Cammxn<ing >rith the loose year Segin�
'ing on or oiler v discnvory un iho loesod Tend, sa pay lea lessor
haru u i of ter, colt a n nimum royS11Y ni Sl per acre or fraction
i at the pirntimr of v it Ixase year, or the d :ttarence
roMen, actual ray^icy paid during the your if i. than +1
,::A ;her r• n.c :.I :nA mininum royalty of ji >er fare.
�noviduJ 't this tense is uniti:ud. rho minimum r�ynilr shall
.n pU�xhlo Unly ml mo uaMicipatinq ncraaea and rental sn II be
rwnbin ten nonnmhcioeung xcroago as overload in :ubaarn
r h (bl(III as
Ra >.Jn nn n.�duurcn. —ri) To Uey the inor 72y: rercam
nyelt!• nn tho prnduclion r� orrC or sold 'root the leased (ands
:omeutad in cordanco 'riirh tAe Oil anA Gas Operating iegnla�
lone (i0 CFR ''21).
(2) !i is xprassly graN that iha Sacrntnry of the I ,tailor
nay ealnDGsh reasombla m m value for narpOSM of c m�
facing royal'?' o any nr all l oil� Ras, natant gaeglina, and airier
xoAu<h nbinined f.nm c a, dun cvnsidvralion being given to the
tighest Pricu paid for a 1 nr fora majority of production nr
to harry in ma exrn9 rata, :m eon ad<a raemrraa br tea lafsne.
�'slsA prcrn. :r d to aiher refmmnt :orlon sha whenever
e ,Vior noilrtl and nnportunil'7 tv bo hoard.
(3) lviwn paid in r iue, each oyxltier. n vroduc:ion shall bo
Juo �n p: yvnln munch ly nn 4ha v ies: day of 4he calendar month
:;rct ^!Irr.•n,= 'fin calendar month hr xnicA 9raducod. When
,niC ,hunt of Droduc :tan, such royaliv nroducis silnll M Ja�
li�rorod In mnrcnantaDlo condition on rho pramisas whore groducod
•.Vlrnuut cos :o !as5or, unly5 ofierwiso agrmad io W too pnrtins
hnnto, touch :i end 'n ucn tanks pravidcA by the lessen as
rnnsonnbly nay bn r.auireA �v tea lessor, but in n case hnl!
rho bssra a rrpuirod 'v I:old such royelD' od ur other 7raduch
sYarape beyond tiro ie,t day tea ceJendar month nest fol-
.ning the andsr month it which uroducad our 'e r¢sgonsible
,aid 'lento for tiro loo n destruction of ruyalty oil or otDnr
products in stornae arum causes over which Ae has no control.
(R) Rnn!al: ar minima r ya!ti'n may Se .load, susDOnded
¢r rduced and royallins i nn t!rn entiro ieawhold nr any eortion
tnar�nt snR uRnted fur rvynity purrsns may be reduced it the
xrrtnr,• ut t o Interior finds toot, for the purDOSe of aneour�
ngine, itme areutaat nllimBLU r ca ary of oil o ?as and in tAe
intnrcst of canservxtion o nsturvl r ureox, it �is necessary, in
:•dfrnonl fn do zu in aldel pinmota dvvalODmUnI, or bB�
o 'hv lonxa <xnnot he skccesslully acarated under the forms
f xe:J
(n) .r rrr'.-- Unless therwise direetaJ by the Sxrelery
of lire Inlarior, fa make rental, royalty. or otF.er ?aymonts to the
loiwr, :o the order vl the Rurnxu of Land Managemoni et the
vlacns �+entionod in tnc ry :uletion e3 CFR J!Oi.2. II ;here
wnli nn :ne tossed Innds cape Dle of Droducinp, oil yr gas
n o,ying quantiliUS, '.he !ail Urn 'n D mnlai an or bofora the
ry data shell nutometicaily (erminah the lasso DY pars'
�IOn r DI Ia1V, linwllvaq ii rho time (or vayment to Ns on n day ;n
rich !fin ;'rnadr olrice to rewire garment is <IC ;td, R +Ymant shall
bn +i m;,A •'':+ciY i� nude on the ne>t eNicial worhing deY.
(p P' n. Icy ,.i n/ rodvnr. ?b File with the
Oi: JnA Cns��Su�r.•i5or of �tbe Gvolr,•aicsl Survey not toter than
JO doe: 'nn UNoctivr daPo tACree+ any C nhxeL er evidence
o f o:l r ungemrn for ;fin :In o s sal crl, Ras, otural
gasolinn, •:nd oti+rr �producls d tSc r '•v�sed InnJ; f ri 'rd, Thal
nothir. r; my :u<n <ontrnct ar other ar ong m¢nt shall be on
��mndi;'vin= any vi the Drvvisivas�pf this !ease, inaludinH
n¢9 �ot M, provisions ref ^ring sU yes woste, taking royally
;ind, -ri the mathaa of c using rovfilin Auc s based en
valuation anc .n accm:Ian<e vrtn !h¢ Uil and Gaa
Oyarai•nE R'NUlatiens.
(R) Sraremrnrr, pipit .,nd �rrorr �,.t such times end in
.raA fa e InaDr m:;• crib,: to rnmi9n aahilae :ate
^nowins n tho a ants n yu ^litr n4 ell aroducts r Dope
m mold iho I,msa, cnnas tnerafrnm, and +he amount
sad +br omducrion ,urpas, •mat•vidaDly lost: n vier showing
dovvin;nnonr :,nrA nrC n the loosed lands: and
art wilt n.,nx, v ��t r'�nn P�.'yn ve:;tm¢nis, daPrecialicn
^e vs v Jr+:ling •acnrd, n IoR. and
�ers -nd tests in form n epb
.o ill wale erin,e on tr
Ihera�of,s 1 off,ye ne s and d :o tut msh the tion p ab�a n.d '�I "sa "'or _at. nY other Ume pr'or tnoreto when �requrmd and fo
and r !his varag av ,:pon ,I o equasl of r lessee a sha:l not be .mad necassan Sy tAe lasaor to ..0 env pits, ditches
open to ins0¢<:ion Dy ;he public until Me e%p+rshon of tAa oveUOns, remove or cover nil dobns, and so tar ns
,.dssiDl restore thm surface of fha leasod Innd and
�ra(i) fn,prrriar.. —TO Yep open 1 II rea n ble times for «eu to tAeir former condition, including the rrmovnl o/
tfia insvection et anY duly outhgrized atlicer at the Depar!ment, strectures es d if required. The lessor may Drescribe the steps
the leased premises and all wells, imDrorements, mach ine7, and to be taken and restorntipn to be made with rospect to the leased
'ixwres thereon and an Boons, ace ants, maps ana re< vas rota )ands and improvements thereon whethor nr not owned 'oY the
;c operations anC surveys or on the leased U tM me at`^ e miqurrie and objrr« hirruri+ rarsr.
lands or under the lease. All information obtained Dursuant to Wha A tiquiliss n or other objects of historic or suenli.
any such ''n oection pon the r uest of the lessee, hall not be ire interest including Dut not limited to histonc ar prehistoric
?Dery to inspection br thn vublic until thz e%piretion of the r•ins, rossils or artifaeh ere diseavered in the performances of
tAis Inse the items) or condition (s) will Dn Inf! intact and
eas l��DrliRrnr Drrrrn•mn rj a hraLh and alery of Immediately brought to the atten! ion of the contrecUng officer or
ar4mr —To rciza «asonable r diligance i drilling and his authorized representative.
aroducing the wells nereir: ormviEed for ^less consent t0 suspend (r) Ovrr �d nR royallie,. —Not t0 Creole Overriding oyellies
operations temporarily rs granted Dy the lessor, to tarry on ail in a %cess of five percent a %cept as otherwise euthorixed by rho
nparations in accordance with approved methods end practice regulations.
s prormad in Ino ml ana caa ov<mung Reanlation:. narina (5) Drherr prim Lr, rn r rr )ar/rirar. —io Aaliver p
�iue regard for thz DrevenUon of waste of oil or yes or damage to the lessor in good order and condition thm land leased nsluJ�
'.0 deDoslts ar formations containing oil, Nas, or Water Io 'nH ell improvements which a ne essary for 'M preservation of
eel m asu as rusher m+neral de br conservation of gas producing w Its. re e
-neraY elor preservation and se ¢lion ul the Drooerty tar Sec. 3. The lessor rezefras:
ulura Droductive operatian5, and for the Aeilth n d atety Oi (a) Earrmrn,r and rrRbrf�o(�rr•nr. —The rigAl to pnrmit ter
vo km n and emD1oY <s: to Olug properly and eMoctively ell )Dint or several use easements or ngAls�af�wey, including Bas
hells drilled i corder.`¢ with the provisions of this lea5a or 'Tents in tunnels pon, through, or +n the lends leased, occuDiad,
n y grior I mr permit v n which Ina right to this .ease or usam a m y be necessary or appro Driah to ine Working or
s based Detore the samo; to carry out at expense the sa a or of o,Aer lands containing the deposits described rn
o f the lessee all reason Dle orders of the lessor rotative to the the ac[, and the treatment and shipment'ol products Iheraai Dy
•nnllrn n this p +ra5ra :h, and that e of the levee so a der autAority of the Covernmant, its IasseN. or pormittcai,
,o do tAr rasa shill f ve the •:gflt °.o enter on the prop and for ¢;her pubnc Dwposes.
airy and to accon•e "sn fhr put pose of such orders st the lessee's (h) DuDonrron of rur)arr. TAB right'to lease, se!I, o: olher�
cast: Prnr;drd, Tnal the lessee shall not he held r sponsibla se depose of the su mace of the leased lands u Cer n:rshnE
or delays o. cnsw tries ac.asraned by causes beyontl lessee's law awe hereafter enacted, insofar as said surtnce is net
(k) Taxu and ::�ag_r, j•rrdom Dnrrh.ur. —To pay when
due all tnxox iawlully assessed and lerind under tAe laws t the
Shta or the United Slxie_ upon improvements, ail, end gas
produced from ;fin lands hereunder, or other rights, property. promulgde end anlorce all orders necesaap� to in re the sale
eta of he !e ee; Iv accord all workmen end mployees pl the production of lha leased lands to the United States a d to
�ompleta treedam of purchase, end to pay all ages due work the public et reasonable prices, la protect the mlemsts vl the
man .and ampicyees at least Y�ice each month m .ha Inw(ul Un+led Slates, to prevent monopoly, and tp sereguerd Iha public
r mf tea unitee sutna. weuare.
(I) E'quaf Op p n air} r /aura.— During the perlormenw of (d) Hr /ivm.— Pursuant to Section 1 0! the ct o amandvA.
t!lis contrecl the lessee agues as follows: the ownenniD of helium and the right to extract or have it e
I:nvnf tlnDnr,vnr r. rrnosr. CLL•,ng thr pr.rormonrr traded from all gas produced ^der this lease, bject to svcn
of this lease, the leesee a, +ees as follow+: rules and regulations es Shall be prescri6od by the Socrelery of
(1) Tho lessee ,viii not discriminate ageinsr a v (he Interior. If lAa lessor elects to Gke the hoUUm, thb losses
molnYre n upplicnm for empleymom nice sae of nea rotor, hall deliver all or enY portion or gas containing the same to the
rnliq:on, v nil origin. The lessee will to kr af- I lessor, in the manner required by the lessor, at anY ➢oini on the
tirmatsve aci;on �o sure that opplicems .re employed, leased Dremn s, or, if the area ¢rved et the lime of production
xna that rmplorres a t cacao Auring employmrnt, witnuur by a ges�galharing system owned operated by the lessaa, at
regard :o the it :n c reiil(ian, sex, or ionel origin, a y paint in ihal System 9p! ified by the ICSSOr, rmr Bxtra<lion ml
action abet! include, but not be limited �o v ibe following: the helium Dy such means ps the lessor may provide. Thor nsidue
emplayme nt, uvdrod inR, demotion, r transfer; r ruitment 'sAall be returned to lha lessee, witA no suhsiantial Jelay the
uitme nr advert ix inq; layoff or trrminetion� rates of delivery of the gas ➢rodueed from the wolf la the owner or pur�
px v other rormn or compensation; ana setc<t ion for uain- cMser lhereol. Sava for the value of the helium ezlncted, thr
L eluding npprenl iceship, 'the Lessee agrees to post Insee shell not salter a diminution al the raluo pl Iha Sas pro
nsp;<uoux placrx, a :able to emotoyers ana epplicams duced from the w II, or lass otherwise, including any expnn e
for emolevmem, no c o er vrovideJ bs' the contrvcting caused solely by the requiroment of tAa delivery of the gas to
officer se, ring forth l !hr s provis ions of rhie Envoi Oppon unity permit the eziraetion of helium, (or WAich he iz sal roasonaDly
.a use.(2) The lersev will, i all evil`ilorions or advertise- co Onsa red. Th IaS ones Whe ighl t0 erect, m inlain,
a d psrate any d II adgctlon Orks nNatsary for exfm<lian
empin yea. ptxced ey o n Ixhn if of the lessee, of Helium on the leased premier.. The lessee furthor aRrem io
txle gnat ntl pool ivied appliconts rr a ohs iaeretion ncluds in any con:rnct of solo of gas from the tondo subject to
empl nYmenl withenr rrRard to race, e re tiRion, sex, this lasaa provisions setting farih ihet the IeS.tef OWns, a d fe�
r rwt:ono! oriein. a es lhs right to sxirncl or have e%tmcted, any helium in iho gas
(3) The lessee uiil servo ;o rach labor union or repro- gold, and Thai the lessor may take ihs gas from a pipeline carrier
or workrs w,+h which he has a <olfective novae in- anY ether gas gathering sntem and eztrart the helium and
ing n other convac enders to nd ing, a notice. ��turn the Ras 10 the owner thereof, Without delay other than that
to be pray idea :y the aF.encv t c ontract ing officer, advis inr; a used by the ezlraetion proeas 'save /or the sue pf the holium.
nc� tabor u o er workers' r presensa t{ve of the lessees tea aw. hall not after any diminution ai rho luo of the ga..
mmsmrents under uus equal Opponun icy `cause, end sh•u from which helium has been extracted, or any other lass ri inq
post copies of he notice rn conspicuous places evaiLble from iha aalreetion of helium, inolddin
mproyces onrl .pplica nts for employment, g any expanse esused solely
n (d) The lessee •.viii comply with all provisions of 6Y the rpuirement of tAa delivery of the gas .o permit the x
-u' a Order �'o. 112¢6 or September 24, 1965, es' mend- [raetion i helium, for wAich he a not raasonaDly cornpansated.
ed�and of :hr roles, reRUletions, ana re to vent or,iers a of 'eM II 's further agreed that any rights reserved voted in the lessor
secretary of Leuor. under this DsragroDh shall Iso run to y agent or assignee al
ri) The lessee will rvrnixh ell infv.metion end revorts the lessor or any pureMssr of the righh of lesaar.
:c erf. by Extra; ive Omer No. ^245 of Sep ember N, (e) Ta4;nR 1 rayalnu.—nn rights Dursuunt to section 36
-55, ns amended, and by the rules, regulations, and aide r. of the Bet t0 take royalties in amount pr In valu0 of prgduttion.
or the Socretnry or L;,bor, or pus vx nt !neretn end wiu per. (l) Curir.4. —All rights pursuant to section 40 pl the act to
s u his Books, :<corea, .nd n,. ants by cur c vurcnase using, and lease or operate wluable orator weUa.
octinR xaency and rho src.etary or Libor for purposes or 'g• Drilling and producing rnrrirr;onl. —It is agraeA
.tire :ion 10 xs rt,m r mpun nc. with xvch rules, rrgv- That the rate of DrmPecting and develoDin[ and the quantity and
-at.o amt order. �r rate of production Irom the lands covered by This lease ahnll by
n ~r (o) to rho e, cn :ne trsse<'s omptivn« w�;U, subject to control 'n the public i rarest by tea Srrc Lary of rho
:n< Enuxl Uppormnity or In is ra with a Interior, and in tAe exercise of his judgment the Secretary
of the said rule., reqularions, yr order n �his on[rect m
be �nncc lied, term innted or sucpanded S i whole or ,n pan
and me co b< ae<larra ineug ime rot rmrrn¢r
Govermnent convx ts err nrdonce with procedures autno,-
�ed in Es<cutivr Ordrr rvo. !1:46 or seosember 24. t965. authorized in the unit plan, may altar or modify from Nma to
'.i a, the to 1 Drmpating nd devmioDment anC the quantity
and acs of production from the lands corerod by tAia leaao.
Sec. 5. Swr endrr end rerminarion of lre,r. —The lossev
may surrender this lease or any legal subdivision thereof by filing
lAs proper lend o(sice a w iHOn relinquishment, in triplicate.
nhich shall he affective ss of fha data of filing snbjxl to ?he con
limed obligation of the lessee and his surety to mako payment of
all accrued re cols and royalties and to place ell wells on the IanA
to he relinquisAed in condkion for suapansian or abandonment in
c rdenca with rho apDlicahle lease terms and regulatioro.
a Sec. 6. Purrhare of mareriab, rrr., on rn,;narion nj
Iran. —Upon the a %DiraUon or this lease, or the earlier termina-
tion thereof Wnuant to the Ins: preceding soeiion, the imsae
shall have tAe privilege at onY time Within a period o} 40 Bay±
IAaleailer of removing Irom the premises all machinery, egUip�
meet. tools, an4 materials other than impmremants headed fc
producing walla. An7 materials, tools, apDliancros, machinnry�
structures, a d aquipmnnt subject to emovel as ¢Dom provided,
filch era Ilowsd to remain on ine r teesod rands obeli bocomo
the DropertY of the Insar an ezDintion t the ?O�daY period cr
such extension thereof as may bo granted be<auso of dvana
climatic c editions throughout said Doriod: Providrd, That tAm
lessee shell removo any or all of such property whero ao directed
by tAe lessor.
Sec. 7. Prorerdingr in rare of dr /roar. —It the lossve shill
not eo vly with any of the provisions of rho act or the ragu!e�
Lions the•eunder or o5 the lease, or shall make Aelault in the
perlormanca or observance of may of the corms hereof (accmpt
that of payment of ann I rental which r ails i rho automatic
termination of the lease), and such dofault shall continue for a
assor this /ease ma /t be cenceled tnao5acrelae thereat by :he
y ry of the In:erier
in accordance with sxtion 31 of the set azceot that it this lapse
ithen or company not the owne of any pipeline, operating a covers lands known to conUin valuable deposits ai oil or goa
Inaso or purchasing or salting oil, r qu, atural gasoUne, or other the laaae m y ba canceled my by judicial DroceedinRS in tea
products under the provisions of the aci� or der the provisions man r provided in section 31 0! the act; but tAis vrovisian shall
vt the pct of August 7, 7941 (61 Stel. 913, 30 U.S.C. sec. 351). not bs construed to prevmnl the ex mice by the tosser of any
legal or equitable remedy which the lessor might otherwise noon.
Upon cencalletion I this lease, any c sing, m toilet, or
aquioment determined 6Y the lessor to Da necessary far use in
plugging or preserving any well drilled on the IeaseA land zhnll
become the proporty of the lessor. A waiver of any particular
a se of cancellation and fortaitera shall not Drevenl the csn�
collation and lorleiture of this loose for any other cause o!
cell Lion and forlei cure, or far rho same cause scarring a.
any other time.
Sac. g. Hrrn nd ru rrorr�in�i rrrr,r. —It 's !urlher
agreed lAat egcA obligation hell exlentl to and Ue
binding vspon, and a cry benefi! horeol shell in r to, the heirs.
executo/,�,;g. dministretors, successon, or oasigns Iha rosperti9•e
parties hereto.
5eg. 9. unlam /uf inrrrnr. —It is flap further agreed Ifial
no Member ol, or Delegate to, Congrav, or Resident Commis
(n) Piprlinrr o purcl an o try or nabfr rain
and u•irhour dirrrrmmarion. —II owner, ar apentor, or ownen
of a controlling i terest in y pipeline pr of ony company opern.�
ing the same rrhich mvy a pe opnraied accrrible to the oil nr
l e a pvmhaser of such purchase at �etes
without discriminnlion fire ail or gas of IAe Government or of any
necessary for the use of the lessee in the eztracfion and removal
f the oil and gas therein, or to disDOSe of any resouree in sucA
finds which will hat unreasonably interfere with opentions under
this lease.
(c) MonaDol} and /orb Drlrrr, —Full Dower end authority to
may bke into consideration, among otAer things, sedoral laws.
State laws, and regulelions i55uod thereunder, or lawful agrae�
manta among npurstors rogulaUnq either drilling or production, or
be!A. After u tization, rho Secretary mf the .nterior, yr may
person, committee, or Stato or Federal Dfhcar ar agency s
(o) nd p nrrn«d mirk o'! and Rar 'Dori« renrvrd o
rhr Lrnirrd S, n; rr. —To comply with all statutory requirements
and regW.mtiovs thereunder, it !hm .ends embraevd herein have
Doan or shell hereafter be disposed of under the laws reserving
a me united stata5 the aepoaita et an and ens tnarein, butt
to such conditions ns are or may hereerter be provided by the
laws reserving uch ail or gas.
(p) R or rrgrrgarrd lanai. -11 enY of the land
laded n this lease is embraced in a reservation or sagregslod
for any particular Wrpose, to co duct operations thereunder in
conformity with such requirements as may be made by the
Direelar, Bureau t Land Menagement, for lAe Drpteetion and
uee of rho land for the vurpme for which it was reserved or
earagated, sv far ea may De cansrstent with tAe use of the lend
for the purpwe aY this tense wAich tartar shall be regarded s
the dommsnt ass unlea otherwhe provided hmraln or separately
stipulalod. her slier his lactlon r apDOinimnnt, or either Dviore
(q) Pr rerrion aJ rurJarr, n rvra( r,oarrr, and im �ror r� after hs has qualified end during his eontinuanea in oiree, end
rnrr. The lessee grees to rope such reaslmabla steps mq inet err oMic<r, egont. employee r the Depa. tmenl I rho
be needod tD Irrevenl opentlons on the leaned lands from un� Interior, except as provided in 43 CFR 7.4(a)(!), shall Do ed�
naessarily: (lj causing or contributing to at it erosion or dam miffed to any shore or ➢art in this lease w derive ony Mnerit
aginC crop, in lading forage, anA tim:fer growth thereon ar on mat may e e tneretrom; aN [he provisions. of S 3741 or
fedaml or o �FMeml (ands in the ricinits'; (Z) oollutinq air the Revised Statutes al lAe United Status, n v (41
and •retor (31 dsmxginq imgrovementa crrnsd by the United States U.S C. Sac. 72) and Seu. 43i, 432. and F'2. TiY:o i.g U.S.
other parties; or (4) Jn!' :Dying, t._.rxgirg or r.moring }paella. Co'' 'elating to contacts, entor into and farm a Pnrt at :Die
.tons ¢era arm mrn5. or arrn<h sad xaov any a. ^.rtial or i I .tar as the soma may be :pplir�D!e.
GAO 94 -5;5
SL;:� NC4. D15Ti;:.Dy::" S:'i?'::L= �TIO:•:S
P. O. 60X 1568
S�l_T L�hE CITY, E!�' P�4��Q
1. .:Ot`.:1ti15L nC1nC lily prOV15_On Of t;11S
lase to the ccntrary, any drilling, construc-
�ion, or oti operation. on ti leased lands
�i •;ill disturb the sun =ace thereof or
ctherH�ise af�ect the enviro;u hereina� ter
CcZ� led Sllr� aCe dl5 turbirg ODeratloil, C0:7-
��.:cted by lessee shall be subject, as set
north ir. tnis stipulation, to prior approv�i
of such operation by the District b.anager in
cer.sultation tiith appropriate surTace manage
nent agency and to such reasonable conditions,
not inconsistent kith the purposes for which
�i�is 1e3S2 is issued, as the District �:anager
may require to protect the surface of the
leased 1ares and the environment.
2. Prior to entry upon the land or the dis-
turbance of the surface t7ereof for drilling
or other purposes, lessee shall submit for
�proval tcao (2) cc�ies o� a map and eyplana-
tion of the nature of the anticipated activity
and surface d�.s�urbance to the District arag-
r?r, dS ar%p�`''�r' ate, and W111 a1 S0 �urri�S�: �:7e
ao�rO,.�rlate Slirl .Ce r,anace Eat agency names
above, with a co_y of such maw and explanation.
to be a true na d camp�`ra ive copy
of the official rE�pr�.ts on file
au� 2 1
..���ric� �:a :�cer .::crass,
�.i_tr:C� .'i�i`:�1��L
3u: e:�u o: Lane `;aaace�:e::t
P U .,o_: 1 �:�h9
.`s. envircr ^ental analysis v:ill be -.ade ny uhe
>✓ureal: Of LaP.d ;c::aCe' lent 1n COn5�1 �atlori 41it.'
the a� rGp_.�ate SiirfaC2 I �ariaGe;'IEn'C ager.C'y' LOr
the pur2.ose o� assuring _roper �ctection of
the S1r�ace, the natural reso��rces, the er.vi-
rOru'�:2nt, c::i5t =i.0 1:^,prOV2^?e t5, a.1C1 fOr aSSllZ
i �g �,;,mcly rcClai.iation Of u�StL'rDeG�. laria5.
3. Upon co�::pleticn o� said environmen *_al
analysis, the Disrrict ?�:anacer as appropriate
shall notify lessee o� the conditions, if any
to which t2 proposed surface nisturbin�:�
Operatl.0:'iS will be subject.
Said conditions may relate to any of the
(a} Location. of drilling or other
eap loratory or develop: rental
o�eratior.s or the manner in
ti-hic:: t .ey are to be conc.ucte3;
(D) T� ✓eS Oi t'2.��1e5 t:7at I:iav �Je
used an,. �_eas i n Y: :�:_c t ey
r;ay be used and
(c) ne= or lo���ion ir. w: ^.ich
lair: r0�.'elei:tS SL:CIl a5 rOauS
builCings, pipelines, or other
_«prove:nents are to be constructed.
��n' �10a -y (Jan 1983)
Due to the enactment of Public Law 97 -78, signed by the President
November 16, 1981, this lease contains an additional term specifying the
rights and obligations of an oil and gas lease issued subsequent to that
Act. This term merely specifies what the impact of passage of that Act
has done to a Federal oil and gas lease issued on or after November 16,
1981. In order to reduce the expense and delay involved in the execution
of this additional term in the standard lease, we have included the
clause and are hereby notifying you of its inclusion in the lease. This
term simply states the provisions of law now that oil and gas and tar
sands rights are subject to the same lease and preserves to the Department
the right to approve or disapprove a plan of opers�tions.
"Under the provisions of Public Law 97 -78, this lease includes all
deposits of non gaseous hydrocarbon substances other than coal, oil
shale, or gilsonite (including all vein -type solid hydrocarbons).
Development by methods not conventionally used for oil and gas extrac-
tion such as fire flooding and including surface mining will require the
lessee to submit a plan of operations and will be subject to regulations
governing development by such methods when those rules are issued by the
Bureau of Land Management (BLM), an�cl the rules or procedures of the surface
managing agency, if other than BLM. Development may proceed only if the
plan of operations is approved."
i 1..
�f °a
��tir ���f�
be trt�� �a��t�as.��ativ� �opY
®f tN� �fflci�l r�r�r�t� �n file
The Federal surface management agency is responsib7_e for assuring ,.that
the leased lands are examined to determine if cultural resources ^are,::
present and to specify mitigation measures. Prior to undertaking any
suface- disturbing activities on the lands covered by this lease, the
lessee or operator, unless notified to the contrary by the authorized
officer of the surface management agency or BLM as appropriate, shall:
Engage the services of a qualified cultural resource specialist
acceptable to the Federal surface management <3gency to conduct an
intensive inventory .for evidence of cultural resource values;
3. Submit a report acceptable to the authorized officer of the surface
management agency; and
4. Implement mitigation measures required by the surface management
agency to preserve or avoid destruction of_ cultural resource
values. Mitigation may include relocation of proposed facilities,
testing and salvage or other protective measures. Where impacts
cannot be mitigated to the satisfaction of the surface managing
agency, surface occupancy on that area must be prohibited.
The lessee or operator shall immediately bring to the attention of the
Bureau of Land Management or the authorized officer of the Federal
surface management agency any cultural resources o °.r any other object of
scientific interest discovered as a result of surface operations under
this lease, and not disturb such discoveries until directed to proceed
by the Bureau of Land Management.
1. Contact the appropriate BLM office on lands managed by BLM or the
appropriate surface managing agency on lands where the surface is
administered by such agency to determine if a site specific cultural
resource inventory is required. If a survey is required, then;
�,Sd'gnature ;L/p� �2.z -c�
to be a;Crue and 'comparative copy
Af the c�fficia( records on file
No occupancy or other surface disturbance will be allowed on slopes in
excess of 20%, without written permission from the District Manager,
Bureau of Land Management.
To maintain esthetic values, all semipermanent and permanent facilities
may require painting or camouflage to blend with the natural surround-
ings. The paint selection or method of camouflage will be subject to
approval by the District Manager, Bureau of Land Management.
r.�Signature f
to be a true an� cpmparatfva copy
of the flff(cial records on file
0�'L�� ��D��MA�N
e;�° y c,..-
Form 3109 -1
(December 1972)
(formerly 3103 1)
The lessee agrees to maintain, if required by the lessor during
the period of this lease, including any extension thereof, an
additional bond with qualified sureties in such sum as the
lessor, if it considers that the bond required under Section 2(a)
is insufficient, may at any time require:
(a) to pay for damages sustained by any reclamation
homestead entryman to his crops or improvements caused by
drilling or other operations of the lessee, such damages to
include the reimbursement of the entryman by the lessee, when
he uses or occupies the Land of any homestead entryman, for
all construction and operation and maintenance charges be-
coming due during such use or occupation upon any portion of
the land so used and occupied;
(b) to pay any damage caused to any reclamation project
or water supply thereef by the lessee's failure to comply £idly
with the requirements of this lease; and
(c) to recompense any nonmineral applicant, entryman,
purchaser under the Act of May 16, 1930 (46 Stat. 367), or
patentee for all damages to crops or to tangible improvements
caused by drilling or other prospecting operations, where any
of the lands covered by this lease are embraced in any non
mineral application, entry, or patent undar rights initiated
prior to the date of this lease, with a reservation of the oil
deposits, to the United States pursuant to the Act of
July 17, 1914 (38 Stat. 509).
As to any lands covered by this lease within the area of any
Government reclamation project, or in proximity thereto, the
lessee shall take su�tt precautions as required by the
Secretary to prevent any injury to the lands susceptible to
irrigation under such project or to the water supply thereof;
provided that drilling is prohibited on any constructed works
or rig}it -of -way of the Bureau of Reclamation, and provided,
lurlher, that there is reserved to the lessor, its successors
and assigns, the superior and prior right at all times to con-
struct, operate, and maintain dams, dikes, reservoirs, canals,
wasteways, laterals, ditches,. telephone and telegraph lines,
electric transmission lines, roadways, appurtenant irrigation
structures, and reclamation works, in which construction,
operation, and maintenance, the lessor•, its successors and
assigns, shall have the right to use any or all of the lands
herein described without making compensation therefor, and
shall not be responsible for any damage from the presence of
tivater thereon or on account of ordinary, extraordinary, unex-
pected, or unprecedented floods. That nothing shall be done
under this lease to increase the cost of, or interfere in any
manner with, the construction, operation, and maintenance of
such works. It is agreed by the lessee that, if the construc-
tion of any or all of said dams, dikes, reservoirs, canals,
wasteways, laterals, ditches, telephone or telegraph lines,
electric transmission lines, roadways, appurtenant irrigation
structures or reclamation works across, over, or upon said
lands should be made more expensive by reason of the
existence of the improvements and vt�orkings of the lessee
thereon, said additional expense is to be estimated by the
(Continued on rev��,
tq be a true and comparative, copy
of the official records on file
Secretary of th'e' Idtei•zor, .w is to be 'final and
binding upon the parties hereto, and that witY:in thirty (30)
days after demand is made upon the lessee for payment of any
such sums, the lessee will make paylnent thereof to the
United States, or its successors, constructing such. dams,
dikes, reservoirs, canals, wasteways, laterals, ditches,
telephone and telegraph lines, electric transmission lines,
roadways, appurtenant irrigation structures, or reclamation
works, across, over, or upon said Lands; provided, however,
that subject to advance written approval by the United States,
the location and course of any improvements or works and
appurtenances may be changed by the Lessee; provided,
/urther, that the reservations, agreements, and conditions
contained in the within lease shall be and remain applicable
notwithstanding any change in the location or course of said
improvements or works of lessee. The lessee further agrees
that the United States, its officers, agents, and employees,
and its successors and assigns shall not be held liable for
any damage to the improvements or workings of the lessee
resulting from the construction, operation, and maintenance of
any oC the works hereinabove enumerated. Nothing in this
paragraph shsil be construed as in any manner limiting other
reservations in favor of the LJ'ni.ted States contained ir.
this lease.
THE I�ESSEE FL ?R'aHER AGREES That there is reserved to
the lessor, its successors and assigns, the prior right to use
any of the lands herein leased, to construct, operate, and
maintain dams, dikes, reservoirs, canals, wasieways, laterals;
ditches, telephone and telegraph lines, elecir:c transmission
lines, roadways, or appurtenant irrigation structures, and also
the right to remove construction materials therefrom, without
any payment made by the lessor or its successors for such
right, with the agreement on the part of the lessee that if the
construction of any or all of such dams, dikes, reservoirs,
canals, wasteways, laterals, ditches, telephone and telegraph
lines, electric tt•ansmission lines, roadways, or appurtenant
irrigation structures across, over, or upon said lands or the
removal of construction materials therefrom, should be made
more expensive by reason of the existence of improvements or
workings of the lessee thereon, such additional expense is to
be estimated by the Secretary of the Interior, whose estimate
is to be final and binding upon ±he parties hereto, and that
within thirty (30) days after demand is made upon the lessee
for payment of any such sums, the lessee will make payment
thereof to the United States or its successors constructing
such darns, dikes, reservoirs, canals, wasteways, laterals,
ditches, telephone and telegraph lines, electric transmission
lines, roadways, or appurtenant irrigation structures across,
over, or upon said lands cr removing construction materials
therefrom. The lessee further agrees that the lessor, its
officers, agents, and employees and its successors and
assigns shall not be held liable for any damage to the im-
provernents or workings of the lessee resulting from the
construction, operation, and maintenance of any of the works
herein above enumerated. Nothing contained in this paragraph.
shall be construed as in any manner limiting other reservations
in favor of the lessor contained in this lease.
(Si of Lessee)
To insure against the contamination of the waters of the Reservoir,
Project, State of ,the lessee agrees that
the following further conditions shall apply to all drilling and operations on lands covered by this lease, which lie
within the flowage or drainage area of the Reservoir, as such area
is defined by the Bureau of Reclamation:
1. The drilling sites for any and all wells shall be approved by the Superintendent, Bureau of
drilling begins. Sites for the construction of pipe -line rights -of -way or other authorized facilities shall
also be approved by the Superintendent before construction begins.
2. All drilling or operation methods or equipment shall, before their employment, be inspected
and approved by the Superintendent of the Project,
and by the Supervisor of the U. S. Geological Survey having jurisdiction
over the area.
Project, before
GPO 854 -703